Topic: THC The Final Post
AlexDePol |
posted 06-16-99 09:37 AM ET
Six years after the first sitting of the High Council of Chiron, chain of events led to genocide and destruction on planetary scale.Governor Umbra of Peackeepers failed to successfuly negotiate agreement between The Human Hive and the Spartan Federation. Chairman jimmytrick was furious with El Preseidente' Symen, over the anexation of Morgan territories by the Spartan Federation. The dispute became hostile and war erupted. Hive has landed several mobile and infantry divisions on the north east shores of the former Morgan territory. UoP was allied to the Spartan federation and issued angry protests to the Council and the Human Hive. The Hive's campaign was successful. The Spartans were unable to resuply their forces quick enough and the Hive managed to crush the Spartan defence. El Presidente' Symen made desperate request of assistance from UoP. UoP has issued ultimatum to the Hive and when Hive refused to comply, UoP reluctantly declared vendetta on the Hive. Initialy, superior military power of UoP was no match against experienced but undersupplied Hive army. Hive bases fell quickly but UoPs progress was just about to slow down considerably! Enter the Peacekeepers. In the pact with the Gaians they have invaded the University land. The situation was hopeless. With Hive reaping rewards from the Spartan campaign they set upon a liberating march. UoP was attacked on three fronts and the Spartans were on the retreat. Provost Alex DePol has disolved the Academic Assembly and asumed command of military forces. Facing crushing defeat he screamed: IF I AM GOING DOWN, YOU DO TO!!!!!!!!!!! Order to launch 6 PLANET BUSTERS marked the begining of the end....... The rest is history
posted 06-16-99 09:47 AM ET
Hello there everybody!I thought we should end our game more or less gracefully so I drummed up that little scenario. I want to know if Symen, jimmytrick and Umbra would like to join me for a second game named: The Human Chapter - Resurection the year is 2161. Exactly 61 years after the great war, from the ruins and new world is born. Survivers although geneticaly scarred, managed to build primitive, self contained settlements. The huddle together in tightly packed communities as to avoid any possible contact with outsiders. They know they are out there... But the population is growing and new lands must be harvested. Expansion is only a metter of time. Those children of the GREAT BURN hope that he legend of war will not repeat itself... |
posted 06-16-99 09:51 AM ET
Symen, jimmytrick and Brother Umbra please post your expression of interest if you want to take part in this new game. Same people, same factions, same passwords, same settings but LIBRARIAN instead of THINKER. Will easier level speed up production and research...if so that would mean faster game. What do u think? |
posted 06-16-99 10:24 AM ET
I request all THC players submit their passwords to cousLee at his e-mail. I have earlier THC.sav to use to continue the game and will try to recruit new players to finish it with me. We have invested too much time in this game and I hate to see it wasted. Another option is for the other three original players to go on without me. I have already said that I am sorry for my outburst. Now, let me say that I am sorry if it spoiled the game for the others. Putting that behind, I think that with so many bugs/glitches in SMAC, and the fact that PBEM is prone to problems, the only way to ever finish a game is to grow a thick skin and play through the inevitable bumps. I want to commend Alex for the unselfish work he put into the game. Game turnaround was outstanding, each player deserves a pat on the back for that. I have learned a few painful lessons from this experience and hope to be a more considerate forum poster in the future. Planet-Peace-Prosperity jimmytrick
posted 06-16-99 10:43 AM ET
Im in on the new game but i will be prepared to continue the last game....although i think it is a bit late to do so now seeing as though i have revealed my agenda in this game.....and also it would suck without the constant worry that jimmytrick was going to invade word can describe this pbem:tense..... Apologies to all who participated in THC, i know its frustrating as hell(esp 4 me seeing as though i was the one to frig it up)personally i think a new game is the best resolution....outlining any queries/rules before we get started...... THC has died a painfull death....hopefully we are all a little older and wiser from it all..... Hopefully the THC website will still be running if a new game is to proceed...  -lest we forget- |
posted 06-16-99 10:44 AM ET
If you're going to start over, I'd like to play the Gaians this time. |
posted 06-16-99 10:56 AM ET
YAY!!! cool all we need is jimmytrickC'mon jimmytrick say you will..... to Quote Britney Spears ...... "hit me baby one more time!" |
