Topic: All 8 pods in use?
posted 02-28-99 11:12 AM ET
At the end of "Journey to Centauri" episode 38, Miriam seems to take as her pod the "Dead Bay" (the one hit by a meteor, but apparently still containing live crew according to the text when she reaches it). This makes for 8 pods, yet there's only 7 factions. Up until this episode, I thought that the 8th pod would just be ejected, leaving 7 viable landing sites. But, with the Dead Pod in use...7 factions, 8 pods, so what happened to the factionless pod? Did it burn up in the atmosphere? Or, perhaps I just misread the text...
posted 02-28-99 12:29 PM ET
I can't speak definatively, but if you watch the opening movie, one pod does blow up on the way down.... |
posted 02-28-99 04:05 PM ET
No, I think WCT is correct. But the story does have quite a few other loose ends as well. What became of Santiago's emmissary? What the hell was going on with the captain witnessing Yang's escape from 20 episodes ago? Did they ever do the test fire of the engines?Whine whine, etc. |
posted 03-01-99 12:48 PM ET
Yes, the SMAC back-story did have a few holes in it. However, I miss having them to look forward to each Monday. There was always the chance that this week would be the episode in which I would be included in the story. |
posted 03-01-99 06:29 PM ET
Heh. Yeah, I agree, Jsorense. *sigh* Now we have to make our own fun... |
posted 03-03-99 12:53 PM ET
Ya mondays are now a bore. How about a new story mike?!?! |
Gord McLeod
posted 03-08-99 03:30 PM ET
Prelude to SMAC 2, perhaps? (wishful thinking) |
posted 03-08-99 05:36 PM ET
Hi Gord, Yes, I am afraid that it is only wishful thinking. The next Firaxis game will be a Sid Meier design and I doubt very much that he will want to weigh in with a SMAC prequel. No, Shining1 is right. If we want any more SMAC fiction, then we will have to write it ourselves. [Giant light bulb flashes over my head] Who needs Mike Ely? I'll write myself into the story. And I won't kill myself in an embarrassing way, either. :-)
posted 03-09-99 04:26 PM ET
heh heh heh Anyone remmeber how Kurn, me, died? I got killed by deidre! That green woss! |
posted 03-09-99 04:40 PM ET
Yes, Wen_Amon, Your demise was exactly what I was thinking about. But at least you have been immortalized as the one and only shrink-wrapped Spartan. Maybe Santiago retrieved you body and took it down to Planet with her in order to enshrine you in the Spartan Hall of Heroes, bronzed, plastic wrap and all.
posted 03-11-99 02:06 AM ET
I just saw the opening movie myself (having just received the full version of SMAC). It definitely looks like one of the pods blows up; OTOH, I couldn't even see the damage to the "Dead Pod" (which kinda makes sense - there must not have been *that* much actual damage, if it was still capable of supporting an entire faction, and on more-or-less even starting footing with the other six). |
posted 08-15-99 04:53 PM ET
(Yes, I know this is a "dead thread", but I wanted to throw in my two cents...)Why do any of them have to disappear? For all we know, there could be an unnoticed eighth faction roaming around on Planet! Bwahahah! Er, on a more serious note... for game purposes, presumably it blew up. For forum-story purposes, that isn't necessarily so - in some storylines, it could have landed safely only to join with another faction, or have gone off to form another. Yes, I know - a rather tired thing to hold out as a possibility, but one that could be interesting if use right. |
posted 08-16-99 12:13 AM ET
In the month since our arrival......err, since *SMAC's* arrivial, I think I've puzzled this one out. Eight pods, seven factions. Play with the standard seven factions, and the "nameless" faction dies. Play as a custom faction, and whatever faction you replace is the one that gets blown up. Rather clever, IMO. |
posted 08-16-99 02:38 PM ET
Hey! I bet you're right... it makes a lot more sense that way for custom factions, as those Spartans/Gaians/Believers wouldn't just change their minds about their core principles once they got down there.Kudos.  (If that smileyface doesn't work, I'll kill myself. "Normal" smileyfaces less noses look so undignified.) |