Topic: Fiction home page?
evil_conquerer |
posted 04-17-99 05:19 PM ET
I've noticed that so far there are almost no web pages that cover fan fiction. So I was thinking that maybe it would be cool for me to host fiction on The Arrival ( of which i am co-webmaster.So anyhow, here's the deal. 1: I will get the permission of everybody who wrote things to publish it on the Arrival and will give credit to the authors. (I've had bad experiences with people plagiarising my writings ). 2: This section will contain the Alternate Future Chronicals, the Pre-unity Chronicles, and any other fan fiction written. I don't really hang out in this forum much, so if someone could list the different fan fiction sagas written, that would be great. 3: If you agree, then just post here with the section that's yours and your name (for posting by your section). 4: The fiction will be posted in either plain text or HTML format in a separate section on the Arrival. Question? Comments? Do you agree? Ideas?
posted 04-17-99 08:40 PM ET
You know I was thinking about this same concept. The forum is nice, but it still isn't quite right. I would like to see everything here organized categorically. I would write something of my own if I had the time. But actually it's more interesting reading other people's versions. |
posted 04-17-99 09:54 PM ET
I have no objection to any of my posts being reposted somewhere, as long as they are properly credited to me and the chronicle they are taken from (I post in CPUB).If you are feeling particularly ambitious, evil_conqueror, what would be intensely cool is if you went all out and went through the chronicles and cross indexed everything via HTML so you could have character profiles with hyperlinks to every post that contained that character, etc. Not only would it be cool from a novelty perspective, it could serve as a valuable continuity tool for the chroniclers. Of course, if anybody besides evil_conqueror was feeling particularly ambitious, he or she could do it, too. I doubt anyone would, though. I doubt anybody thinks it would have a good ROI.
posted 04-19-99 05:04 PM ET
Cross-indexing everything sounds like a good idea, but it'll take a lot of work. I plan to just get the story itsef up and then I'll do all that other stuff later. I also plan to include information about the time measurement, Chiron, rules for posting, etc.I spent a little more time on the boards, and I've figured out the different threads and stories -- it's the AFC and the CPUB. I'll divide it into the AFC's 1, 2, and 3 and the CPUB, CPUB+20, CPUB+40, and CPUB+80. Everybody who's written things, please post so I can include your writings! |
posted 04-19-99 07:13 PM ET
You got more work to do than that. Chronicles of Pre-Unity Parts I and II (which could be spruced up- it's a summary already), Chronicles of Pre-Unity and Beyond, CPUB: A New Beginning on Chiron, CPUB +10, CPUB +40, and CPUB+80. There is also Giant Squid's aborted CPUB +10 that appears under a different title, but has a lot of posts that should probably be deleted- the location of the bases, BKK's post, etc. The only good stuff there is some futile negotiations between the Hive and Gaians. |
posted 04-20-99 11:41 AM ET
I've looked a little more at the fiction, and I've figured out the CPUB organization. I've already stored CPUB parts I and II in a text file indexed chronologically and by author. A hyperlink system is in the works, but first I have to finish all of the text.However, I can't seem to figure out the order of the AFC. Can somebody please explain to me which threads are the correct ones and in what order? That would be great. |
MikeH II
posted 04-20-99 12:04 PM ET
If you could include the first post of my thoughts of a wanderer thread in the CPUB as well that would go well. It goes between the CPUB and beyond and the CPUB +10 threads. Feel free to use what you want of mine.Michael Hefferan. |
MikeH II
posted 04-20-99 12:06 PM ET
Oh yeah if you finish all that and want more to do I have all the old MikeH/Flowing chronicles stored somewhere as well. |
MikeH II
posted 04-20-99 12:07 PM ET
Three in a row... sorry.I forgot to say it's a great idea, thanks for bothering with it. |
posted 04-20-99 01:51 PM ET
Hehe, yeah- but that was kind of a weird chronicle. It was great in the first thread, but we really should have abported the one year after Planetfall timeframe, because to make things interesting we were having the Hive and Gaians gang rushing the Spartans and Believers while dressed up as University armies a mere year after Planetfall. Interesting, if a tad unrealistic and hard to write for... but the tensions of that first thread deserve to be saved. Perhaps you could re-post it, MikeH? |
posted 04-20-99 03:36 PM ET
evil_conquerer, Sure, you can go ahead and copy my stuff. For more AFC archives check with Borodino. He is working on a fiction site too. I think Outlyr242 had most of the CoFH posted. Good luck. Brother jsorense Bearer of the Faith, Defender of the Faithful and Avenger of Martyrs
posted 04-21-99 10:07 PM ET
My site is at . It's still very undeveloped. The AFC will take some explaining -- especially since what has been posted since the new forums came up is probably only 20-25% of the total. Unfortunately, I can't take the time to help explain and organize the material this week, but I'm off school next week, so if it'll work then... |
posted 04-22-99 05:45 PM ET
