Topic: Alternate Future Chronicles Comments Continued
Borodino |
posted 01-30-99 07:51 PM ET
It's getting to be time for a new one of these. [There was an appreciable delay in opening the last one today ]. Nothing else new to add right now, [I'm working on scholarship applications -- I've been invited to compete for a full ride from the University of Pittsburgh! ] except for a suggestion to keep all AFC threads below 50-60 posts from now on.
posted 01-30-99 10:19 PM ET
Hello again Fjorxc,First off , thank you for inquiring about the AFC. Next, we are somewhat more organized than other chronicles have been. [We spent weeks at the beginning setting up ground rules]. You could find the rules at my AFC site -- . It's a work under extreme construction -- I just recently gave up The GLobe and am in the process of rebuilding at homestead. Simpler: Basically the rules stress consultation before major actions are undertaken, consistency, and realism, as well as a modicum of common sense . [ie, don't kill with asking, try to establish and develope your story lines, etc.] Next, I'll give you a brief rundown of the AFC to date, by faction. Yang: two Hive stories. The first was a short story by TAS about a day in the life of a Hive policeman. THe other was a running thread by me that was a journal kept by a paranoid construction foreman who felt personally persucuted by the Hive. No current chroniclers for the Hive exist. Skye: Not much going on here yet. Months ago there was a post by refering rather cryptically to a genetics project. Since then, jsorense's believers have started a joint aquaculture experiment with the Gaians. We might have a GAian chronicler in Giant Squid, but he's not yet posted. Morgan: Morgan hasn't been touched since the first week of chronicling for the AFC back in September. THere is theoretically a UoP-Morgan trade pact. The PKs would like to form a relationship, but with no one to contact... UoP: not written for since before the Great Collapse. Plotlines never truly developed: the Morgan pact and a security team are the only things which come to mind. May possibly have a writer returning: SupremePaco. Spartans: for the past two weeks, the AFC had a Spartan for the first time ever. Unfortunately, kyuden can't continue his particpation with us. Anyway, he was planning to assassinate the PK minister of exploration, fake a believer attack on one of his outposts and generally wreak havoc with the PK-Beleiver pact. Currently has no active writers. Beleivers: the Beleivers are established to have the best oil producation and to be consumate moonshiners. Miriam rules via charisma and must contend with the Eucumenical Council. Earlier plotlines revolved around character establishment, a communications fiasco [truly the best set of posts in the AFC, in my most very humble opinion], a spy ring in Hope [the PK capital] and currently focuses on mindworm experiments and the first AFC obelisk. Written for by jsorense and legoean. PK: Last but not least, my very own. Established as the best in medicine. Attempting to conquer the luxury food market . Past plots: character introduction, an ongoing exploration team, the establishment of diplomatic relations with the Believers, the inner workings of the PK govt. Recent posts have concerned the destruction of an entire outpost, the discovery of a vast mountain of trash [really!!], and the launching of the fourth ship in the PK NAvy. I hope this all helps. If you have more questions, please ask. Feel free to write for any faction, although establishing yourself in one of the non-written-for factions would probably be best -- more latitude on your part  Lastly, I can't reccomend strongly enough that you read the People thread. THe AFC is about people more than events, which I feel is its distinguishing characteristic. Also, I would heavily reccoment that you read the Pre-Crash Forum Chronicle Archives to get a feel for the interactions and style of the AFC. I know that would be a lot of reading and effort [and I'm not sure i'd be willing to do the same in your place ], but i think that, more than anything else, will help you get a feel as to how you can contribute. Again, thank you very much for inquiring and I hope to start seeing AFC posts with "Fjorxc the Maniac" in the Name column soon! PS. Where did you get your name from? It's quite unusual. PPS. I apoligize for all ungrammaticalites, misspellings, and general ramblings in this post. I've been up for seventeen hours and its time to go to bed. |
posted 01-31-99 07:01 PM ET
To Fjorxc the Maniac,Welcome to the AFC threads. (jsorense extends his open hand in hospitality) I see that Borodino has given you direction to our rules and an outline of our current relationships and which factions need champions. I really hope you decide to join us here and it isn't as complicated as it looks. We're basically a year and a half after planet fall and everyone is still running around exploring and trying to survive. Our interest is in exploring how the different factions might realistically develop given the technological, resource and personnel limitations of a scattered landing on a hostile planet. If you read our earlier stories you'll see what I mean. If you have any more questions about the AFC please post them here or email. P.S. What did I say to you way back when? I do hope it was polite. What has happened to Sofielisk? Are we too boring for her? I am glad to see that Tawdal has returned. He has a place in the history of these forums. There never would have been a BoS without him. That's a good thing, right?
