Topic: CPUB Comments
SnowFire |
posted 04-03-99 12:35 AM ET
Yessiree, here she is, the one, the only, the comments thread!
posted 04-03-99 08:12 PM ET
Octopus, I fear that we may be the only people who post in the +10 thread. But that's okay. If we're still the only ones in the +80 thread, then we can hit the panic button.Pericles, if you're out there, I replied to your email, but it wouldn't go through- I assume Melissa clogged your mail server. I still have one more post I can make (at least) here in +10 before moving on. Shall we go on schedule and make the next thread on Monday, or give the others more of a chance? |
posted 04-03-99 11:04 PM ET
I say stick to the schedule. I think CPUB+40 will be a more compelling timeframe. If the others didn't like the schedule, they shouldn't have voted for it .I suppose we could make an exception because of the holiday, though... If nobody posts a "hey, wait for me" post, I say we stick to the plan. |
posted 04-04-99 07:52 PM ET
We'll compromise. The new thread will be started tommorow a la schedule, but you can post in the old one on Monday (or Tuesday) if you're desperate. And we pray that time schedules don't get messed up- by using a different thread, we should be safe.I almost became a causalty of this- I installed a new hard drive and thought that everyhing would come crashing down. Fortunately, after disconnecting it, I managed to get the old hard drive going again... |
posted 04-05-99 10:18 AM ET
Wow, have the chronicles ever had any completely pointless spam like 1212's post in them before? I had been rather ambivalent about the "newbies" (some of them are actually contributing to real discussions), but this kind of crap really shakes my faith in the forums.
posted 04-05-99 02:01 PM ET
Yes... 1212's post is stricken from "the record." It never happened.Btw, Octopus, don't worry, I'm not writing with agenda about how after the Morgans get religion they become succesful; it's going to be a tad bit different than that. And oh yes, a fundamentalist, wealthy, probing Morgan is quite a power in games, so I'm not making this stuff up.  |
posted 04-05-99 02:10 PM ET
SnowFire, Great job on the CPUB synopsis. Thanks for doing that for us. I am surprised how well it fell together. I might try and reestablish an I Club on Chiron if I can find the proper base. You guys have any ideas?
posted 04-05-99 02:47 PM ET
I'd say that Dr. Treewood would definitely have to be a PKer. What better place than UN headquarters? Plus, while you're at it, you can tell us about how the PK's are doing.jsorense: It ain't done yet, I still have the CPUB thread to encapsulize as well. But thanks! |
posted 04-05-99 11:12 PM ET
I started CPUB+40. SnowFire, I hope that Legrand wasn't too far out of character. Consider this the first shot in the Morgan/Hive cold war. (especially since you're turning fundamentalist -- the Hive must rescue your citizenry from the insidious indoctrination of the religious establishment ). Don't feel compelled to do much 'fighting back' until CPUB+80 (unless you want to ).Sorry if this little bit is faster than people had expected to go.
posted 04-06-99 02:53 PM ET
Though I haven't actually looked at what you wrote yet, this will definitely make things more interesting... considering that the Morgans are about to play "Meet the Believers" to continue my original plot. Considering that Morgan is the faction worst equipped for war, this will be interesting meeting the two factions best equipped for it. |
posted 04-06-99 08:09 PM ET
By the way: I'm going to assume that the Hive was discovered on a scouting mission by one of Morgan's transports and only a few people were dropped off. Also, the Hive is some distance from Morganite territory at the moment.I'm not quite sure how I should handle Miss Riviera at the moment. Prima facia, Zale's plan wasn't terribly bright: after she recovers, she will announce that the Hive is everything rumoured about it and worse, decry her treatment, and make a big stink. And then Morgan would be restraining <i>her</i>, as he's not in shape for a one-front war, much less a two-fronter. In any case, I'm not sure how much credit I should give the drugs (or whatever was done to her): detectability, length of effect, etc. If I assume that Zale wasn't dumb, I suppose that she could refuse to leave the Hive and go back to "Morgania" for testing... or even more dramatically, some bizarre combination of the two, the drugs wear off but the guard keep her under "house arrest" and won't let her go back, but the vid camera catches her struggling... or something. If you have a preference on which way I should head with the Hive issue, please advise. In any case, I see an uneasy truce between the two about the best that diplomatic relations can get. I'll be busy doing some "SMAC justification," or explaining how/why you need to research Doctrine: Air Power or the advantages of Secrets of the Human Brian, as well. Or rather, I already did that, somewhat. |
posted 04-06-99 09:14 PM ET
SnowFire: Who the heck is "The Human Brian,"? Or do you mean "The Human Brain,"? (No insult intended.) |
posted 04-06-99 10:03 PM ET
