posted 04-02-99 03:51 PM ET
Yes, it is up and running. However there are some problems with the Applet. Some people can't get in on a consistent basis. There also seem to be some intermittent server problems. These seem to occur about one in every ten times I try to go to AlfNet.As for no-one being there, well, if it is an "off-peak" time (off-peak meaning early evening during weekdays, or weekend nights) you may have to stick around for about ten to fifteen minutes for someone to show up.
Also, some players will "swim" in the "tank" looking for a friend or maybe they are off surfing or SMACing but still logged in. Be patient, these people _will_ come back to the window to converse/play. A lot of the "fish" in the tank encounter exactly the problem you have. They came and found no-one so they went away, but they plan on coming back. I do this a lot.
It would be nice if AlfNet could show a persons ICQ# somehow so if you are in the tank but away, someone could page you to get your attention. Ah well, I digress ...
A better option for you might be to go to and pick up some ICQ numbers and see if anyone is interested in playing MP SMAC by paging them.
Mine is 32105618. Good luck and ...
n ... Ted S.