Topic: CPUB Comments Revisited
SnowFire |
posted 04-18-99 10:31 PM ET
Continuted from <a href="">CPUB Comments</a>.Okay, comments, questions, and everything else that's not an actual chronicle post go here. I'll start by saying that I hope I didn't hijack Gomez too much Octopus, I figured you wouldn't mind having him "disapper" into the Morganite Justice department. If you want to have him escape and hate Morgan and work for you, feel free, though.
posted 04-19-99 05:39 PM ET
Which faction was to be the second candidate for the governorship? I know Lal is one of the candidates, but it hasn't been made clear as to who the other candidate is; even if we go with the suggestion (I forgot who made it) that nobody gets elected the first time, we still need a second candidate.Technocrat |
posted 04-19-99 06:39 PM ET
I'd be happy to have it decided at the actual meeting. It can be done in classic parliamentary run-off style, with Lal and whoever else eventually gaining the two final positions to be voted on. I would however say this: Deidre will support Lal and not put herself up for election.Yang may have the votes himself, but unless he proves a lot more diplomatically sly then we think, he probably won't be nominated. And it would look bad to his people getting elected head of Lal's little "commitee" that you would think he would resent. Santiago is another serious candidate. But again, the whole Planetary Council rubs against the Spartan spirit. If she misses by that much the other nomination, she could get seriously annoyed. Zakharov- well, I see him more as a voter and not a runner. But Technocrat can change that I suppose. Miriam- yet another serious contender, and less opposition to the idea of a Planetary Council than Santiago (don't tell that to Kristina Gallin though). Morgan- Probably annoyed at Lal for allying with Deidre. Whether he abstains or votes for the other candidate dependant on what Miriam and Santiago are thinking, and how much Morgan is running the show in comparison to Legrand. Lal- himself, of course, but he shoud have a nice inspiring speech on why. Where's Brother Greg or Arnelos or Borodino for a guest apperance in the CPUB? Oh well. I'm sure that we can all be a PK quite well. |
posted 04-19-99 08:20 PM ET
SnowFire, in my posts, I had the Gaians allied with the University. Do you want me to change that as you have them allied with the Peacekeepers, or do you want the Gaians to have two allies? Perhaps the University and the PKs are also allies, forming a triple alliance? I'm open to any position you have thereof; I'm sorry for not making the UoP/Gaian relations clearer.I like your suggestion of having votes for candidature, as we have no real way of telling who has the highest populations. I would suggest such a system for both candidates, with Lal being, in the end, one of the candidates. For candidature, I would suggest a restriction on voting for yourself; we wouldn't want everyone receiving one vote to be a candidate ! Technocrat PS, As we have no way of telling who has what population, we're saying that each faction has one vote for any Council proposal whatsoever, right? |
posted 04-19-99 08:52 PM ET
Oops! My fault on that one. Bad memory there. I remembered it as the PK's allied with the Gaians, sorry... |
posted 04-19-99 09:14 PM ET
Well, we can just say that the Gaians have both the Peacekeepers and the University as allies, although the University and the PKs are not allied with one another, as there is nothing that has been posted to contradict this idea.Technocrat |
posted 04-19-99 09:28 PM ET
A UoP, PK, Gaian Alliance?!?! That's almost half the factions on Planet!If you want that diplomatic situation, then Lal and Dierdre are DEFINITELY running against each other, and they both expect big Z's support, and will be rather upset if they don't get it. Also, in some games I've played I had a 3-way race. I don't know what conditions caused it, but I thought it was cool. It's certainly a possibility for our Council.
posted 04-19-99 09:30 PM ET
Woops, my brain read all the words in the previous posts, and promptly ignored them and thought whatever it wanted to, and made me post my reply. Personally, I think it's unlikely that any of the factions would have alliances at this point. A faction with 2 allies strains credulity (and also strains the fun, unless GS is prepared to have his faction be the victim of some creative diplomacy).
posted 04-19-99 09:42 PM ET
Hmmm....... maybe Octopus is right. Oh, fooey, this is all my fault . Well, maybe GS (hey, his initials are the same as Gaia's Stepdaughters ) has an opinion on this. I've been writing to reflect the way my University games play; I should be more careful about that.Technocrat |
posted 04-20-99 01:48 PM ET
Yeah. A 3 way alliance like that can spell the end of free 7 player diplomacy. I can see the already mentioned Gaian-University alliance, and perhaps Lal will expect their votes in council, unless of course Deidre or Zakharov runs.I remember that in the old old CoFH, the beginning of the end was a Morgan-University-Spartan alliance that had already crushed the Gaians, and was busy curshing the Labyrinth and Morganite rebels when the whole world unhinged and they had that whole "Assembly of the Planet" thing. |
posted 04-20-99 09:46 PM ET
I had Yang arrive at the Council place, because we have the potential to sit around and speculate about what we are going to do forever. I figure the best bet is to follow the tried and true chronicle tradition and just dive in and do it.
Giant Squid
posted 04-20-99 09:55 PM ET
I think that a PK-Uni-Gaian alliance would be a good idea. The three share somewhat similar philosophies, and often end up allied in real SMAC games. Thinking of the real world, it seems kind of normal for nations to ally into blocs. I'd say that Lal runs, Zak and Deirdre support Lal, and someone from the other 4, maybe Morgan or Miriam, runs, and the others put support behind them. Sort of the 'soft'er factions versus the 'tough'er factions.<=O=E |
posted 04-20-99 10:14 PM ET
I don't call the UoP a soft faction -- they can be bigger warmongers than the Spartans or the Hive. They are ALWAYS stingy with the tech.We don't want to have huge blocs here. That way lies disaster. Besides, your "other side" doesn't make sense, the "hard" factions almost never get along, which sets your triple alliance up for domination. Don't do it. It will be bad for the story.
