Topic: Considering buying -- What's multiplayer like?
jlusk4 |
posted 05-20-99 10:25 AM ET
Hi, y'all. I'm consider buying AC. What's multiplayer like? Is it lockstep (i.e., player 1 goes, then player 2, etc.)? (Presumably not.)Is it sort of checkpoint-based? I.e., all players go simultaneously, and as each clicks "turn done" he has to wait for the slowest player to finish? Or what? (Thanks.) John.
posted 05-20-99 10:55 AM ET
Actually it is lockstep. Typically you get to play one turn per day via email and each game can last up to 300 turns, although I'd say the average is about 100. Can't comment on direct IP games, but I imagine it's faster. Personally I prefer to play against humans rather than the games AI... As the saying goes "Good against machines is one thing, good against the living ? That's something else." (Sorry Valtyr !) |
posted 05-20-99 11:01 AM ET
Actually, in the IP game options, you have the option of "lock-step" or simultaneous turns. You can also set time control limits. |
posted 05-20-99 11:06 AM ET
Multiplayer is lockstep?? Gack, gack, gack.I should have been a bit more specific. The idea is a multiplayer family game on the home LAN (one PC/player, not hotseat). My family likes the real-time strategy thang, but I prefer turn-based. If I present them with a game that requires they spend 2/3 of their waiting for another player to make his/her moves, it'll go over like a lead balloon. (And just to attempt Even More Clarity, I assume by "lockstep" we mean: Player 1 makes his moves while players 2 & 3 wait, player 1 clicks "turn done", player 2 makes his moves while players 1 & 3 wait, player 2 clicks turn done, player 3 makes his moves while players 1 & 2 wait, player 3 clicks turn done, ...) Say it ain't so! Man, hex-based, more intelligently-multiplayer games have been around for years (XConq, Empire), I'm disappointed this game hasn't picked up on them. John. |
posted 05-20-99 11:09 AM ET
coursLee, I saw your reply, thanks.John. |
posted 05-21-99 03:03 AM ET
hehehe, coursLee...In French, it means "run, Lee !" Sorry, buddy. Aredhran
posted 05-21-99 07:50 AM ET
LOL. Good thing I didn't pick cousForest as a nick. |
posted 05-21-99 08:12 AM ET
posted 05-24-99 10:09 AM ET
:-/ Phooey. I'll just consider myself lucky I didn't leave an entire word out, like I sometimes do.John. (And like I just did, inserting "lucky" only after proofreading.)