Spider: Obviously, understanding the Secrets of the Human Brian (Reynolds) would give any faction a huge advantage on Alpha Centauri, since it would allow them to understand any number of phenomena which would otherwise seem completely random and arbitrary  SnowFire: Gah! I had no intention of you ever getting her back, at least not by "her" wishes. That's what I meant when Morgan said that she had "defected". She's staying put unless you kidnap her. In her present condition, she is quite content to be a Hive citizen. The drugs were used to "jump start" a process that might crudely be called brain-washing, designed to actually change her opinions (I established that she was not a Morgan nationalist -- she was with Morgan for purely pragmatic reasons. She was convinced of the basic premises of the Hive "party line", things like community and security and fellowship). Basically, my position that once one accepts the basic premises of what I call the Hive Philosophy, and is presented information which is favorable to that (the unfavorable stuff was edited out, and her journalistic instincts were dulled by her chemically induced altered mental state) then somewhat "fanatical" devotion to the Hive is a reasonable short term behavior (recent converts are always the most vocal). My position would be that it would now take just as much "brain-washing" to switch her opinions back to "normal" as it took to convince her to join the Hive (but obviously if nobody buys that, I'll bow to the tyranny of the majority). I left a few things "unclear" in my post, so I want to clear them up: I left it unsaid as to how long Kendra's broadcast was allowed to continue before the Morganites wised up and shut her down. I figure that it couldn't have been immediate (had the powers that be "shut her up" I think that would have been playing right into Yang's hands), becuase it would have taken some time to come up with a clever way to do it. As I already exlpained, Kendra was "brain-washed", and now considers herself a Hive citizen. She will not "voluntarily" leave the Hive. Should evidence be demanded on the drug issue, the Hive will stall long enough so that they are sure the drugs are out of her system (I think we should give Hive medical science at least this much credit). The drugs were only a part of the process, which is in no way "temporary", so she won't be "coming to her senses". A potential analogy is people who become convinced that they have "recovered" memories of childhood abuse, and turn against their parents, only to find out later that the "recovered" memories are of dubious reliability. I don't think it's a stretch to believe the scenario happened as I described, since this seems like it would be a hot research topic for the Hive to pursue (both in order to use it and to find defenses -- remember the Hive is security paranoid). There is nothing preventing anyone from manufacturing false evidence about Riviera's treatment (on either Morgan or Hive side). If Legrand does fake a blood test as he considered, this will easily carry weight among anti-Hive people, and be decried as more "elitist propaganda" or something by Yang's supporters. Basically, status quo maintained. I can think of no scenarios in which the Hive's actions can be "undone". I figured that the reaction would be "well, they got us once, but they won't get us twice". Basically, sometimes you just move on. In the grand scheme of things, it is merely an embarrassment for the Morgan estabilishment, and might have persuaded some disaffected Morganites to be more vocal in their disaffection. If anybody has a solution that's more clever, feel free to do something about it. I just came up with this little scenario because I thought it would be the kind of thing that there could be no "real" response to, so the Morgan operatives would get "mean" and kill Stanley. That event is going to encourage Zale to change jobs.
posted 04-06-99 10:34 PM ET
Ah! That makes more sense now. I didn't think that Zale would be dumb enough to let her back... hmm. This is pretty much a no-win situation for me, since lots of things that I'd like to do would only arouse Yang's ire, and Legrand knows that anything that might provoke a war is out of the question at the moment, even if it would have to be a drawn out amphibious one. Instead, I think "harrasment" attacks, like killing Stanley, and a quiet war against Kind of odd that Zale was so openly hostile to Riviera at first, though. You'd think his plan would be even more effective if he played nice-nice from the very beginning. In any case... Yeah, Spider, secrets of Firaxis is even better than Secrets of the Human Brain. The Morganites will rule the world now. Speaking of which, the UoP has no writer even remotely related to them, and the Believers only have peripheal reference to them from me. Assuming MikeH, Giant Squid, and Jsorense do some writing, the Spartans, Gaians, and PK's will have writers, but since they haven't yet, feel free to run in. We can always use another convert... in fact, I emailed you some coffee. I suggest you drink it and then discuss the issue. |
posted 04-06-99 11:07 PM ET
Hmmm...Now if the v4.0 design team is reading this.... |
posted 04-07-99 12:33 AM ET
"<i>Kind of odd that Zale was so openly hostile to Riviera at first, though.</i>"That was supposed to be friendly banter . Neither one of them intended to be very serious. Zale's was playing off of Riviera's standoffish-ness. At least that was the intent.  "<i>You'd think his plan would be even more effective if he played nice-nice from the very beginning.</i>" Ah, but Riviera might have detected that he was acting rather than being himself. "<i>This is pretty much a no-win situation for me, since lots of things that I'd like to do would only arouse Yang's ire, and Legrand knows that anything that might provoke a war is out of the question at the moment, even if it would have to be a drawn out amphibious one.</i>" Well, I'll probably regret this, but the perfect insurance policy for Morgan is "Ah, Chairman Yang, you remember Miriam, don't you? You two got along so well on the ship, I knew you wouldn't mind that I gave her your number, she's really looking forward to inviting you to her weekly bible-group." That gives the Morganites a bit more breathing room (on both sides).