posted 04-20-99 11:04 PM ET
Yeah- while they might end up allied, the hard factions will not end up allied. Evil turns on itself, remember? The Hive and Believers are not on exactly amicable relationships, and the Spartans- who knows about them. I can see that alliance forming, GS, if a large enough threat looms to cause them to unify- right now, they can continue petty bickering.To think that this was all caused by a memory lapse of mine... argh. |
MikeH II
posted 04-21-99 04:03 AM ET
When I play SMAC as the Spartans I always end up in a pact with the Gaians. I think I'd like Santiago to go in that direction. If we have any more than 2 factions in a pact I think it will be trouble. I think the Gaians will only Pact with someone with similar philosophies. I can't quite see the UoP as a Planet friendly faction their technology is the opposite of what the Gaians stand for IMO anyway. |
MikeH II
posted 04-21-99 04:07 AM ET
Oh yeah, I'd love The Lizard and The Snake to visit the I-Club some time. That would be cool. |
MikeH II
posted 04-21-99 04:08 AM ET
What am I talking about!!!!!I meant the Lizard and Numbers, I don't want to think about what my brain was doing to come up with the Snake. |
posted 04-21-99 04:40 PM ET
Okay, why don't we do this concerning the alliances problem - the University and the Gaians signed a special pact that permitted, before, say, two months, either faction to withdraw from the pact without any diplomatic repercussions, sort of a trial period. This trial period would not involve intelligence exchanges or anything like that, of course; it would just let the two factions get the feel of a pact with one another, without any risk whatsoever. Whether the PKs and the Gaians are still allied is up to Giant Squid. I know that this sounds kind of pathetic, but it is the only thing I can come up with. Does everyone think that's a good idea, or no?Technocrat |
posted 04-21-99 07:39 PM ET
First of all, I meant to write in the last paragraph that the Order of the Black Rose was a hate group, not a hat group. Why can't I make a post without any errors at all?!?  I had wanted feedback as to the idea of having a "trial period" in the UoP/Gaian pact, but there wasn't any as of yet, and I had already written the post, and so I gave up and posted it. I'm sorry its so long, but I've had a lot of free time on my hands, so I used it. I tried to go into some University opinions on the Hive, some UoP thoughts on the Order of the Brain Rot (err, Black Rose), and I ended the UoP/Gaian alliance without loss of amicability (is that a word?) between them. As I said before, if the Gaians and PKs are still to be allies, that is up to Giant Squid. Technocrat |
posted 04-21-99 10:58 PM ET
Hmm... interesting. Okay. I didn't really expect that, but I suppose that the Univ and Gaians can always kiss and make up later. That also makes the University less terrifying a foe since they don't have automatic allies coming with them. |
posted 04-22-99 01:05 AM ET
Mike, I have an idea about how I can get Numbers and the Lizard to the I Club, but whether it would make sense or not depends on how certain other things play out.
MikeH II
posted 04-22-99 04:41 AM ET
OK great, I'm going to be away for the weekend but I'll try and post the first I-Club thing on Monday. |
posted 04-23-99 11:34 PM ET
Okay, first of all, I would have posted these comments sooner, but I had to go after posting my last post and I couldn't get around to doing this afterwards. With that said, I would like to say to Octopus that I'm sorry about making such a counterpoint to the Yang/Lal debate, but Lal would naturally have to try to "infect" the University, especially since everyone else is . As it is now, I would imagine that the University delegation, despite any initial biases it may have had, may vote for anyone (including itself) except for those brainless and contemptibly moronic Believers. This is probably not as true for Morgan, however, as the Morganites are adopting fundamentalist world views pursuant to the Believer example... BTW, this is just out of curiosity, but was Governor Petyarkin a male or female? Legrand thought of Petyarkin as a female, but Yang spoke about the governor as a male. Oh well, it doesn't matter. Octopus, is Yang upset the University bureaucracy/"democracy" or not? True, the University government isn't a true democracy, but it is close to it. If this doesn't upset him, the University may be a lot more amenable to his position. The University (in my mind, at least) doesn't want any major administrative changes; it research efforts are proceeding exceptionally well, blah, blah, blah... Technocrat |
posted 04-24-99 12:04 AM ET
Technocrat: The Hive doesn't like democracy, but Yang has suspicions that Zakharov isn't very democratic, and that there are probably elements within the University government that would favor a less democratic structure, anyway (leave it to intellectuals to think that only the intellectuals should have a say ). I think that the Hive would be of the opinion that associating with the University would strengthen these tendencies (sort of the opposite of the "economic engagement" that the US is trying to practice with the PRC). The Hive probably expects that the University could learn a thing or two about administration and government, streamlining their beurocracy a bit. The pro-Hive factions in the UoP probably feel the same way. If you want to keep a pro-Hive/anti-Hive split among the University, I think that's actually much cooler from a story perspective -- more of a balancing act for your character, he's got to please both sides .Above all else, the Hive is pragmatic. Think about these relationships, from a purely "stock philosophy" viewpoint: Hive / Morgan -- intense hatred, both ways Hive / Believers -- intense hatred, both ways Hive / PKs -- Hive dislikes PKs, PKs hate Hive. Hive / Spartans -- Distrust each other, think of each other as likely enemies. Hive / Gaians -- Gaians don't like Planned Economics, and are somewhat democratically inclined, so they don't really like the Hive. The Hive has nothing against the Gaians. Hive / UoP -- Nothing fundamentally at odds between them. Your UoP has chosen democracy, but they aren't tied up in that philosophy like the PKs are -- they could change if they wanted to (from the Hive's perspective). The UoP is the Hive's closest ideological neighbor (this is where you say "hey, there's no reason to be insulting!" ). I was intrigued by the sexually ambiguous Governor Petyarkin as well. Of course, the REAL reason that he/she was removed was that the crack Hive investigators had finally followed the paper trail all the way back to him/her, and determined that he/she was ultimately responsible for "Socialism Tunnels", the silliest base name on Planet .
posted 04-24-99 12:01 PM ET
Ok, Octopus. I'll keep the pro-Hive/anti-Hive dichotomy within the University alive. I'm sure that the Faculty and most of the Senators would all be pretty much anti-Hive, but I'm sure I'll have to make a Faculty member and/or a Senator or two pro-Hive. I'll put that into some of my posts. If only we had a PK writer to steer some of my UoP characters towards the PK ideological position...  BTW, is Kristina Gallin ever going to show up? I liked that story line. Technocrat |
posted 04-24-99 01:30 PM ET
You see how good the Hive security netwoek is- it decieved Legrand's operatives into thinking that the Governor is a woman. Or maybe Yang is just saying that she's a man to confuse Legrand and make him think his operatives are wrong! Muahaha! And oh yes, I think that the citizens of Parade Ground are holding a protest, Octopus, and claiming that they have the worst city name.  Kristina Gallin is waiting in the shadows and will be watching the Council proceedings. If something she doesn't like happens- Morgan votes for Deidre over Miriam in a run-off, Lal gets elected, etc.- she may blow her last fuse and do something interesting. I might not be able to post until Wednesday, though I _should_ be able to post sometime inbetween. Wed. at the latest in a worst case scenario. |
posted 04-24-99 08:28 PM ET
MikeH -- are you planning on writing for Santiago and the Spartans?SnowFire -- don't worry, the Hive will be more than willing to let those poor souls in Parade Ground change the name to "Great Collective" or "Great Collective" once it throws off the shackles of Santiago and her right-wing crackpot regime .
posted 04-24-99 08:29 PM ET
"Great Collective" or "Great Collective"And people say that the Hive doesn't give people freedom of choice! 
