Topic: AFC Comments Thread IV
Borodino |
posted 04-21-99 10:23 PM ET
Moving on...
posted 04-28-99 09:24 AM ET
As I said before, "moving on..."... |
posted 04-28-99 07:48 PM ET
SnowFire, I am looking forward to your appearance in the AFC. I will establish my CPUB character as soon as MikeH sets up the I Club. I hope to see you there. Maybe you'll want to buy and old ex-Believer a drink?
posted 04-28-99 07:52 PM ET
Chill, Borodino. Point Taken.Snowfire: What is CPUB (or however the acroNYM goes), and is it fun? Jsorense: Good to hear - I'll leave them to sort out what kind of holiday they want, all I can do is recommend that they spend at least a couple of weeks in the south island - there is a lot to see. Also, stay away from Auckland - you can visit most of the 'attractions' there in a couple of days, and the beachs are the only REALLY nice part of it. Anyway, they should have a great time, provided they get out and about, which I'm sure they will. All the best. N.Z Beer guide: D.B Draught - closest thing to utter sh*t N.Z makes. Only worth it in a $NZ2.50 jug. D.B Export - badly named, but very easy to drink - probably the best beer per dollar currently available. D.B Natural - Very smooth, a wee bit girly though. Steinlager - The worlds best (commerical) beer. Regional products - Speights (pro: Spates) in Otago, Canterbury draught (Canty), Waikato Draught (in same), Lion Red (Auck+ other places), Tui (East coast) These are all pretty similar in both taste and cost, and if go drinking much, you'll probably have to sample some of these. Tui is probably the best of this bunch, but all are better than D.B Draught, with the possible exception of Waikato. Classy beers: Mac's Gold, Mac's Black, etc. Do NOT turn down the oppotunity to drink these - all are exceptionally good. Finally, unless you're desperate, don't drink aussie import VB - pure crap that hits the stomach like slime wrapped lead pellets. If you want to know how aussies got so good at vomiting while drinking, this is the secret. Cheers, Shining1
posted 04-29-99 11:43 AM ET
Shining1, Many thanks for your critique of Kiwi beer. I have forwarded your wisdom to the appropriate parties (almost a pun). BTW, CPUB stands for" Chronicles of Pre Unity and Beyond." A little of a misnomer now that it is pretty much all in the "Beyond" stage. We had a lot of fun getting the U.N.S. Unity ready for its blast off from earth. Those episodes are around somewhere if you look. Also, SnowFire wrote a fine synopsis of them not too long ago. Cheers!
posted 04-29-99 10:40 PM ET
I guess gotta use those smileys more. :-)S1, sorry for sounding harsh. Everyone, the PKs are opening negotiations with the Morganites. Should no Morganite step foward in the next few days, it'll be up to the rest of the AFCers as to the Morganic response. [A flat rejection, although disheartening to me, could be interesting for y'all... :-) ] See you later, Borodino |
posted 05-03-99 07:04 PM ET
Sure is quiet in these here parts. Is writer's block contagious? Is there a cure? Does it matter? Where is Ohio? Does xDHE care? Do you care? I think I'm hungry. |
posted 05-04-99 08:30 PM ET
Borodino: Apology absolutely not needed. I was just kidding on.Jsorense: Food is good. What's an Ohio. And writer's block spreads like nothing medical science has ever seen. People jump out of windows to avoid someone carrying it. Just talking to someone with.. uh.. umm.. (how should I finish this sentence. This is meant to be humourous, right? Should I make a point or just build up to the punchline? Er... I don't know. I don't see how either of those would work, come to think of it. Maybe I should just do a silly aside. No, that not it ei...)
