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  Fog Of War In Multiplayer

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Author Topic:   Fog Of War In Multiplayer
Pol posted 06-27-99 06:44 PM ET   Click Here to See the Profile for Pol   Click Here to Email Pol  
I am new to SMAC and am playing a modem to modem game at the moment.

My opponent is hosting the game, and i was surprised to find that i could turn fog of war on and off independently of my opponent.

I expected that the person hosting the game would be in control of all such options.

Is there a way of setting a multiplayer game such that the person hosting is the only person allowed to change settings (especially the settings that give advantages).

Thanks in advance,

Mongoose posted 06-27-99 07:46 PM ET     Click Here to See the Profile for Mongoose  Click Here to Email Mongoose     
Pol -

You misunderstand what 'fog of war' does.

All units and bases have a limited vision range. Sensors or deep radar add to it. In its truest sense, the fog of war is everything outside of the range of vision of all your bases and units. The 'fog of war' setting merely darkens those tiles outside this range of vision. Turning it off, while more asthetically pleasing, only increases the chance you will assume that nothing is in a certain spot because you haven't the range to see it.

The very dark covering of unexplored territory is not 'fog of war'. That option is governed by 'Unity Survey' Note however, even if you play with U.S. on and fog of war off, you will still not see anything outside your range of vision.

Fog of war has no gameplay advantage relative to other players, it is a matter of taste. Such things are properly left as a choice of each player and not set on a global level by the game host.

Hope this explanation hasn't left you in the dark. (pun intended)

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