posted 04-24-99 10:01 PM ET
Octopus, that was a good post except for one thing - the Unviersity and the Gaians didn't cancel their peace treaty, they cancelled a TRIAL ALLIANCE!!! The University, at least, still considers the Gaians as its closest friends.I'm posting a post that has two events - Regalis and Turner get into a "debate" about religion with a Believer, and the University formulates a dirty little plan to isolate the Morganites and Believers if it wants to do so. Also, I started the opening ceremonies as SnowFire mentioned, and I mentioned that there was a time slot in which the press could ask questions to the delegates directly. Octopus, if you want to bring your reporters back, you could post a Q/A session or an analysis of one with a few of the delegates. Technocrat |
posted 04-24-99 10:09 PM ET
Oh, and another thing, how would Santiago be able to nuke UN Headquarters, when nobody could possibly have nukes yet this early in the story?Technocrat |
posted 04-24-99 10:42 PM ET
Technocrat: I'm sure that those news anchors were exagerating, giving both the worst case and the "ha-ha didn't turn out to be so bad" case. In any case, I can see that really crappy nukes could have been built in a full eighty years since Planetfall, but something nowhere near as destructive as the Planet Buster in SMAC. So far.Which reminds me. Please, go ahead with your little plan. Announce it in front of everybody at the Council. Then let me post Legrand's response to it. But please do so, I'll be delighted when- um, never mind. Speaking of which, explain "quantum gravity" to me someday- I thought we used space-time as an explanation for gravity? And in any case, if God is omnipotent, I think he can control gravity, if it really is "emmited" in quanta. That would certainly be an interesting world to live in. |
posted 04-24-99 10:52 PM ET
I have a "diplomatic incident" that I was going to nail the Morganites with (increase tension between PK and Morgan) but I don't want to gang up on SnowFire (unless he's ready for a challenge ).
posted 04-24-99 10:58 PM ET
Technocrat: You can't just pick out one "political roundup" episode and expect to understand it, you need to look at it in context . They were talking about your "treaty of alliance" that was cancelled, not a peace treaty . As to the nukes thing: I agree with what SnowFire said, but I'll point out that the commentator meant it as humorous exaggeration. Those wacky Morganite TV Personalities!
posted 04-24-99 11:59 PM ET
Sure, I can take it, maybe. Though I wouldn't think that Mr. Legrand would keep on being so conspicuous- I always see him as that guy who's always around, but no one is exactly sure what he does other than that he's one of Morgan's top advisors. But it seems too late to change that now, so oh well. |
posted 04-25-99 11:15 AM ET
First of all, "quantum gravity" is not a theory of today - it is a theory that is being developed. The major goal of physics today is the unification of the two partial theories of the universe - the general theory of relativity and the quantum mechanics theory - into a single "quantum theory of gravity." This is because general relativity and quantum mechanics are inconsistent and cannot both be correct. Any "quantum theory of gravity" would have to take into account aspects of both theories, including, e.g., the idea of a space-time continuum, the idea that gravity is a curvature of that continuum, the idea of an inflationary model for the "growth" of the early universe, the idea of the uncertainty principle, and the idea of Feynman's "sum over histories." This last idea is an aspect of the current quantum mechanics theory, and it says that a particle does not have a single history in space-time (i.e., it hasn't travelled just one route in its existence) but rather it has travelled EVERY possible path in space-time (just bear with me, you'll see where I'm going in how it relates to God). Now, when scientists tried to perform calculations in relation to these sums, they discovered "imaginary time." I know what you're thinking, but don't think that. This imaginary time relates to the imaginary number, i (as in i*i = -1). In this imaginary time, the distinction between time and space disappears completely, and is termed "Euclidean Space" in honor of the Greek mathematician Euclid. Now, using the classical theory of relativity, there are only two possible histories for the universe: either it existed for an infinite amount of time, or it was created by a singularity (aka "the big bang"). With Euclidean Space, however, a third possibilty has been found, in which the universe is like the surface of a sphere - finite yet boundless - only with more dimensions. This boundlessness of the universe means that there is no point of creation - the universe is entirely self-contained and totally unaffected by anything "outside" if it. The universe simply exists, and it is neither created nor destroyed.I skipped a lot of areas in the theory, and I also skipped how this theory is consistent with the big bang (in imaginary time, the universe simply exists, while in "real" time, there was a minimum size, previously thought of as a singularity; "real" time is a subset of imaginary time, and it is less fundamental then the imaginary time/Euclidean space). I hope you get it somewhat. In other words, since the universe forms a closed surface without boundary, there is no place for a creator, as he could not have created anything: the universe exists whether or not God did anything. Anyway, I'm not going to use the "Morganite" listening device unless Zakharov gets REALLY mad, like Miriam gets elected or something. I probably won't do it at all - I just wanted to give a glimpse of University scheming in the works. Besides, I'm sure the plan will get refined the more time passes, so maybe the longer I wait, the more sinister it will be . Technocrat |
posted 04-25-99 06:50 PM ET
Alright, incident instigated.I sort of like this plotline, because it is actually NOWHERE NEAR what I had originally intende the Joey 'the Troll' Gomez subplot to be about. Chronicle-interaction zaniness at its best! I love it! (I feel kind of dirty for posting it, though, it feels like I'm nailing Morgan and Legrand too badly. I hope SnowFire can wriggle out of it artfully ).
posted 04-25-99 07:35 PM ET
Oh, Octopus, that was SO mean . I'll absolutely not do anything sinister to poor old SnowFire now, unless, of course, SnowFire wiggles his way out of this one a little too artfully...  Technocrat |
posted 04-25-99 08:10 PM ET
Oh, I had an idea for SnowFire - what if Morgan Industries used this lawsuit as the excuse to eliminate much of the older laws and governmental institutions and make a full switch to Fundamentalism? This would patch things up between Morgan and Miriam (b/c of that Morganite scandal that split them up), and it would be interesting to see how Jeneba, an atheist, would take it.Technocrat |
posted 04-25-99 11:41 PM ET
I'll post my "squirming mode activated" post tommorow. Sorry, ran outta time tonight folks. G'night. |
MikeH II
posted 04-26-99 10:21 AM ET
I'm not going to concentrate on Santiago although she might turn up from time to time in my stories. I'm mainly going to be doing off the political map stuff and fairly irregularly (which is the main reason I don't want to be in the thick of the politics) |
posted 04-26-99 02:33 PM ET
Ack! Netscape 2.01 on an old mac! How did people survive back then? Ah well, my squirming post should be up soon. |
posted 04-26-99 09:34 PM ET
Some Background: title: 'the InvestiGators' hour long comedy/drama. premise: In a freak boating accident in the bayou, two brothers have their genetic code rearranged and mixed with alligator DNA, resulting in half-man/half-alligator creatures. They decide to go into business together as private detectives, getting into one zany adventure after another. After two seasons on top, many feel that the show has begun to lose some of its appeal. In an effort to bring up the sagging ratings, the show's producers have introduced a new comic relief character, "toad-boy", although this move has not met with critical acclaim.