posted 04-07-99 12:36 AM ET
Dammit, you'd think I could remember that there's no HTML. Italicized quoting appears to be habit-forming. The Surgeon General should do a study.
posted 04-07-99 10:17 AM ET
Thanks Snowfire. Sorry for not getting back to you but the Prometheus virus struck me down. And I was afraid to go to the research hospital as I didn't want to be nerve stapled. Anyway, I'll try to get something up on the +40 thread today or tomorrow. Just a warning, it could be weird. |
MikeH II
posted 04-07-99 10:35 AM ET
I'm reading, I'll post again in +80, assume my little Thoughts of a wanderer sums up all anyone knows until I return. Good stuff so far (not so sure about 1212's contribution actually).BTW just out of interest why does Dr. Treestock being a PK have anything to do with the location of the I-Club? I think it should be in a location similar in feel to Mos Eisley. Now as there isn't one directly associated with AC how about we make one? Here's my proposal, we turn Hommel's Citadel (one of the Spartan cities named after Venom's old General from the COFH) into a frontier fortress, this place is under nominal Spartan control but it is in such a hostile area (loads of fungus and mindworms) that it has grown into a sprawling shantytown inside fortress walls. The location of it makes it a great stop off on harsh journeys between factions but the garrison is too occupied with wildlife to be able to police it properly. It ends up being the kind of hive of scum and villainy that will be fun to write about, with the added bonus of a harsh police force should anyone get caught. Plus we'll stick the I-Club in there to give everyone a meeting place. I am thinking of having my old character drop out of the wilderness into this type of environment anyway so I might build it even if the I-Club is elsewhere. Of course Santiago must have her reasons for allowing the Citadel to become so unruly, maybe we'll find out as we go on... |
posted 04-07-99 12:09 PM ET
Build it and they will come.I could contribute a bartender to the I Club. I see him as some one who was only partially rehabilitated after being nerve stapled. Let's call him jsorense. BTW MikeH. The Believers had a sighting of your wander just a few days ago.
posted 04-07-99 02:58 PM ET
As long as it's exactly opposite where the Morganites are- right now they're on an island in the north with the Believers on their southwest and the Hive at their- well, somewhere east, or south, or doesn't really matter. And of course, this presupposes the condition that the Spartans aren't at war with anyone. Perhaps a way to make it work would be have the city lose contact with civilization after a mindworm attack and have the Spartans think it's dead, but it isn't, and accepts refugees and wanderers from all over. Of course, soon enough the Spartans will find out of its continued re-existence...Octopus: No, that was coming to you anyway. You read my mind on how I was planning to play the Hive and Believers off each other, but I meant no-win in much more immediate terms. In any case, perpare for chest-thumping from the Morganites to try and convince the Believers that they shouldn't sweep over the money changers in the temple. <font size=really huge color=hideous purple><annoying blink>What, no HTML? Unfair!</font></ab> |
posted 04-07-99 06:41 PM ET
I was always curious about Planet and its loyal minions/constituents the mindworms. So I think I'll submit as "Planet." If anyone would like to destroy a large amount of fungus, please let me know and then go ahead.At the moment, Planet does not understand what is happening. The concepts of "other" and "individual" are incomprehensible to such a life form. I would also like to attack and overrun a small outpost. Not necessarily a base. There would be a few survivors. Would someone care to volunteer an outpost or a small base to be overrun? We could then write about the contrasting viewpoints. |
posted 04-07-99 10:03 PM ET
Pericles: Interesting concept. [irony]Perhaps a Gaian outpost....[/irony] |
MikeH II
posted 04-08-99 05:31 AM ET
jsorense: What do you mean the Believers sighted my wander a few days ago? Have I missed something?Pericles, I'm going to create a new colony for you to overrun, it's going to be Hommel's Citadel and it might take 40 years to rebuild. |
MikeH II
posted 04-08-99 06:01 AM ET
Right, Hommel's Citadel is there for the taking. I'd quite like Rasilon to survive but anything else you do is fine.This is going to be the site of The Shadow's reappearence in +80 |
posted 04-08-99 11:44 AM ET
Hi MikeH, Did you look at my last post in the AFC? I guess I was too subtle. Your wander is the hermit. The mantra "mikiatron" is suppose to be a combination of "Mike" and "Sparkatron" indicating his confusion about his identity (feigned?) from being isolated for so long on Planet. I'll let him escape and disappear soon so I won't mess up his past for you too much. Ciao Dude!