posted 01-31-99 07:39 PM ET
Dear Giant Squid, Congratulations on your first AFC post. Thanks for joining us. I promise I will never post anymore calamari jokes. They were in poor taste (maybe needed more garlic?).Brother Legoean, Glad to see you back. Let us know how the exams went. I will try to catch up with the Hand of God tomorrow. |
posted 02-01-99 02:56 PM ET
Exams could not have gone better. 96% in history, 89% in Geomitery, 91% in english, 95% in science.i did very well. Post again soon brother Legoean |
posted 02-01-99 07:44 PM ET
Congrats Legoean!For the benefit of our neophytes, here's a repost of AFC time conventions. Given the planetary year (388 earth days) and the planetary day (17.53 earth hours), we adopted the following calendar for Chiron AKA Planet" a) We use day to refer to a planetary day. b) We make as a decurn, 10 planetary days (just over an Earth week). c) We use as a year, 53 decurns plus two extra days (to give the 532 planetary days in each planetary year). This is about 6% longer than an Earth year. For these two extra days, the first occurs as the beginning of the year and is known as Planetfall Day, when we celebrate our original landing on Planet. The second day, which occurs at year-end is Earth Day, when we remember our hertitage and ancestors of Earth. d) We divide the day into 18 periods which we refer to has hours. (They are slightly shorter (2.6%) shorter than Earth hours.) e) We have redefined minutes and seconds based off the new hours with the same conversion factors as on Earth. (Thus 2.6% shorter than Earth equivilants.) f) We started numbering our years over starting at 0 (zero) representing how many years we have been on the planet. Some people will add 2100 to this to get an approximate Earth year. Summarized in Planet Terms: 60 secs to 1 minute. 60 minutes to 1 hour. 18 hours to 1 day. 10 days to 1 decurn. 53 decurns plus 2 extra days to 1 year. Proposed Shorthand Notation: YYY/WW.D or YYY/PD for Planetfall Day or YYY/ED for Earth Day. YYY is year. WW is week. D is day of week from 0 to 9. HH:MM:SS (no AM or PM straight 18 hours, starting at midnight.) If the earth equivilant year is being used, it is always preceeded by MY. Sometime for the years on the planet you see YPrepresenting Years since Planetfall.
posted 02-02-99 12:22 PM ET
Welcome Hivesters! I see from the AFC: The People thread that Shining 1 and ZhanC are going to join us with a veritable swarm of Hivesters. Thank you for the interesting bios. Are you two going to try and coordinate your characters and stories? Also, have you decided where on Brenda's map of Chiron the Human Hive will be established? If you have any questions or comments, this is the place for them.Giant Squid, How you doing? We are looking forward to more Gaians frolicking in the forest. And exactly where is that forest of yours? (see, no jokes) Brother Legoean, How did you like my version on how the obelisk enhances militia unity effectiveness? BTW, congrats on your test results too.
posted 02-02-99 04:29 PM ET
Well, I haven't thought about where the Hive's main base sould be. As for my characters, I was going to put them in a Sea Base. Possibly under the nose of Spartans.Anyways, anyone want sto coordinate effort on establish a Main plot to go along with can contact me via ICQ# 11202044. |
posted 02-02-99 05:10 PM ET
Woah Fjorxc the Maniac! Jolly good indeed! Good show, good show. [End pathetic British aristocratic impression]Welcome to the AFC! BTW, did you ever read the Forbidden Journal? |
Fjorxc the Maniac
posted 02-02-99 08:51 PM ET
Forbidden Journals? Nope, not to my knowledge. Those part of the CoFH? |
posted 02-02-99 10:00 PM ET
Fjorxc, No the Forbidden Journal is mine, part of the AFC. It's in the Pre-Crash Archives, I dug up for you, the first story post there. A lot of your Hivian references reminded me of it [especially the alphanumeric designations] and I thought that perhaps you were borrowing to maintain continuity. Instead, it must be a case of great minds thinking alike.  Try reading it. Paul-Henri D'Avignon is an interesting character; he may be an accurate reporter, or he may be a psychological case. Decide for yourself. [Many pro-Hivians have decided for the later; I wavered as I was writing it]. |
posted 02-02-99 10:10 PM ET
The UoP has arrived! We're located on the large island in the middle of the map, and a little to the south. The map is at:'ll post in an hour or so... |
posted 02-03-99 12:49 AM ET
Can anyone give me the exact details where all the other factions are located? I have yet to pick a spot for the hive.Thanks |
posted 02-03-99 02:31 AM ET
I have recieved a copy of the map, my thanks goes to Kyuden. |
posted 02-03-99 11:36 AM ET
Hi Borodino, Great work on the map, thanks. Yes, you placed the Believers correctly. In one of my old posts I placed one of the Gaian bases in the Southern Hemisphere. Giant Squid hasn't expanded on that yet, to my knowledge.ZhanC, Welcome, and a very impressive first post. I envy your touch with conversations. I have one comment concerning your proposed sea base though. Since this is only a little over a year after planet fall, it is probably unlikely the Hive has been able to establish the factories to manufacture the equipment and materials to produce such a base. I would put that 20 years in the future. BTW, did you ever read CClark's stories about how the Gaian's did it? Also, Brother Legoean has had several skirmishes with an unidentified group that he has hinted might be the Hive. Is this something you want to pick up or we should we blame the Morganites, those hedonistic, nihilistic, anti spiritual scum. JB, Very glad to have you back. Thanks for the story. The Believes and the UoP have had some tenuous unofficial contact. Would you be interested in continuing these? I can give you an outline if you wish. Fjorxc the Maniac, Thanks for your contribution too. You know what I think of your stuff. I know that these chronicles seem relatively serious but its not necessary check you sense of humor at the AFC door. Giant Squid, Brother Legoean, where are you? G'day Kyuden!