posted 06-16-99 11:06 AM ET
What can I say to convince you guys to continue the original game. Symen, if it helps, I promise to invade you! Brother Umbra, I voted for you. You owe it to me to continue! Alex, I kept my promises to support you, didn't I. Lost a probe foil trying to help you out, right! I have .sav files going back to MY 2180. Lets work out some procedures and pick up and finish this game! Otherwise, the entire SMAC community will think us quitters and not want to play with us. Wouldn't it be terrible, when Civ3 comes out, and one of us tries to join a PBEM, and we get turned down because someone remembers we bailed out on this game. Guys, I am trying real hard here. Also, the in-game situation will change very quickly. Ten or fifteen turns and who knows what may happen? I don't want to die and have it written: "Here lies jimmytrick, the jerk that busted up the greatest SMAC PBEM of all time." |
posted 06-16-99 11:07 AM ET
i cant belive i just quoted britney  |
posted 06-16-99 11:14 AM ET
lmao thanx for the promise jimmytrick....  well i am only prepared to go on if EVERYONE is involved......damn this was a good pbem.....also i tried to get my base back from that sob morgan cause i traded a base with a population of 3 to a base with 1.....goddamn that was a bit unfair...bloody monopolistc bastard..... |
posted 06-16-99 11:19 AM ET
Wow, The gangs all here ! I'd still like to continue the old game.. I think to .sav is on my server at the moment, Do you still want me to send it on to you once I've played it, JimmyTrick ? |
posted 06-16-99 12:26 PM ET
Looks like there is strong support for continuation of THC. jimmytrick and Umbra are all for it, Symen would like to go on as well... That leaves me.I must admit that the game was getting very interesting. It took us 3 weeks to get there. I guess we could resume. We need to know when Symen did the trade. I have all save games and can trace back to anywhere. I suggest that I send last few turns to Symen so that he can check when it happened. It think it was a recent event. Once Symen finds the correct game he will resume the game and send it to Umbra. Then the game will be on again! |
posted 06-16-99 12:38 PM ET
....ok personally i think we should start a new pbem but make it a continuation of the as in after the holocaust....imho we should call the game" human chapter-the ressurection". this to me would be awesome.... plus then we can save face cause we arent really bailing on the game.....(well we are but i can keep a secret  but i mean we all need to reach an agreement here... |
posted 06-16-99 12:46 PM ET
two ways how Symen can undo the trade 1. Take Bunker 118 and the let Morgan destroy the Spartan base in his territory.2. Everybody lend 20c to Symen in attempt to help him buy Bunker 118. Then he can give Morgan his old base If these ideas suck then I suggest a new game but continuation of story (same factions too) I know Umbra is cool about ne PBEM. Is jimmytrick determined to continue current THC? |
posted 06-16-99 01:03 PM ET
Why not let the history books show that the Spartans tricked ol'Morgan into a really dumb trade ? I'm sure the A.I. should be allowed to make mistakes, it just can't learn from them  |
posted 06-16-99 03:18 PM ET
The easiest way is go back in turns until the pre-trade turn.Q: Symen, how many turns have passed since the trade? You guys know, there is ANOTHER option. Allow base trades in this game. It was not excluded at the start, and imposing a new rule mid-game can be difficult. If you all chose this route, I would limit it to 1 trade per turn. Since a 1 was traded for a 3, let the diffrence of 2 population be the max gap in the trades. it won't take many turns before the daft AI can be eliminated. Then you can continue normal play. If you want a new post-holocost game thats fine, why not just finish this one as a slug-fest no-holds-barred battle royal? It would provide great story starting material. |
posted 06-16-99 04:43 PM ET
I propose to simply go back before the base swap and play from there. Lets discuss procedures first, however. We can agree on what is in and out of bounds. I do not want to start over. I do not want to play this as cousLee has suggested. The game can be a "slug-fest no-holds-barred battle royal" within the intent of the game design. The problem with base swap is that the AI makes stupid swaps. When you guys eliminate my last base, I want it to be my fault, not because of the stupid AI. This is my proposal and my vote. Replay from last turn prior to swap. Rules discussion to commence using general CMN standards as a starting point. Lets vote and move on. Starting another game is a different issue. I have no problem playing another game with you guys, but I want to finish this one. I will abide with majority rule on the conditions for the completion of the current game, whether I like it or not, because I made the commitment. Barring unforseen random event, I intend to complete the game. Lets get this settled, okay! |