posted 04-08-99 11:57 AM ET
Thanks MikeH II, Hommel's Citadel shall become wormy.Don't worry about Rasilon, he will survive. How scarred he is by the experience is up to you. |
posted 04-08-99 02:55 PM ET
Sorry if my submissions are hard to read and understand. It is difficult to think and write like a fungus. |
posted 04-08-99 10:22 PM ET
No problem. Though don't forget that eating a person isn't enough, you need to go attack a city. But other than that, very cool! I like it.Octopus: Your move. Kendra will remain an insolved problem for now, for me at least. I may have to "rush" construction of the probe team to have it fit into the timeframe, or I may just write on other things. |
MikeH II
posted 04-09-99 04:01 AM ET
jsorense: Sorry but I haven't been reading the AFC. I wasn't really on the forums when it started and I missed quite a lot. I'll go and check it out. |
posted 04-09-99 02:35 PM ET
Hey, everyone, could I join your writing club? I've noticed that no-one has been writing for the UoP (SnowFire has commented on that), but I would take almost any role that you might want me to fill (the Believers need filling, as do the Peacekeepers, IIRC). I must warn you, though, that my schedule is rather irregular and usually rather pressed (I loaded on too many AP classes), so my contributions may be somewhat irregularly timed.Thanks, Technocrat PS, I looked as far back as I could on the SMAC Fiction (a year, IIRC) but the earliest one or two CPUB threads aren't there. Is there a summary anywhere that I missed? |
posted 04-09-99 02:40 PM ET
Thanks for the feedback SnowFire. Actually, Hommel's Citadel has been overrun. It is difficult to write much about the base inself. From the perspective of Planet, it would not be considered to be important. The individuals ("motile/sentient point sources" to Planet) in the base are all that Planet would consider significant. The base itself is just an incomprehensive lump of metal and polymers, only significant as a source of trace elements.So if the piece was hard to understand, Hommel's Citadel is in rough shape. The entire base is covered in about a metre of zenofungus. Inside, investigators would find people with larval mind worm nests in their skulls. If anyone is interested in writing a dramatic/horrific scene, consider returning to the base within an hour of the attack, to find the whole place covered in fungus. Perhaps they would also find a "person" with a severe "headache." What happens when you are staring at the body of a friend, and then the mindworms start crawling out of his eye sockets? Excuse me, I think I'll be sick now. |
posted 04-09-99 02:42 PM ET
that's "itself" and "incomprehensible" Arrgh |
posted 04-09-99 03:12 PM ET
Technocrat: New writers are always welcome, as long as they post in the spirit of the chronicles (i.e. be as unlike 1212 as you can be and you'll be fine). If you are concerned about your ability to post regularly, just make your posts a little bit more self-contained (e.g. no cliffhangers, or huge loose ends, etc.). There is generally more interaction between the characters in the CPUB than you may have seen in CPUB+10 and CPUB+40 (the interaction is what really sucked me into being a chronicler).When I set the forums on "display posts from last year", I saw: Chronicles of Pre-Unity Parts I & II and Chronicles of Pre-Unity and Beyond MikeH actually brought these up from the depths a little while ago, so the last posts are on 03-30-99. These are reposts from when we were in another forum (before Firaxis reorganized them), so they are a bit difficult to read. SnowFire has the summaries of the earlier stuff in: A Summary of the CPUB to date As to what role you and your characters should play, that is entirely up to you. The true greatness of the chronicles is that all of the different writers interract with each other in their own unique ways. Just respect what other people have posted (e.g. don't say that the University and the Hive met in M.Y. 2109, because we've already more or less established that that didn't happen. However, since "now" is M.Y. 2140 (will change Sunday, but you've got a window of a few days), you can write whatever you want, withing the 4 rules of the Chronicles (and, naturally, your own rules of good taste and good writing). If you are interested in writing within a particular faction that already has a writer (the Hive, for instance) you may want to discuss things with that writer before you post (either in this thread or via e-mail), just to make sure you are on the same page. New writers are always welcome. (That's our CPUB mantra ).
posted 04-09-99 03:21 PM ET
Thanks, Octopus. I think I'll restart the UoP, and so I just need this information: IIRC, the UoP has already contacted the Gaians. Has there been anyone else that they have encountered?Technocrat |
posted 04-09-99 03:25 PM ET
I don't think so, at least not openly (as far as I can recall).
posted 04-09-99 03:28 PM ET
Before I forget again, one last thing - are we using the official, huge Map of Planet, and if so, where are the factions located? If not, is there a map that someone could send me?Thanks, Technocrat |
posted 04-09-99 08:35 PM ET
Also, I would like to know if its OK if I say that the Morganites are researching laser cannons (in response to the Believers� presence).Thanks, Technocrat
posted 04-09-99 09:21 PM ET
When I first landed the Hive on Planet, I said they were near Mount Planet. I did that as a throwaway reference to the game, but Giant Squid wanted to have a firm map, and nobody objected to saying we were using the Map of Planet from the Demo (I assume it's the same as the released game). Personally, I don't care where people say they are, as long as it is somewhat consistent (i.e. obviously the Morganites and Believers are neighbors because SnowFire said so).I'll let SnowFire speak to what the Morganites are up to, but I think they got Particle Impactors in exchange for Synthmetal from the Believers.