posted 02-03-99 03:51 PM ET
Well, I decided to axe the Sea base idea. so that's that.My story arc will focus on Hive/Spartan along with some reference to Morganites.So the believers aren't currently in my plans yet. I've decided to place the hives in the circle marked I or H(maybe both?) on Borodino's map if it's okay...Since I do plan to do something about ships, In the game it self it is possible for one to recieve a skimp boat from a unity that's what I plan to do. I will post some new profiles of backround characters under the characters thread. |
posted 02-03-99 06:53 PM ET
ZhanC,Your map location is duly noted. [It's exactly where I thought you'd go.] As for ships, the PKs have established, through industrial progression, a shipyard at one of their coastal outposts. The PK navy currently consists of two five meter fishing boats, a ten meter exploration boat, and the newly christened Nicosia, forty meters long. The first two are motorized [built from salvaged Unity parts], the exploration ship is both engined/sail [primarily sail due to lack of fuel], and the Nicosia is all sail. So it has been established as possible for a homebuilt navy to have been constructed. Just food for thought -- you might prefer sail to foils -- your choice. |
posted 02-03-99 07:08 PM ET
I know you alll will be very exited when you learn that i will introduce the Raiders on the hand of god base. The raiders have setup there own governemnt called the Confederated States of Alpha Centauri (CSAC). It consist of 3 states, of about 10 miles each in lenth. and are curently in dealing with the papparazzi to add them as an additonal state. I belive that you will like my next serise of chapters. |
posted 02-03-99 07:33 PM ET
I've recieved the map, thanks. I guess the UoP are stuck on the G Circle, but I'll try to avoid mentioning it. Would it be at all possible to keep the UoP on Nova Terra Island? |
posted 02-03-99 08:18 PM ET
JBI must have misunderstood your posts. I thought the G circle was roughly what you meant. I did not mean to impose a location on you. Where exactly did you want your faction to be located? Legoean, The raiders are an eighth faction? Interesting. Where did the people for this faction come from? Also, I would suggest that you not federate the paparazzi into your proposed CSAC. First, the paparazzi are all of factionless people on AC. It's more of a catch-all term than an organization. [I guess that Fjorxc's-- I hope I spelled that right -- character is, for all intents and purposes paparazzi. Second, the paparazzi, I feel, serve an important purpose. By being the factionless, it always informational and commercial exchange to take place on an informal level. With the paparazzi, we don't neccessarily have to formalize trade or espionage links, and we can have our sources come an go. Just my two centinobels [The nobel, BTW, is the PK unit of currency; hopefully spelled as to be named after the Swedish inventor and not the aristocrats.] To all others, Don't feel as though factions must be located where I suggested. The circles were merely suggestion to help leave some room for growth and expansion for each faction. The last thing I want to do is leave the impression of dictatorian airs. 
posted 02-03-99 08:30 PM ET
Also, Legoean,You're about two decurns [weeks] behind the rest of us. We can slow down to allow you to catch up, but we do need to try to stay relatively close together chronologically. |
posted 02-04-99 04:01 PM ET
Borodino, Are the Peacekeepers interested in a little business? If you recall, Brother Rahjiv is an aeronautical engineer by training. Since he won't be building any planes in the near future he has been working on designs for wind generation stations and wind powered ships. Since you have a shipyard, of sorts, I'm thinking that the Believers should order a hull from you guys. They will then equip and provision it before they sail it up to New Jerusalem. What would you take in payment? I just so happen to have some very cool data on alien hieroglyphs that might come in handy. I also have a dwindling supply of wonderful critically acclaimed leatherette bound editions of Sister Miriam's inspirational quotes (Maya just loves them). Whad'ya say?Brother Legoean, I may need a squad, or so, of militia to sail a ship from Hope to New Jerusalem. Can you put a crew together? I think I will recall Sister Tammy from the Gaians so that she can be part of this adventure. I'll have Brother Rahjiv talk to Brother Legoean. I would like to know more about the CSAC before accepting them into our SMAC universe. Who were they on the Unity; how did they get separated from the faction bases; how have they survived without access to colony pods; why did they attack Believers? Can we discuss them a little further here? The Paparazzi, as I believe Brenda intended, do not hold territory but are independent clans and itinerant traders, just as Borodino described them.
posted 02-04-99 04:46 PM ET
jsorense,How big a hull are we talk? Nicosia class? If so, it'll take at least four decurns to produce [maybe three if we rush it] In return... what is the state of Beleiver metalurgy and electronics? The PKs are critically short on electronics-grade conductors and semi-conductors. If you do not believe your faction has the ability to supply those raw [or even finished] goods, then we'll have to come up with something else. Article III of the MOU states that the consulates are to help speed scientific interaction between our factions, among other things, so I was going to suggest that we exchange archeological data anyway. THe question is which side discovers the other's project first to ask for the informatonal exchange. Back to the hull thing, I'll post a bio for the administrator of the Poseidon Fleet Yards soon [within an hour or two] so that you can send Brother Rajiv and have someone to meet him. Poseidon, if you recall, is a tented town decribed by St. John [I really need to get back to the Narmonov Expedition] as a strange mixture of a New England fishing village and a Saharan Reclaimation Project settlement. Take it from there if you wish. [Although I think I did describe Poseidon a little more...] I'm rambling now so I'll shut up. |
posted 02-04-99 06:57 PM ET
Borodino, Yes, the Nicosia class hull will be fine. Brother Rahjiv will have some special modifications in order to install his wind-powered drives. Believer electronics stink! Do what I do, go begging at the UoP. Believer metallurgy is a bit better. They are specializing in structural steel elements and agricultural tools(mostly hand held) and some very nice knives. We have already given you all of our drilling technology, and how much champagne can you drink? I still have those books. As for the archaeologist: there would be no way that the two archaeologists on Unity wouldn't know each other. Since the Believers couldn't find a short term practical use of the obelisk, the two can meet and brainstorm.Brother Legoean, Sorry to hear about you capture. Hang in there and renew your strength by remembering the inspirational words of Sister Miriam. Remember that great book of quotes I gave you last Christmas? The militia can't be too far behind you. You would never go out on patrol alone, would you?
