Topic: CPUB+40: Tensions Rising, M.Y. 2140
Octopus |
posted 04-05-99 10:59 PM ET
This is a fictional continuation thread of the Chronicles of Pre-Unity, which the previous threads contain ("Chronicles of Pre-Unity Parts I and II," "Chronicles of Pre -Unity and Beyond," "CPUB: A New Beginning on Chiron," "CPUB: The Future is Now," and "CPUB+10: Setting the Stage, M.Y. 2110." Set your search back a good few days.). New posters who wish to post here are encouraged to read these old threads to get a feel for the style of the chronicles. We can always use more writers so please, read, enjoy, and join. If you want just the action, you can read the recap of the CPUB to date and find out the backstory- but you'll miss the flavor of reading it originally!The four generally accepted rules of writing: 1. No killing other posters characters (or Faction leaders) without permission. 2. No starting wars without the agreement of the other factions. 3. No significant alterations of your Faction's policy without the other posters of that faction's agreement. 4. The Final and Greatest rule shall be "when in doubt, ask in the comments thread." If you try to keep that "feel" you'll get from reading the other posts, you'll probably do fine. The Unity has travelled across the vast reaches of space to its new home, and has already made planetfall. Forty years have passed. Several factions have made first contact. Please have all posts in this thread posted by the end of Sunday, April 11, though that is certainly not a hard date, especially if people need more time. See the comments thread. If you miss out, that's no problem; you can always start in the later threads. After Sunday the 11th, we will begin CPUB+80, in which we will resume to normal style of chronicling -- plenty of interaction, and hopefully lots of character development and interesting scenarios (sort of the opposite of a big-budge blockbuster ). It is exceedingly unlikely that there will be any more big time-jumps in the chronicles once we move to CPUB+80.
posted 04-05-99 11:06 PM ET
"This is Kendra Riviera coming to you LIVE from the Hive, headquarters of the Human Hive, one of the lost Unity Colonies, recently encountered in a dramatic way, as recounted in our 'Montpelier Incident' presentation, which will be re-airing immediately following this news update. I will be spending the next week in the Human Hive, learning about the people, the culture, and the history in the forty years since Planetfall. We'll present what we find one week from tonight in a special, two hour presentation at eight PM - MorganBankTime. This special event will be jumpstarted with our live, EXCLUSIVE interview with former Unity Executive Officer and Chief of Security Sheng-Ji Yang, Chairman of the Hive Governing Council. This is an opportunity to see history in the making, so make sure you tune in next week at eight PM - MorganBankTime."The camera pulled back and revealed a mass of people standing behind the MorganLink 3Dvision reporter, enjoying the spectacle. Riviera knew that at this point, the director would have some sort of snappy logo spinning in, with special theme music playing. She didn't really care for all of the glitz that went with working for MorganLink 3Dvision News, but they had the weight behind them that got her the best interviews. If things went right, this Yang interview would make her career. Just getting the exclusive was almost enough to win the Crandall award for Excellence in Journalism. If she played her cards right and did even a passable job in the interview, she'd be able to turn it into a chair on the editorial oversight committee. And she intended to do much better than a passable job. Kendra Riviera had a hard won reputation as a hard-hitting, no-excuses interviewer. It was in her nature, she often thought, to take no prisoners when it came to journalism. And the audience ate it up. The "on-air" light on the hovering, self-contained 3Dvision camera blinked off, and she was surprised by a man who had walked up from the crowd behind her. "Sorry to startle you, Miss Riviera. I wanted to introduce myself. I'm Steven Zale, I'm going to help you get your bearings around here. We don't want any logistical problems to get in your way. We're as interested as you are in making this story the best it can be. You have a reputation for being fair and objective, and we want people to be able to see the truth about the Hive. We tend to get a lot of bad press," he closed with a grin. "That's very nice, Mr. Zale, but I don't think I need a tour guide." "It's Dr. Zale actually, but you can call me Steve. Not so much a tour guide. More like a personal ambassador, Miss Riviera. It always takes people some time to get up to speed, to figure out how things work around here. I just want to make that as easy as possible for you." "I suppose you want me to call you Steve so that I feel an obligation to let you call me Kendra." "I want you to call me Steve because I'm a nice, friendly guy. I assure you that any perceived ulterior motives are caused by subconsciously projecting your own guarded, suspicious, and calculating personality onto others," said Zale, his 'trying to be friendly' grin giving way to a more mischievous expression. "What are you, some kind of a shrink, or do you just like being a prick?" Kendra asked with disdain. "You say that like they're two different things," Zale chuckled. "I was going to invite you to my office to have some coffee, right down there." Zale pointed down the main corridor, to the large sign, which read 'Psych Services' in large, friendly blue letters on a yellow background. "But if you're too good for the likes of me, well�" "Alright, I'm sorry, let's have some coffee," Kendra replied, sorry that she had gotten off to such a combative start with the first person she had really met in the Hive. "So, are you going to make me keep calling you Miss Riviera?" Zale inquired in mock innocence. "You really are a prick." "That's why I got this sweet assignment, Kendra." - - - - - - - - - - - - "I don't know boss, it still feels like we're using a sledge hammer when we should be using a scalpel. I mean we've never used pharmaceuticals to this extent before. It just makes me fell, you know, sort of dirty. Sort of like we're cheating," said Jackson Brunner, Psych Services Head of Medicine. "I know, Jack, but one week isn't a lot of time. I'd like to do things the 'right' way too, but sometimes life doesn't let us play by the rules. Sometimes life demands that we take shortcuts. Sometimes the sledgehammer really is the only way. Sometimes, if you just say stuff like that over and over again to yourself, you actually start to believe it." "Really?" Jack asked. "No. But if it happens, I'll let you know," finished Zale. - - - - - - - - - - - - "This is Kendra Riviera, reporting LIVE, from the office of Chairman Sheng-Ji Yang. Chairman Yang has agreed to take some time out of his busy schedule to answer our questions, to give YOU the answers to the questions YOU want asked. Chairman Yang, it's a pleasure to have you on the program this evening." "It's a pleasure to have this opportunity to speak to you and your audience, Kendra." "Chairman Yang, let me be frank. Many of the commentators describe the Hive as a Police State, a brutal society where the populace is oppressed by a tyrannical government. But in my week here, I've seen just the opposite. A community dedicated to COMMUNITY, a government that serves the people instead of the people serving the government, I've seen safety and security, and fellowship on a larger scale than I had ever thought imaginable. How do you account for this dichotomy?" "I'm glad you asked that question, Kendra. You see, many of our critics feel that the Hive Philosophy is a threat to their elite status. They feel that any society which would not allow them to exploit their fellow man for their own petty purposes poses a challenge to their entrenched positions of privilege. These critics, many of them even unaware of their own subconscious ulterior motives, are able to make their so-called 'criticisms' so forcefully and loudly that it drowns out the truth. They couch their criticisms in pseudo-scientific and pseudo-historical language, giving them an air of credibility. Then they repeat their criticisms over and over again. Sometimes, if you hear a lie often enough, it begins to sound like the truth. This is the predicament that many of your viewers find themselves in. They don't want to believe that their leaders have been lying to them, that they have been supporting a system designed to exploit themselves for the personal gain of others. They are so afraid of learning these things that they allow the deception to continue. Many will even begin to use those same arguments themselves. It is like the Helsinki Syndrome on the scale of an entire society." "That's so true. When I first came here I intended to show the viewers the cruelty and inhumanity of your society, but I was prepared to let you argue your side. But then I just couldn't find what I had been looking for. I tried and tried to find problems, but I couldn't. I tried to figure out how to present a balanced view to our audience, to show them the good and the bad sides of the Hive, but then I realized that being a good reporter isn't about showing people balanced opinions, it's about showing people facts, and letting them make up their own minds. And I'm sure that once people see what I've seen even in my brief week here in the Hive, they'll have more questions for their own leaders, about how they've been misled." "That's why we were so happy to give you this opportunity to visit with us, Kendra, because we knew that with your impeccable reputation, you would be willing to let the facts speak for themselves, rather than let opinion and political spin-doctoring affect your presentation to your viewers." - - - - - - - - - - - - "What the hell is going on?!" screamed Morty Stein, Kendra's Producer, back at MorganLink 3Dvision studios. "She sounds like a freakin' cheer-leader for this guy." "I don't know, sir, but Mr. Morgan's on line one, and he's got basically the same question." "Morgan?" he said, all the color draining from his face. "What the hell am I supposed to do?" "I don't know, sir, but I wish you'd take the call before he gets mad at me, too." - - - - - - - - - - - - "Legrand, this is a very embarrassing situation. We basically gave this bastard Yang some free advertising during prime-time, and we capped it off with the live, on-air defection of one of this corporation's most beloved broadcast personalities. I've actually considered commissioning a study to see if we could have screwed things up more if we were really trying. I want you to find out how this happened. And I want you to do something about it!" Morgan slammed the vid-link off. "So, do we know how it happened?" asked Jeneba. "Sure," answered Alasair Legrand. "Look here." Legrand started replaying the teaser that had aired a week prior to the broadcast in question, during the news update. Just as Riviera was signing off, a man started walking toward her from the crowd. "Computer, zoom in on that individual," he said as he used his touch-sensitive console. The picture centered on the man leaving the crowd, and the grainy image sharpened after the image enhancing algorithms had a chance to kick in. "But the computer says it can't find an identi-match." "I don't need a computer to tell you who that is," smiled Legrand, "that's Steven Zale, Yang pulled him onto the Unity last minute. He's a psychologist. Evidently, a very good psychologist. We've met before." "Oh, well how are we going to 'do something about it'," she said in her best Morgan impression. "An operation like this one had to take quite a bit of planning. It's actually very impressive." "If you can't hit him hard, hit him where it hurts," Legrand concluded. "It's time some of our operatives see what they can do." - - - - - - - - - - - - Zale opened his office door, and immediately realized something was wrong. It took a moment for his brain to fully register what his senses were telling him. The floor was wet. There were shards of glass. The familiar swishing of the water filter was gone. "STANLEY!!!!!" he said, halfway between a scream and a sob. "My god!" He dropped his document case and ran over to the remains of his aquarium. Half of the limp remains of his old friend hung from its shattered remains, and some of his tentacles had fallen lifelessly to the floor. It took him a bit longer to notice a sheet of paper nearby. It was a MorganBank loan application. Under 'downpayment', it said: "one (1) octopus, slightly used".