posted 04-09-99 10:18 PM ET
As well as Applied Physics in exchange for Secrets of the Human Brain.Note that the summary only covers the Chronicles of Pre-Unity parts one and two. Hopefully the Chronicles of Pre-Unity and Beyond will also be summarized by the end of the weekend. Don't worry about maps, again as long as you respect what has been written already: and from what I've written, we aren't on Planet. If you need a mental picture, imagine that the Morgans are up north on the Isle of Deidrana, with Morgan Industries being on the southwestern edge. Morgan Collections is to the south (on a continent seperate), Monsoon Jungle and the Believers to the west of Morgan Collections. Needless to say, Monsoon Jungle isn't in that location there on Planet. The Hive is somewhere foggily to the southeast by boat. They are probably on a continent, so you could have the UoP share that continent if you wanted. Or share a continent with the Believers, or just go somewhere else and figure out where it is in relation to everyone else later. Despite all that bluster before, this shouldn't be that important. |
posted 04-09-99 11:00 PM ET
Thanks. I think I'll post my addendum to the story in two parts, with the first part posted today and the second tomorrow or Sunday. Just forget the fact that I ever asked about maps; it would only complicate story writing.Technocrat PS, I would enjoy comments and critiques of my stories, and any suggestions are welcome. |
posted 04-10-99 01:43 AM ET
Remind me to bust the guy on board the Britannia back down to private for being so open with that nurse. Loose lips sink ships. Ah well. Good post, Technocrat, though I had to do a little bit of dancing to explain how the Morganites could have a ship with a laser cannon when they only got the technology two days ago and now have better technology actually, meaning that they'll probably leapfrog the laser step entirely and go straight to particle impactors. Also, though this is by no means inviolate, the Believers do have a hesitant treaty with the Morgans, though this depends on the Morganites continually becoming more fundamentalist. If their spiritual growth isn't enough for Miriam, things may go sour. It fit together nicely though, so don't worry! Now you have to decide how you want Zakharov to react in the negotiations. Morgan will basically want a nice trading agreement that will allow him (and you) to profit. Depending on how you judge UoP strength (usually pretty strong), you may want to decide whether your response is a flat "No" in preparation for a later war (because Zak thinks he's the man and can easily crush me) or he's more amenable to the idea. Also, don't worry about the Hive or Believers too much for now: you'll meet them at the Planetary Council in MY 2180 and then all hell can break loose. Not that it has to. But a pretty darn good start, if I didn't say that yet. |
posted 04-10-99 05:24 PM ET
Thanks, SnowFire. I posted my second post, and I would just like to comment about a couple of things. First, I did something you can't do in the game SMAC, namely, the University and the Morganites now have a treaty but no trade. I didn't want there to be a war or anything, but I also didn't want them to get too close, so I came up with that. Second, I guessed as to the nautical speed and distance that seperated the Morgans and the University; I don't really know anything about that, but I made it sound realistic. Last, as I read back over it, there were a few typos, and I'm sorry about that. I hate that. Anyway, good post, SnowFire; it really got my juices flowing.Technocrat |
posted 04-10-99 05:26 PM ET
Thanks, SnowFire. I posted my second post, and I would just like to comment about a couple of things. First, I did something you can't do in the game SMAC, namely, the University and the Morganites now have a treaty but no trade. I didn't want there to be a war or anything, but I also didn't want them to get too close, so I came up with that. Second, I guessed as to the nautical speed and distance that separated the Morgans and the University; I don't really know anything about that, but I made it sound realistic, I hope. Last, as I read back over it, there were a few typos, and I'm sorry about that. I hate that. Anyway, good post, SnowFire; it really got my juices flowing.Technocrat |
posted 04-10-99 05:29 PM ET
Thanks, SnowFire. I posted my second post, and I would just like to comment about a couple of things. First, I did something you can't do in the game SMAC, namely, the University and the Morganites now have a treaty but no trade. I didn't want there to be a war or anything, but I also didn't want them to get too close, so I came up with that. Second, I guessed as to the nautical speed and distance that separated the Morgans and the University; I don't really know anything about that, but I made it sound realistic, I hope. Last, as I read back over it, there were a few typos, and I'm sorry about that. I hate that. Anyway, good post, SnowFire; it really got my juices flowing.Technocrat |