posted 02-04-99 07:18 PM ET
jsorense,Your advice about electronics is duly noted. Rajiv now has someone to work with on the new Beleiver boat [what are you gonna call it, btw?]. Check out the [skimpy] bio in "People" Ok then. Since we really have apparently exhausted significant technological differences between our factions, we'll build your ship "to strengthen the bonds of friendship between our two factions, in the hope that the ravages of factionalization can be undone and that all of humanity can learn to live in peace." [Just remember, you owe us one ]. Lastly, I'm sending a communique from Borodino to Baker with instructions to set up a meet between Croft and Markum. I'll await for your "official" response. |
posted 02-04-99 07:19 PM ET
I tried to convey in the last story that he went theier to find answers. So I think it was fitting that he went alone. especally if he wanted to find peace.Don't think of them as a faction. think of them as people who o not agree with any other factions and have run away from them. I will key down the raiders so that they are just a big organized milita. Who don't like big governments. |
posted 02-05-99 12:15 PM ET
Hi Brother Legoean, Welcome back from your captivity. Get yourself checked out in the clinic before you return to duty. What kind of relationship to you now see between the Raiders and Believers? As you can guess, there will be leaders among the Believers who will not be happy with this well armed group on their border. Do you have any more ideas of what should be on the datadisk? Borodino, It now seems that the Believers have more information on the alien artifacts than the Peacekeepers. Nah nah nahan nah. As for the taking the ship's hull on credit. Although Sister Miriam and Lal seem to be the closest among the faction leaders, I don't think that she is willing to have that kind of obligation hanging over her just yet. Maybe Sister Cecilia has some new plastics up her sleeve. Most of Brother Greg's pharmaceutical work too secret. And don't forget the inspirational readings. They also come in cassettes and CDs for easy listening while riding in your rover or hover tank.
posted 02-07-99 11:31 AM ET
Well the info that is on the data disk is where the groupp is located. Mind worm studies and obelisk studies as well as the location of the other obelisk. |
posted 02-07-99 02:56 PM ET
jsorense,You right; no faction in their right mind would take so large an object on credit. Hmmm. How about some raw materials? Copper, iron, tin, nickle, chromium, zinc, cobalt, antimony, bismuth, gallium, manganese, magnesium, platinum, or titinunium would all be greatly appreciated. I'd expect that copper, iron, nickle, and tin would be easiest to have the capacity to extract, but the same goes so the PKs so the others would be more valuable [lesser quantities being needed]. I'm not an expert on refining by any means, but if I read the encyclopedia articles on these correctly, most should be refinable with our technology, provided one had worked at it. Just a thought. Also, to all, I'd like to have the holidays be coming up on AC. Let's say that, based on relative distance from the [northern]winter solistice, Christmas takes place on 37.2 -- meaning that the solictice takes place about 36.5. I'm not familiar with the Jewish and Muslim [and all of the other] liturgical calenders, but Hannuakah [sp] and Ramadan seem to be about the same time as Christmas each year. Can anybody help give these proper dates. Also, anyone feel like calculating when spring, summer, and fall when then start [using the northern hemisphere again]? |
posted 02-08-99 06:02 AM ET
Shining1,Good to see your first story post [It is the first, right?]! We really didn't need a new story thread already, as the last one was only eight posts long, but since it's made, I guess we use it. Current protocol cuts threads AFC threads off somewhere between fifty and seventy-five. You're forgiven  |
posted 02-08-99 04:02 PM ET
jsorense,Forget the metals [if you wish], because I forgot the most obvious commodity for trade: any excess petroleum! Beleivers are established to have the best oil industry, oil = energy, energy = $ [at least according to the actual game]. If you chose to pay in petrol, then we have the first exchange in the energy-based economy! |
posted 02-08-99 04:15 PM ET
Hi Borodino, Good, refined petroleum products it is. However, I suggest to your planners that these products will be more valuable as the basis for manufacturing products (plastics) than to burn for energy. I won't get around to posting an episode today, maybe tomorrow.Brother Legoean, Thanks for the information on the datadisk. How is your hospital stay? Are you ready to return to duty? Shining1, Welcome aboard, happy to have you with us and keep up the good work.
