Topic: The Human Chapter
umbra1 |
posted 05-20-99 07:08 PM ET
The Game is underway. The Human Chapter has also got it's own web page at: Thanks to Alex for the page and setting up the game. Brother Umbra of the PeaceKeepers
posted 05-21-99 06:51 AM ET
...thanx to Alex for setting up the webpage & must have alot of spare time Alex...  Also thanx to all involved in the game itself...cheerio, El Presidente` Simon of the Spartans |
posted 05-21-99 09:24 AM ET
F.A.O. Chairman JimmyTrickI've received my turn from El Presidente, I'll be able to play my turn and post the game off to you as soon as I get home... About 18:00 GMT. If you send me the path of your SMAC folder I'll be able to zip the file up so that It unpacks into the correct place (Hopefully !)  Brother Umbra of the PKs.
posted 05-22-99 12:53 AM ET
Extract from SmartAss's Alex DePol address to the University of Planet. '[...]As you know over the years our Terrain Charting Teams have uncovered a number of supplied pods which are the leftovers from the great Unity Space Transport Cruiser. WE believe that these pods may contain not only usefull earth tools but above all INFORMATION. Until now we decided to leave the pods undisturbed as initial attepts reveiled that the many of them become home to the evil mindworms. There was real fear that our intrusion could diturb the midworms lifecycles resulting in their suddent multiplication and then possible invasion of our bases. Today we are still aware of that risk, but today we are more prepared as ever. Years of efforts and skillfull coordination of reasearch clusters yelded new technologies whcih we are confident can be used to exercise a degree of control over the mindworm population.[...] I am pleased to anounce formtion of 4 Pod Recovery Units which two days from now will set out on their mission to uncover the mystery of the supply pods. We wish them success!. You will be constantly updated of their progress through your neighbourhood network nodes. [...] Knowledge to You all. |
posted 05-22-99 12:57 AM ET
Two things.1.Spelling mistakes on my part are not actually mistakes. That's how english language in 2160's happens to be  2. I am in process of updating the web page but as yet have not uploaded the changes so thats why nothing much is happening there. Please be patient. |
posted 05-22-99 01:42 AM ET
Alex, the page looks great!Good job and thanks! |
posted 05-22-99 12:58 PM ET
Mission Report: having established our bases we, the Spartans see a need to go forth and seek out new valleys and plains for new bases to be built so that our initiatives can move along more our travels we have met up with Lady Deidre Skye of the Gaians...she has seemingly run afoul of the much dreaded and infamous Sister Miriam of the Believers...offering me a pact if our Spartan faction will declare vendetta upon them...There will be more news as it comes to hand.... El presidente` Simon, The Spartans - Be Vigilant - |
posted 05-24-99 08:32 AM ET
M.Y. 2165 Extract from interview with security advisor to the ruling Academic Assembly. [...] - How exactly are we ready to deal with what seems to be an inevatable encounter with other possibly well oragnised human societies. Security Advisor: We are in a process of evaluating possible scenarios and outcomes associated with them. So far we have agreed that while those groups may have some sort of social structure, it is doubtfull that they would have reached a reasonable level of intelectual integrity... - but if that's the case would not they resort to hasty acts of violence when first approached by our PRUs (Pod Recovery Units) and Terrain Charters? Security Advisor: You are absolutely right. The more primitive you are the more likely you wll resort to violent behaviour when faced with the unfimiliar. We are however quite confident that our people in the field are very capable of protecting themselves. They are smart and armed. - Thank you sir for talking with us [...] |
posted 05-24-99 09:24 AM ET
posted 05-24-99 01:34 PM ET
"The Peacekeepers, even though we have no "official" lines of communication with the Great Spartan Nation, fully support any faction willing to kick Miriams ass."Brother Umbra, Address to the Council, Datalinks. Ps. Turn sent to JimmyTrick of the Hive.