posted 04-10-99 05:29 PM ET
Thanks, SnowFire. I posted my second post, and I would just like to comment about a couple of things. First, I did something you can't do in the game SMAC, namely, the University and the Morganites now have a treaty but no trade. I didn't want there to be a war or anything, but I also didn't want them to get too close, so I came up with that. Second, I guessed as to the nautical speed and distance that separated the Morgans and the University; I don't really know anything about that, but I made it sound realistic, I hope. Last, as I read back over it, there were a few typos, and I'm sorry about that. I hate that. Anyway, good post, SnowFire; it really got my juices flowing.Technocrat |
posted 04-10-99 05:31 PM ET
Oh God, how did that happen?Sorry, Technocrat |
posted 04-12-99 12:14 AM ET
Since Octopus is out until Tueday, I'll post the CPUB +80 tommorow (or at the latest, Tuesday). Technocrat, don't be offended that a few of the things that happened in your post Legrand considers out of character: he would criticize Morgan anyway, no matter what he did. And the fact that Morgan did act strangely (Hi, I'm Adolf Hitler. let me introduce my most trusted adviser, Himmler of the Gestapo, our secret police.) and a bit openly actually worked very much in my favor, and let me to an inspiration about what I can use as an excuse for some events in +80: you can see the foreshadowing of it in my post, in fact. Which reminds me: The CPUB: A New Beginning on Chiron Thread has the events that Legrand describes with the gooey fountain of youth, if you're interested.Of course, I'm really not finished with my +40 timeline; I'll have to explain in +80 what happened with Gajic, I guess, or perhaps I'll post it in the old thread. As well as Believer protests about being left out of the loop. |
MikeH II
posted 04-12-99 06:42 AM ET
Well The Shadow's back briefly. I hope you don't mind that I fried a few worms.Pericles: I think that the Shadow's 40 (soon to be 80) years of wandering has allowed him some contact with planet. Probably just in the way of dreams and voices (like you get in the game) but enough that planet recognises him as an individual. My idea really is that he has some contact with Planet which is what helped him get the planet to pull back the mindworms. Maybe a philosophical debate about the value of the lives of the humans I'm not 100% sure yet but that's what I'm thinking about. Technocrat welcome on board, great start I hope it continues. I imagine the Spartans toward the south of a large continent, they have a range of hills to their north west (which Hommels citadel is at the edge of) and open plains to their north west. The expansion is taking place west with the eastern hills forming a natural defence. To the south is sea but as yet there are no sea colonies. |
posted 04-12-99 06:07 PM ET
Yeah, SnowFire, I had considered the possibility that Morgan should introduce everyone, but then I realized a few things - a) That the person they were talking to (Regalis) was presented as a bureaucrat and not a scientist, as the Morganites would not know that Regalis had personal scientific aspirations. b) Morgan would probably be very angry that the University would make contact and that Zakharov would not be there to greet him personally. c) The Morganites would be extremely eager to present a strong face to a faction whose relative strength was not known. By presenting only the security minister, Morgan would imply that security was of paramount importance to his faction.And besides, as Legrand pointed out, Morgan is only human, and he could have buckled under the pressure. I guess I should have indicated my reasoning; I can see how it would seem non-sensical. Oh well, if it leads to a new inspiration for you, I am very glad. Many of my tales (here and elsewhere) have started as inspirations off of others. Maybe that in and of itself is inspired by Shakespeare  So far, I am imagining the UoP as being on a large island sub-continent smaller than Australia to the far south-east of Morgan, with a big ocean between them. The Gaians are on a nearby, but unconnected, landmass of some sort. I do not recall any specific information in the previous threads that would refute this. If there is an inconsistency, feel free to let me know and I'll gladly change my mental picture. (I try to avoid the subject of geography as much as possible in my writing to prevent any incosistency, anyway.) Thanks, Technocrat PS, This might sound stupid, but how do you place those yellow faces on the screen? |
posted 04-12-99 06:10 PM ET
Oh, wow, I didn't know that by typing in the colon and the parantheses (sp?) that the face just appeared. Neat! I'll have to experiment with that :>Technocrat |
posted 04-12-99 06:38 PM ET
Technocrat, Try clicking on "faq" just below the "Post Reply" button. BTW, good work. :-) (I am esthetically opposed to smilies; too cute by half.)