posted 05-04-99 09:56 PM ET
From the SMAC Dictionary, Fourth Edition.Ohio. <o-HI-ho> n. 1. the void in the Mid-West section of the United States, border by the states of Michigan, Indiana, Kentucky, and Pennsylvania 2. the not-state where not-DHE is not from 3. One of the strangest threads that existed in the post-"Amen Brother Greg" era and the pre-"Blah blah Civ2 blah blah SMAC" era Hope that helps :-)
posted 05-05-99 04:48 PM ET
OK, guys. If I can do it, you can do it. There must be some germ of an idea you can write up, just to get it out? Next up I am going to try and reanimate Sister Cecilia. Hasta ma�ana. Blah? |
posted 05-05-99 10:59 PM ET
Ok, jsorense. I wrote. :-)Hey all, any comments on the Morganite thing? Gonna leave me a free hand or something? |
posted 05-06-99 10:55 AM ET
Borodino, Nice post. I like how you included all your bases and principle characters. As for the Morganite thingy: Well, watch you back and hire all the lawyers you can afford. They are not the type of people that the Believers generally hang out with after bible studies. BTW, I'll be out of town until next Tuesday. Hasta jueves, entonces.
posted 05-11-99 04:20 PM ET
Hi all! I'm back from a great long weekend in Santa Fe. (silence) Ahemmm! Hello. Anyone home? (silence) Borodino, Shining1, are you out there? (silence) [jsorense rolling up his sleves.] Well, I guess I've got some heavy lifting to do here all on my own. |
posted 05-11-99 07:43 PM ET
I'm here. Kinda...Here let me help you with that. I'll post sometime tonight. I promise. |
posted 05-13-99 09:55 AM ET
Well, I slipped a day or to in my posting promise.But where are the rest of you? Oh, and by the way jsorense [hey, it rhymes!], I hope your trip was restful and enjoyable. Oh, one more thing: I did finally select a college, if I forgot to say that before. [I don't really remember] I'm going to American University in DC. |
posted 05-13-99 03:32 PM ET
Hola Borodino, Congratulations on your choice of university. I am sure you will do just fine. My only words of advice to you are don't get behind. The secret to being a successful university student is intelligent time allocation. The trip was great, thanks. |
posted 05-17-99 10:45 PM ET
Hello all. Just wanted to say I probably won't be posting much until Thursday afternoon. In fact, there probably won't be anything at all. I have three 7:30 AM AP tests tommorrow, Wed. and Thurs. |
posted 05-18-99 12:55 PM ET
Borodino, So those silly AP exams are more important than SMAC? Why are you showing signs of maturity all of a sudden? ;-) Good luck today, tomorrow and Thursday, dude.
posted 05-21-99 12:28 PM ET
Where'd everybody go? |
posted 05-25-99 05:15 PM ET
Borodino, welcome back. I think we have lost Shining1 to CivIII. It looks like you are trying to provoke a diplomatic incident. Shipyard accident, my behind. Brother Rahjiv's engines were sabotaged and/or stolen by you. How are we suppose to get enough fuel down to get the "Bodhisattva" in order for her to sail all the way to New Jerusalem? Anyway, when do you move to DC?