posted 04-27-99 07:50 PM ET
Drat. I forgot to mention that it's about time for our good friend Zoran Gajic to be contacted. Oh well.I think that the cards are against you, Octopus. Prepare for a 5-on-1 war the second I decide we turn up evidence on Trask (hmm... Trask recently recieved one billion energy credits from a Believer freight cargo that was painted blue and had "T.H.S. Yang" on it. Hmmm...). Prepare for a global feeding frenzy as everyone jumps in for a piece, and the University abruptly withdraws being nice. Prepare for the Believers, Peacekeepers, and Spartans to actually co-operate on something. Prepare for your doom!!!!! Muahahahahaha... Sorry, I got into the RCFH style thinking there for a moment. Well, that is the worst-case-for-the-Hive scenario right now. I would have edited and made my previous post more coherent, but I had a car to catch, alas. Now everything's all better. Interestingly enough, IIRC, in the RCFH it was my Gaians and the University that were rushing Morgan and crushing him. |
posted 04-27-99 08:54 PM ET
Well, the University is protesting the fact that the Council was involved in this Joey Gomez scandal. I phrased the last sentence of my post in a way that lends itself for another faction to step in immediately and respond, or, noone can respond and the Council can move on to the more pressing matter of the elections. BTW, how are we going to go about electing the two nominees for the Planetary Governorship? I've given this some thought, and before I lock everyone into my election method ideas , I'd like to hear everyone's ideas on that problem.Technocrat |
posted 04-27-99 09:08 PM ET
Technocrat, that was Yang's objection as well . SnowFire -- I would have preferred to respond in the council session, but I'll point out something that will be painfully obvious to the non-Morganite population: The burden of proof in the case is on Mrs. Gomez and her legal council, NOT Chairman Yang. Your faction was indulged by that buerocrat Lal ( ) and allowed to waste the council's time (in Zakharov's opinion too!). Yang challenged him on this, and did point out some obvious flaws in your argument -- it simply isn't convincing. It would be like the CIA saying "of course we've never killed anybody, why look at this document from my file cabinet, it says 'number of people killed=0'!". Now, however, I'll respond with a little rabbit-out-of-the-hat post of my own.
posted 04-27-99 09:14 PM ET
I would say that we do it in classic parliamentarian style, the right way. All 7 leaders are candidates; whoever gets the fewest votes in the first election (not counting those who get no votes, who are automatically eliminated), get's "run-off;" the enxt election is held without that person as a candidate. In the event that even if the ran-off person then voted for the next lowest candidate, and the next lowest would still be run-off, then they're both run off. You simply go by when it's impossible for your side to win, in which case you are free to vote for someone else. This prevents a pluarity from occuring; in a normal election, you might have one candidate with 40% of the vote, another with 35, and another with 25%. Under a normal election, the 40% person would win; but if at least 60% of the supporters of candidate C (15% of the general population) supports candidate B over A, then B wins by a true majority in the run-off.The problem is determining why Lal gets twice as many votes. "By exception FA-9KE, all bearded candidates count their population twice." |
posted 04-27-99 09:47 PM ET
You need to expand your horizons beyond the crass demands of flesh and look deeper into the issue obviously. We would never tell a lie... what are you talking about? In any case, you do have a point, it isn't Yang's responsibility to prove the case, and it is not the Council's jurisdiction. But again, if Morgan can't stop one lousy lawyer from revealing the horrible truth, I doubt they can stop a roomfull of people. Legrand simply took a different route that doesn't officially exist, which is why all the evidence proffered is technically true. However, I'd be more than willing to move on. |
posted 04-27-99 10:03 PM ET
SnowFire, if you had tried to weasel out of it more tastefully I would have let you, but that "imposter" stuff was ridiculous. Yang's objections are perfectly valid, everything that Legrand presented to the council could have been a complete fabrication. If you want to bring the motion "any faction engaging in espionage shall have trade sanctions enacted for 100 years" Yang will vote for it in a second .However, by angering Zakharov, you have opened up and opportunity for limiting the council's power, one of Yang's primary objectives.
posted 04-27-99 10:07 PM ET
Hey, how about giving some indications about which way the political winds are blowing? Feel free to use my commentators if you want. As far as anyone can tell, Yang intends to support either himself or Zakharov for governor, although he would greatly prefer a deadlock in which nobody won (thus weakening the Council).
posted 04-27-99 10:51 PM ET
"Ridiculous?" Well, maybe so, but O.J. Simpson had a lot more dirt on him than Legrand, and he got off. In any case, a defense attorney who changes his story halfway through the trial isn't likely to win, so I'm going to stay on deck with the Titanic and see if she sinks or not. In other words, I'm sticking to the story. I'm assuming that Dr. Smythe isn't the same as the poorly named Dr. Ojeda, which means that again, I can simply say that he saw teh imposter. Now if Dr. Smythe is the person who dissappeared, then again, I can say that he's lying to Lal about what happened to embarrass Morgan in front of the Council. I mean, yes, to us it's ridiculous because we know the truth, but to the Morgan public, who's having this story jammed down their throats, and to any faction who looks at my evidence prima facie, it can most certainly be believeable. As Sherlock Holmes said, if you narrow down everything that's impossible, whatever is left, no matter how improbable, must be the truth. If people make the mistake of believing that it's impossible for Legrand to have left without being noticed, then the imposter story, no matter how improbable, must be true.Okay, I'll stop rambling now about this. And oh yes: an artful exit would have meant some admission of guilt. As well as giving a licensce to the media to crucify Morgan Industries. I've learneded form buerocracy and the crack-brained theories of some people that it's better just to deny everything and allege a massive conspiracy against you. |
posted 04-27-99 11:08 PM ET
<i>"Ridiculous?" Well, maybe so, but O.J. Simpson had a lot more dirt on him than Legrand</i>And most people believe OJ did it... The question of whether or not the case was proven beyond a reasonable doubt was another story. Nobody, except Morgan ultra-patriots are going to buy Legrand's story, especially since you've gone out of the way to deny access to the REAL evidence to the only competent police force on Planet -- Hive Security .