posted 04-06-99 04:34 PM ET
From the Memoirs of Alasair LegrandA row of dead bodies� their empty faces staring back at me. Damn! I need to stay in the present. But that was a fitting word to describe the last two days. "Damn!" I said it out loud this time. I felt immensely better. I half expected Jeneba to say something, but she couldn�t hear a word I was saying over the roar of the biplane�s engines. Plus, she was sitting in the back. So I had time to think for myself a little bit about the "fun" we�ve been having as I, jack of all trades, piloted the crappy two seater toward Morgan Collections. Where Believing Scout Rovers sat outside of right now. This had the possibility to be a crisis. And that�s why I insisted on going there personally- to show that I was not afraid, and not using the vid-link. Then there was the issue with the Hive. They were farther away, but they were the ones who had just done something evil with Kendra Riviera. She would be back soon, after which an extensive tox screen would be run, as well as massive examinations on everything else. She would issue her retraction soon enough, and when the Hive was revealed to be a paranoid police state that really did do things like that, there would be quite a bit of backlash. Heck, I could dummy up a tox screen if necessary, but I wanted to find out the source of this disgrace- I had signed the papers allowing her to go to Hive territory myself. If she really had a change of heart� nah. But that�s an issue for a later time. Not much later, but there was a much closer threat to deal with. Morgan Collections was the first "overseas" colony to be founded. However, it was actually closer to Morgan Industries than was Morgan Mines, which was at the eastern end of our starting island. It was due south of Morgan Industries, and it seemed to be an are rich in rainfall and ripe for nutrient production. In fact, some kind of strangely-earth like vegetation seemed to extend to the west beyond it. And we could take a good guess at who had populated that area. The first Believer patrols were rather- cautious in approaching us. We were quite excited at the news, and arranged a conference with them in about- oh, 8 hours from now. But when we arranged it, it was 2 days in the future. Then I sat down with Morgan and had a little talk. "We have a problem. Our military capacity, at the moment, approaches nil." "What? What have you been doing this whole time?" Actually, I had been Minister of the Interior and had overseen the terraforming of the enviorns of many of the cities a good amount of the time. I had only two years ago rejoined Jeneba in the administering of the Ministry of Security, handing control of the Interior over to a subordinate named Blaunt, to better formulate a cohesive foreign policy and analyze all the data we had coming in. Though she was technically demoted to subordinate again when that happened, the workload had almost tripled ever since the first few fragments of data on the Hive came in. "Well� it�s not quite that bad. But, you see, look at these photographs." I handed him some frames of a videotape of the historic meeting. "Look at that weapon that that Believing soldier is carrying." "It�s quite� unusual. The clip is quite strange." "That�s exactly what I thought. Furthermore, the soldier that had that weapon bears the insignia of an officer. Well, I brought this to Dr. Kai. While the rest of the troop has fairly standard shredder pistols, this is apparently a quite unique gun. While this is all supposition� we think that this is an optical aiming device right here, a very accurate one too. Furthermore, from the odd nature of the clip� well, Dr. Kai suspects this to be basically a hand-held particle accelerator, capable of attacking at the range of at least a kilometer. Three, very possibly. As I�m sure you know, our weapons aren�t even close to that kind of range or accuracy. It�s not lack of training, it�s the fact that it�s apparent that we haven�t been researching technologies especially useful in wartime. Furthermore, the fact that the Believers have been researching this, even when we appear to be their first contact� well� it doesn�t bode well for the way Miriam has been instructing her disciples. We�ll be able to know for sure at the meeting, but we will have to bluster much stronger military strength than we have, if we don�t want to risk losing Morgan Collections and not having any kind of foothold what-so-ever on that island. And even that may not be enough." "Tell me some good news." "We do have some old synthmetal designs that should be something that can stop an unprepared Believer sneak attack. Right now they only have one scout patrol on rovers with hand weapons. The question is, what if the Believers move troops there in force with these new weapons? We will almost surely lose. Which is why it is absolutely vital to sign a treaty with the Believers. So that we both my profit and live under the promise of peace. And I don�t think this will be impossible either." "Well, that�s something." "Also, Jeneba has something she�s been working on, on her own� it�s a few years down the line, but it might help us out if we only delay a Believer attack." "And it is�?" "Well� do you remember how we researched the human brain extensively awhile ago? That will help us in both endeavors, persuading the Believers to like us, and Jeneba�s little project. She thinks that we can, if bred in carefully controlled conditions, have humans bond with the mindworms through some kind of neural connection. This would be extremely difficult to accomplish now, with the fact that mindworms have been attacking with unusual rapacity with our "New Economic Plan" instituted ten years ago that removed the initial controls on business� in which I might add that those Secrets of the Human Brain helped us again with that way of improving defender�s chances to avoid psi-induced terror in mindworm attacks. In any case, should we be strapped later� I am sure you will understand if we need to suspend our polluting activities in order to save the society with the help of mindworms." Morgan didn�t look too happy about that. But that was too bad for him. So, here I am today, flying the most primitive of airplanes, on my way to Morgan Collections. I would have the pilot taking us, if it weren�t for the fact that there wasn�t room for him. Oh well. Flying is easy; it�s only the landing that�s tough, and worst comes to worst, I had parachutes. ---------------------- Morgan High Command Directive B-143 Changes to Protocol for All Overseas Attaches A) All embassies will be completely staffed by Morganite citizens with exemplary security records. B) Chem tests will be performed every day before going to bed, and always before important occasions and twice, by two different doctors. C) All embassies will be completely self-sufficient in terms of power, supplies, water, etc. See attached sheet for the basic list of supplies. D) When leaving the embassy, Morganite citizens will be accompanied by at least two other Morgan personnel in all nations that we do not possess a treaty with. All will wear distress beacons that can be activated in the event of an emergency. E) All other governments will be warned that interference with your activities constitutes an act of War. |
posted 04-07-99 05:46 PM ET
"Message for you, sir."I looked it over. "Ms. Riviera has renounced her membership to Morgan and joined the Hive. She refuses to leave the Hive, and it seems that the security guards there have every intention of protecting her wishes. Please advise on what to do. -Philip Goldstein Addendum: Ms. Riviera was last seen with a Dr. Stephen Zale, the Hive chief of Psych Services. One of my friends has already undertaken an action to help undermine morale and let the Hive know we mean business." Ahhhh! What did they do? "Send a message back immediately. What exactly did they do to "let them know we mean business?" We don't know if we do mean business until after this meeting! Nothing like an urgent message to put you on edge before an important meeting. I had arrived just an hour ago here in Morgan Collections, and everywhere there were faces worn with worry. There was one person I needed to find now, and give her a little unexpected invitation� there�s the home now, I think. "Ah, Reverend Lusak! So nice to see you again. You have prospered ever since you joined the settlers out here." "Yes, thank you� I was getting a bit distressed by the size of the congregations in Morgan Industries. I like the frontier spirit here, which is why I joined this colony." "You like the fun of adventuring new places? Yeah� I have an offer for you if things go well, but I have a more pertinent worry. I know you the news, and I�d like for you to come with me