posted 05-25-99 10:26 PM ET
We needed to spice our world up. And it was truly an accident. And you'd sail her up to your port, whatever that may be, then fuel her up. And not until late August.Good to see you.:-) |
posted 05-26-99 05:48 PM ET
Howdy Borodino, good to see you too. Well, I don't think Brother Rahjiv is very happy about this. I have rarely seen him so upset. Those shipyard techs had better keep their heads down while he's around. What's new in Michigan? |
posted 06-03-99 08:53 AM ET
You won't beleive this, but I am alive! :-)Sorry for the extended abscence, but between commencement [I'm now a high school graduate, a very scary thought] and work, I've been slacking off here. I have, however, written today, and will endouver to do so again tonight, because I'm going out of town this weekend -- Oklahoma City. Fortunately, our hotel is still standing, even though its in the town where the double twister they kept showing on TV was. C Ya. |
posted 06-03-99 03:49 PM ET
Hi Borodino, Congratulations on graduating from high school. Very few people I know ever missed the darn place. The cards and money must be rolling in now. So, you have a job too. Whatcha doin�? How mucha makin�? Can I borrow a few bucks? And are those squirrel-like thingies good eating? |
posted 06-08-99 11:41 PM ET
Our hotel was a mere half mile from where those twisters went through. Oklahoma is one state I shall endouver never to enter again.On the plus side though, we won the tournament: my team is now national champions! :-) To answer your questions: 1) Working for the family business: a mail-order hobby supply company. 2) $7.00/hr. 3) Currently broke. Sorry. 4) Don't know. Wanna try? :-) |
posted 06-09-99 04:10 PM ET
Hola Borodino, the champ! You da man! BTW, what sport is this we are talking about? I have driven through parts of Oklahoma on a couple of occasions. I don't think I stopped though. As for your job, don't let management wear you down. ;-) I am working on another post but my interest in SMAC fiction is waning. I have been at this for a year now and I think I am running out vision and ideas. I have drifted back to the Firaxis Games site, where I got started. |
posted 06-09-99 10:06 PM ET
The sport is Quiz Bowl -- think Jeopardy for a team.I know what you mean about vision and ideas -- I just wished that our stopping didn't mean the end of the AFC... |
posted 06-11-99 04:54 PM ET
Borodino, My plan is to try and move the Believer from the lovable band we know so well from the AFC to the hoard of zealots of SMAC. I want to accomplish this by the end of this month because I am leaving on a long trip in July. I am going to Australia and yes, Brother Greg and I plan on meeting. Try hooking up with DesertHyaena. She is looking for some RP posters. |
posted 06-14-99 09:45 AM ET
I'm back for all of you who remember me. I just got back from collage and am willing to do any thing you want me to for this thread. sorry about not responding but about 2 weeks before i left my mother died and i was to deppressed to do much of anything.Brother Legoean P.S. what is the address for the AFC on the web. |
posted 06-14-99 11:54 AM ET
Brother Legoean, I am sorry to hear about your loss. It is always a shock to loose one's parent. For the AFC you can just start posting again. I have used your character for a naval expedition to the north where he briefly captured a mysterious stranger. Your character has also been put in charge of the Believer Militia as Brother Rahjiv concentrates on intelligence work and engineering projects. Good luck. BTW, how did school go? |
posted 06-14-99 03:22 PM ET
well i'm working on my chemical engennering degree. just finished organic chem and physics... UGggg. |
posted 06-18-99 05:29 PM ET
Well guys, Jury duty kidnapped me. Hope to see you next week. Civic duty calls. |
posted 06-22-99 07:25 PM ET
Sorry for disappearing on you guys.Yeah, jsorense, you found my new place of cyber-residence. I think I'm done for now with the AFC -- It was fun while it lasted, and I really enjoyed playing it with you; but I just don't have it in me to do it any more. Perhaps in the future I'll return, but for now... I'm very sorry. I'll miss doing it, but the ideas are running out. |
posted 06-28-99 07:17 PM ET
Borodino, Shining1, Legoean and anyone else who cares, Yes, I am concluding my efforts with the AFC. Quite a touching farewell, don't you think? I, therefore, release all of my characters, accept Greg Treestock, for anyone else to use. I will continue to contribute to the SMAC fiction if the muses return but it looks like this forum is ready for a new generation of writers. Hasta luego, dudes.
posted 06-29-99 01:10 AM ET
And a thank you from your readers  I read the early AFC's and the CPUB's before the forum crash, and fortunately printed them all, so they live on at least in a binder in my den. Great fiction guys - you were creative - your fans loved it. Good luck in going forward in whatever you do. googlie |
posted 06-29-99 02:30 PM ET
googlie, Thanks! Its nice to know someone has read this stuff. |
posted 07-09-99 01:35 PM ET
Yup. I'm reading some back AFC stuff as well right now... |