posted 02-08-99 04:40 PM ET
Borodino: I'm sorry? 8 posts long. Opps. Where is this located, then? Jsorense: Thanks. So long as I can think of ideas, I'll keep posting. But I should probably read the last 50 posts to catch up on events. Currently, I view the Hive as being located somewhere south of the University, on a large continent (Pangaea?) The terrain is quite tough, and there is little access to open water (unlike the PK's, I think). A mountain range runs along south east of The Labyrinth, the first Hive colony on Planet (should I be talking about Primary Hive Clusters? )
Emphasis is thus on industry and expansion, as fast as possible. Research has been neglected, and the Hive's population has been working very closely to the revolt line for a while now (though things are loosening up). And a probe team is being secretly assembled. First contact with the UoP has been made VERY recently by explorers (please, who writes for them and IS THIS OKAY?) Cheers, Shining1 |
posted 02-08-99 04:46 PM ET
Ah. AFC II - As the Planet Turns. I'll repost my inital posting there, and hopefully let that thread float to the bottom.ATTENTION FIRAXIS: The second thread: Alternative Future Chronicles - Synthesis forum (02 07 99) is NOT WANTED. Posting this was a mistake on my part. Please delete this thread completely - to preserve the structure of the SMAC Fiction Forum. |
posted 02-08-99 08:31 PM ET
Let me get this straight:Borodino: Peace Keepers Jsorense: Believers Legoean: Believers ZhanC: The Hive Shining1: The Hive (poss) JB: UoP Giant Squid: Gaians Current Plotlines: ZhanC: - Hive/Morganites interaction - Chen's vendetta against the Spartans Legoean: - Believer/Raider confrontation - Monoliths Jsorense: - Monoliths - PK/Believer interaction Borodino: - Shipbuilding - PK/Believer interaction - Monoliths Shining1 - Labyrinth Construction/experiements - UoP/Hive interaction Giant Squid: - Believer/Gaian interaction JB: - none
posted 02-09-99 12:48 PM ET
Shining1,Additions / Corrections jsorense: Believer/Gaian interaction Fjorxc the Maniac: exHivester
posted 02-10-99 07:01 PM ET
Where is everbody? Hello.<echoing back> Hello Hello Hell Hel He H |
posted 02-10-99 07:40 PM ET
Hello All,Been too busy to site down and stir something up. "Waiting is." Michael Valentine Smith
posted 02-11-99 01:29 PM ET
Brother Legoean,Glad to see you posting again. Thanks for covering my slackedness
posted 02-11-99 07:01 PM ET
If anyone is interested in what happened when a mindworm stung Brother Johnny the two episodes can be found in the "Pre-Crash Chronicles Archives." Planet Date: 001/31.1 |
posted 02-12-99 05:21 PM ET
Thigs have been a bit hectic for me. I'll try to post soon. In the meantime, I was wondering if anyone had any comments on the preamble to the PK constitution alluded to previously. [Somewhere in first combined chronicling thread.]: --------------------------------------------- Preamble to the Constitution of the Faction of Peacekeepers We the people of the Faction of Peacekeepers, In recognition of the precarious nature of humanity's survival on this new world, In awareness of the limitations on freedom and human rights among several of the other factions, Being Mindful of the many mistakes of Earth, In order to establish justice; to reaffirm faith in fundemental human rights, the dignity of the human person, and the equal rights of man and woman; to safeguard our liberty and that of succedding generations; to promote the general welfare and the common defense; Do hereby ordain this Constitution of the Faction of Peacekeepers. --------------------------------------------- Does it sound "constitutional" and "peacekeeperish"? Also, Shining1, It's kinda strange that we both have characters named "Dorian", isn't it? Mine's female and chief justice for the PK's while yours is male and chief spy for the Hive, but I still found it to be an amusing coincidence. Ten thousand crew out ~ten billion humans and we get two Dorians. Que extrano! |
posted 02-15-99 09:51 PM ET
Where is everyone?I was on college visitation and then I got SMAC. [An explantion of my abscence]. And the rest of you? |
posted 02-15-99 11:23 PM ET
Holidaying in the South Island high country. I was forced to, not having anywhere in Christchurch to stay until the 15th.But still, a very pleasant place to visit, like Scotland with consistantly sunny weather.  And yes, I find it strange we both have Dorians in our faction staff (I didn't know Dorian was a girls' name, come to think of it... or is it her sirname?). Not to worry, I don't think their about to meet anytime soon. Even so, it might pay to introduce each character using their full name in future postings. Re constitution: (no impeachment process? ) I don't like the first bit: "...amoung several of the other factions," There should be no reference to other factions (certainly in this light) in the constitution. Change to "both now and in the past," perhaps?
posted 02-15-99 11:28 PM ET
ZhanC:I have the Hive's main base (called Labyrinth) located somewhere south of the UoP and west of the Believers/PKs. The terrain is fairly hostile... A sea base could be located further south/west from here? |
posted 02-16-99 05:58 AM ET
Shining1,I hope you enjoyed your vacation. Not run down by any rabid sheep?  I didn't know that Dorian could be a guy's name. There was a female Dorian in my class in elementary and middle school. [Grades one through eight; about ages six through fourteen -- I don't know how New Zealander schools are labeled.] There's no impeachment process yet because that was only the preamble [and because I'm only through the article one, the legislature and am beginning to think that I based it overly much on the US Constitution.] The PK govt is going to be a cross between parlaimentary and presidential systems. I don't know which'll dominate. If it's parlaimentary, impeachment might not be necessary, just a simple vote of no-confidence. You suggestion on "other factions" is duly noted and well received. That substitution gets the point across even better because it drops the reference to current global politics [always a bad thing to do when constitution writing] and points back to Earth's legacy at the same time, a very "peacekeeperish" thing to do. Thanks. Lastly, I'd suggest that you not establish the establishment of an seabase yet. I really don't think that technology could be considered sufficient in the AFC world at this time to establish one. Lastly [again], great job on that last post. Makes the reader truly understand ET and why he is [will be?] truly angry at his circumstances within the Hive.
