posted 10-05-99 10:28 AM ET
Captain Ulrik Beselwick stood towling off in his still shimmering sapphire wetsuit when his aide entered.
" Ah tell me Arthur what do you have to report ?"" Well Captain our communications officers have been monitoring transmissions and have discovered four factions are out their."
Beselwick nodded and stepped to his desk. The large Pirate emblem loomed above him. Readouts were coming in from their other other base Pirate Cove. But he was here at Nautilus Wharf.
"Which factions ?" Beselwick finally asked. His aide looked down at his PADD than up agian.
"The Gaians, the University, the Believers, and Morgan Industries. Also Captain.." the aide started before nerly being cut off " our scientests are probing into the possibility of Planet's sentience" he said. Beselwick looked up in suprise. His good eye staring intensley at Arthur.
" Sentience ?" asked Beselwick. The aide nodded.
"Would you like our scientests to stop in this line of research ?" asked the aide. Beselwick sat in deep thought for a moment than answered.
"No, tell me when you think we've made a breakthrough. And start research on Centauri Ecology this should help us communicate easier" said Beselwick. He than dismissed the aide with a wave of his hand.