to the "peace conference" we�re having with the Believers. No, don�t say anything. Do you know your scriptures? "Er� reasonably well, yes." "That�s good enough. Come on, we don�t have too much time." ----------------------- "Ah, sorry, I�m just a bit tired. I just flew in from Morgan Industries today, and I�m a bit tired. Am I repeating myself? Sorry. No, no joke, I flew here." I was impressed at the look on their faces when I dropped that offhandedly. Let them imagine how great our aerial capacity was. Especially since anything that they did imagine would be surely greater than what we did have. "I�m quite pleased to see you here in person, er- how do you refer to yourself, Ms. Godwinson?" This with my best grin on. "You can call me sister, for we are all equal under Christ now, aren�t we?" "Indeed. In any case, I am Alsair Legrand, and will be representing CEO Morgan's interests. This is my assistant Jeneba, this is�" and I rolled through the list of the other diplomats here. "And of yes, of course, this is Reverend Lusak, who I�m pleased to say conducted our first official Good Friday and Easter services here in Morgan Industries, and only recently moved out here to Morgan Collections. I�m sure you two will get along well. In any case- well, let�s get straight to business. We are a peace-loving people, and we also, I might add, are one that respects religion as an important part of life. Our money changers actually head into the temple and check out the sermons. So, to better facilitate an exchange of ideas and people between our two cultures, we would like to propose a formal treaty." "Well� you certainly are direct, Mr� Legrand? We�ll get to that issue. But we�re certainly happy to see such a conciliatory attitude." "I have no problem with that. In that case� may I propose an exchange of technology? We have studied what technology you seem to have that we don�t as well as things that we have that we suspect you lack. For instance, we�ve had this strong new metal that is quite useful in building factories- and defensive installations, I might add- that you seem to lack. In exchange, we believe you have the technology for particle impactors, in which we�d be happy to exchange for." "And why should we give you the technology for that when you could use it to rearm yourself against me? How do we know that behind all this flowery rhetoric you don�t secretly intend to destroy us?" "Because we have no intention of destroying you. Unique civilizations make for better combinations to combat pressures. Speaking of which� well, I�ll get right to the point. We have met good old Security Officer Yang, who know fashions himself "Chairman" of the so-called Human Hive. While of course our intentions there are peaceful as well, we have recently had a slight- altercation with him over some issues. I want to be in the position that should the time come, we can stand up against him. Of course, with us both being peace-loving peoples, this shouldn�t be too much of a worry. That is, if we stand together, and trade ideas and resources and show we are not afraid to go to war if necessary. And oh yes� one last thing, Chairman Yang has explicitly outlawed religion in his realm as a threat to his authority. "Really?" "Yeah. And I�d be happy to give you his commlink to tell you what you feel on that� if you sign a treaty with us. In fact, you�re looking to build a more cohesively religious society, correct?" "Well� yes. What do you have in mind?" "If you�d prefer a less controversial technology deal, we can give you access to some intensive studies on the human brain that can perhaps help you in some ways. It has already helped us in fighting mindworms. In return, you can give us some� other technology you have that we don�t?" "That sounds like a better initial deal. I think we�re going to get along better than I originally thought, you�ve impressed me with the frankness of your talk. Perhaps a treaty would be better� after all, if you agree to help us, then you are better than a conquered people: you are a converted one. Just one little condition to signing this treaty and initiating the exchange of technology." "Okay� what?" Visions of Morgan Collections handed over and Believer "advisors" in every city ran through my head. "We simply ask that you continue your spiritual growth, and also, should we ever come to war against the Hive, we would expect your support." That was easier than I thought. "Great, we�ll sign. As an added bonus, we can each exchange citizens and have something of an exchange program." ---------------- I discussed the aftermath with Jeneba on the way back. "Yeah, that was surprisingly successful. With our borders guaranteed, we can now expand safely; and Miriam seems like a good person to have your back in a fight. Jeneba mostly agreed. "I�m sure that by the time Reverend Lusak returns, she will be able to beat the best of them in Bible quoting contests. Turns out her presence wasn�t as required after all." "On the contrary. I think my repeated references to things like that, and our defensive and flying capability, helped convince her to sign a peace with us. She didn�t know that synthmetal is only slightly better than standard steel. Quite a lot of that conference wasn�t exactly bluffed, but we let her believe a lot that isn�t quite true." "Now we have to worry about the Hive "incident." What can we do? What did we do?" "Yeah, that�s the question." |
posted 04-07-99 06:30 PM ET
<growth senescence death consumption reconstitution growth senescence death consumption reconstitution> <cycle continues> <energy from outer, large - opportunistic absorb> <cycle eternal> <growth in outer shell - growth in water - growth in warm inside> <cycle turns> <element large - prune require> <energy from outer, less - encyst and wait> <cycle growth death reconstitution growth death reconstitution growth death reconstitution> <element weak - evaluate - support feed> <water warm - cycle continues> <growth incremental - growth cycle continues><growth senescence death consumption reconstitution growth senescence death consumption reconstitution> <cycle continues> <energy from outer, large - opportunistic absorb> <cycle eternal> <growth in outer shell - growth in water - growth in warm inside> <cycle turns> <element large - prune require> <energy from outer, less - encyst and wait> <cycle growth death reconstitution growth death reconstitution growth death reconstitution> <element weak - evaluate - support feed> <water warm - cycle continues> <growth incremental - growth cycle continues> <growth senescence death consumption reconstitu. . .> <discontinuity> <sense sentience source> <sentience self not> <sentience self not> <error - sense error/ necessity of sense error> <self not sentience - is not - is not capable of being> <error - all sentience is cycle> <other sentience/not cycle is not> <necessity error must be> <other sentience cannot be/is/become> <sense sentience source> <error necessity be> <other sentience cannot be/is/become> <not cycle sentience is not> <sense sentience source> <sentience source is> <sense is> <sentience source necessity be> <error necessity be> <other sentience source/not cycle be/is/become not> <other sentience is> <other sentience is> <incomprehension> <incomprehension> |
MikeH II
posted 04-08-99 05:58 AM ET
"Get that shelter up! It's going to be dark in an hour.... You, what are you doing?... I don't care about that just get this damn shelter up." Lieutenant Rasilon moved out of the shelter construction area vaulting over the waist hich red wall of cleared fungus. His ventilator was working furiously to keep up with his lungs demand for air as he sped between the different areas of the new colony construction. This was the most ambitious Spartan Colony so far, it was on top of a steep sided hill overlooking a large flat area of fungus land to the North. To the South the rest of the Spartan empire was accessible only by one pass which was also fairly well filled with the red fungus. It would never be the most productive colony but strategically it's positioning couldn't have been better, it was almost central to the main continent and would be a great trade center and early warning position for the Spartans behind the mountains. Rasilon came to a halt by what remained of the colony pod, it's empty shell had been canibalised for the initial living shelters and little of the pod remained. "Josef have you heard from those formers yet?" "No, Sir!" Josef leapt from behind his station at the radio desk and stood at attention saluting with the crisp flat hand of the Spartan salute. Rasilon returned the salute quickly. He had left the Formers trailing behind clearing fungus and building a road to link this new colony with Sparta Command but they had heard nothing from them all day. "Get my scout rover ready I'm going to look for them, Josef you are with me, Sergeant Roscoe you keep things moving here, I'll be back by morning." "Sir," Roscoe came up to Rasilon and spoke in a hushed voice, "Are you sure it's wise going out after the formers this late? It'll be dark soon and we've all heard the reports about this native life." "I'm not leaving those formers out there undefended Sergeant. I will take a company from the garrison battalion with me if that will make you happy. When I come back I expect to see something resembling the Architect's plans for Hommel's Citadel. This colony is named after a great general, don't let his memory down." Rasilon climbed into his waiting scout rover. "Let's go." |