posted 02-16-99 06:02 AM ET
One more thing. You may use my characther from the Forbidden Journel if you wish, provided you don't kill D'Avignon or brainwash him back into submission yet. Also, Howard Greer, although real, was probably going to become something more like Emmanuel Goldstein from 1984, a public enemy more fictive than fact, capable of maintaining his reigns on all that is evil and anti-government for generations to come. Basically the object of the three-decurn hate.  |
posted 02-16-99 06:20 AM ET
One more [more] thing, Your mindworms may be too long. Officially, according to FIRAXIS, mindworms are only about ten cms long, not a full meter. |
posted 02-17-99 02:02 AM ET
Rabid sheep? No, Boro, and I didn't do anything else sheep related before you start... . Although I did engage in two other popular N.Z pasttimes, drinking beer and watching cricket.Anyway, to point: Yes, I have plans for precious D'Avignon, especially with the upcoming planetfall holiday to be celebrated in the Hive (any clue as to how far away this is? I had assumed it was pretty close!). He meets up with Howarth Ubeya in a 'bar' in the industrial sector - quite a meeting of worlds. Also planned is some serious hand to hand violence (though ultimately undetected) against the UoP, involving Dorian (my Dorian!), Hazel, and the (intentionally) yet to be written for Gerard DuPont. As well, I was wondering if ET could meet up with Sara Croft soon? What with them both being well travelled 'citizens of the world', I'm sure some rich history could be invented for them - either for good or evil (Jsorense? Legoean? Boro?) Mind worms are 10cms long? Opps...
Maybe there could be many strains? I certainly can't have them any less than about 25 cms without rewriting that last posting (though the big fella could have been considerably smaller, I agree). [Goddammit!! I can't work under these conditions!! ARRRRGHHH!!] |
posted 02-17-99 06:03 AM ET
Shining1,I didn't mean to imply anything at all. [Although I do admit to having read Brother Greg's comments about the Kiwi/Aussie rivalry and certain comments about stange mating practices involving typically assocciated with each nation.] Back to chronicling: Sara Croft is one jsorense's characthers, so you'll have to get permission from him; but right now I'm borrowing her until I can figure out how to get the canal to work. [Hopefully pretty soon; I don't want to keep her away from the Beleivers too long; they might get suspicious.] However, it looks like jsorense created a very good character -- much in demand! Don't worry overly much about the mindworms. Perhaps in the AFC there could be multiple strains. We've deviated from the official Firaxis posistion on some other things, so this wouldn't be a tremendous thing. Lastly, going back to that last statement, if anyone has gotten the full gmae and read the back section of Planetology, one've'd found out that the previous posistion of Firaxis that Planet was fossil-fuel-rich has been reversed. The Official Planet nows is so symbiotic and bio-effiecent that no fossil fuels exist. Given the importance of fossil fuels to certain elements of the AFC, I suggest that we ignore this change. Oh! Lastly [again]. The last story post was 001/35.4. The regular time year ends on 001/53.9. We then go into 001/ED, Earth Day, when we remember the legacy of Earth. The next day is 001/PD, Planetfall Day, when we remember all related to the Planetfall: out reasons for coming, the joy and promise of our new world, those who we've lost since then, ect. We have 18 decurns and seven days until Planetfall Day. The holidays I suggested creating above are a translocation of traditional Earth holidays timed to coincide with the winter solistice: Christmas, Kwanzaa, ect. If your storyline suggests a holiday, then create a Hive-specific one. For example, I've been trying to decide when Constitution Day for the PKs should be. |
posted 02-17-99 10:55 AM ET
Shining1, Borodino,Looks like you have caught me slacking again. So Sister Sara Croft is in demand. Let me see what I can do. If there is one thing I can write about, its archaeologists. Any additional comments on what you want included with the obelisks? I am also going to recall Sister Tammy from the Gaians. I want to follow up with her, Brother Johnny and the mind worm experiments. Hasta la vista.
posted 02-17-99 05:16 PM ET
Borodino, You're move, dude.Shining1, If you want E.T. and Sister Sara Croft to have a past then judging by their Bios, they could have met in Mexico or Central America. Sister Sara had many a run in with "huaqueros"(sp), organized gangs of tomb robbers there and in South America. I'll let you decide the location and circumstances of their encounter(s). I'll be able to provide background color (colour) and the archaeological context.
posted 02-17-99 06:12 PM ET
Understood. Great characterization in that last post. You captured exactly what I always wanted in Markum without my even knowing I wanted it. A nice disreputable PK, finally!! Although I have suggested a bit of disreputableness for Borodino at times. First of June massacre and all that... |
posted 02-17-99 06:48 PM ET
Jsorense: Given ET's somewhat chequered history, I strongly suspect that he would have been involved to some degree with the "huaqueros", or at least wouldn't have had any real ethical problems dealing with them. It depends upon how evil these tomb robbers are - your call.ET is more of an explorer type than an archaeologist, an expert in people and 'human camoflage' rather than ancient artifacts. He's really a bit of Starcraft's James Raynor character mixed with a bit of Latino anarchy - a rogue, but a good rogue ultimately. I think it would be interesting to pursue a slightly antagonistic relationship between the two (at least at first). After all, it wouldn't pay to have a Hiver get friendly with the other factions this early on. Comments appreciated.  |
posted 02-17-99 07:33 PM ET
Shining1, Well, do I have a background for you, I mean E.T. Throughout the western Caribbean there is a long tradition of smuggling by coastal and island peoples. E.T. could be involved with the smuggling aspect, whether its guns, drugs, looted artifacts, tropical birds, exotic animals or people. The bad side of E.T. would be after the money, however the good side would support revolutionary movements and help move victimized people out of harms way. Sara and E.T. would have crossed paths along the smuggled artifacts and natural resource issues but she would probably be sympathetic with his political gestures. How does that sound?Borodino, I don't think I was too soft on Borodino. I did say, ". . .he always had a pretty shady reputation around the fine arts and antiquities markets." Maybe he knows E.T. too?