posted 05-24-99 02:45 PM ET
Turn Complete |
posted 05-25-99 08:58 AM ET
In the early years, Chairman jimmytrick spent much of his time with the commons, working side by side with them. His presence inspired many, as they loved him, and saw that he was kind. He sowed his seed generously amongst the common females to enhance the bloodlines. He taught them to understand and deny the weaknesses of the flesh. He showed them the foolishness of the misguided souls who choose to follow the paths of selfishness. He promised them dominion over all beings, human or alien. His wisdom brought forth growth and industry. But he told them nothing of his plans for war. |
posted 05-25-99 11:15 AM ET
Truce called with believing long will it we speak to the esteemed el presidente` himself......Heres an insight: Well after some hard bargaining we have managed to hold off the believing assault with a treaty......for how long this will last we are not sure however....sister miriam and her reckless faction are a menace to this for our measures in the furture...well....let me just say that for peace you must prepare for war...if sister miriam keeps making threats to us and neighbouring factions then i see there is no option but to destroy her.........Thanx for your time El Presidente... Not a problem frank...and now i am off to join Colnel Santiago and Lady Deidre in my hottub... err ok.....and now for our travel reports<trails off> |
posted 05-26-99 12:18 PM ET
University News Grid report: Our terrain charters on the western outskirts of our territory have come to contact with an armed mobile division flying the flag of the Human Hive. Hesitant at first, our unit responded to invitation by these strange visitors to exchange communication frequecies thus paving the way for peacfull coexistance. According to the Hive welcoming statement, their leader, Chairman jimmytrick has invited our people to the negotiation table. We are now in a process of discussing various territorial and economic aspects of our future treaty. [...] Later on the 'Brain wave review' a current affair broadcast... - Now, these are the photographs, our security people have obtained, of the Hive mobile unit. Of course main point of interest was the armour and armament of this vehicle. Based on this limited evidence we concluded that at this stage our technology is somewhat superior. However, this is just a speculation since I doubt that the Hive would use the latest technology for this kind of mission. You just would not want to expose yourself to much. [...] |
posted 05-27-99 08:50 AM ET
To celebrate successful conclusion of negotiations with the HUman Hive, SmartAss AlexDePol invited Chairman jimmytrick to the Centauri Scentific Retreat where he was treated to live entertainment and great food. Food was eaten off naked Univerity females and at the end of the banquit, 3D glasses were given to the Hive delegation as a gift of friendship. |
posted 05-28-99 03:00 PM ET
MY 2169Hive military forces have been mobilized to counter a possible threat by the University. Chairman jimmytrick is said to be confering with his military advisors about the possibility of launching an immediate offensive against University Base. University scouts have been spotted in Hive territory. This has fueled speculation that a University invasion is imminent. It is considered more likely, however, that the University troops are on a pod poaching expedition. Nevertheless, Hive spokesmen have made it clear that the Chairman will not tolerate even the loss of a single pod, and is prepared to authorize a military response unless the University offers a reasonable explanation for this violation of sacred Hive territory. The University has had ample time to respond to Hive querries on this issue but have elected to remain silent. |
posted 05-29-99 01:57 AM ET
Dear Chairman jimmytrick. We are sorry that our scouting mission has resulted in obvious tresspass of your teritory. This however was not intentional. The scouting party was teleported to its current location after attempting to opend a colony pod. Until now we were not aware that such sophisticated security solutions existed on the Unity. Our scouting party is now making its way toward our border but it will take a while before it leaves your teritory. In order to observe terms of our treaty we have instructed the scout commander not to attempt to capture any other pods that might be located inside your teritory. Regarding our colony pod. Please be advised that the University of Planet is entitled to perform any engineering projects inside its own borders. We have established a new base at the north-west junction of our borders. I am certain that our relations will improve once our borders are well established. Yours Sincerly. Alex DePol, SmartAss of University of Planet. |
posted 05-30-99 03:06 PM ET
In an attempt to diffuse the current crisis, the Hive Chairman has proffered a settlement offer to Provost DePol. While the terms have not been disclosed, Hive spokesmen confirmed that the terms include provisions that cover both the military and technological arenas.The response of the University will have far reaching ramifications for man's future on Chiron. MY 2171 |