posted 04-08-99 02:50 PM ET
<other sentience is/becomes> <not cycle sentience is/becomes><not cycle/not inside/other sentience exist necessity> <proof - other sentience existence is/ presence of exists> <if exists then existence must be> <bulletin/information/DISCOVERY - other/not cycle sentience exist/is> <necessity of exist/be verified - by presence must by necessity existence be> <other sentience exist/be> <sensation/report-minimal importance-growth is> <sensation/report-minimal importance-death is> <sensation/report-minimal importance-growth is> <sensation/report-minimal importance-death is> <sensation/report-minimal importance-radiant energy standard be> <sensation/report-minimal importance-growth is> <sensation/report-minor importance-warm is/be site outershell> <sensation/report-minor importance-warmwarm is be sitesame outershell-temporal change previous/now nearnone> <sensation/report-major importance-other sentience detect site same> <sensation/rep-OVERRIDDING IMPORTANCE - uncontrolled rapid destructive oxidation sitesame warmwarm and other sentience be sitesame sitesame sitesame sitesame> <evaluation - uncontrolled rapid destructive oxidation/other sentience - sitesame is - not related> <evaluation result - low probability> <evaluation uncontrolled rapid destructive oxidation/other sentience - sitesame is- related> <evaluation result - probable is - proof exists/follows uncontrolled rapid destructive oxidation/other sentience spatial concurrence is/temporal concurrence is> <query - volitional control - uncontrolled rapid destructive oxidation is/exists> <query response - low reliability - possible - is/of unknown possible all is> <recommendation - information required is/becomes> <boil/motive form/sensory tool manifest mandated> <boil/motive form/sensory tool manifest mandated> <boil/motive form/sensory tool manifest mandated> <boil/motive form/sensory tool manifest is> <proximity uncontrolled rapid destructive oxidation/other sentience immediate> <investigate begins> <sensati-OVERRIDING IMPORTANCE - extreme sentience/extreme density sentience detected exists/be> <OVERRIDING IMPORTANCE - point source sentience be/exist - diffuse sentience be not/exist not> <OVERRIDING IMPORTANCE - sentience/volitional type/difference great - not cycle of> <sensation report - moderate importance - motive form progress impeded be> <reason - high density metallic impact many be> <sensation report-moderate importance - motive form disrupted/dispersed/in pieces many> <query - from above solid/metal object fall> <analysis - reject previous - probability exceeding low> <query - from sentience caused/be> <analysis - accept previous/temporary working hypothesis - investigate be/is> <sensation report - moderate importance - physical contact sentience exist/be> <analysis - investigate point source of sentience> <sensation report - moderate importance - insertion into point source sentience be> <sensation report - moderate importance - sentience coherence diminishes/after insertion be> <sensation report - high importance - sentience source/source trace elements be - abundant source is> <analysis - insertion all point sources be/become> <sensation report - low importance - point sources become/are/change state - non sentient be> <sensation report - low importance - metallic objects exist - proximity near to (now non sentient) before (sentient) / point sources> <analysis - envelop metallic in cycle growth - extract trace element - envelop stilled sentient sources in cycle growth - extract trace element - produce/manifest (new) motive agents in cavity of (now stilled) sentience point source> <sensation report -minimal importance - (not/one) sentient point source motile - proximity reducing> <analysis - new food source found - probability moderate -accept working model as>
posted 04-08-99 10:06 PM ET
From the Memoirs of Alasair Legrand"They did WHAT?" Well, it WAS funny, in a sick, twisted, way. Oh well. "I�m sure that he�ll be none too amenable to us now. But now at least we have the strength that this is an okay situation. The nail in the coffin on my proposed report to Morgan. You agree, Jeneba?" "Most certainly. Let�s start rounding up the resources now." "We�ll let the Hive know that we can play this game as well. And I want to start right here," I said, pointing at a picture we had gotten of the Hive. "The question I want answered is, what the heck is he doing there? And how could he possibly have survived without his immediate execution?" "Who?" "An old friend of mine. I honestly did not think he was on board the Unity� I had a whole plan for him if he did that never kicked into effect. I wonder what he�s doing in the Hive though? I�d think he�d choose a different faction. In any case� people like him will hopefully insure that the Hive never surprises us again like that." Later that day, I talked with the CEO. "Morgan, I think we should start building something right now here in Morgan Industries for our security. It will require a fairly substantial outlay of resources, but the benefits are well worth the cost, and after it�s done, it will not take up a quarter of the resources that military troops might, and be just as helpful- of not more so- to our defense. I introduce to you the proposal that will make the Morgan Conglomerate run: the Probe corps." On second thought, I think I can approve of the octopus incident. The cloak and dagger game will soon be taken to their courts. And perhaps even the Believer�s as well, though they would be even tougher to crack perhaps. |
posted 04-08-99 11:14 PM ET
"It needs to be done. Things have been ad hoc for far too long. Now that Mr. Morgan has chosen to grace us with his presence, we can no longer leave this area unattended. As you yourself often say, we need to utilize our advantages to the fullest," said Zale."I agree that the time has come to form the organization you speak of, but I worry that you are interested in it for the wrong reasons, Steven," said Sheng-Ji Yang. "My reasons are my own. I've presented the facts. What do you think?" he asked curtly. Yang was somewhat surprised. He had never known his old friend to be like this. "Very well, Steven, but I remind you that the Hive must come first. Each man must find his own path to enlightenment, and it appears that yours takes you here. Do not confuse our friendship with permission to do anything that would not benefit the Hive. I agree to your plan because it is the correct plan, even if there are aspects of it that I am uncomfortable with. I would no more accept you abusing your new position than I would accept one of the security officers accepting bribes. Do I make myself clear, Steven?" "Yes, sir." Zale pondered that. He had never called his friend 'sir' before. Perhaps Yang was right that he was doing this for the wrong reasons. Zale pushed those thoughts aside. It wasn't easy staying angry as long as he had, but Zale intended to see it through. "Brunner can take over my duties as head of Psych Services. He is a capable man. In fact, I would not be surprised if he was a better administrator than I was. I've always worked best with my hands on real problems." "Very well." - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Zale walked into his new office, in the newly constructed east tunnel expansion of Psych Services. Zale could feel his intensity building as he passed the two security checkpoints, and now, here in the heart of Psych Services: Special Operations Division, he felt the same burning hatred that had convinced him that this organization was required. Morgan and his lackeys would pay, Zale had decided. They would pay dearly. Zale was finished playing "Mr. Nice Guy". Zale sat down at his desk, and called up the personnel files. He now needed to staff his new organization. Several files caught his eye. Zale depressed a key on his console, and said, "Computer, schedule interviews with Stanton Pendergrass, Carlos Velasquez, and Kendra Riviera. Submit files to Security Forces: Investigations Division for background checks."
