Topic: RPing : Starting Over
Lord Beselwick |
posted 09-26-99 04:05 PM ET
All right for those of you who don't understand Spider, Schoop, Viopsous, Kaljar, and I have been Pow Wowing over starting the RPG over again. So here I go. I'm choosin from SMACX the Nautilas Pirates. Tally Ho, Lord Beselwick P.S. - Hope this works !
posted 09-26-99 06:14 PM ET
Well, I guess I'll reprise my role as the 8th faction....The Spidermind |
Lord Beselwick
posted 09-26-99 06:41 PM ET
Well good now we have The Pirates and the Planetmind. Anyone else. Schoop ? Kaljar ? Raging Mouse ? Tally Ho, Lord (soon Captain) Beselwick |
posted 09-26-99 07:31 PM ET
Hey, "The Pirates and The Planetmind" sounds like the name of a Saturday morning cartoon.Spider |
posted 09-26-99 09:38 PM ET
LoLI'll be... hmm... should I dare? should I dare bring the Hive into RPing again? hmmm... (I'm just going to look at the SMACX factions) |
posted 09-26-99 09:48 PM ET
I've looked at them, and now I will make my choice...Pirates are already taken, so they're out. Usurpers are too ... alien. Cyborgs are too ... weird. Believers are too ... hmmm, is this a family forum? Spartans are too ... ciolent. (Thats actually a v) Peacekeepers are too ... arrogant and weak of heart. Hive are too ... well, there are some bad memories although they are the best so far. Gaians are too ... green, thought they are now the best so far. Which leaves the UOP. Hmm, I like them, but, Dehlan lead them in the last RPing, sooo... Hive, Gaians or UoP.
I preferred my Amethyst Confederation. SOMEONE HELP ME
posted 09-26-99 10:37 PM ET
Bring in the Amethyst Confederation, but make sure you explain them. Sound fair to you, Beselwick?Spider |
Raging Mouse
posted 09-27-99 05:12 PM ET
I am interested in either the UoP or the Peacekeepers (sticking to what I know...), OR I could replace the Believers with another mystical faction, going by the name of Cult of the Tear. It's a cultist (no kidding!) organization with a dark and pessimistic view of humanity's future. That's my options. Number three is, of course, my favourite, but I'll let you decide! |
posted 09-27-99 08:00 PM ET
Okay, I'll explain my Amethyst Confederation, and, if you don't like it, I'll take something else.The Amethyst Confederation is made up of a group of indivuals who believe that by enhancing the human mind, spirit and body they can become perfect individuals. To do this they bio-engineer the body to become 'perfect'. The most important, and most common, being part of all citizens of the Amethyst Confederation, was the 'MindChip'. This was an implant into the head that relayed everything that the user, sees, hears, or thinks, back to the 'MindChip Nexus' and space station in there home system. In the MindChip Nexus, these thoughts, sights and sounds are filtered, cybernetically, to retrieve only the most important information. Thus, all rebellions can be immediately quashed by the 'Enforcers' (ack what a name). This also speeds you the tranferring of research, scouting etc. Orders can also be sent to soldiers through these MindCHips. However, the MindChip Nexus is, unfortunately, reasonably unsecure and information can be readily gathered from it from outside forces. The security on the mainframe, is quite tight however. That was basically it. The social engineering things were: Police State/Democracy (Enforcers, yet a proper voting system), Green Market (They can see that nature holds secrets that they can gain from if they don't destroy it), Knowledge (To increase the bio-implants), Cybernetic (Self-Explanatory)
I cannot remember anything else. If you don't want a custom faction in it, just say so, and I will become, 'THE HIVE', or possibly the UoP. |
Lord Beselwick
posted 09-28-99 12:36 AM ET
Hello everyone. Your friendly Pirate captain. Well Kaljar you've got me in a position. I want to stick to the original SMAC or the SMACX. But I also want to be fair. So tell you what everyone. I'll think on it and let you know in a while. Arr Matey, Captain Beselwick |
Lord Beselwick
posted 09-28-99 10:01 AM ET
I've benn thinking about this Raging Mouse. By the way that's a cool name Anyway go with the Believers but have the of the Tear be a top secret orginization like Secret Police, religious orginization, or whatever. Run by Miriam herself Arr Matey, Captain Beselwick |
Raging Mouse
posted 09-28-99 05:55 PM ET
