Topic: Another PBEM: 4 players
Veracitas |
posted 05-31-99 08:26 PM ET
I am starting a 4 player PBEM. The settings will be:Accelerated Start Blind Research Off Random and Huge Planet And default for the rest. Game name will be "The Archives." Reply to this thread or e-mail me--preferably both--if you are interested. I claim the UoP. --Veracitas
posted 05-31-99 08:49 PM ET
I made a mistake in the post. Blind research is ON.In addition, we will be playing at Thinker level. |
posted 06-01-99 05:01 AM ET
I'll have to pinch my nose, Accelerated Start stinks, but the PBEMs I'm playing are not so fast, so I have to quench my addiction. Just to have something differerent, I'd pick Gaia, or Morgan, but if not possible any other faction will be OK for me, decide for me without nedd to ask again. BTW, if I get Gaia, and since I assume this PBEM has no referee (i.e. no CMN that can setup and start the game) I guess _I_ will have to setup and start it, considering I'd have to play the first turn, isn't it?Let me know MariOne - I'm still off-line in the weekends, but I hope to fix it in one (or two) weeks. |
posted 06-01-99 08:09 AM ET
I'll be happy to generate the game for you. Just let me know when you ready and email me all the parameters. |
posted 06-01-99 09:18 AM ET
What do you think about playing w/o accelerated start? I'd like to join. I like Gaians, but if MoSe so happy with them, I could play as Hive or as Believers. I am not a veteran, this is also my first attempt against Human. Yeah, how many turns per day will we do? I live in Europe and it could be little inconvinient. Moreover, I'm away for July. But if you still agree take me into the game I'll be glad. |
posted 06-01-99 04:18 PM ET
Thus far, I have received two e-mails, which means that we only need one more player. I am assuming that MoSe will be Gaian, so Igor will have to choose among what is left. As for going away for July, Igor, we could probably conscript another player if the need arises and you could exclusively tell that person your password.If you wish to create the game, AlexDePol, then send me your e-mail address. The parametres are specified in the first post. --Veracitas |
posted 06-02-99 04:21 AM ET
OK. Hive. |
posted 06-02-99 05:07 AM ET
So far:me, Gaia Igor, Hive Veracitas, UoP If you can endure playing from scratch, it will be ok for me. But if you don't wanna go thru boring early turns, I'll bend to accelerate start, unless the active Alex wants to play self-hotseat first 15-20 turns for us (NO Secret Projects initiated). Rather than timezones, we should actually match our online time windows (you could add it into your profile), to wildly hope to play more than one turn per day (which would be already very good). See my profile, and my previous post last line here. |
posted 06-02-99 05:17 AM ET
I forgot to lobby for adopting restrained Single Player like communications: no contact, no talk. This can't be enforced, but it can be self-disciplined and really helpfully assisted (should you meet any doubt) by setting the proper flag to zero in alpha.txt, towards the bottom of #RULES section:0, ; If non-zero, humans can always contact each other in hotseat/email games MariOne - oh, by accelerated start above I was referring to game TimeWarp, which I dislike. Human CMN accelration is OK for me |
posted 06-02-99 07:08 AM ET
Hello Veracitas, I just e-mailed u to see of you still had an open slot for this upcoming game. if so let me know, Morgan would be fine. Indiana77 |
posted 06-02-99 07:52 AM ET
MoSe, if you have a contact with AI, which has a link to other Human, what should you do? I'd not like to edit my alpha.txt. |
posted 06-02-99 02:43 PM ET
Yes, Indiana77, we would be happy to accomodate you. Thus far, the standings are:Veracitas: UoP MoSe: Gaia's Stepdaughters Igor: Human Hive Indiana77: Morgan Industries As for the accelerated start, I do not like it either, however, if we do not do it, it could be a month before we found our second base.