posted 04-09-99 11:05 PM ET
Part 1 (I�ll post Part 2 on the 10th or 11th) M.Y. 2140: The Ministerial Academician of Foreign Relations and External Affairs� presentation to the Joint Panel of the Faculty of the University of Planet.The �Ministerial Academician of Foreign Relations and External Affairs,� Michael Regalis, was becoming very sweaty. It was only three weeks since he took over the Foreign Relations position, and already he had to make a special presentation to the entire delegation of eleven members of the Faculty, including Academician Prokhor Zakharov, who was sitting in the center of the panel. Regalis, unlike any of the Academicians seated in their array before him, had not come from Russia but rather the European Union, and his Russian was not as good as, say, his German, French or Spanish. He wondered what possessed him to accept such a high, elevated and, moreover, *political* position as the Min- Academician Prokhor Zakharov rudely interrupted Regalis� train of thought. �I, Academician Prokhor Zakharov, do hereby commence this session of the Joint Panel of the Faculty of the University of Planet on Mission Year 2140.00467. This session is to address the University of Planet�s current foreign relations� activity, including, and especially with regards to, our current economic relationship with Gaia�s Stepdaughters�� ----------------------------- ��in other words, Academicians, the Gaians are claiming that they have acquired the communications frequency of the faction that is being led by Sheng-ji Yang, namely the �Human Hive,� and are offering to identify the frequency if we forwarded the sum of 50 energy credits,� Regalis said, utterly bored out of his mind. �My recommendation would be that we flatly decline their offer. The last thing we need at the present moment is contact with a faction who, by the sound of it, would undoubtedly disapprove of�� Regalis paused here, fearing that he might offend the elitism of the Faculty members, ��our nominally democratic,� ah, nominal was the perfect word, �political system.� �More importantly,� chimed in the Academician of the Economic Sciences, who sat to the far left of the panel, �with the recent money that has been expropriated into the enhancement of our synthmetal units to defend against mind worms, I would strongly recommend against the spending of energy on such a frivolous matter.� �Well, then, my friends, I believe the Faculty has reached a unanimous vote on this point,� Zakharov concluded, �Michael Regalis, I would like for you to give our refusal to the Gaians. Also, I, and my colleagues, of course, would like for you to request that they do not forward our communication frequencies to the Hive.� �Very well.� Regalis knew extremely well that the Gaian offer would be refused because Zakharov had made a prior comment to that effect, and despite the decorum of the formality that was the Faculty, Zakharov�s opinion was the only one that counted. �And now, if I may move on to my seventh and final report, which, I might add is a development that occurred just this morning. One of our acquired Unity Rovers, while making a coastal patrol near Lab Three, uncovered the wreckage of a single skim-ship. Preliminary analysis indicates that it was heavily armed, with some sort of directed laser cannon.� Zakharov�s ears visibly picked up. �Were there any survivors?� �Yes, actually, a single male, unconscious. He is at the medical tower, where he is being treated. Based on his insignia, he is not from the Gaians or the Hive, which can only mean that there is a fourth faction that has survived planetfall�� ----------------------------- Victor Gurney woke up in a very unfamiliar, almost alien surrounding. He could see two (what he supposed were) doctors talking in what sounded like Russian. God, my head hurts, he groaned in his thoughts. �Oh my God, I must have crashed!� Gurney shouted suddenly and involuntarily, the flood of recent watery memories gushing into his head. He was very upset at the fact that he had crashed, even thought it was not his fault � there was a frighteningly violent storm that had separated him from the skim-ships. He would probably be in big trouble anyway, because his superiors didn�t like excuses and his skim-ship was a prototype that Morgan Industries had paid a pretty penny or two to develop. That was probably only because of the Believer threat. Personally, Gurney didn�t consider the Believers as threats, since he himself was an ardent Christian (a Christian businessman, of course). Christians were naturally pacifistic� Anyway, Gurney watched the doctors, or whoever they were, turn to someone just outside of his view through the doorway, and there was more talk in Russian. As their talk sounded like it was winding down, an official (?) came into his room, dressed with optical enhancements and official-looking regalia. �I�ve heard you speak English,� the official said. �My name is Michael Regalis, ad I am the Ministerial Academician of Foreign Relations and External Affairs for the University of Planet. May I have the privilege of inquiring as to your identity?� Oh, bad start, thought Regalis, those addresses to the Faculty are making me entirely too formal. I wonder what my girlfriend would think. �What?� If Gurney wasn�t dazed before, he was now. �I didn�t catch a word you said.� �I�m sorry, I know you�ve just come into the world of the living. You�re in the city of University Base, capital of the University, and I�m the Minister of Foreign Relations, Michael Regalis.� �Oh, I see. Well, I�m Second Officer Victor Gurney of the skim-ship Britannica of the Morgan Industries Naval Fleet.� He looked down to his feet at the end of his bed. There were tubes going through ridiculous points in his body, and sensors attached to his chest. �God, I�m a wreck.� �Don�t worry about, you have no permanent injuries. I�m only in formal attire because I�ve just come from a governmental function. We are delighted that you�ve survived your wreck; the same storm also sunk some of our civilian vessels, and there has been a significant loss of life.� Gurney felt like he was being subjected to a Chinese water torture session. �You know, I�m awfully hungry,� he lied. �Oh just press that green button on the panel to your left to summon the nurse. Now, if I may be so bold, let me get right to the point of my visit�� ----------------------------- �Sir? Sir! Mr. Morgan!� Veronica Ions shouted, decidedly annoyed at the fact that her boss was sleeping on the job. �Wha- what? Oh!� Morgan�s eyes fluttered as he came into focus. He was very embarrassed, as this was the first time that he could remember falling asleep on the job. Ever since his receiving of the reports of the Believers near Morgan Collections, he had been working too much. Thank God, or whoever, for Alasair. �Mr. Morgan, we are being contacted on our interfactional communications frequency.� �By whom?� Please not the Hive; please not the Hive� �A representative of a so-called �University of Planet.� I�m not exactly sure what he meant. I think �University� is the actual name of a another group of survivors.� �Yes, thank you, Veronica. Tell him that I�ll be with him very shortly,� Morgan was suddenly very alert. University of Planet? What a stupid name, Morgan thought. It must be Zakharov�s people. This had better go well, as the last thing that he wanted was another foreign relation problem.
posted 04-10-99 01:35 AM ET
From the Memoirs of Alasair Legrand"Morgan wants you in the office. Me too. The other ministers are there already. Come on!" "Christ, would could be that important, Jenba? The Believer situation is settling down, and we�re at least coming to an "agree to disagree" status with the Hive- what could be that important? "I think our workload just increased by a factor of 1.5. That�s all I�ll say." "Damn." We went over to Morgan�s office. Morgan wasted no time. "Glad to see everyone here. I�ve come up with some excuse about not being able to talk at the moment. It seems the Brittanica was separated from the scouting expedition, and washed ashore near so-called University territory. As I�m sure you all know, the Brittanica was originally the Gideon, an obsolete ship that was donated to us by the Believers as an act of friendship. They were already upgrading their navy to particle impactors it seems, and they gave us the ship to see how it worked. We sent it out with the scouts to "test drive" it before we scuttled it and used the technology to build ships of our own. Well, it seems that there was another reason that the Believers donated the ship to us. It proves highly unstable in storms, it seems. In any case, that caused it to be separated from the fleet and blown considerably off course. So our one piece of higher technology is now in University hands. Though, they probably already had that technology, if they are as strong technologically as their name boasts. In any case� it�s a loss for us. But we can turn it into a gain, if we can form a strong relationship with the University. Does anyone have any comments on how we should approach Zakharov when we come back on the commlink?" "Ah, yes sir. This is off the top of my head, but basically we need to apply a different negotiating strategy then we did with Miriam. Zakharov is an atheist, so don�t even mention religion. Don�t mention the fact we know of the Human Hive or Believers at all- since we seem to be taking sides with the Believers, Zakharov would, in all probability, prefer the Hive over the Believers. And don�t let him get either of their commlink frequencies. More to the point, if we avoid that, what we need to remember is to show an interest in gaining knowledge. Don�t make us look like lazy bastards who don�t care about science and only our status symbols and glittering wealth and industry. Lastly, we need to have some idea of how strong they are compared to us. If Zakharov is sitting on top of the world, he will be much tougher to negotiate with. That is all." I didn�t add that we WERE a faction of lazy bastards who cared more about status symbols and wealth than an ivory tower pursuit of knowledge. The fine art of lying. "Anyone else want to add to that? Okay, shall I open the channel?" "One more thing. This has been a very busy week for us. After this is done, I want to send a flash dispatch over to Morgan Bank and have them start building another probe corps instead of formers. I think we will need it." "Okay." He didn�t ask the Minister of the Interior about it at all. I loved it. Some of the other ministers were probably annoyed at me for stealing the show, but I didn�t care. Half of them were in departments I started and wrote the book on anyway, and they were loyal. Morgan�s toadies may resent me, but I�ll fix them soon enough. Then I�ll have a cabinet and bureaucracy run by me and my followers, basically, and that�s when power will be mine for the taking when I want it. If an idiot like Stalin could take power merely by being able to appoint people who were loyal to him, then so could I. "Opening Channel." |