posted 05-31-99 01:01 AM ET
El Presidente` Simon address to the datalinks........Recently it has come to light that some factions(who shall remain nameless)are squabbling over territory and borders...let it be stated that The Evil Empire will not stand for any bullying tactics by any faction...we believe that land is on a first come first serve basis and will perform our exploration in such a manner.....anyone ANYONE who will tell me when i can and cant place a base in my own territory will feel servere ramifications...... your Pal, El Presidente` Simon  |
posted 05-31-99 09:36 AM ET
M.Y. 2171 ...Dig'em up!, Dig'em up, Dig'em up!... This was the chant of the angry protest against Hive's continued intrusion into domestic affairs of the University of Planet.The protest was organised by a number of University guilds and had a full support of the KNOWERS GROUP, a radical thought movement. Undercover officials were present among the crowd and notes have been taken. Later Provost DePol addressed the Supreme Academic Assembly. [...] There are people outside this very building calling for decisive action against the Human Hive. They are upset by the irrational demands the Hive makes on us in exchange for lasting peace. While this Assembly does NOT reflect the mood of the mob, You and I are concerned with the future of the Uni-Hive treaty. Current developments suggest that if something is not done NOW, this treaty will not endure and cold war will be upon us. But I want to be an optimist. I want to believe that reason and healty thought processes will prevail over fist and weapon. The University Chancellory is currently involved in secure link negotiations with Chairman jimmytrick and his cabinet. The main sticking point is no doubt our western expansion, which Hive sees as danger to their sovereignty. We argue that since these engineering projects take place inside UoP borders, there are no grounds for Hive's aggressive behaviour. During our negotiations we have exchanged our territory maps. This will show whether Hive has got a case. If the Chancellory decides that it does, then new bases will not be established and our western frontier will remain unchanged, otherwise we will continue to do as we please inside our own borders. If this leads to an armed conflict then so be it. [...] |
posted 05-31-99 02:45 PM ET
Bother Umbra of the PeaceKeepers wishes to extend a warm welcome to the Uni Scout Team detected in our western territories... We have drafted a proposal of trade for the Provost and hope that a they agree to a pact between our nations.We appologise for our own scout teams infringment od the new UNI/PK boarder.. Recon Rover Rachel and her team have now been orders back to base.
posted 06-01-99 10:59 AM ET
UoP government has released the following statement to the general public:'Latest negotiations with the Hive were successful and as a result we are now scaling down our military preparations. Our two great nations have come to an agreement that a conflict would not benefit anybody but quite the opposite, weaken our industries and infrastructures to a point of not being able to defent ourselves against any outside intrusions by yet unknown enemies. Fragments of foreign communication transmissions have been intercepted and decripted. There is a strong indication that the Gaian faction is growing strong and that the Evil Empire headed by selfstyled military strongman El Presidente' Symenm is consolidating their position. It is in the interest of University of Planet and the Human Hive to live peacefully side by side so that in the event of an invasion a defence axis may be formed.' In other news: Our exploration of eastern frontier has ended today when our scouting party came to contact with the Peacekeeper rover. After initial negotiations a treaty of good will was signed between our peolpe. As always gifts were exchanged. Its been reported that small white packets were received from the Peacekeeping delegation. |
posted 06-01-99 07:32 PM ET
posted 06-01-99 10:31 PM ET
MY 2173Hive Chairman jimmytrick spoke to the Independant Worker's Union today. After his remarks were complete, many commons were swept with joy at their good fortune at being able to listen to the wisdom of his words. The commons were also relieved when the Chairman revealed that recent rumors of an Evil Spartan Empire were just that, rumors. "No faction of that sort exists on Chiron", said the Chairman, "and if such a monstrosity were to arise, the Uni-Hive defense axis is sufficently strong to enforce territorial restrictions upon them". |
posted 06-02-99 02:29 AM ET
Chairman Jimmytrick is a fool to Spread such propaganda amongst the commons. Of course we exist.....and we grow strong with each passing day.......We are in fact, also...a quite peacefull faction, Our beliefs are that freedom is deserved by all- no matter what the price,If we must fight for our freedom then so be it....our faction will never stand down on these morales....... -Ignorance has taken over, we gotta take the power back- Zack De La Rocha, Datalinks..... |