posted 04-12-99 08:29 PM ET
Sorry all... I was busy doing my impression of a slug in bed to actually write the stuff I wanted to today. When I'm feeling better, which is hopefully tommorow, I'll post CPUB +80, and maybe even finish that CPUB recap.Technocrat: No problem.  |
posted 04-14-99 07:03 PM ET
You know, I would be in favor of delaying the +80 thread and extending the life of the +40 thread; I feel that that thread still has a lot of potential on its own. Of course, I am also perfectly amenable to moving on to the +80 thread, if there are any objections.Technocrat |
posted 04-14-99 09:05 PM ET
Technocrat: the thinking behing moving to CPUB+80 is that in that timeframe it is reasonable to have n-way interactions, where n is the number of chroniclers. As it is now, we are restricted somewhat (especially since nobody seems interested in talking to the Hive ).If you want to keep posting in CPUB+40, I think it would be okay until somebody gets their act together and starts up CPUB+80. I don't have any new storylines I want to start right now, so I plan to react to whatever somebody does in CPUB+80. What's the plan here? I think we said we wanted to cover the first Planetary Council meeting. Any proposals for what it should be about? Presumably somebody wants to run for planetary governor. Here's my perception of what the political state of Chiron will be at the time (I'm posting this so people can correct me if they have a different view of the situation, so we can discuss it): Hive: Dislike the Planetary Council idea, and are adamantly opposed to having any outside agency having authority over the Hive or its Members (i.e. the Hive's internal affairs our the Hive's concerns, no-one else's). They would never vote for Santiago, Miriam, or Morgan for gov. Zakharov or Dierdre might be acceptable, since they are somewhat ideologically neutral from the Hive's perspective. Spartans: Wouldn't vote for Lal for gov (they want the right to conduct their "foreign policy" free from interference from the likes of Lal). May or may not dislike Yang. Have an "ace in the hole" with Legrand, so relationship with Morgans is unclear. Gaians: Personal animosity between Dierdre and Zakharov, but are somewhat allied ideologically. May or may not dislike Yang. Hate Morgans intensely. Personal animosity between Dierdre and Santiago. Believers: Hate the University and Hive. Seem to have a tense and tenuous relationship with Morgan, but could turn either way depending on circumstances. Not too fond of Gaians (that bunch of pagans! ). May or may not be friendly with Santiago. PKs: Dislike the isolationist Hive and the warlike Spartans. Like the UoP and Gaians. Relationship with Believers depends on how warlike the Believers are. Distrustful of Morgan. Morgans: Hate the Hive. Relationship with Believers covered already. Most might be mistrustful of Spartans (although they would probably be good customers). Legrand's influence here would be important. They would like to be friends with the UoP, but Zakharov doesn't seem to want to cooperate (well, he is supposed to be intelligent ). UoP: Somewhat isolationist. Don't really have a problem with the Gaians or PKs (since they don't seem to be threats). Mistrustful of Morgan. May or may not like Hive, depending on the attitudes of the leadership (i.e. they may respect the Hive for some of their accomplishments or dislike them for the traditional reasons). Hate the Believers with a passion.
posted 04-14-99 11:12 PM ET
My sincerest apologies. I've been alternately distracted and sick recently, so I didn't get around to posting another CPUB 40 post (still might not do it), a recap of part III in the CPUB recap, or making the new CPUB +80 post.Octopus: Great list of rough feelings on others. I think that the PK's were the ones who discovered all other 6 factions commlinks first, and when (if) I post the CPUB +80 I'll try and throw in some opening speech explaining why this is occuring (under UN directive Heinz-57 blah blah Planetary Council blah blah reunification of colony pods under one world leadership, hey how about me? We also have to decide whether this conference is in person or online. In person would be cooler from a casting perspective (Santiago stomping out when things don't go her way, etc.), though online would probably be more realistic (Santiago trusting Lal not to arrest all the faction leaders for treason when they arrive at UN Headquarters? Nah, it's the black helicopters and the New World Order!). I'm still undecided on this, but I'm leaning toward in person, likelihoods be darned. |
posted 04-14-99 11:57 PM ET
SnowFire: "<i>I'm still undecided on this, but I'm leaning toward in person, likelihoods be darned. </i>"I agree. In a contest between what will make for a good read and what will make for a realistic read, I go for good read every time. Also, meeting in person would make it easier to explain this as a multi-day affair, with lots of back-room deals, which would be harder to write convincingly if it were an on-line format. Perhaps the in-person meeting is so that each leader can be sure that nobody is tampering with communications and subverting the "true" will of the council. Also, everybody has to be there so everybody can be sure that nobody will lob a planetbuster at the coucil-chamber.
posted 04-14-99 11:59 PM ET
I continue to use HTML tags even though they don't work in order to trick you into thinking I'm an idiot, lulling you into a false sense of security .
MikeH II
posted 04-15-99 03:57 AM ET
All that sounds fine to me. I think we should end up with no planetary governer at the first meeting, perhaps the talks break down for some reason. |
posted 04-16-99 03:34 PM ET
I've started the CPUB+80 thread, but the forums seem to be pretty screwed up. It doesn't seem to be appearing on the "thread list". It was created though -- I got there by guessing the address (I added one to the page for CPUB+40) and there it was.I don't know what will happen if the forums get fixed, or IF the forums will get fixed. Oh well. I haven't posted anything in the thread. I was hoping somebody else would start it off. We may want to hold off on that if the forums are busted, though...
posted 04-17-99 12:28 AM ET
Hey, the +40 thread that there was a fourteenth reply at 11:08 PM today, but when I open the thread I only get thirteen replies (the last one being MikeH's Spartan post). Why is that?Sorry, Technocrat |
posted 04-17-99 12:32 AM ET
Oh, Octopus' comment about the forum being messed up hadn't showed up until I posted my last message  My mistake, Technocrat |
posted 04-17-99 01:25 AM ET
When I go to screwed up threads in the non-SMAC forum at go to the "reply" screen, I can see the posts that aren't reported normally, but I can't for CPUB+40. Who's post is currently lost?