posted 04-10-99 05:11 PM ET
Part 2�This is Chief Executive Officer Nwabudike Morgan of Morgan Industries,� Morgan greeted, �and this is my Minister of Security, Alasair Legrand.� �Yes, and I am Ministerial Academician of Foreign Relations and External Affairs Michael Regalis of the University of Planet. I regret to inform you that our executive leader, Academician Prokhor Zakharov, was not available to have greeted you personally, as the Academician is currently engaged is in several research projects.� Legrand was taken aback by the absurdly long title. He had a rule of thumb which held that the larger the title a bureaucrat had, the larger the bureaucracy he represented. He grinned to himself, thinking of the absurdly huge bureaucracy the University must have. �Oh, well, I am of course disappointed that Academician Zakharov couldn�t be here,� Morgan lied. If Legrand knew anything about Morgan, he knew that he wasn�t disappointed, he was furious. �However,� Morgan continued, �I understand it if he is tied up in pressing� research. I, of course, always approve of technological development, and, although we are probably a little behind the University, we do invest heavily in R&D projects.� Good God, he is a liar, Legrand thought. My, he really is kissing up, mused Regalis. �Since you have pleasantly brought up the subject of your technological efforts, I would like to return to the reasons for this decidedly sudden contact. As I have told you, we have recovered a skim-ship of yours, the Britannica, and one of its officers, Mr. Victor Gurney. Now, according to the coordinates he gave us, he was blown drastically off course; we are a week away at 25 knots from your home island.� Legrand was shocked. He gave our coordinates away, Legrand thought, I wonder if its was voluntary. �Well, that is quite some distance,� Morgan offered, worrying about the security implications of the University having a Morganite officer, but still thankful for the great distance between them. �Nevertheless, we want to return your officer and your skim-ship to you directly. Academician Zakharov wants to meet with you personally, and has arranged for his personal research projects to be suspended for such a conference to take place. Naturally, it will take place in your capital while we both celebrate the safe return of your officer.� Whoa, thought Legrand, the idea of a conference at the capital was extremely presumptuous of them, but there was that one point� �Wait � you want to return our officer AND the wreckage of our skim-ship?� Regalis stared at him blankly, and Jeneba could have sworn he rolled his eyes, but it was so hard to tell with that optical equipment. �Well, *we* certainly have no use for it,� Regalis retorted, �and, frankly, if the situation were reversed, we would expect that our technology be returned promptly to us, not tampered with, and more importantly, unstudied. Besides, the ship had been wrecked by a storm, and it is no longer what I would term seaworthy.� He hit a few keys off-screen. �I am sending you information as to when you can expect our delegations� arrival. Regalis out.� The screen went abruptly blank, and Morgan�s computer blipped as it received the information. ----------------------------- Regalis had divorced his first wife before they had produced any children, much to the geneticists� dismay. His current girlfriend, Laura Wellsburry, was, luckily, genetically �approved� for him, so if he could just work up his nerve to ask that big question� He was in his late sixties and she was in her early sixties, but they had both kept to a strict anti-aging drug regiment, so physically, they were much younger. If only he could ask� �Michael, I wish you didn�t have to go to this silly conference. Ever since you took this job, it�s been so much bureaucratic work for you,� Laura whined, pretended to be hurt. �You no longer do the research you love.� �I know, honey, but with any luck, this job will get me a psychological research division of my own. One day.� There were simply too many things just beyond the horizon. �This will only be a short time, I promise.� �Well, just promise me that you won�t start any wars while you�re over there.� �Well, alright, but only because you insisted.� They laughed. ----------------------------- The Morgan media had trumpeted the Morgan-University conference, in between its reports on the Riviera scandal, of course. The media, misguided by the University�s intentions of �generously returning� both the skim-ship and the officer, Victor Gurney (who was publicly touted as a hero by the Morganite government but was secretly despised for being a leak), hinted that there may be a pact in the works. Morgan�s inner circle knew, however, that that was rather unlikely. Morgan Industries was going to have to walk a tight, tight rope between the nearby, fanatical Lord�s Believers and that technological behemoth, the University of Planet. After the clerks made the formal introductions of all the high-and-mighty delegates on both sides of the table, the talks were underway, going more roughly than smooth. �� We would accept a formal Treaty of Friendship, but there are to be no exchange programs, no commerce, and absolutely no technological trading!� Zakharov was shouting, exasperated by the perceived �financial maneuverings� of Morgan. In the midst of all this, Regalis had been studying the Morganic Minister of Security, Alasair Legrand. It was clear that he was Morgan�s key man, but there was something �unMorganly� about him; he just couldn�t put his finger on what it was. �But if there are to be no such relations, any treaty we sign will just be words in a databank, and nothing more,� Morgan countered, seeing globs of profit slipping through his fingers. �I want there to be logistical reasons for both sides to maintain a lasting peace.� Regalis interrupted. �Perhaps, but if your merchants enter our cities, what is to prevent them from accessing our optical computer networks? What consolation would profits be, if our research fell insidiously into your hands?� �Exactly,� Zakharov agreed. �Not only would your �profits� be undoubtedly greater than ours, but it would increase the possibility of espionage attempts. No. You will either agree to a peace treaty without trade or there shall be no official relation between the government of the University of Planet and Morgan Industries. The choice is yours.� A silence befell the conference room as Morgan eyed Legrand and his other ministers. �Very well, we will sign,� Morgan said solemnly. ----------------------------- The Faculty was very pleased with the diplomatic work of Michael Regalis, and Regalis had a sinking feeling that they would �arrange� for him to keep his position a lot longer than he had hoped.
posted 04-12-99 12:07 AM ET
From the Memoirs of Alasair Legrand"Step right this way, Mister Matthews. I�m sure you�ll enjoy your experience here in Morganite territory." Just as the University delegation left, coincidentally, the shipping problems let up and the Believer emissaries were able to land and set up diplomatic relations. Legrand would have really, really liked to have not had the conference here In Morgan Industries. But Morgan had overruled his strenuous objections. "It�ll be in the media anyway." "I don�t care. The Believers will be insulted knowing that we have a treaty with the University, and not even telling them that we know they exist. The longer we can delay that eventuality, and downplay our knowledge of them, the better. But this non-trading treaty they propose- it gives us nothing! And weakens our relationship with the Believers if we refuse to tell them their commlink frequency, and has the potential of setting off a cataclysmic war if we do tell. It destroys our options. I beg of you, do not invite them here to Morgan Industries, and don�t even let the thought of a non-trading treaty enter your head!" Well, Morgan, after I was riding so high before, seemed to want to show that he was still the boss by making some foolish decisions and not listening to me. "Sometimes I wonder. Morgan may be foolish at times, but he�s not a fool. And this week he�s been a damn fool. Tell me I�m wrong, Jeneba." I thought this was odd; I seemed to be cursing more and more. Oh well. "Maybe he�s sick. Or maybe it�s like the Romans, lead in the water pipes, and drank by their leaders." "Hey- that would imply me as well. Which reminds me, Jeneba, we have a special offer for you. Back when I first landed, Morganite science basically discovered a fountain of youth, but one that was so horrendously expensive in terms of power usage that only Morgan and myself have been treated to it so far. How would you like to be added to the list?" "Well- I�m honored. But-" "But what?" "I�d like to wait a bit before making that decision, okay?" "Um� sure. But we climb in the tanks soon." It struck me as odd that she would reject eternal youth so easily. Oh well. At least his bizarre behavior recently was sometimes favorable to me. For instance he introduced me first when talking to the University. I assumed he might introduce Dr. Kai that I had brought along to the meeting, like how I introduced Reverend Lusak when meeting with the Believers, either at the beginning or the end, but no, Dr. Kai was firmly in the middle. And while I was honored, it was rather unusual protocol to basically introduce the chief of the secret police first, unless you were talking to Yang- in which case you wouldn�t want to do that anyway. I know that I was just an advisor when talking to Miriam, with no special department, officially. I was used to sitting in the shadows and advising Morgan, but I was in the sunlight at