posted 06-17-99 09:23 AM ET
What about setting up an new game anyway, one without AI players. Only problem would be finding someone to play Miriam  |
posted 06-17-99 09:42 AM ET
hmm a good idea umbra......theres ony one person crazy enough to play miriam.......Couslee!! i propose you join this zany adventure and play as the know you want to...  |
posted 06-17-99 09:50 AM ET
then a gay thing come and done ever one up the arse he was called alexdepol |
posted 06-17-99 10:55 AM ET
nice to meet you too HARDMAN. |
posted 06-17-99 04:12 PM ET
Eagerly, I rush home form work, cutting a meeting short and bringing work with me. Run into the door three times before I can get the key to turn in the lock. Past the dog without a pat, past the fridge without getting a beer (unheard of behavior), not stopping to check the mail. Log on breathless and ignore 12 e-mail messages. All to see if my beloved THC is going to be resurrected. And what do I see, all the guys were here.... Let me count the votes.... WTF, no votes! I see Brother Umbra engaging in religious persecution against the innocent Miriam. Over there Symen is sucking up to General cousLee. And Alex is flirting with a HARDMAN. Well, lets tally the votes: jimmytrick: Yes umbra: Abstain symen: Abstain Alex: Absent (last seen heading off to find an empty chat room with HARDMAN in tow) So the proposal carries by a vote of one in favor, none opposed. Alex, please send symen the appropriate turn, just before the base trade. Symen, please recommence, excepting the trade of course. Umbra, as soon as this game is back on track we can debate the parameters of a new game with AI factions. I suggest we stick to four players cause I am in two 7-player games and the turns only come about every 2-4 days. Boring. You guys have been great to SMAC around. I am looking forward to the next page in The Human Chapter. |
posted 06-18-99 05:09 AM ET
I we are going to go back to an earlier game year, I hope that the base trade was before I lost a colony pod to that freakin' preboil mindworm  |
posted 06-18-99 06:02 AM ET
Funny how quickly circumstances can take a 180 dgree turn. There I was declaring THC dead and now there is a talk of THC continuation.The dark cluods have passed over. I sent Symen THC 2185 and THC 2183. He will try to trade back and if not successful he will restart from 2183. Apparently that's when he did the trade. I think there are two reasons for continuation: 1. Great story line (I think) 2. Reliable players. As soon as Symen sorts thing out we create new THC thread. Lets just call it THC. I suggest that we create new thread after reaching about 50-60 posts as it takes long time load big threads. I am glad that this drama is over and am looking forward to some playin'. (Relationship with HARDMAN did not workout. I lost interest once severe lack of breasts and vagina became apparent ). |
posted 06-18-99 07:09 AM ET
Alex, what about the lack of intelligence ? doesn't that bother you ?  Aredhran -glad you guys can continue your game, looking forward to the new or continued story thread-
posted 06-18-99 08:11 AM ET
:  |
posted 06-18-99 09:17 AM ET
2 things to say here today.....A big F*** YEAH! to all the THC players for deciding to continue the game....  Secondly i propose another Pbem fellas...this time a small planet and on citizen level.....think about it.....all that tech coming in so friking fast and not so much land to wuold make things could be a "deathmatch" of the THC players....(i hate the term deathmatch but it seemed appropriate for the carnage that would take place if this game were to go ahead.....  |
posted 06-18-99 10:24 AM ET
Well, if we are going to do a second game, suggestions:1. Set it up with same players, same order so that we can get both turns at the same time, play them, and send them out at the same time. Double fun! 2. Set it up as a scenario, getting somebody else to do it for us. Start with all LEVEL FIVE TECH. Start with only one base, seven pop, no SP, all possible facilities already built. Only one unit at start, 1-4-1. AI Factions have same set up, but two size seven bases! Small map as symen suggests. No early diplomacy. Of course, whoever creates the scenario will have to do a little terraforming so that each base has enough nutrients and roughly equal minerals and energy. I would like starting bases to have sea access. Blind tech on. Just a suggestion guys! Wow, Miriam might be tough with a 2-1 edge. We might have to call this The Human Chapter: Come to Jesus! We could even create a permanent pact between the three AI factions. The Human Chapter: Extinction!  |
posted 06-18-99 11:32 AM ET
I'll do that setup for you guys if you want me to. Let me know by e-mail.Aredhran