posted 04-28-99 04:19 PM ET
Perhaps I'm starting to believe my own press releases. I still see my story at least as credible as say, creationism or the idea that global warming isn't occuring (not that we can't do anything about it, but it just isn't occuring). And look at all the people who line up to lap at those theories.Sigh... I would take the black eye and move on, but I've gotten in too deep. I'll continue looking for an artful exit though. |
posted 04-28-99 04:25 PM ET
Perhaps I'm starting to believe my own press releases. I still see my story at least as credible as say, creationism or the idea that global warming isn't occuring (not that we can't do anything about it, but it just isn't occuring). And look at all the people who line up to lap at those theories.Sigh... I would take the black eye and move on, but I've gotten in too deep. I'll continue looking for an artful exit though. |
posted 04-28-99 05:59 PM ET
First of all, if we did the classical parliamentary voting method, what would be done if everyone, in the first round of voting, received one vote(everyone voted for themselves)? Or if one faction voted for another faction (say the Morganites for the Believers), but everyone else voted for themselves - would the Believers have won in the first voting round? BTW, I don't think that in the story we should give Lal twice the votes, as there is no way to determine population (resulting in our using one-faction-one-vote) and thus he would receive two votes while everone else received one. That would mean he automatically had twice the voting power of any other faction simply because he's himself. That would be rediculous.Also, is Giant Squid posting anymore? Would it be alright if I had the Gaians make a speech, or have Lady Deirdre Skye say a few words? Technocrat |
posted 04-28-99 07:32 PM ET
TC: But everyone has votes based off of population. If everyone votes for themselves, then the lowest-population member gets run-off time. |
posted 04-28-99 08:04 PM ET
But how do we know who has what population? If we knew the populations everyone had, we could just as easily use the system SMAC itself uses, in which the two highest populated factions are the two nominees.Anyway, I went ahead and posted a few words of Deirdre's, with the object of getting Lal a little paranoid. As soon as we move on from the second day of the Council, I intend on having more behind the scenes maneuvering...  Technocrat |
posted 04-28-99 08:20 PM ET
weel i am a newbie so i don't know if i am talking bs or not on this topic. anyway why does the governorship have to fall on the guy with the greatest population. this is not a presidential election. the voting system should be decided on agreements by the parties involved.with the parliamentary method in our world china would be king and that is absurd. population involves a percentage, ecology another, technical advancement, territory, etc. all factions would get points acording to a scale that can be agreed by all beforehand. and that guy by being the best manager gets the job and if in the future another one gets a better overall percentage then he can force an election. |
posted 04-28-99 08:22 PM ET
weel i am a newbie so i don't know if i am talking bs or not on this topic. anyway why does the governorship have to fall on the guy with the greatest population. this is not a presidential election. the voting system should be decided on agreements by the parties involved.with the parliamentary method in our world china would be king and that is absurd. population involves a percentage, ecology another, technical advancement, territory, etc. all factions would get points acording to a scale that can be agreed by all beforehand. and that guy by being the best manager gets the job and if in the future another one gets a better overall percentage then he can force an election. |
posted 04-28-99 09:05 PM ET
No, actually China wouldn't win EJ. You see, there's more than one election. And the weight of all the Western Nations voting with their population for one of their own would easily outweigh China in the later elections. It's a much fairer system that way; you see, China winning because the West is more populous but split up is exactly what we're trying to AVOID with this system. When France's candidate gets knocked out, then they support one of the remaining Western Candidates, and so on, almost like a primary election on both sides.In a simple example: China has 6 votes. US and Russia have 4 votes. Germany and Great Britain have 3 votes. France has 2 votes. In the first round, everyone votes for themselves. France, with the fewest votes, is knocked out. In the next round, France votes for Great Britain. Germany is knocked out. In the next round, France votes for Great Britain, and Germany votes for the US. Russia is knocked out. In the next round, everything is the same as the round before. Russia abstains. Great Britain is knocked out. In the last round, with only the US and China remaining, France and Russia abstain, and everyone but China votes for the US. The US wins a crushing victory, even though they didn't have the most population, and Great Britain stayed in longer than Russia because it had more friends, despite less people. Apologies to Japan for not getting included in the race, btw. |
posted 04-29-99 09:01 PM ET
I favor the one faction one vote scheme, otherwise we will need to rationalize a population for every faction. I also say Lal only gets as many votes as everybody else (I don't see any way to rationalize anything else in the story). The question seems to be then how to select the candidates. I can't think of a system in which a pathological tie is impossible.We need to move on to voting, and those candidates who want to be governor better start making some campaign promises to potential supporters...
posted 05-01-99 03:06 PM ET
i stand corrected snow |
posted 05-02-99 12:30 PM ET
If we are to employ a one-faction-one-vote system, why don't we then use a parliamentarian-esque voting system which would begin with a round in which no faction could vote for itself, followed by a round in which factions could vote for themselves, and continue with an alternation (with nobody being allowed to abstain)? In other words, in the first round, noone could vote for himself, and the faction(s) that received the lowest votes would be eliminated from candidature. In the second round, with the exception of the eliminated factions, factions could vote for themselves, and whoever then received the fewest votes would then be eliminated. In the third round, factions once again could not vote for themselves, etc. The exception would be the round in which there would only be two candidates, in which those two could vote for themselves. An example would be this -GS-Gaians HH-Human Hive LB-Believers Morg-Morganites PK-Peacekeepers UoP-University -1rst round - No faction may vote for itself. GS votes for PK; HH votes for UoP; LB votes for Morg; Morg votes for LB; PK votes for GS; UoP votes for GS HH is eliminated (no votes) -2nd round - Factions may vote for themselves. GS votes for PK; HH votes for UoP; LB votes for LB; Morg votes for LB; PK votes for PK; UoP votes for UoP GS, Morg are eliminated (no votes) -3rd round - No faction may vote for itself. GS votes for PK; HH votes for UoP; LB votes for PK; Morg votes for LB; PK votes for UoP; UoP votes for PK LB eliminated (1 vote) -4th round - Factions may vote for themselves. GS votes for PK; HH votes for UoP; LB votes for PK; Morg votes for PK; PK votes for PK; UoP votes for UoP PKs win the election Of course, even in this system, there could be deadlock; if in the first round, everyone received one vote despite the fact that they couldn't vote for themselves, and in the second everyone voted for themselves, we would be in trouble - but that wouldn't be very likely. Does anyone have any ideas about this, or any other suggestions? Technocrat |
posted 05-02-99 12:58 PM ET
I don't like any system in which one can't vote for oneself and can't abstain. Imagine if you were voting in a system like this, and the 6 other candidates were genocidal maniacs who killed people for the laughs. Which one would you vote for? I can't imagine a real world system of government like that. And, since your system is not immune from deadlocks, I don't think there are a lot of arguments in favor. I thought about this for a while, and I couldn't come up with anything that was immune from deadlocks, though.How about a simpler system -- any faction which wishes to be governor must declare, and only declared candidates may be voted for. Any declared faction agrees that it will contribute twice the normal amount to funding the Council's activities (or some other hardship), even if it doesn't win. Thus, there is an economic incentive to not run, and also an incentive to not introduce a deadlock situation. I know there's not funding for the Council in the game, but we could just declare that there's some upkeep for it. Since Lal put it together, I'm sure it's the model of efficiency .
