posted 05-09-99 06:08 PM ET Please guys, don't tell me you killed all our excellent story threads... Please restore them... Pretty please ?
posted 05-09-99 06:12 PM ET
To the participants in the Aredhran Challenge:
I have a backup on my HD of "All Quiet on the Planet Front" as of Apr 28th. (I thought this might happen )
posted 05-09-99 07:09 PM ET
well, I don't have complete LeeSt story line. I am quite upset the threads have not been restored yet. The only LeeSt stuff I have is what I wrote. I will give them a day to restore, then I will re-post what i have if there not back. perhaps in "another" location.
posted 05-10-99 05:29 AM ET
PHHHEEEEEEW ! <sigh of relief>
Thanks Firaxis. Hope this won't happen again...
posted 05-10-99 08:34 AM ET
When I saw the post count b4 getting in, my heart bungee-jumped....
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