L.B, That's a good idea. Especially if you prefer us to use the original (or new) factions. I'll do just that. (So I'm on the faction I hate the most. THIS will get interesting! Of course, they do say that love and hate ar equally strong attractors... ) |
posted 09-28-99 09:27 PM ET
Alright, I'll just forget about the Amethyst Confederation. I'll play as the UoP. |
Lord Beselwick
posted 09-29-99 10:02 AM ET
Okay here's what we've got so far,Spider - Planetmind Raging Mouse - Believers Kaljar - University I - Pirates So there are plenty more factions out there for anyone who wants to join or re-join. Like Korian, or Schoop, or Viopsous. But anyway that's up to the minute. Arr Matey, Captain Beselwick |
posted 09-29-99 10:18 AM ET
oh, what the heck, I'll give it a shot. Call me Morgan. -earthschoop |
Raging Mouse
posted 09-29-99 04:03 PM ET
So that's five so far.. I'm eager to start. What shall we call the thread? Shall we wait for all factions to fill, or lead by example? Maybe others will join once things get going. |
posted 09-29-99 06:22 PM ET
Can I join? |
posted 09-29-99 06:37 PM ET
State your prefrence, commie. |
posted 09-29-99 07:24 PM ET
What's the bet mr commie here will pick the Hive? I would of, except, some people have some bad memories of the Hive. |
Lord Beselwick
posted 09-29-99 08:32 PM ET
Guten Tag. Pinko 34 of course you can play. And I don't see what the big deal about the Hive is. Anyway I think we should wait until most of the factions are filled up.Spider - Planetmind Kaljar - University Schoop - Morganites Raging Mouse - Believers I - Pirates |
Lord Beselwick
posted 09-29-99 08:42 PM ET
This is sort of a P.S. Anyone can now play the Data Angels. They're the Probe faction revealed today. Schoop in your post you practically sang their praises. Why didn't you use them ?Arr Matey, Captain Beselwick |
posted 09-29-99 09:15 PM ET
The Hive was the primary enemy right up until Dehlan nuked Chiron. YOu see now what the big deal is?Spidermind |
posted 09-29-99 10:35 PM ET
gotta do it. Morgan no more. Data Angels it is!-earthschoop |
Lord Beselwick
posted 09-29-99 11:14 PM ET
Spider - Planetmind Kaljar - University Raging Mouse - Believers Schoop - Data Angels I - Pirates |
posted 09-30-99 06:03 PM ET
Can I make up a Faction?
Lord Beselwick
posted 09-30-99 07:01 PM ET
No. I'm sorry but I'd kind of like to keep it original. I mean maybe down the road after all the SMAC or SMACX factions get used up, but not for the moment. We also really need to fill up the current ones.Arr Matey, Captain Beselwick P.S. - Anyone can join. |
posted 09-30-99 09:06 PM ET
So I heard, that's why I chose UoP. btw, what faction did Dehlan ply as? was it the UoP or what? |
Lord Beselwick
posted 09-30-99 11:30 PM ET
Come on people we need factions. Pinko34, Viopsous, ANYBODY !?Arr Matey, Captain Beselwick
posted 10-01-99 10:50 AM ET
Well, he [i]was[/i] Prokhor Dehlan, due to a misinterpretation of the great Provost's name.The Spidermind Is it fine if I play the eighth as the Zerg? |
posted 10-01-99 01:47 PM ET
I'm going to be Pinko. My faction is called the Alpha Suns. They are much like the UoP and Peacekeepers combined. Most of the citizens are scientists and our goal is to maintain peace throughout the galaxy. |
posted 10-01-99 05:36 PM ET
Sorry, Pinko. Pick one or the other, but not the one, 'cause Kaljar got it already, so we'll put you down for PK.The Spidermind |
posted 10-01-99 08:23 PM ET
hmmm, the zerg in Alpha Centauri. Hmmm, maybe, maybe, although I think that they would beat us all. Considering that they (previously) managed to ravage thousands of planets, and under the command of the Queen of Blades, manage to ravage even more.WAIT. This is SMAC forum.
Must not talk about Starcraft or Brood War.
Lord Beselwick
posted 10-01-99 09:51 PM ET
Spider - Planetmind Kaljar - University Pinko34 - Peacekeepers Schoop - Data Angels I - PiratesKaljar I say go ahead and post. People are being kind of sluggish about faction picking. Arr Matey, Captain Beselwick
posted 10-02-99 06:37 AM ET
I'll join.I'll take the Gaians. They are strong, and they are pacifists. They're great. But is it possible to make a little change? I dont want the Guardians to be completely forgotten, so I though of this: I'll still be Ronin. I came to this planet with a few men to find out how the PlanetMind got sentient. Once arrived here, our ship crashed in Gaian territory. The Gaians allowed us to join them, while waiting for other Guardians to come and look for us.