the negotiating table. "We like the darkness to hide our sins." Apparently Morgan wasn�t listening on that Good Friday service 30 years ago- but oh well. Perhaps he had something in mind. But what was more odd was that Morgan, normally a very elegant statesman, was almost stuttering over his half-truthes yesterday. Perhaps he had an attack of honor? Maybe this madness in him does some good. But not in the treaty without trade. Ironically, this guarantees we will take a more offensive stand against Zakharov, rather than securing peace. We now have no reason to keep the peace, and Zakharov is bound diplomatically so we can provoke him and it will be his fault if he declares war on us. If we had held out for trade, there would always the possibility of a real treaty. Now that we show we have no backbone, the University may well be content to keep us chained in peace. Sigh, why am I doing all this second guessing? Maybe I�m the one going mad. I should perhaps recognize a bit more that maybe Morgan is right on a few issues. Key word "few." "Mr. Legrand?" I should really stay in the present. "Yes, Mr. Matthews?" "Do you, perchance, have a map of this city? That could prove helpful." "Why yes, of course. Here you go. Let�s get you to your quarters. I�ll give you a brief tour of the sights of the town. While this may look like a large and bustling town, actually the population density is surprisingly low. You see, the Morgan Conglomerate tries to look after the comfort of its citizens, and� blah blah blah." I let my mind wander a bit as I talked with Matthews. He seemed a nice enough fellow, but he was very quiet, like he was driving through Sin City or something. "And here�s the church. Like it?" I hoped that this one thing would impress him. "It�s nice, I guess. I don�t know� it�s just that after the sights of Temple Square in New Jerusalem, you tend to get a bit jaded. You should really visit there, Mr. Legrand. It�s like a swatch of heaven here on Ear- er Chiron." Oh well. Win some, lose some. "I will, Mr. Matthews, I will�. Someday." Back at base, I met with a person by the name of Xavier Enrojalas. One of my proteges, I had a special mission for him. "You�re going to do some groundwork for the probe corps. Succeed in this mission, and you�ll be captain of the group. Fail, and you�ll either be in a body bag, or worse, you�ll suffer the fate of Kendra Riviera. Sound fair?" He gave me a grin. "Yes." "Now, you�re going to take two devices that we soon expect will become standard in the probe corps. This first one is an encoded video phone basically. It works on a pretty low frequency, and will blend in with the Hive radio signals that are already around the Hive everywhere, so there�s not a very good chance they�ll pick it up- and if they do, all they�ll get is a bunch of static which sounds exactly like a malfunctioning police radio, or whatever else they imagine it to be. You will use this once you reach your contact. Second of all, this is a laptop computer. This is a much more dangerous part of the mission. Your only goal is to study the Hive security without getting caught. Don�t try anything fancy or remotely dangerous. All we want is some rough data. If you get nothing useful out of this except that the Hive has strong security interlocks, then it�s considered a success. Got that? Take precautions." "Now, back to the first part of what I told you. You will meet with the current emissary in the Hive, a man by the name of Goldstein, and you will find this man, and all you need to do is get him in a safe place and hook him up to the video phone and let me talk to him. Consider him extremely dangerous. However, if he�s survived in the Hive for 40 years, he probably won�t be crazy enough to be caught by killing you. Is your mission clear?" "Yes." "Good. Read this profile on him, and what we know about the Hive. Be warned that since we do not posses a treaty with the Hive, they may very well kick out our ambassadors soon as possible spies. Heck, remove the word possible, just photos are enough." "Really." "Well, you�d find this out anyway as a member of the probe corps, but we found, about 5 years ago, the psych profiles of every crewmember in a Unity pod. Photos of people living there help, since we can hopefully match them up with colonists. "Cool." "You leave tomorrow." While I get to stay at home and organize the probe corps, prepare to meet Gajic, and then take a bath in a tub of electrified goo to replenish my DNA. Things were looking up, at least in comparison to the events as of late. |
MikeH II
posted 04-12-99 06:30 AM ET
Rasilon spun round his flamethrower hurling a wall of flame as the spread of worms surged out of the fungus towards him. To his right he heard a scream and turned his flamethrower on Rax. Rax was on the floor screaming the worms burrowing into his head through his eye sockets. Covering his body like a living squirming jumpsuit. He convulsed his back arcing violently and his body writhing like an unattended fire hose set to full blast. Rasilon turned the flame onto Rax, once the worms got someone it was better to finish them than let the worms get hold. Rax's screams stopped as the fire sucked the air from his lungs and his convulsions stopped with a last roaring gasp. The worms turned towards Rasilon, their movements resembling a liquid as the individuals flowed in a single mass. Their mental screams which confused and blurred the human mind concentrated all their attention on Rasilon. Rasilon screamed, his eyes closed and head in the air but he kept the trigger held down on the flame thrower and span trying to sense the direction of the mental screaming and focus his flame in that direction. What seemed like hours past Rasilon kept screaming and firing, his lungs aching with the effort bursting to take a breath but he couldn't. Suddenly the splutter of the flame thrower, the fatal sound of the fuel tank running dry. Rasilon opened his eyes and reached for his pistol. If he was going to die it would be quick, the worms wouldn't get him. Suddenly he realised there was no scream, the mental pressure of the worms was gone. He blinked and stared around him as he reloaded the flamethrower with his spare fuel tank. The years Spartan training taking over without him thinking about it. The ground around him was completely bare for a radius of two meters then there was a mound of burning mindworm at least two feet high forming a perfect circle aound him. The stench of burning flesh tore at the membrane in his nostrils he felt the trickle of blood aver his top lip and the salty taste of warm blood in his arid mouth. The whole of his face ached. Like he had been beaten hard around the head. There was an intense throbbing pain behind his eyes, so intense it caused his vision to blur. Rasilon injected another combination stimulant and painkiller, his fifth today and the last one in his kit. It would be ironic if he survived the mindworms only to die of a painkiller overdose. Rasilon looked around what remained of Hommel's Citadel. The pre-fab shelters from the Colony pod were all but destroyed. Everywhere there were piles of mindworms and human bodies so many intertwined in a horrific, obscene mass of burnt flesh. Rasilon suddenly leant forward and vomited, his empty stomach struggling hard to find something to bring up but only managing a hollow empty retch. "This is unit Hommel 17 is anyone still out there?" "Jody!" Rasilon grabbed at his communicator and immediately doubled up again coughing his smoke damaged lungs burning and itching. "This is unit Hommel 17 is anyone still out there? Repeat this is unit Hommel 17 is anyone still out there?" "Hommel 17 this is Hommel 1, Jody, this is Rasilon what's your status?" It was poor radio discipline but in the circumstances Rasilon was too happy to hear another human voice to care. "Not good Hommel 1, there are only three of us left here but we've got a stack of worms as high as a Gaian in a mushroom field in front of us." Rasilon couldn't help laughing, in fact once he started laughing he couldn't stop. The remainder of Hommel 17 came round the edge of the colony pod to see Rasilon on his knees laughing tears clearing channels in the soot from the flamethrower on his cheeks. "Sir?" Rasilon turned to see the three soldiers in front of him. He stopped laughing and stood himself up. "You did well kids, I don't know how we stopped them. We did it." "It wasn't us it was him." Jody pointed behind Rasilon, he spun to see a figure silouetted on the skyline. "What?!" The figure vanished over the horizon into the fungus. "Who was that?" "I don't know, one minute we were surrounded by worms, that screaming in our heads wouldn't stop then it all stopped and we just saw him moving away. Sir, he was wearing a Unity uniform. Old and dirty but definately an old Unity uniform. Do you think it was the Shadow?" "The Shadow's just a story made up to scare kids." said Rasilon. As he said it his gaze remained on the horizon where the figure had disappeared. For the first time he wasn't so sure. Perhaps they had just seen the Shadow. At that moment the Formers and the new colony pod came through the pass. It was time to start building again, Santiago was going to have a base here and no-one, not even the mindworms were going to stop her. This time there were three battalions of the best Synthmetal troops with them and a unit of recon rovers. The formers would clear the fungus for a kilometer around the base. Let's see how good those worms are over a click of open ground thought Rasilon. "You did well kids, go and see the medics on that pod then get back to the command center, we are now the experts on fighting mindworms in the Spartan armed forces." "We're the only ones left alive!" "You are going to have to watch that sarcasm now you are a Sergeant." "Me!" Jody almost shouted with surprise. "Yes, but I think you might find that you're promoted a bit higher than that before the day is out. Now get moving you have your orders" "Yes Sir" Jody saluted and moved away smartly. Rasilon smiled, it was amazing how quickly the kids had got over it, they were born on Chiron they had grown up with the horror of the worms and the war. It was harder when you had experienced the relative safety of the Earth. Rasilon started towards the colony pod to speak to the commander of the new garrison. Back to work.