posted 06-02-99 09:24 AM ET
Alcohol:A substance consumed on college campuses to enhance the fun, party or sex one is involved with @ the moment.... The best drink in existence is a Pan Galactic Gargle Blaster.The effect of drinking a Pan Galactic Gargle Blaster is like having your brain smashed out by a slice of lemon wrapped around a large gold brick. El Presidente Simon- the datalinks |
posted 06-04-99 02:12 AM ET
News just at hand. It has been reported that our transport foil has been aproached by a warship belonging to as yet unknown faction. The reports are very sketchy at this stage but we do know that the vessel in question is flying a white flag with big and ugly, orange letter 'B'.WE are awaiting more information on that matter. |
posted 06-06-99 09:37 PM ET
M.Y. 2175 '...I have no more power captain! Give me all you got Mr Sulu, all you got...or we never make it back home.'These are the last words of the University transport vessel number 1. According to communications transcripts, the foreign warship has fired over the transport after the crew has followed orders of the security command and refused their boat from being boarded. The captain has performed defensive manouvers in attempt to outrun the attacking vessel and hide within University territorial waters. Shortly afterward communication with our transport has been lost. M.Y. 2177 Fellow coleagues and citizens of the University Nation. I have a sad news. Fragments of our Transport vessel number 1 were found along our northern coastline. Its crew has been attacked without provocation by a havily armed warship belonging to the Believers, a fanatical and violent religious sect. We managed to contact their leader Sistem Miriam in attempt to diffuse the dangerous situation but she would not hear us out and instead declared war on our nation. Thus I declare that as of M.Y. 2177 University of Planet is in state of war with The Lords Believers. War command clusters have been established in each base to ensure efficient coordination of our military forces. Reason and Knowledge will prevail! |
posted 06-06-99 10:40 PM ET
The Hive nation was stunned by the news that the University has been attacked by the religious fanatic, Miriam. Chairman jimmytrick expressed his heartfelt hopes that the University will be able to repel the invasion and pledges whatever aid the Hive can provide. Hive production centers have received rush orders so that research efforts may be enhanced.The Chairman has indicated that the Hive is willing to share tech with the University, so that the Provost may be better prepared to defend itself against the threat that the Believers represent. "Only technological advantage will stay the hordes of religious zeal", said the Chairman at a recent event, "we are prepared to act in the best interests of the Uni-Hive Axis. We await Provost Depol's envoy with great anticipation". When asked if the Hive should give tech unilaterally to the University, the Chairman made it clear that the Hive would be willing to do that when new military tech became availible. "The University and the Hive must always be willing to share its military technology freely, this will ensure peace between our two peoples. I am hopeful that the people of the University are as eager as we to promote a lasting peace". The Chairman went on to explain that the University has options that could be used to defuse the current crisis if it choose to utilize them. "We have not been furnished with a commlink for the Believers. If so supplied, we could exert a certain influence over the current event....perhaps the Provost should provide us with this frequency so that we could bring our weight to bear in negoitiations with the misguided Sister Miriam." (the preceding post was written while utilizing extreme quanities of such substances promoted by the leader of the Spartan Federation, namely rum, mixed with Diet Coke. This mixture has a tendency to make communication somewhat spotty, therefore, let me sum up this post by simply saying, Kick her ASS!, Alex, and come off some tech already....) |
posted 06-07-99 09:12 AM ET
El Presidente Simon ...address to the datalinks:Our great Spartan nation has decided to converge forces with the university and hive in an attempt to drive out this foul nation of "believers".....we will never give up until she and her demented minions are wiped clean off the face of Chiron |
posted 06-07-99 09:17 AM ET