No Guardian Technology this time. All was lost in the crash. All we have are our PSI-powers. And our super-natural intelligence off course ;-)! Is this allowed or not? Ronin "The legacy returns..." |
Lord Beselwick
posted 10-02-99 01:01 PM ET
Be the Gaians. I'd like to stick to the orginal or SMACX factions aty least until they're picked over.Spider - Planetmind Raging Mouse - Believers Schoop - Data Angels Pinko34 - Peacekeepers Kaljar - University Ronin54 - Gaians I - Pirates |
posted 10-02-99 03:53 PM ET
Before I make a choice I would like to know what this all is about. Ok, so we each choose a faction, great. And then what? Is this a sort of game? |
Lord Beselwick
posted 10-02-99 05:31 PM ET
It's the all famous RPing Hunterseeker. We need more SMACX factions. |
posted 10-02-99 10:25 PM ET
You choose your faction and then roleplay as the leader of that faction, including interactions with the other factions.Currently, the factions we have left are: Morgan Industries The Hive Spartan Confederation The Cyborgs Usurper and whatever factions Firaxis decides to put in SMACX. |
posted 10-03-99 02:18 PM ET
Actually, I hat to be indecisive, but I'm going to be Morgan after all. So remaining factions are now:The Human Hive The Spartan Federation Data Angels Cybernetic Consciousness Usurpers (aka Lump-heads v1.0) Caretakers (Lump-heads v1.2) and whatever the Drone and Eco factions end up getting named. |
posted 10-03-99 03:57 PM ET
Ok, I pick the Cyborg faction, because I make AI-programmes myself so it kind of suits my personality. Hopefully it is not some sort of hotseat game over e-mail, is it? |
Lord Beselwick
posted 10-03-99 04:44 PM ET
Kaljar go ahead and POST !!! Anyway here are the up to the minute factions.Spider - Planetmind Raging Mouse - Believers Kaljar - University Pinko34 - Peacekeepers Schoop - Morganites Hunterseeker - Cyborgs I - Pirates |
Raging Mouse
posted 10-03-99 05:14 PM ET
A suggestion: Nobody pick the aliens. Let's keep them mysterious and elusive, ok? Much more threatening that way.Ok.. that's seven people. Shall we wait for more or start writin'?
Raging Mouse
posted 10-03-99 05:20 PM ET
MAN I need to pay attention! Scratch that query about writin'!"Bombs awayyy!" |
posted 10-03-99 05:48 PM ET
Ok 3 things: 1)I would still like to be called the Alpha Suns. 2)Would someone explain the new factions from SMACX to me? (At least the ones who people picked) 3)When everybody's done pickin' we should start a new thread. |
Lord Beselwick
posted 10-03-99 07:06 PM ET
Pinko34 I'd really like to keep this original so go with the PK's. Anyway I'll explain the SMACX factions for you.Cyborgs - The Cyborgs are a group of humans who have let a computer program download itself into them. Thus they gain radical scientific abilities. A Discover faction. Leader : Aki Zeta-5 Player : Hunterseeker Pirates - The Pirates are a group of people who have taken to the seas. They prey on faction shipping and build freely unincumbered by the landlubbers' constant wars. A Builder faction. Leader : Captain Ulrik Svensgaard Player : Me Usurpers - The Usurpers are one group of the Progenitor race. They crash landed on Planet after a fight with their enemy the Caretakers. Also Planet's original inhabitants. An Conquer faction ? Leader : Conqueror Judaa Marr Player : Nobody Data Angels - The Data Angels are the Probe faction. They have highly skilled Probe teams and split off of Morgan. But they have a Police penalty as of . Leader : Datatech Sinder Roze Player : Nobody That's all. |
posted 10-03-99 10:25 PM ET
I agree with you, Raging Mouse, noone should take the lump-heads, neither version 1.0 or v1.2. |
Raging Mouse
posted 10-04-99 05:36 AM ET
Hmmm.. Why not gather the RP-posts under the same thread? that way they will show up in the order they are posted. It would be easier keeping track of dialogue that way. How about it, Kaljar and Schoop? Also, are you wanting to RP as the Believers, Hydro? Is that what your post is? please explain. If so, we need to discuss a bit with the others first about how long humans have been on Planet, what tech is there when we start, any wars fought, and such. RP:ing gets easier if we agree beforehand on the basics. |
posted 10-04-99 02:13 PM ET
Are we started? |
posted 10-04-99 02:17 PM ET
Also, I want to know, how wars are fought? |
posted 10-04-99 03:49 PM ET
Good luck with your RP efforts. I am looking forward to some good SMAC fiction back here. You have more than enough to really make it interesting. May Garland's Tears shine down and bless you. Oh, one more thing. Maybe you should determine how long it is after planet fall before you start. That has been a sticking point in past chronicles start ups. Brother jsorense Bearer of the Faith, Defender of the Faithful and Avenger of Martyrs
posted 10-04-99 11:44 PM ET
EVERYONE READ MY OOC THREAD OR ELSE  Hydro was posting SMAC Fiction. It is the SMAC fiction page. everyone must remember to put a RP or an OOC in front of there Thread. Wars are fought by each side saying something that happened in the war alternately, as long as it is plausible. |
posted 10-06-99 02:10 PM ET
I seem to be forgotten... snif...Being Gaian is hard... Everyone is always against you... Natalia... |
Raging Mouse
posted 10-06-99 05:24 PM ET
Read the Believers' first post, Natalia. There, there. don't cry.
posted 10-07-99 11:28 AM ET
Not everyone...I'm just waiting for the right time to make my primary appearance....The Spidermind |
posted 10-07-99 02:17 PM ET
Besides, should Nataliya be considered to have the Empath Guild, since she have comm link to all other factions? |