posted 05-02-99 01:44 PM ET
Terribly sorry all, but I've been extraordinarily busy lately. I'll try and post on Monday or Tuesday, but... well.I sort of agree with Octopus- that funding for those sattelites have to come somewhere. From good 'ol global taxes! And even using your system, Technocrat, it would be best to allow abstains, because if it came down to PK's or UoP, that's exactly what the LB would do. Under Octopus's system, it _might_ play out like- PK's declares. UoP declares. LB's declare. First round- Morgans and LB's vote for LB's, PK's vote for themselves, Gaians, HH, and UoP vote for UoP. The Spartans barge in before Zak can be proclaimed governor, and after a quick conference, cast their vote with the LB's. Then A) Lal votes for Zak and he wins; or B) Lal accuses Zakharov of some piddling error in voting procedure, and rules him out of voting or running; the Gaians, and grudgingly, the HH, vote for Lal, creating a tie again; Lal kicks in some justification for making himself acting Planetary overnor, creating much hostility and the LB's storming out of the conference dramatically. |
posted 05-05-99 11:18 PM ET
Did somebody organize a boycott on CPUB posting, and forget to tell me?
posted 05-07-99 02:20 PM ET
'tis my fault. I haven't been able to really post at all (though I've found more time for Non-SMAC recently, oddly enough), and it was sort of "my turn" to post when we stopped. Tell you what: I will _try_ to make another post to the CPUB today. If I can't, then Monday should be good (I'll be on vacation in the meantime.) |
posted 05-08-99 12:18 AM ET
I'm working on a post as well, but my schedule has been horrific lately between SAT and AP tests. I might be able to post Saturday or Sunday, if I'm lucky.Technocrat |
posted 05-10-99 10:50 PM ET
Sorry folks, but things look bad for a chance of restarting the CPUB this week. I had the senior prom last Friday, I was on a trip to Washington over the weekened away from computers, and this week I have AP tests I need to study for as well as a rough draft a major English literary essay due on Friday, and a European History essay due soon afterwards, and people then beat me up on the road back, and a neither a priest nor a doctor came to help me, and even the good Samaritan only threw a five dollar bill at me, and... what? Oh, sorry, got a bit carried away there. In any case, after this week, I'll go from "insanely busy" to "busy," and the week after that to "hunting for summer job and bored" mode. So it's possible that I might post this week, but not plausible. After that, we're home free home, if there's still interest of course ;-). |
posted 05-14-99 04:34 PM ET
Hi CPUBers, Here is one of my occasional contributions as promised. I hope you don't mind that I attached the old bit. I kind of liked it and it helps introduce my character. I hope my post helps stimulate some of you creative gray cells. The CPUB seems to have gone a moribund too. |
posted 05-14-99 08:29 PM ET
Not to criticize too much, jsorense, but don't you think I should have been consulted before declaring and resolving two wars with the Hive, and implementation of Hive labor camps?I was under the impression that the only established shooting war so far on Chiron had been the Believer/Peacekeeper war. The Hive, at least in my conception, has never gone on the offensive.
posted 05-14-99 11:06 PM ET
Welcome aboard, jsorense, but one question - why is jsoresne never capitalized?I finally posted that post that I had been working on. I tried to show some Senatorial thoughts on the Hive's diplomatic overtures, and Zakharov now looks like the Antichrist to Kristina Gallin (unless, of course, she turns her head to look at Sheng-ji Yang ). I would have elaborated more on the UoP Senate/Hive thing but there is that issue of the Hive and the Believers now having a history of war; if that is decided to have really happened, the UoP will probably have nothing to do with the Hive, as it does not want to initiate a series of events that would definitely and directly lead to war with the Believers. Technocrat |
posted 05-15-99 12:10 PM ET
At last! I'm writing my post right now. Terribly sorry about not keeping it going before.And by the way, Technocrat, if you check some of the older CPUB threads, you would know it would be "welcome back."  Though I haven't actually read jsorense's post yet, I suppose we could claim it was an undeclared war that was very temporariy and not conducted with "official" approval on both sides, sort of like a "Bloody Kansas" type thing. |
posted 05-15-99 12:30 PM ET
Now that I've actually read jsorense's post, it's not too hard at all to rationalize it. jsorense became a Believer traveler extradoniare and commited terrorist acts in Hive territory before the Believers even learned of their existence. Eventually he was caught for something completely different and nerve stapled, and by the time he wandered back to Believer territory, they already knew about the Hive through Morgan. That's when he decided to resume wandering, and puttered over to Hommel's Citadel.Hey, maybe my memory fails me, but wasn't it Attorney General Roland Winkler in that cryo-capsule?  |
posted 05-15-99 01:10 PM ET
SnowFire: "<i>Now that I've actually read jsorense's post, it's not too hard at all to rationalize it.</i>"I like the solution I've come up with better. It doesn't contradict anything jsorense said, but it does "minimize" the Believers, and make them look like a bunch of uncooperative, alarmist hotheads. In other words, it's completely in character . I'm about to start writing it now.
posted 05-15-99 02:18 PM ET
Some of you might suspect that when I typed "2032" I meant "2132", but no, these are TIME-TRAVELLING colonists . It would be nice to be able to edit posts, don't you think?The CPUB thread seems to be getting pretty long, maybe it's time to start a part 2. I would have, but I wanted my post to be in the same one as jsorense's. Technocrat: I think I explained the Hive/Believer wars in a way that the Hive is not very blameworthy -- it was mostly caused by overagressive Believer colonization and invasion of what was CLEARLY ( ) Hive territory, and after it was all over, most of their citizens were repatriated, so they probably hold a grudge, but they aren't justified in doing so . In order to "rebalance" the situation, you could have UoP public perception of the "don't work with the Hive because we don't want to anger the Believers" group as a bunch of wimps -- the Believers are probably derided by virtually every UoP citizen, and the notion that the Believers were more powerful than the UoP and should not be angered might not sit well with the public...