posted 04-16-99 11:08 PM ET
From the Memoirs of Alasair Legrand"Nice to see you again. Now perhaps you could tell me why I shouldn�t take your agent and bury him in the ground?" "Hive Security would notice if you left the city, and someone would notice if you kept it here. In any case, the Morganite government would make a nasty stink about it and hand you over for killing one of our newly arrived emissaries, and you would suffer a fate worse than death, if I understand the Hive correctly." "Yeah, I guess you�re right. Since I would be already dead, I would prefer to go down in a blaze of glory by shooting up the Morganite embassy before I was captured. Plus, by getting killed in the firefight, not only do I cap an exciting end to my life, but I get to avoid the boring re-education camps that I�ve heard about! Not officially of course, and they aren�t even called that, but details." Zoran Gajic was unusually euphoric and animated, not a hard bitten somber faced man. He seemed to be loose and easy and not care about death at all. "If you don�t know already, I had nothing to do with your attempted assassination. And I have some issues with Santiago too. But I can�t quite offend the boss just yet, you know, and I�m not sure if there�s even a reason for you or me to go after her- she�s pretty component. But, anyway- how�d you end up with Yang? And while I must compliment you on the disguise, why hasn�t he recognized you?" "Oh, actually he did. He offered to spare me if I became his special agent. I�ve been waiting all this time to trap you. And your conversation is being beamed live all over the HiveNet right now, so say hi to the camera as you admit your secret loyalty to Santiago! I�m sure MorganLink3D Vision will also be thrilled when we send them the tape. As will Morgan. I think I�m going to execute this lass right now for espionage." �� "Oh, c�mon, just joking!" Truly a cruel joke. I felt sorrier for Xavier Enrojalas, the poor guy who was my agent though. He was the only other person other than me to know my secret about the Spartans- I necessarily had to give him some information without revealing nearly the breadth of my involvement. I hoped that Gajic would not necessitate the death of Mr. Enrojalas. "Getting back to the point- well, let me phrase it this way. Why did you hop on Yang�s pod?" "Very simple. It�s better than Santiago�s, and it�s easier to blend into a society when you aren�t under immediate suspicion as a conquered people. Santiago�s I�d have no hope of surviving, and the others will probably be conquered by either her or Yang which would get me caught in the middle and executed. I don�t want that." "Seems rather a crass way of choosing a faction- the most likely winner. And Yang has your profiles. How did you fix yourself up on Planetfall not to get caught?" "Under the UN Code of Rights, I have the right to remain silent. Because it�s a long story, don�t worry, not because you�ll know the secret of my power and be able to hold me bound to your will." "Hmmm. You�ve changed- a lot. In fact, I�m thinking that you really are a Hive spy, and I�m thinking that I should order Xavier here to terminate you on the spot." "Yeah, why are you contacting me anyway? Do you want me to come join you in greedy capitalist land? Or perhaps go with you to Spartan territory so Santiago can finish the job? I�m confused." "Well� let�s just say that I want to remind you that we exist, and we can always exchange favors on a quid pro quo basis." "I�m happy now. Somewhat. So you�ll have to offer me something pretty good." "What�s your job right now?" "Sigh� I bet you�re hoping for something like "computer systems analyst- I look at computers all over the Hive and fix them, and have lots of opportunity to look around and do evil things as well." Well, not all of us can be computer people who would make good spies, sorry. You�ll just have to learn to like the other kinds." "So� what are you?" "Computer Systems Analyst. But that doesn�t take away from the validity of my previous argument." Yes, he�s really gone crazy. Or else he has an odd way of coping with the Hive. I would be sure to get the edited version of the tape, sans Spartan references, to Jeneba as soon as possible. And hope for the best for Enrojalas and the probe corps, since it looks like our official emissaries were getting kicked out of the Hive. Time to begin 40 years of paranoia, spy games, and build-up, I idly thought to myself. |
posted 04-17-99 10:10 PM ET
Michael Regalis� direct Faculty superior was the Academician of the Social Sciences Vasily Bortniansky. Regalis disliked being under the direct scrutiny of the Faculty, but that was part of this job that had been thrust upon him. The truth of the matter was that Regalis had not sought his position as head of the Department of Foreign Relations and External Affairs. The position was an elected one, and as the Faculty members received genetic therapy treatment, and thus were virtually immortal, the Departments were the second highest democratically elected positions available, next to the Legislative Senate. Regalis had not been elected, but rather had advanced to be the Vice Ministerial Academician of the department. He only obtained the Ministerial Academicianship when his predecessor was killed by a wild mindworm attack during a diplomatic visit to Gaia�s High Garden. Needless to say, Regalis loathed mindworms.After the Morgan conference, Regalis had been asked to an informal meeting with Bortniansky and Zakharov to discuss the University of Planet�s foreign policy. Secretly, this upset Regalis, who had personal political leanings towards democracy. That would naturally dictate against such an un-public manner of reaching decisions of affairs-of-state, but Regalis didn�t really have any say� ----------------------------- �I am so glad you could join us,� Bortniansky greeted as Regalis arrived in Zakharov�s spacious office. Bortniansky was generally a pleasant fellow, except that he would occasionally allow his rather hot temper slip out, especially in debates. Being a member of the Faculty, Regalis knew that he was a close friend of Zakharov, as Zakharov had chosen the ten other members of the Faculty in the beginning years of the colony. �Yes, please sit,� Zakharov offered, extending his hand towards Regalis� chair. Regalis sat and gave his thanks, and Zakharov began. �We are here to discuss all of the foreign developments as of late. In particular, we need to address our relations with our neighbors the Gaians.� Bortniansky continued, �As you know, Regalis, we kept the Gaians fully and continually informed as to the Morgan Industries developments, and we are fortunate in the fact that this gesture in itself was genuinely appreciated by them. Also, they were very pleased by our decision to resist any sort of economic relations with the Morgans; they didn�t want us to �sully ourselves� with any free-market generated merchandise. So now we can say that we avoided a sort of predicament � the possibility that our friends the Gaians would drag us into an unfortunate war with the Morganites.� �But we also need to find ways on maintaining the peace with both factions?� Regalis could see where they were headed. �Precisely; however, we also have to consider the unknown factor of the Human Hive,� Zakharov said. �We know virtually nothing about them, and the Gaians have not been forthcoming. Based on our knowledge of Sheng-ji Yang, the Hive is probably based on the old police states of late Earth, such as the People�s Republic of China. We can also surmise that they have been fairly antagonistic towards the Gaians, as the Gaian merchants we can interview have indicated that much. However, that is not of immediate concern to us. Our real area of worry is Morgan.� �I concur,� Regalis agreed, �The Morganites were not pleased that we imposed ourselves upon them by inviting ourselves to a conference in their capital. Although, I do agree that it was necessary since the Gaians did request that any conference that was to be held would not be held in University territory. However � it just seemed as though that just soured our relations with Morgan from the start.� Bortniansky spoke, �We were, nonetheless, fortunate in that we convinced Morgan to sign our treaty without any major concessions on our part. On the other hand, I am inclined to believe that the Morganites will not honor the treaty after an extended period of time. The treaty visibly upset some of Morgan�s advisors. They wanted there to be a profit incentive to give them reasons for upholding the peace; as it is, signing the treaty was probably a delaying tactic.� There was a pause, and Regalis continued, �I know that we value our relationship with the Gaians more than that of the Morganites, but it would be, perhaps, a wise idea that we either strengthen our relationship with them or begin to radically invigorate our diplomatic ties with Gaia�s Stepdaughters.� �That was exactly what we were thinking,� Bortniansky smiled. Zakharov concluded, �In the future, then, we will have to look for ways to improve our diplomatic ties to the Gaians, although what form that would take remains to be seen�� ----------------------------- The University Plaza was a large, gardened dome that had been landscaped with the help of imported Gaian specialists. It was under a glass geodesic hemisphere that played with the light that entered, and that only added to the beauty of the carefully selected Earth flowers, which were kept constantly blooming by University genetic technology. When it was first constructed, it was decried as a waste of resources by pragmatists, but eventually these complaints were drowned out by the public affection for it. The Plaza, as it was known, was almost a park, a park which Regalis enjoyed working in at one of the public benches, especially those near a fountain. At this particular time, Regalis was seated at a table near the central fountain, working on his personal computer when he looked up to see the Gaian envoy, Ambassador Matthew O�Brien. �May I join you?� O�Brien asked. �Oh yes, please do,� Regalis said hurriedly as he closed his computer. �I needed to talk to you and your office�s computer said that you would be here. I�m not disturbing you?� �Oh, no, O�Brien, not at all. I would not have had the computer disclose my location if I wanted to remain undisturbed.� �Look, Lady Deirdre Skye personally asked for me to make another unofficial request before we file an official one. We need the communications frequency of Morgan Industries, and we are now willing to pay seventy-five energy credits. We absolutely must contact Morgan and enlighten him as to the environmental atrocities that a free market system results in.� Regalis was astonished. Seventy-five energy credits for Morgan�s communications frequency? According to his knowledge, that would be a huge percentage of the Gaian treasury, and the Gaians were known to be relatively poor in comparison to the University government. He had not realized the urgency of their request. �Well, I will of course relay your request to Bortniansky again, but the answer will probably remain no. We want to try to prevent any possible wars that may erupt if the two of you ever make contact.� �Lady Skye is aware of that, of course, and she does want to convey her honest thanks for the University cooperation on all the other Morgan-related issues, and the general pro-environment stance that the University had adopted. However, this is a point that we must press. There is no doubt that Morgan and his minions are wreaking environmental havoc on this Planet, and that is utterly unacceptable.� ----------------------------- The University government eventually declined that Gaian request and the subsequent official one, despite the large cash incentive and the Faculty�s desire to improve University-Gaian relations. The Faculty, as well as the Senate, was fully aware of the futility of that policy, as it was inescapable that the Gaians and the Morganites would eventually make contact with one another. If there ever was to be a Gaian-Morganite war, the University of Planet would try to remain officially neutral. However, one could never know the exact nature that diplomacy would take on as time progressed