The single-player discussion thing is interesting. Unless there are any serious objections, perhaps that can be implemented. Sorry, I haven't responded to your e-mails yet--I have been terribly busy the past few days and have barely had enough time to respond on the message boards. Since we have four players, we may begin. The turn sequence is: Gaia Hive UoP Morgan I will e-mail Alex DePol with the settings and that game will be sent to MoSe. --Veracitas |
posted 06-02-99 03:01 PM ET
Hmm...I am having second thoughts about accelerated start. Perhaps we can work things out between the CMN or something. But even still, that would be the same thing. I would like to make some of the crucial, early decisions, yet I have not come up with any way to do this. I have told AlexDePol to halt the game until this issue has been resolved.As to timing, I am not sure where I am in GMT time. I am available seven days a week from roughly 4:00 to 9:00 p.m. EST. --Veracitas |
posted 06-02-99 03:14 PM ET
Everyone can find my hours in my profile (in ET, if calculation was right:-) |
posted 06-02-99 06:09 PM ET
Available 6 to 7 days per problem. |
posted 06-03-99 06:18 AM ET
There's a Bingmann's proposal about CMN helping speeding the game in early turns.I don't want to slow things down nor to drop down off this game, but we're going thru dire problems here at my company: short, my office is not in the main building, and currently we are cut off from Web AND Mail Servers. Luckily I was already arranging a different connection at home. So far only my dad's is activated, I hope I can have it at my place too for Saturday, or at worst beginning of next week. And possibly my company's facilities will be fixed tomorrow. I leave any decisions to you, I'll just wait for the first turn and play it. If you don't get feedback from me before you start, you can use this mail address: [email protected] but please keep messages there to the bare necessary minimum (since I already abused of what my father offered me for the most part of my life... ) MariOne - don't let me down, I'm working on it! |
posted 06-03-99 06:36 AM ET
posted 06-03-99 03:14 PM ET
Ok, a decision has been made:We will go forth with the computer-generated accelerated start. I am also changing the difficulty level to Librarian so that the tech development and the game in general can go faster. In addition, we can acquire submissive computer factions with more ease. It will be interesting pitting one protectorate empire over another. The game will be sent from alex to MoSe, who is Gaian. Once the game has begun, I will start a new message thread called: 'The Archives: Foundation.' As every new chapter opens in our game, we can title it 'The Archives: ' etc... The save game will be named Archives. Good luck in your new world, Veracitas |
posted 06-04-99 01:48 AM ET
Mose should be getting first turn soon. I suggest that all players send me their passwords so that in case somebody drops out, its faction can be picked up by another person. |
posted 06-04-99 02:02 AM ET
OK. Just to confirm that I got it right. I have ganerated the following world: RANDOM AND HUGE ALL DEFAULT (includes BLIND RESEARCH ON) TIME WARPI saved the game as 'The Archives - 2161' because SMAC did not like the ':' between 'Archives' and 'Foundation'. Anayway you can change it to whatever suit u guys. I emailed the game to MoSe. I am looking at a possibility of creating a web site for you if time permits (and permit it should!) unless you dont really care. Let me know. Did you ever go to ? I have setup a site there dedicated to the PBEM 'The Human Chapter' where I play the fantastic UoP! (good on u Veracitas ) Let me know if I stuffed up the game generation. |
posted 06-04-99 07:06 AM ET
Alex, website sounds good to me. i vote yes. |
posted 06-04-99 10:56 AM ET
Thank you, Alex. Turn is done. |
posted 06-04-99 12:17 PM ET
Igor has reported that the random map generator produced a world with a lot of fungus. This may slow you down considerably. Looks like you might be busy fighting off the mindworms instead of spending time improving your bases.If you decide that this world sucks then let me know and I generate another one with RARE LIFE FORMS setting. I decided that I will get a site going for your game. I will enjoy doing it and it also alows me to experiment with new design concepts and techniques. I got to do a uni assignment so I wont start until monday. Please post your stories to the 'The Archives' thread. Of course it has my nick nex to it so if you don't want it that way then one of you create another thread, I won't be offended  |
posted 06-08-99 08:47 AM ET
'Igor has reported that the random map generator produced a world with a lot of fungus. This may slow you down considerably. Looks like you might be busy fighting off the mindworms instead of spending time improving your bases.' No, no, no. Yeah, I was little shocked when I got Hive empire with a few bases and pretty good infrastructure, and replied Alex about so strange growth, but I didn't mean anything about fungus. These money baskets are very good for me (and for MoSe, I think).