posted 02-17-99 07:55 PM ET
Jsorense: Sounds perfect. Excellent stuff, Jso. And the point of conflict presents itself nicely - while revolutionary movements have a history of blowing things up, archeologists dislike people who suggest that political movements take precidence over ancient ruins. "Looking for more ruins to destory, ET?"As far as Borodino goes, I don't think he would ever have met ET face to face - antiques markets, etc, aren't the place to find Tehicimon when there are better spots (read: drink) to be had. |
posted 02-17-99 09:21 PM ET
I was trying to agree with that remark, jsorense!  Anyway, ET & Borodino could possibly have met, because the "rumors" mentioned in the introduction [way back -- my very first post!] are true: Borodino did fight in the failed Chilean resitance against the expansionist Argentine Empire of the, ummmm, I'd have to look it up, but I believe I had Borodino missing from the NAF from about 2030 to 2040. During that time, I think he also did some sort of world tour. At one time I had detailed the itenerary but never posted it... BTW, did you remember the First of June massacre? Well, I know the newcomers won't. It was a reference I made in one of the few posts we had in the TEST forum. The First of June massacre was a raid on a Puerto Rico Liberation Front camp, sometime in the 2040s or 2050s, which resulted in the loss of many of Santiago's friends. I was trying to give a background reason for diplomatic difficulties between the PKs and Spartans. I've created two other of these Borodino/faction leader difficulties: 1) Zakhorov and Borodino are cousins: their mothers were sisters. The Borodino sister fled with her husband to the US after the fall of the USSR, where they ended up starting what became a multi-million dollar company. When Russia fell on hard economic times, the Zakhorov family became destitute. There is a great deal of family tension because of this: ostensibly revolving around the Borodino's "betrayal" of the Rodina. 2) Yang and Borodino met when Borodino was NAF ambassador to Imperial China and Yang was the Emperor's chief of security. I've not yet decided what exactly caused the animosity here, but it exists and is very strong. |
posted 02-19-99 08:03 PM ET
Borodino,I'll get back to work on the boat deal with Brother Rahjiv now that Sister Sara is on her way. Any good names for the boat? "Sister Miriam's Revenge" has already been taken. I don't think that "Enterprise" is appropriate. "Beagle?" "Endeavor?" "Glomar Explorer" Hmmmm maybe "Flying Cloud." What do you guys think?
posted 02-19-99 08:56 PM ET
Boro,Here's a few things I'd like to know in order to clarify/widen the Hive's current area of interactions: 1) How far away is the UoP from the Believers/PK pact? Has there been any interaction between them so far? If not, could they be on different continents? 2) same for Gaians, although I think I already know some of this. (??) 3) Same for Morganites (who are as yet unwritten for?) As for Yang's animosity towards Borodino, here's a thought: Yang suspected Boro was responsible for the theft of a couple of minor ancient treasures from the emperor's palace (correctly so, but never proven) during his visit. His failure to protect the emperor's possessions is a sore spot on his otherwise excellent record (and partially contributed to Shenji losing his position in the palace - which ironically hasn't been a bad thing for the Chairman, ultimately. Borodino does not know this, however). I'm a wee bit unhappy with this, as it links Borodino directly and negatively with at least two of the heads of the other factions, not including the spartans. But, ultimately, he's your character to have fun with. It also adds a black spot to the currently god-like Yang's history, which is something I need. |
posted 02-21-99 07:07 PM ET
Hello all,I've been in Tennessee for the past three days [left at 5:00 AM Friday; got home 5:00 PM today], so that's why I haven't posted. jsorense, How about the "Redemption"? Shining1, So you think I'm straining credulity again? Hmmmm... Should I cut the Zakhorov/Borodino link, perhaps? [You indicated favor towards a bit of Borodino/Yang hostily.] Also, I can live with Borodino being a thief [provided that this never became a true international incident; widespread knowledge of this would invalidate a good portion of Minister Borodino's later career: a disgraced ambassador could never have become NAF envoy to the UN, NAF Secretary of Inteligence, or NAF Secretary of State. Now to answer your questions: 1)First, the Beleivers/PK's agreement is not a "pact" nor a "treaty": it is a "Memorandum of Understanding", called a MoU for short. This is at jsorense's Beleiver's insistence. As JB is apparently not writing for us after all [at least I haven't seen him posting at all -- correct me if I'm wrong JB], the UoP is established as being on the same continent as the PKs and Beleivers. The paparazzi caravan lead by Arsinio Rivera [did I spell that right, jsorense?] has only an explora-train stolen from the PKs [or did he steal a shuttle, jsorense?] -- I think it was a train -- has visited all three of those factions, so the UoP would have to be on the same continent.] Interaction has been limited. 2) Gaians are on an unknown continent. jsorense's post about their HQ base involved the use of shuttle, so they may or may not be on the same continent as the PKs, UoP, and Beleivers. The only interfactional developement with the Gaians is the Beleiver/Gaian aquaculture project. 3) The Morganites were written for in the very beginning. Mostly basic expansion stuff: resources, research, construction... The only significant part of this is a Morgan/UoP treaty dealing with research and trade sharing [Morganic industrialization for UoP medical knowledge]. |
posted 02-22-99 11:56 AM ET
A couple of points of clarification:UoP / Believer relations: There is nothing formal yet, and considering the mutual dislike Miriam and Zakharov displayed in the Story, I don't think anything will happen soon. However, there are a number of Believers that used to be engineers under Zakharov on the Unity and they have maintained some unofficial contact and trade with friends at UoP (more details if desired). Gaians: Sister Tammy was taken to Gaia's Landing which I put somewhere in the southern hemisphere. Since Borodino accuses Arsinio of stealing from the Peacekeepers, I will reproduce his bio here to refresh his memory on the real circumstances: Arsinio Rivera Age: 33 Faction: Paparazzi Nationality: Dominican Republic Base: mobile caravan Bit player Resume: Mr. Rivera was part of the Quartermaster section of the U.N.S. Unity. He landed as part of the Peacekeeper detachment but in the confusion of the first days on Planet he disappeared with a number of friends and some useful Peacekeeper supplies, equipment, i.e. a cargo shuttle and a couple of ground transports. When Peacekeeper Black Watch tracked him down, Rivera produced orders from Captain Garland assigning the equipment and supplies to him. Although the authenticity of these orders was questioned, Director Lal let them stand. The other factions have called this independent and mobile band "paparazzi "and they make their living by trading commodities and information as they travel from base to base.