In response to Chairam jimmytrick's offer of help and cooperation:'University ruling Academic Assembly has greeted with loud cheers and paper planes thrown accross the chamber, the offer of moral and technical support from the Human Hive in its struggle against Sister Miriam's hordes of brainwashed followers. Since the begining of the conflict some of the annual funding had to be diverted into production of military hardware. As a consequence number of research projects had to be delayed for short period of time. As a result, at this time University of Planet has no new technologies to offer. However as soon as this drab situation improves, tech trade with the Hive will recommence. Now regarding Believers comm frequency. UoP is deliberately withholding it from Human Hive and Peacekeepers in order to prevent them from being coerced into giving her technological data in exchange for peace or the so called 'treaty'. This technology will be used agianst us sooner or later. Sister Miriam cannot be trusted. UoP will provide comm link to her stinking HQ but only if the receiving party can assure us that no techs will be given to The Believers! On final note; Senior members have been served with chilled rum and diet coke mixture which has been sent from the Human Hive as a gift of good will to the University people. The tasty drink has been endorsed and a directive for coke&rum import deal has been sent to the Trade and Wicked Deals office.' |
posted 06-07-99 11:04 AM ET
note that a pan-galactic gargle blaster should be made with plenty of "old jaynx spirit" not known to most earthlings this bevereage can be substituted with plenty of Chartreuse as it is known to have the same effects as old jaynx does....El Presidente Simon- address to alcoholics unanimous |
posted 06-07-99 12:50 PM ET
"We have had a visitor... Lady Dee has seen fit to land a small mindworm boil on our Western Shores... When asked to remove her forces from our teritory, She responded badly and has declared Vendetta upon our peaceful nation. Our rover defence squad quickly acted and removed the threat.. but now the Gaian are no longer responding their Comm Freq. Hopefully some of our Allied friends will intercede on our behalf."Brother Umbra.. Address to the Council. Datalinks. |
posted 06-07-99 01:04 PM ET
Dear Provost AlexDePol "We have recieved the frequency for Miriam via the Gaians. Unfortunatly our first contact did not go well, an we have had to settle for an uneasy truce. We did speak to her regarding the current state of War between yourself and the Beliver Nation, and when we tried to settle the matter, Miriam replied that the Vendetta was the fault of the UoP (This contradicts PK Intelligence reports ). She has threatend us due to our democratic government and "Will not tolerate our alliance with the UoP". I would ask that the UoP share with us any information regrading the whereabouts of either the Gaian or Beliver colonies, so that a PeaceKeeping Force be sent to restore order ! Brother Umbra Letter to the Provost.
posted 06-07-99 11:58 PM ET
Although the mighty Spartan federation has a pact of sisterhood with Lady Deidre of the Gaians, we feel a need to support Bother Umbra in his efforts to quell this nasty situation before it gets much further...Lasting Peace @ such a critical time where clearly the major threat to the planetary visions of all, would be the Believing faction....therefore we see fit that we shall attempt to influence our pact sister to put down their arms in an effort to stop the violence....although we cannot promise anything as we can only try....this is a risky situation on our behalf as our pact may be renounced if we dont go along with the gaians.....we will however try...... -El Presidente` Simon...... |
posted 06-08-99 02:04 PM ET
Chairman jimmytrick announced today that:"The fanatical Sister Miriam has rebuffed our attempts to facilitate peace with the UoP and has instead declared vendetta on the Hive. Lady Deiedre has likewise refused to listen to reason. An uneasy truce exists." Hive military has been placed on alert. The Chairman has dispatched naval units to engage the enemy. "We believe that Miriam will sue for peace as soon as she is faced with multiple threats" The Chairman has high hopes that the Spartans can persuede the Lady to call a truce with Brother Umbra. |
posted 06-10-99 08:33 AM ET
M.Y. 2181 Leadership of UoP regrets that the Human Hive had a vendetta declared against them by the crazy bitch Miriam as a result of attempts to advocate truce with our nation.Since then, we have contacted the Believrs to once again talk truce. Strangely enough Miriam was receptive but the price of truce was declaration of war on the Hive. The UoP declined and so the war continues. This event however demonstrates that the Believers are not powerful enough to invade the Hive by themselves. This is encouraging development. A united Uni-Hive defencive manouvers along the northern coastline should pose sufficient deterrant against any Believing land invasion. |
posted 06-10-99 02:25 PM ET
The Chairman has announced that the Gaians have agreed in principal to a peace with the Peacekeepers. The Lady maintains that the PKs were responsible for the conflict and that the Hive needs only to convince Brother Umbra to come to the table to resolve the issue. |
posted 06-11-99 04:33 AM ET
Lady Deidre seems to have been eating the fungus again... |
posted 06-11-99 05:53 AM ET
Hmmm. I thought you supposed to smoke the fungus! Obviously Gaians preffer to chew . |
posted 06-11-99 10:56 AM ET
Like....far out man....we spartans have taken the universitys lead and smoked the fungus whch has been a mind expanding expericence... rumor has it that spartan officials were exclaiming:"look @ all those pretty colours!!!" and "wow I can see the music Man!!!" El Presidente` Simon- the evil empire |