MikeH II
posted 04-17-99 03:14 PM ET
I can see the +80 thread in the thread list. |
posted 04-17-99 05:22 PM ET
Yeah, the forums seem to be somewhat repaired from their previous screwed up state, although there still seems to be a missing post in CPUB+40.I posted something new in CPUB+80. It's cheesy and derivative, but I was bored. I don't know if I'm taking it anywhere. I won't if something better to post about comes along. Come on guys, what are you waiting for? |
posted 04-17-99 08:47 PM ET
Nothing- it's just that I've been a bit, uh, distracted. The fact that Heroes III has basically been consuming a lot of my free time I could normally devote to the CPUB and the forums has also contributed to this... as the fact that I slept in horrendously late today, rather out of character for me. |
posted 04-17-99 08:53 PM ET
Crap! That was my post that got lost in the CPUB +40. Interestingly enough, normally I type my posts up in MS Word and then paste them into the forum window, but since Word has been so screwed up (it claims that I only have two fonts to choose from, when my entire font library is intact), I decided not to save my post. I figured I'd take it off the completed story later. Ack!I'll retype it someday. It was a rather bizarre conversation between Legrand and Gajic, and basically Gajic agreeed not to tell on Legrand and would exchange his services on a quid pro quo basis, but he was basically happy so there was nothing he could offer him. He explained why he chose the Hive, and did not explain how Hive Security didn't execute him (actually he did- "They recognized me right away and made me their spy in exchange for your life and this conversation is being broadcast all over the HiveNet right now and is being sent to Morgan3D Link Vision as well, what do you have to say to all these people who just found out you're a traitor? ... Just joking. And Legrand couldn't get any more than that out of him.) It's possible that this isn't Gajic at all but the democracy advocate guy from Planetfall with massive re-surgery. That's up to Octopus. Drat! I really don't want to type that again. |
posted 04-17-99 10:21 PM ET
I decided to take a risk and post in the +40 thread, and I am happy to say that my post "posted" successfully, and now SnowFire's last post shows up too . I think now I am pretty much ready to move on to the +80 thread, so in a short bit Octopus can stop complaining  Technocrat |
posted 04-17-99 11:11 PM ET
�Precisely; however, we also have to consider the unknown factor of the Human Hive,� Zakharov said. �We know virtually nothing about them, and the Gaians have not been forthcoming."You forgot to add "so obviously we should never ever try to actually talk to the Hive directly, we might actually learn something."  "Based on our knowledge of Sheng-ji Yang, the Hive is probably based on the old police states of late Earth, such as the People�s Republic of China. We can also surmise that they have been fairly antagonistic towards the Gaians, as the Gaian merchants we can interview have indicated that much." They're wrong about the traditional Police State thing. The Hive is in no way traditional. Also, the Hive wanted to get along with the Gaians until they flipped out and cut off communications. And Hive/Gaian diplomatic difficulty is purely the result of Gaian xenophobia .
posted 04-17-99 11:52 PM ET
The University of Planet lacks the capability of directly contacting the Human Hive on its own; remember, in my first post I mention that the Gaians offer the University the comm frequency of the Hive provided that the UoP gives the Gaians 50 energy credits, and the Faculty decided to decline. As a result of this refusal, Gaia's Stepdaughters have presumably reciprocated and refused to provide any other information about the Hive. Also, presumably, there would have been some more Gaian/Hive communications in the forty unwritten years, and because of the Gaian "xenophobia" and the fact that the Hive falsified the cartographical information it provided to the Gaians, that activity would naturally be somewhat antagonistic.As to the Police State thing, that is a matter of opinion . Besides, the key would could be argued to be "probably." Technocrat |
posted 04-18-99 07:35 PM ET
Hey, the +80 thread has had a really good start so far - I like how every faction has had their own reasons for participating in the Council. Giant Squid, I hadn't realized that you were still posting, and so in the +40 thread, I had taken some liberties with the Gaians that I would not have had I known you were still posting. If I wrote anything about the Gaians that you want to change, let me know and we can work something out.Technocrat PS, BTW, could there be a +80 comments thread? This thread is becoming a tad long in loading up. |
posted 04-18-99 10:27 PM ET
Eh... not that long, but why not? I'll start the new thread right now. |