Hunterseeker |
posted 10-07-99 02:52 PM ET
Aki Hansen watched the lab room as several technicians monitored the screens closely. "What are you researching here?" She asked. Suddenly what of the technicians yelled: "I think we've made it!" Another researcher apologised for his behavior: "He hasn't got the neural depressors yet, Programmer. We're trying to train a small group to be able to get the abnormal Alpha-waves characteristic for psi waves over there." The scientist points at a computer screen. "Why exclamated he?" "I don't know, Programmer." "Technician, serial number #01983Alpha, why did you talk with more than ten decibel?" "Sorry, Programmer, but we've just made a breakthrough! Our team has constructed the first prototype of a vehicle that is able to terraform the surface of this Planet. This device will do just enough so that we'll be able to turn heavily nitrated soil into productive farms! Erhm, Programmer." "This "excitement" of his is nothing I want to spend my precious time with. Cancel that psi experiment now!" "But, Programmer, we can't do that! Removing his Psi stimulator now will destroy enough brain cells so that he'll become useless to us." "Then, continue the experiment, but carefully." "Of course, Programmer." One of the many good things about being divisibrained, is that a thing like morale is virtually non-existent, the Programmer thought. She moved on to the communications room next to the lab. "Technician, serial number #10573Beta-minus, the Believers has rejected our offer and only unwillingly signed a Blood Truce. We must prepare for eventual war against them and in the mean time get Social Psych from another faction, maybe the Peacekeepers. Also we've got a rather neutral reply from the Pirates and the University. Accept, the Pirates offer for now, we may have to research into war societies in the near future. Anything new about the Planets unsual capacities?" "Yes, Programmer, we've found out that if we transfer the present data on our Polymorphic Software and Informational Networks to an exact fungicidal duplicate, theoretically it should be possible to get something, we don't exactly know.. It is a sort of planet-wide network that possibly could be connected together. In that case, it would only be about three-quarters the capacity of the human brain, if the data we've gathered from Secrets of the Human Brain is correct." "Some sort of semi or pre-sentience, am I correct?" "Yes, Programmer." "Curious, this actually corresponds to the Gaian theory. And when speaking about the Gaians, try to trade as much as their technology as possible." "Yes, Programmer, is there anything more?" "No, dismissed."