posted 06-11-99 12:42 PM ET
Well, whatever Skye has been up to, she has mellowed out a bit... We signed a truce for the small sum of 20c Still, I don't like the look of the Gaian transport sitting of the north coast of my southern bases... Just as well that a Recon Rover Rachel has just landed to the north of the Gaian-Spartan neutral zone.  |
posted 06-11-99 01:03 PM ET
There is turmoil in the land of University. Drone riots in two major bases resulted in despatch of undercover internal security officers in order to seek out those responsible for fueling the unrest.All evidence gathered so far points to the radical thought movement, 'The Knowers Group' A raid has been carried out on what are believd to be the HQ of the Knowers. These events may have far reaching implications for the future political direction of the University of Planet and even the future of international relations! Awaiting more information. |
posted 06-13-99 09:19 AM ET
Recently Our spartan Federation has found out that there was a leakage of secret files detained by a group of spartan terrorists going by the call sign of"The Evil Empire" these punks have infiltrated our datalinks and are known to have spread propaganda about our faction, claiming that we are called the evil empire.Let it be known that We are in fact the Spartan Federation. these"terrorists" have been safely locked away in a punishment sphere for later....disposal....  hopefully our data can be updated as soon as possible and we thank you for your patientce on this matter.... -El Presidente Simon- |
posted 06-13-99 10:13 AM ET
Chairman jimmytrick has expressed his concern about the internal stability of the Spartan Federation and the University of Planet. "Peace on Planet is dependant upon the ability of leadership to suppress dissent, governance that tolerates dissent is ineffective". "The Hive speaks with one voice, thinks with one mind, and acts with one fist." |
posted 06-13-99 11:49 AM ET
VOTE BROTHER UMBRA ! ... We stand for free trade of tech between GI players...Kicking Miriams sorry ass... Torching mind Worms... Tech and Credits given to supporting Factions !VOTE UMBRA... The choice which pays !  |
posted 06-13-99 12:03 PM ET
As a result of a series of synchronised raids on the Knowers Group hideaways, files on what now seems to be secret research projects, have been seized.It is now apparent that the members of Knowers Group were involved in an underground network of disgruntled research teams which are taking part in unauthorised scientific experiments. These experiments mostly involved work on new military technologies. The seized files contained names of team members. Security officers should be knocking on their doors by now... Academic assembly has voted to impose the laws of a Police State to discourage civil unrest. The government has been consulting the Hive diplomatic corpus on this matter. The Hive have been operating as a police state for over 80 years now, and can offer great expertise in this area. |
posted 06-13-99 01:14 PM ET
Chairman jimmytrick has announced that, henceforth, all workers shall be allowed an extra five minutes at their meal breaks. This is being implemented to honor the wise and just Provost of the University, eternal friend of the Hive. |
posted 06-14-99 12:51 AM ET
Having established a pact with the moganites, We Spartans have lucrative trading deals with them.It is rumored that a new cigar exporting buisness is likely to be cropping up sometime soon....the name is yet to be announced but speculation has it that it will be called" The Lewinsky Cigar Co." If so, one spokesperson suggested that their slogan be: "Satisfying to the end". Apparently onlookers were confused on the matter, but the older members of the commitee approved with wry smiles....  -The Spartan Times- |
posted 06-14-99 02:30 AM ET
M.Y. 2184 CONSPIRACY TO CONQUER Chirion has been uncovered!!!!!Interrogation of top ranking Knowers Group bandits have revealed evil plans for the overthrow of University and Spartan governments and amalgamation of the two states into a planetary superpower. Advanced scietific knowledge of university and military expertise of the Spartans would be combined and a superior army be raised with the goal of complete conquest of all people on our planet. This horrible news has thrown UoP Academic Assembly into turmoil. Its been reported that many members were screaming their heads off in horror and even some scuffles broke out as a result of heated debates. The members of Academic Assembly were finaly ordered out of the chamber by Provost himself after no less then six overhead projectors were destroyed in the violence! We also know that the Knowers worked closely with the Spartan underground movement, the Evil Empire. Apparently the declaration of Vendetta against UoP and Hive by the Believers was backed by these outlaws. The aim was to destabilize the region and use the Believers as a distraction. With UoP security office concentrated on the Believers, the knowers found it easier to hand over top secret research material to the Evil Empire. One of the leaked technologies was AIR POWER. A working prototype of an armed airship was discoverd in an underground hangar. This airship is now being studied by government officials and its possible contribution to UoP military ability is evaluated. |