posted 05-15-99 02:57 PM ET
How dare you, Octopus, think to even contemplate considering the possibility that there may be a slight chance that the Believers could be, by some random fluke, even minisculely more powerful in any respect than the magnificent University of Planet? The idea! The UoP wouldn't be too concerned with angering that filthy mass of slime that calls itself the Believers, but it wouldn't necessarily want to sully itself by fighting an actual war with them, even though it would undeniably win due to its unsurmountable technological lead .Anyway, I agree there should be a part two or something. Technocrat |
posted 05-15-99 05:28 PM ET
It also makes it less than a full-fledged shooting war. It does however make all my original posts not quite make sense, but then again, Captain Garland got appointed to the position of Captain about 3 times in the old CPUB.  Actually, Technocrat, it's eminently possible that more souls and resources reside in Believer territory than yours. I sort of implied that the Believers lived on a massive continent that included Monsoon Jungle, plus there's enough room that both Morgan and Lal started colonies on it, and Lal's now resides in Believer hands. And of course, some of that technology might just happen to break free of it's constraints and find it's way into Believer hands... information just wants to be free, you know.  Perhaps we should finish up the Council, then move onto the next thread. I'm going to get someone elected, or at least move things close to getting done. And oh yes, perhaps Zakharov shouldn't have insulted Morgan quite so openly before. You might have lost a vote from that "Believer client state!" |
posted 05-15-99 05:46 PM ET
I'll finish with some actual actions soon, but I'm going to basically ignore the Gomez affair for now. Perhaps it will be touched on later, but right now I'm more worried about voting. I was going to post on how the votes turned out, but perhaps we should all agree first on the system? How it works out can be on the fly. I only ask that I control when the Spartans pop in. |
posted 05-15-99 08:29 PM ET
First of all, let's not get into a debate as to who has larger territories, populations, etc., as there is no real way to tell. Besides, I have never played a game of SMAC - even on multiplayer - in which the Believers were anything but small and primitive.As to my "insulting" Morgan (he should not be so sensitive, as Zakharov was making a speech to the population of the UoP, and could be viewed by foreign cynics as mere propaganda), what was the likelihood of the UoP receiving the Morgan vote in the first place? The UoP is extremely close to the Gaians, Morgan's ideological opposite, and the PKs, who have had a war with the Believers. If the Morgans ever did vote for the University, their friends the Believers would be most displeased. After all, what do you excpect the UoP to think when the Morgans are adopting fundamentalism simply because the Believers insist upon it? I agree we must finalize voting, but who is going to control the votes of the factions who don't have writers? I'm specifically thinking of the Gaians, as Giant Squid has not made an appearance recently. One last thing: why are the Spartans going to "pop in" anyway? They've clearly decided to boycott the Council, so why would they suddenly change their minds? That would be an irrational story decision at best, unless SnowFire could come up with something REALLY creative. However, if they do come, I think they should come before voting begins, b/c if they come and assert their right to vote, the earlier parliamentary elections would be invalidated as the Spartans had not participated, and the voting would have to start over. I would HATE having to do that. Technocrat |
posted 05-17-99 11:21 AM ET
jsorense sheepishly looks in on the CPUB Comments thread. Oops, it looks like I waded into the pool without checking for rocks. Octopus: Sorry to mess with your Hive with out permission. I was just projecting from my own experience with the Hive in the game. They are always a real pain to me. Just itching for ant excuse to attack. As for the "history" of Hive/Believer conflicts, I find it easy to envision that there could be two (or more) versions of the same events. :-) Technocrat: No, jsorense is never capitalized. I got this name from a server administrator. Who am I to contradict the wisdom of an administrator? BTW, the Believers have their faith to keep them strong. They don't need any stinking UoP `science' to help them spread the word or righteousness! :-D Snow Fire: Terrorist, moi? I guess I need to get some press releases out and put a whole new spin on this situation. I'm just your everyday heroic freedom fighter. I'm fighting to free you from your unenlightened religious beliefs. ;-)
posted 05-21-99 11:54 AM ET
Hey, guys. Was it something I said? I'm sorry! OK? Come back. |
posted 05-22-99 05:19 PM ET
Everyone, we REALLY need to be moving on to the actual voting NOW, as the story can't go any further until voting is completed.jsorense- No, it wasn't anything you said; it was most probably the fact that nobody really knows how exactly we're going to the elections for governor. Technocrat |
posted 05-23-99 01:20 PM ET
Well, hopefully that post will stimulate everyone's creative braincells . I am intentionally forcing the story to proceed to the elections, which really should be held now. NO PROCRASTINATING! We need to finalize voting and get it out of the way.After we do finish voting, I say that should be the point in the chronicles in which we go aheadand start the +80 Part II we've been talking about. Technocrat |
posted 05-23-99 04:51 PM ET
Well, I put in a response to Technocrat's statement. I figured it would fan the flames a bit . The current political situation from the Hive's perspective: The Hive would probably support either the UoP or possibly the Gaians for governor, but would greatly prefer a deadlock with not governor. They expect that anyone who wants their vote should be making some campaign promises to the Hive...
MikeH II
posted 05-25-99 10:59 AM ET
hi guys, sorry I haven't been posting (or reading to be honest) I'll try and catch up with reading and if I feel I have anything to contribute I'll post otherwise I'll wait for an oportunity. I've been insanely busy the last few weeks. |
MikeH II
posted 05-25-99 11:57 AM ET
Well I posted, hope I'm not too late!If I don't make it back and you want to do the vote Santiago will vote for the Gaians, the Gaians might be a little surprised at this as they have not (as far as I can work out) been in contact. If it comes down to a two horse race and the Gaians are not involved she will vote for Lal, any other choices and she will abstain. |
posted 05-28-99 08:43 PM ET
OK, as we still haven't established the system of voting that we'll use, I'm going to suggest this system, even though it probably is as bad as my other suggestion.In this system, each faction would vote for 3 (or 2, if you want) factions, ranking them in the order that they would most prefer them to win (eg, the PKs vote #1-PK, #2-Gaians, #3-UoP). For each #1 vote a faction received, they would receive, say, 5 "points"; for each #2 vote, 2 "points"; and for each #3 vote, 1 "point." Those point numbers are arbitrary and could be changed if you want. Whoever had the most points would win the election. This system has a few positives - it makes it extremely unlikely that a tie would take place, it makes it so that we won't have to vote over and over again, and it allows factions to help prevent any other faction from winning simply b/c its opposition is fragmented. Also, if a tie ever did take place, there could be a tie-breaker in which only the tie-ers would be eligible. Technocrat PS, from June 13 - July 14, I am going to be at the SC Governor's School, and because of this I won't have access to a computer for that timeperiod. (The Technocrat shudders at the thought of being deprived of his most cherished pieces of technology... for a whole month!... ) |
MikeH II
posted 06-02-99 04:28 AM ET
I think it's a good idea. It'd be good to see who everyone might vote for. Post your votes and the points totals and let's see what happens? We can always revise the voting later if we want. Spartans: Gaians 1 PKs 2 Spartans 3 Which gives us Gaians 5 pts Pks 2pts Spartans 1pt |
posted 06-04-99 07:36 PM ET
Well, I was hoping for Octopus or SnowFire to comment on the system, but since they don't seem to be here, I'll go ahead... They can always "veto" this system if they want...University: 1 - UoP 2 - Gaians 3 - Abstain Totals: Gaians - 7 pts UoP - 5 pts PKs - 2 pts Spart. - 1 pt |
posted 06-04-99 08:06 PM ET
Amazing how there's always a light at the tunnel, but the light always appears closer than it is. However, I think that this time it's not a mirage.I _should_ be able to post tommorow. Sorry. |
posted 06-10-99 05:22 PM ET
The light at the end of the tunnel may be an oncoming train . Seriously, I *do* have something real to say. I might start a character after the elections. It will be interesting to see how this vote turns out... |
MikeH II
posted 06-11-99 05:27 AM ET
That would be fantastic! It seems that people are drifting away at the moment though. Maybe I'll do another pre vote post. |
posted 07-24-99 03:02 PM ET
Sorry for the really long absence - does everyone still want to continue on with CPUB, or did it die due to neglect? |
BKK the Mentat
posted 07-24-99 08:26 PM ET
Personaly, I'd hate to see it die completely, but at this point, it's getting kindy risky, but if you want to continue by recruiting newbies, you'd better have a recap, the thing started just after the new forums were up, and most that have come to SMAC in the last four months have never even seen the original Pre-Unity forumns. I've been gone for a good 4-5 months and I expected it to be up to almost 2280 by now, so if you want to save it DO A RECAP, besides the fact that it would be a chance to elaborate on charicters and events of the early years. Just a suggestion- |
BKK the Mentat
posted 07-24-99 08:30 PM ET
besides it would also give you a chance to fix some of the representaion problems in the council.
