posted 02-02-99 01:00 AM ET
Arkhangelsk, Russia. January 29 1999. Dear Sir! It's a pleasure for me to send this letter to you - the author of the best and most well-done strategic games. When I come across with a new product signed "Sid Meier" I buy it so as it's well-known: Sid Meier won't allow his name to be placed under a second-class "trash". Games made by your group and signed "Sid Meier" represent the acme of pure strategic games (I do not mean games that simulate battles or economy only but those masterpieces which let one enjoy the development of science and technology and make it possible for the person to elliminate his or her enemies after having reached scientific superiority). It's not flattery but sincerity that your games are perfect and unsuprassed at two points at least. At first, the A/I your programmers create is really smart, intelligent and rather hard to defeat. The second splendid trait of your products is very handy interface, especially in "Alpha Centauri", and simplicity (I mean that there's no excessive and unnecessary features, options and functions - unlike many other "games"). I played Civilization, Civilization II, Master of Orion, Railroad Tycoon and now I play demo (alas!) of Alpha Centauri. This list contsists of really unattainable patterns of historical and space strategy simulators. After playing these unique things one won't look at other so-called "strategies", because they seem dull and plain. I played your games with some results. My personal record is 97,500,000 babylonians, 1900 A.D. (Civilization I). My father is fond of your games, too. He finished Civilization I on 1820 B.C.: 12 civilizations destroyed, level - emperor, result - 177% (no cheats)! It becomes much more remarkable because my father had only three or four cavalry units, found in villages. My gratitude for these spiritual benefits is sincere and frank. Thank you for your games! I thank you for your generous attention in advance. Yours faithfully, Yuriy A. Halimovsky.