posted 06-15-99 03:28 PM ET
*Battle Report*The Hive reports the loss of a probe foil to a Believer warship [(4)-3-3], location N, NW of Monitoring Station [55,39] |
posted 06-15-99 03:56 PM ET
******* GAME PROTEST *******Due to a commonly known bug it is possible to trade bases with the computer AI without regard to base size or strategic importance. The SMAC community regards the use of such tactics as clearly out of bounds for multiplay. Morgan Interstellar has been swapped for Bunker 118. As a result, I am lodging an official protest. I have enjoyed the hell out of this game. If you guys want to play like this fine. I am not going to. I don't have the desire or the time to search out every possible bug, "feature", loophole, and reload to create an artificial competitive edge. And I am not going to debate the issue. Its black and white as far as I am concerned. So, either it gets fixed ASAP or I'm out. Period. No hard feelings either way. jimmytrick |
posted 06-15-99 04:16 PM ET
Sorry to butt in, but ...JT is exactly right in "The SMAC community regards the use of such tactics as clearly out of bounds for multiplay." Shame! |
posted 06-15-99 10:07 PM ET
Well all i can do is apologise and plead ignorance on the matter, having never attempted this in a pbem before i didnt know of these"unspoken laws" regarding the trading of bases with AI opponents... ' All i can conceivably think is to start a fresh Pbem with the same human players playing the same factions etc.......the game had its own website for chrissakes so i dont think we should give up on it totally......maybe the 2nd chapter will be a good idea.....thoughts on this would be much appreciated. -Symen- |
posted 06-15-99 10:22 PM ET
no need for that. (sorry to butt in).Trade back. if the AI will not trade, you should be able to buy back that base very cheaply. Then gift the other one back to it's original owner. The Base trade is not black and white. If one wishes to do a FAIR base trade, it must first be cleared with the CMN, who will review the trade for fairness. Of course, this is also one of the variables in the PBEM starting rules set by the CMN. There was at one time, a list going to be made, but things like pre-contact communications being allowed or not, was so split, it made standardizing rules near impossible. The rule of thumb, is when considering a tactic that may be viewed as a cheat, or is otherwise questionable, Check with your CMN if it is allowed first. In one game, I was going to extort a base from the AI. When I considered this, i contacted the CMN and verified if it would be allowed. After obtaining approval, I attempted the extort. (which didn't work ) |
posted 06-15-99 11:11 PM ET
First off, let me plead for your understanding, for I was in a total snit with my ass-wipe, always vactioning, human **** of a CEO. Bad Hair Day. So, I am sorry about the tone of my post and the silly "if I don't get my way, I'm gonna take my football and go home" comments.Still, i am very unhappy about the turn this game has taken. THC has been a blast, great fun, and the highlight of every day since it started. (well, excepting sex and pizza) Dear General, A base extortion attempt is not a trade. What kind of half-assed CMN would give you the okay to try it without issuing a notice to the other players that it was an acceptable tactic? An exhaustive list of rules needs to be developed. It could be altered for particular games. The reason it has not been done is that we have a lazy, good for nothing, CMN organization.....sorry, there I go again  Symen, I am sorry to have flown off the handle. As soon as I thought about it I realized that you were not seeking to take unfair advantage. I had long ago made contact with Morgan you see, and turned down his offer of a pact. (of course I kept this a secret from the rest of you!). I also could have called a Council some time ago, but, as I could not be elected... Did you, by the way, give Umbra the Morgan comm???? If so, what were you thinking? Anyway, had I any thought that I could have swapped with Morgan, I would have. Of course. But, I assumed it was out of bounds, and that everyone knew it. Stupid fault I have, this tendency to assume facts not in evidence. We are certainly not going to start the game over. Even if I leave, you guys can and will continue. With you positioned to take Morgan out (lets be honest, by trading for a base in the middle of his territory, killing him will be simple); I have now only one viable strategic option. Betray Alex, try to take him out, which will not work anyway since you and he have air power... Otherwise, it will just be a matter of time until I am toast. Really, I would not mind a vain glorious fight to the end. I never would expect to win anyway, but, to be boxed in by a tactic that I thought was out of bounds, well this just sucks. My aim was to promote peaceful development by all factions, at least in the early game. Not that I wouldn't kill you all in the end (try to anyway). But Symen's move, right or wrong, is too provocative to allow to stand, gamewise, if declared legal, and if I stay, I would immediately declare war for the violation of my sphere of influence. (you are way the hell on the other pole, he is adjacent to me, so I have the right to claim this) I would not betray Alex, even if it was my only way to win, cause I am just to decent a guy. So, I guess, if this stands, I will just have to honorably declare war on you both. So anyway, maybe, the moral is "the hell with it" jimmytrick "to err is human, to whine divine" (although I am getting a little tired of whining so much) |