Thanks for all the support!I didn't see the CoFH up on the bulletin board (I checked all the BB posts from this year to find the beginning of AFC and CPUB). Outlyr242, could I use those? It would be nice to have a "classic" up in addition to the newer ones. This weekend I hope to do CPUB and beyond and maybe start on CPUB+10. |
posted 04-24-99 06:03 PM ET
The CPUB part I, CPUB part II, and CPUB and Beyond are temporarily up at This wass the location of the now-defunct Alpha Centauri Continuum. That site has now merged with The Arrival (http://ac.strategy-gaming) where the ficion page will eventually be hosted. |
posted 04-24-99 08:52 PM ET
"CPUB and Beyond" Interestingly enough, that means "Chronicles of Pre-Unity and Beyond and Beyond." I don't think we're that far yet! More trivia: Parts I and II are still the Chronicles of Pre-Unity, back when it really was describing what happened before the Unity left. The Beyond was added in anticipation of the Unity landing, but interestingly enough, the original "Chronicles of Pre-Unity and Beyond" thread never got to Chiron; that was reserved for the "A New Beginning on Chiron" thread.You don't really need to do the CoFH since it's already up; look at for the index of all the various episodes. |
MikeH II
posted 04-26-99 10:30 AM ET
Great stuff so far, SnowFire, I'll try and post the old flowing chronicles again, I'm having trouble finding net time at home. |
posted 05-09-99 09:38 AM ET
CPUB: A New Beginning on Chiron and CPUB: The Future is Now have been posted on the temporary web site I also have everything indexed by author, but I'm not going to put that up until I do the real page.Also, a bit about the layout (on the real site, not the temporary one): The files *will* be in HTML format. There will be one section per page. Below each section will be a link to the next and previous page in the chronicle, and the next and previous page in that person's writings. |
posted 05-09-99 11:37 AM ET
CPUB+10 and CPUB+40 are up. I'll try to get all of CPUB+80 that's currently available, but once I'm done with that I'll start working on the web page for the CPUB. After that, I'll add the new CPUB+80 messages when they come. |
posted 05-15-99 02:51 PM ET
Status Report: I've decided to go ahead with the HTML and worry about the CPUB+80 later. Currently, I have converted the first 14 stories to HTML. |
posted 05-15-99 03:06 PM ET
Evil_conqueror, when you do get around to posting the +80 thread, could you do me a favor? In one of my posts, I called the Order of the Black Rose a "hat group." Could you change it to a "hate group?" Thanks!It really bugs me that I can't edit my own posts . Technocrat |
posted 05-15-99 03:14 PM ET
Either that, or provide a convincing description of the hats .
posted 05-16-99 03:18 PM ET
I'll do that. |
posted 05-16-99 03:19 PM ET
I'll do that. Bu hat group would work if you did it right..."There's a bomb under their hats!" or "Don't move or I'll throw my hat at you!"  |
posted 05-16-99 03:20 PM ET
I'll remove that post when I see it. But hat group would work if you could pull it off, for example:"I think there's a bomb under his hat!" or "Don't move or I'll throw my hat at you!"  |
posted 05-16-99 03:22 PM ET
Sorry about the triple. I interrupted transfer a couple times 'cause I wanted to change something and I thought it hadn't been posted yet. |
posted 05-30-99 01:41 PM ET
I've done episodes 1 through 25 now. Also, a change of plans:Rigil_Kentaurus will probably be hosting his site ( on The Arrival in our almost-ready hosted sites section. So when I finish this project I'll give the files to him and they will be on his page in the fiction section. |
MikeH II
posted 06-02-99 04:33 AM ET
You are doing a great job evil (hope you don't mind the abbreviation) any chance of a link to my website from the stories? I'll be happy to return the favour, of course. |
posted 06-03-99 04:29 PM ET
Sure, why not. Where's your web site at? I might have already linked to it in the links section of The Arrival; I was pretty thorough about the links section. |
MikeH II
posted 06-04-99 08:04 AM ET
It's not a SMAC related page but it does have some fiction on it, more to be added later as soon as I get 5 mins to convert it into HTML put in all the links etc. I've got so much to do for the site. Perhaps I'll spend some time sorting it out on Sunday. A lot of it's gibberish actually all of it is. Cheers. Oh if you want to link to my pagem there is a dynamic links page so you can do it yourself. Which is nice. |
posted 07-05-99 08:46 PM ET
Sorry about the lack of updates...I've decided that it will take forever to convert all the pages, so I'm just writing a cgi script to handle it. I don't know when it will be finished because I have so much other stuff to do with the big merger and all. |
MikeH II
posted 07-06-99 04:12 AM ET
That's fine, it's great that you are doing it at all.  |
posted 07-06-99 01:26 PM ET
That seems like a good idea. I would gladly help with linking etcNobody has read my story Line of Resistance. please! I need to know if it worth continuing with |
posted 07-15-99 07:38 PM ET
I read your story Eccles, but you stopped posting it on SidGames! and you never replied to my story :-)Anyway though, the CoFH is @ and Divided Destiny is at Is there anyone here willing to wrap up all the fiction that's ever been posted except for the CoFH and hand it to me? Even things that haven't been completed, authors are credited as always |