Topic: Comments of Peacewood's Gaianism
Borodino |
posted 02-09-99 01:54 PM ET
I didn't want to sully such a masterpiece by directly appending comments to it.Bravo, Bravo! That consitutes the bulk of my comments. Is there any chance that you are a descendent of Thomas Paine? Futhermore, I wanted to ask if you'd care to bring your Gaianism to life via one of the Chronicles. The CPUB has established Gaians [of which Snowfire is one, I think]. The AFC may or may not currently have Gaians [Giant Squid hasn't posted for us recently.] Your rhetorical flair is impressive, indeed; and I was hoping that you might wish to make use of it with us.
posted 02-10-99 12:13 AM ET
Actually, his masterpiece was tampered with in the factions forum- let's put all our comments there, so we can have a unified instead of fragmented debate, okay? |
posted 02-10-99 12:37 AM ET
Also, if you don't "sully" something by posting to it, it sinks to the bottom, and new people are unlikely to see it.  I'm glad somebody's posting about ideology again. Maybe the Factions forum will pick up now...
posted 02-10-99 05:53 AM ET
You're right Octopus, that "sully" attribute of my reasoning was flawed. But I still didn't want to tamper with his thread -- just a general reluctance of mine to avoid disturning that which is not mine. Also, there is the consideration of my invitation to Peacewood to join one of the chronicles [either of them -- I try to stay non-partisan when it comes to in-forum recruitment]. With his passion for his faction, he would make a good chronicler. And I really thought that posting a side issue like that below his Gaian manifesto would be truly debasing his work. But back to topic, What to Gaians out there think? Has he translated your thoughts into words? Has he spun out into the abyss of space? Although not a Gaian myself, I thought excellent distinctions between the consumerism that dominates the Western nations and the preservationism/ conservationism he wishes the Gaians to uphold. |
posted 02-10-99 07:27 AM ET
I hust read Peacewood's artical and was compleatly blowen away. one of the best peices of writeing I have seen in a long time.Brother Legoean |
Imran Siddiqui
posted 02-13-99 05:49 AM ET
Too Long. Don't have time to read it. Sorry.Imran Siddiqui |