posted 06-15-99 11:47 PM ET
Three things. 1> I know the diffrence between trading and extorting! But both are questionable tactics, and should be approved by the CMN. This was all I was pointing out. 2> The kind of "half-assed" CMN I want. issuing a statement to all the players because someone asks if a tactic is legal would violate the player/CMN trust, as that would reveal a specific player's stratagy to the others. Before, when a rule thread was discussed, the CMN would make a post similar to "a player asked if base extortion was allowed, it has been determined that it is". This post would be made in the game turn thread. 3> This is the story thread. This debate should either be placed in its own thread, or discussed in the turn thread. Sorry again for cluttering your story thread. |
posted 06-16-99 12:09 AM ET
Dear General, 1) I agree. 2) Of course discretion would have to be used to ensure that game integrity would be maintained. I did not think otherwise. 3) This is OUR story thread. Don't go telling us what we can or can not post or where we have to post it. Control Freak!  Please feel free to clutter. As far as I am concerned, no harm done. BTW, this game has no CMN, Alex created it but since he is playing, we have an anarchy of sorts. I am sure that, as soon as he finds out how much hell I have been raising, he will go nuts on me. "the hell with it" Lt. Col. jtrick |
posted 06-16-99 12:17 AM ET
I too did not know about the unwritten rule. I just assumed that if the game allows it then it is a valid strategy.Anyway, we have 2 options. Abort the game or resume from the point before the base trade. I keep last few save games as a precaution. Personally I am not sure what to do. This situation has spoiled the game and it does not seem to be fun anymore. I would like to hear what Umbra has to say on this matter before we decide anything. |
posted 06-16-99 12:21 AM ET
OH, I see, you participate in a non-CMNed game, problems arise (duh) and there is nary a factor to help keep the game going and settle a dispute.(leaves, laughing in a maniacle control-freak kinda way)  |
posted 06-16-99 12:31 AM ET
Personally I don't see any need for a CMN. THC was going very smoothly up to now. We just failed to discuss ALL rules before the game started. This was my first PBEM and I have learned from experience.Next one should be trouble free. THC has fallen appart. I decided to bail out. I am not upset at you jimmytrick at all. The save game was the most anticipated email of the day. I thank all for participation. I will no doubt meet you somewhere esle on these pages... |
posted 06-16-99 12:37 AM ET
What do you mean, Alex, that you have decided to bail out???WTF, you can't bail, its your game! You can throw me out, but, you can't quit! Tell me it ain't true! |
posted 06-16-99 01:18 AM ET
Well Jimmytrick , i give you alot of credit there...that was my plan to wipe out morgan since hes such an easy target....but then i would have to deal with his pact brother umbra1...... I have decided to bail out of this came as well , it has left a sour taste in my mouth.... however i think all 4 of us should have another pbem soon... cause for one thing @ least it was reliable(as in moves were happening every day) playing this pbem has made single player games seem so cruddy that i havent even been botherd to play any....(gasp!!!) so in conclusion, Cya on Chirion............. -El Presidente` Symen: address to the netziens...... |
posted 06-16-99 04:39 AM ET
I have received an email from Alex.....there should be a new Pbem starting up soon, I hope that you can participate (apparently all the settings, factions will be the same). be sure to check the multiplayer forums in the next 10 hours or so..........there should be a new thread from alex..... -Symen- |
posted 06-16-99 10:41 AM ET
I knew about the base trade, but I didn't think it warrented shutting the game down, If you want to start a new PBEM then you've got my email. If you want to continue then that's okay too. |
posted 06-21-99 07:06 AM ET
The time stamp on the last turn sent to me was 5:52 pm on 6-18-99. I did not receive it until after 10pm on 6-20-99.This hasn't happened before with THC. I am having trouble with my service, as this was not the only delay I have had in the past few days. Hopefully it will clear up soon. I just wanted you guys to know I was not sandbagging. Turn out to Alex 11:13pm, 6-20-99. |