MikeH II
posted 07-26-99 08:20 AM ET
I think it's lost its way, I prefered the shorter faster posting of the first CPUB. A new chronicle would be better but I don't think I'll have time to post in it. |
posted 08-14-99 06:46 PM ET
Hello. I'm a newbie - to this forum, at least - so please forgive me if I'm not supposed to be posting to this thread.I would really appreciate it if newer people *are* allowed into the thread - it seems very interesting, from these comments (although I haven't yet been able to find it on the board... I'm having problems getting all the topics listed, for some reason). No, no, I'm not asking to control a faction. Just to have a chance to get in on this (fun stuff!). :-) |
posted 08-15-99 01:26 PM ET
Cirana, of course you're allowed to post here. The CPUB (Chronicles of pre-Unity and Beyond) always welcomed new members, but I must say that Octopus and SnowFire, the real "vets" behind the CPUB, have left the chronicles, and nobody is posting in them anymore. If you wanted to, you could try to create new interest in it - read through the old CPUB threads (at least most recent ones, the CPUB+40 and +80 threads) to see if you would want to do that. (You would have to look at almost a year's worth of posts in this forum to find them, and they are out of order - someone moved earlier CPUB threads up above them.) If you do want to write in the CPUB threads, you could of course "control" a faction of your own - I'm the only CPUB chronicler left here at these forums, and so naturally, if you posted, you would have to have at least one faction to exclusively control.Of course, given the already large volume of writing under the CPUB name (making it difficult to raise interest in so-called "newbies"), you might find it wiser to try to start a new chronicle, perhaps beginning at Planetfall. If you could find one or two people interested, I would gladly join any new chronicle - they really are fun, as you observed. Technocrat |
posted 08-15-99 02:43 PM ET
There is life!Thank you for responding. As to a new chronicle... well, I have at this point read through the Pre-Unity and Beyond chronicle, at least what's still on this board, and I like it a whole lot better (for an independent setting, that is) than anything I would dream up. I like to think I have skill at adding complexity to plots and inserting interesting characters - no such luck in coming up with interesting settings. I'd hate to wind up with something one-dimensional when I (we?) *could* try and revive the CPUB. So most of the people are gone? SnowFire, Octopus, Squid, the faction leaders, Alastair? - no, wait, SnowFire *was* Alastair. Wasn't he/she? Ah, nevermind! Of course, if they've all left it'll be hard to restart things with any confidence - even if we can find a whole new crew. After all, I'd hate to have taken their faction away when they return to the thread... But now I'm just rambling. Anyone else interested in ressurrecting CPUB? Or starting a new chronicle, for that matter? |
posted 08-15-99 02:46 PM ET
Bah! Where I said "Pre-Unity and Beyond chronicles", I really meant "Chronicles of Pre-Unity and Beyond". It's been a while since I worked in a forum that didn't let you revise posts... |
posted 08-16-99 05:11 PM ET
Hi! Cirana, we'd be delighted to have you in the old days, but alas, alack, they are gone. Don't forget MikeH and jsorense either, Technocrat, they certainly qualify as vets.As for the history, look for the thread called "Chronicles of Pre-Unity Parts I & II" for the very first postings. Some of these posts were later disregarded, but they were the technical beginning. After that, Part III was the "Chronicles of Pre-Unity and Beyond," "CPUB: A New Beginning on Chiron, (which paradoxically never reached it, in that thread at least)" and I forget after that. Evil Conqueror has the files on his website, except the CPUB +80 (though the Chronicles of Pre-Unity are misnamed the CPUB Part I and CPUB Part II, since it didn't have a "B" back then, it was only before the Unity launched. CPUB and Beyond is a misnomer (Chronicles of Pre-Unity and Beyond and Beyond), it should just be CPUB.) P.S. Yes, I was Alasair Legrand. ;-) |
posted 08-16-99 09:11 PM ET
Hey!Well, that's one... the old days are gone? Oops. So I'm not welcome in the CPUB thread/it's beyond reviving? Um... please tell me I don't have to try and start a new chronicle. It's not good practice to fall on one's face this soon after coming to a new place... Ookay. I guess now this inquiry changes to "Anyone willing to help get a new chronicle going?" Of course, there is the minor matter of - should I start a new thread or something, since this is now officially non-CPUB? |
posted 08-16-99 09:22 PM ET
Well... it's probably beyond reviving now. If you want to, send out an email to the other old contributors and see if they're interested.There was a brief resurgence of good fantasy over at the Sidgames Fantasy forum, but unfortunately that died fast as well. Other options? Well, Kunal Shah is always looking for more writers for <i>Divided Destiny</i> at Sidgames (which yours truly contributed an article for). Email him if you're interested in that. Also, there's a Stories & Diplomacy forum at Apolyton, but most of those "stories" are more concerned about who conquers the world then telling a good story. Today's World is a notable exception. So was Age of Kingdoms, but that one died quickly too. And if you're in a humorous mood, stop by the Firaxis forums at (when it gets back online) and post in the I Club, the IIIS, etc. as yourself and not have to worry too much about maintaining a good plot line. |
posted 08-20-99 05:58 PM ET
Cirana, I, for one, would be more than willing to start a new chronicle with you. I've tried writing a story on my own, but it just isn't as much fun. Besides, with a fresh start, would could organize the chronicle threads more effectively from the beginning and prevent some of the confusion. SnowFire, quite right about MikeH and jsorense; the omission was entirely my fault. Technocrat |
posted 08-20-99 09:52 PM ET
Check out the Firaxis OT forums, YYYH tried to start one up recently. I haven't joined it or taken a look at it first, but you might want to take a look.No matter what you decide, I would highly suggest posting it at the Firaxis forums, not these dead boards. |
posted 08-23-99 01:21 PM ET
Dead boards?Well, it looks like there are still people. But I'll check out the Firaxis forums. Can anyone give me an http address, or instructions on how to get there? These are the only forums I've noticed in my travels around the SMAC sites. |
posted 08-23-99 01:24 PM ET
Cirana, Try here: |