posted 03-18-99 10:24 PM ET Does CPUB still exist? It should.
Giant Squid <-:-)-K "Eternity lies ahead of us, and behind. Have you drunk your fill?"
posted 03-19-99 06:12 AM ET
If you want it to. It's not been posted in for a long time, but feel free to resurrect it. [Or to join the chroniclers of the AFC... ].
posted 03-19-99 06:12 AM ET
If you want it to. It's not been posted in for a long time, but feel free to resurrect it. [Or to join the chroniclers of the AFC... ].
posted 03-19-99 06:16 PM ET
Giant Squid, Welcome back to the Fiction forum. For the CPUB you might try recruiting collaborators in The Factions forum. Quite a lively role-playing system has popped up there in the last few days and almost none of the characters have posted in this forum. They seem to be a pretty fast and free-forum bunch. Good Luck.
posted 03-22-99 02:57 PM ET
Giant Squid, Very good story weaving a number of SMAC threads together. Thanks. BTW, with MikeH back on line, maybe you guys will be able to reactivate CPUB. Ciao, Dude.
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