posted 03-26-99 04:29 PM ET
jsorense, and others, please jump in with comments. I enjoy getting feedback, especially good feedback
. It is also nice to know that people are reading this.****************************
Shortly after our first meeting, we got our next assignment. It is a sensitive one. We are to go to Gaia's High Garden and investigate the progress our pact partners are making in transcendent genetic patterning and training techniques. Officially, according to their updates, they are ten to fifteen years away from creating their first usable individual. Unofficially, though they cannot create transcendents yet, they may have found a different, better and more humane way of developing them. In the long run, if it works, this new method of theirs will create more and better transcendents then our system will ever be able to. Our job is to find out whether they have a different method, and if possible, how they are doing it.
Our current methods are crude. Officially, all we hear about are our successes. Profiles of successful transcendents are on all the networks. However, rumours of the failures are just as prevalent. Horror stories about nerve-stapled lobotomised transcendents in psi-punishment spheres have leaked out. And, I just found out that it is true. Part of the briefing we downloaded into our brains contained certain details about our transcendent creation program. It is ugly. Though the successful results are wonderful people, like Emer, the costs are high and horrific. For example, the training starts with a death. Generated DNA is injected into a newly fertilized zygote, after the host zygote's original DNA is excised. The first victim is the original DNA.
Then the zygotes are subjected to an intense psi field. Although they start as genetic copies, the field quickly distorts them in unpredictable ways. Most die immediately. Others mutate. One four week old embryo became a powerful psi emitter, as powerful and mindless as a mindworm boil. It killed five researchers and thousands of embryos in seconds, just before it was mechanically terminated. Only one zygote in one hundred thousand survives to the six-week stage.
Then comes the slow part. We still cannot find a way to make a transcendent from a vat. All transcendents have been implanted and "born," such an archaic word, from an organic human, often a female. The organic human acts as a host for the developing transcendent. I know the notion is bizarre. It is so, well, organic. I know that the Gaians do it, but it seems so inefficient. It also can interfere with the host's work. Nonetheless, it appears that the low-level psi emissions of the "mother" (that is the old word for a female host) are necessary to give the larval, sorry, the embryonic form the psychic stability to survive. The only positive factor is that the survival rate is high, though not as high as with non-transcendent control groups. More than eighty percent of the implanted embryos survive to be "born."
After "birth," the process continues. Special children's creches are used. Unfortunately, the process is no more reliable in this stage. Half the junior transcendents die or go permanently insane over the next seven years. Apparently, many "mothers" become quite upset.
In the final twenty-five to thirty years of training, most survive. Unfortunately, many are unable to master their powerful psi abilities and become profoundly sociopathic. Sociopathic transcendents are incredibly dangerous, and these are the ones that get nerve-stapled. I acknowledge the necessity of such an action. However, watching a fellow human writhe in a psi- punishment sphere in the vain hope that negative reinforcement might teach them something, is very difficult.
I accept that I will soon be a genetic relic, and that transcendent humans are the next stage in our evolution. But I feel sorry for the poor individuals crippled on the wheel of progress. Transcendents may bring our species to a new level, but the broken people crippled and ruined in the creation process are a high price to pay.
I wanted to ask Emer what he thought about all of this, but I didn't dare. Unpredictable spontaneous manifestations of sociopathic behavior were supposed to be impossible, and Emer seemed so stable and serene, but I didn't want to have my brain melted.
jsorense, and others, please jump in with comments. I enjoy getting feedback, especially good feedback
. It is also nice to know that people are reading this.
Shortly after our first meeting, we got our next assignment. It is a sensitive one. We are to go to Gaia's High Garden and investigate the progress our pact partners are making in transcendent genetic patterning and training techniques. Officially, according to their updates, they are ten to fifteen years away from creating their first usable individual. Unofficially, though they cannot create transcendents yet, they may have found a different, better and more humane way of developing them. In the long run, if it works, this new method of theirs will create more and better transcendents then our system will ever be able to. Our job is to find out whether they have a different method, and if possible, how they are doing it.
Our current methods are crude. Officially, all we hear about are our successes. Profiles of successful transcendents are on all the networks. However, rumours of the failures are just as prevalent. Horror stories about nerve-stapled lobotomised transcendents in psi-punishment spheres have leaked out. And, I just found out that it is true. Part of the briefing we downloaded into our brains contained certain details about our transcendent creation program. It is ugly. Though the successful results are wonderful people, like Emer, the costs are high and horrific. For example, the training starts with a death. Generated DNA is injected into a newly fertilized zygote, after the host zygote's original DNA is excised. The first victim is the original DNA.
Then the zygotes are subjected to an intense psi field. Although they start as genetic copies, the field quickly distorts them in unpredictable ways. Most die immediately. Others mutate. One four week old embryo became a powerful psi emitter, as powerful and mindless as a mindworm boil. It killed five researchers and thousands of embryos in seconds, just before it was mechanically terminated. Only one zygote in one hundred thousand survives to the six-week stage.
Then comes the slow part. We still cannot find a way to make a transcendent from a vat. All transcendents have been implanted and "born," such an archaic word, from an organic human, often a female. The organic human acts as a host for the developing transcendent. I know the notion is bizarre. It is so, well, organic. I know that the Gaians do it, but it seems so inefficient. It also can interfere with the host's work. Nonetheless, it appears that the low-level psi emissions of the "mother" (that is the old word for a female host) are necessary to give the larval, sorry, the embryonic form the psychic stability to survive. The only positive factor is that the survival rate is high, though not as high as with non-transcendent control groups. More than eighty percent of the implanted embryos survive to be "born."
After "birth," the process continues. Special children's creches are used. Unfortunately, the process is no more reliable in this stage. Half the junior transcendents die or go permanently insane over the next seven years. Apparently, many "mothers" become quite upset.
In the final twenty-five to thirty years of training, most survive. Unfortunately, many are unable to master their powerful psi abilities and become profoundly sociopathic. Sociopathic transcendents are incredibly dangerous, and these are the ones that get nerve-stapled. I acknowledge the necessity of such an action. However, watching a fellow human writhe in a psi- punishment sphere in the vain hope that negative reinforcement might teach them something, is very difficult.
I accept that I will soon be a genetic relic, and that transcendent humans are the next stage in our evolution. But I feel sorry for the poor individuals crippled on the wheel of progress. Transcendents may bring our species to a new level, but the broken people crippled and ruined in the creation process are a high price to pay.
I wanted to ask Emer what he thought about all of this, but I didn't dare. Unpredictable spontaneous manifestations of sociopathic behavior were supposed to be impossible, and Emer seemed so stable and serene, but I didn't want to have my brain melted.