posted 02-22-99 07:27 PM ET
jsorense,I apologize most humbly. Thank you for refreshing my memory. So the paparazzi have a shuttle? That would suggest that the UoP needn't be on the main continent anymore... Markael, Welcome to the AFC. I enjoyed the first part of your story. |
posted 02-22-99 09:50 PM ET
Borodino:The Zakhorov/Borodino thing caught me totally by surprise - I mean, what a coincidence! As it stands, IMO I think you should definitely cut this link. Borodino-Yang: there is no offical suggestion that these treasures WERE ever stolen (and now there never will be). It's purely a Yang-Borodino thing, other faction members wouldn't be aware of it. (Hmmm. We'll have to get them to meet now, won't we ). Thankyou for the information on the UoP and Believer/Peace Keepers stuff. I now have a good idea of what to do. As I see it, the Hive, UoP, and Morganites might be located on one continent, to the east of the (e.g two "squares") away from the Peace Keepers/Believers. The Gaians are below the Pks/Believers. And the spartans are unaccounted for (so far). Future plot ideas (wide open for debate) - Massive social upheaval at the Hive - Infiltration of UoP - War with UoP - Hostility/War with Believers - Diplomatic manuevering with Pks. Jsorense: Can you please post an explanation of the paparazzi in the 'People of AC' thread? I'm very interested.
posted 02-22-99 10:12 PM ET
OK, I hereby renounce the former claims of the Borodino/Zakhorov relationship.Serious wars should probably wait, as lack of infastructure and serious distance negate the probability them happening. Tensions between factions are always good [except between the PKs and the Beleivers, jsorense -- it's also nice to have a reliable friend!]. |
posted 02-23-99 01:53 PM ET
Markael Peacewood, Thanks for the contribution. It is as good as I expected given the quality of your Gaian manifesto. I really like the way you did your homework with the characters from the Unity background story. Poor Kurn! :-)slucido, Welcome to SMAC Fiction. Please let us know if you want us to interact with your story or characters in any way. Otherwise we will leave you to your own story lines. Another Michgander joins the forums. Cool. Shining1, I have no problem with a hostile atmosphere between the Hive and the Believers. I feel that they are natural enemies. If you could let it slip that they were involved in the great "Sister Miriam's Planetary Address" fiasco, then you might have a vendetta on your hands. I can also develop the paparazzi more if you wish. I want to make sure, though, that Brenda gets the credit for their creation. Borodino, Tennessee? I hope the red-buds and dogwood were in bloom, at least. Apology accepted. Oh, the Believers are reliable alright. That's why we have so many spies poking around. "Trust, but verify" is our motto in the words of an ex-president that should have been impeached for a number of constitutional infractions, but that's another story. :-)
posted 02-23-99 09:09 PM ET
Jsorense: ?? What happened at Miriams Plantary Address? How could the Hive have been involved?As for natural enemies, I totally agree. The Hive sees (will see...) the Believer's military might as a major threat to its plans, while the Believers could well be aghast at the godless lives of Hive citizens. One point - you currently write the Believers as 'nice' christians, as in contrast to the bible thumping Miriam we have come to know from SMAC (except in the story, granted). How readily will the Believers go to war, if needed. One other point - my question about the paparazzi is motivated by the need to have some kind of refuge for several Hive characters - Mary Chase, Edward Tehicimon, Howarth Ubeya - the good guys, in general. Without sending them running to the PK's or anything, they will need a home. Sound appropriate? One other other point - this should take me about three months to write. I start my third year of 'College' on Monday and will be snowed under for quite a while... |
posted 02-23-99 09:20 PM ET
Shining1,I'll compile and send you the communications fiasco set of posts -- in my opinion, it was the best sequence jsorense and I ever did. |
posted 02-24-99 12:37 PM ET
Shining1, The great Planetary Address fiasco was an embarrassment and a source of deep resentment among the Believers against anyone who participated in the sabotage. Initial resentment was against the Peacekeepers because they controlled satellite access but evidence obtained through underground sources indicated that they weren't entirely responsible. The next suspect is the UoP, which provided some of the critical equipment that allowed the Believers to access the PK satellite network. It is believed by some that Zakharov's enmity (and fear?) towards Sister Miriam's message is the source of the sabotage. However, no concrete evidence has come to light totally absolving any faction, yet. Many conspiracy theories abound in the bars and dormitories of New Jerusalem. Yes, my take on the Believers is a little mild so far. That is intentional because I feel that in the early years of the colony the Believer doctrines would still be developing and yet to be codified. That is why I keep a number of divergently spiritual characters around. There are, however, a couple of zealots in the Ecumenical Council that I wouldn't like to meet in a dark alley. Over the years a "real" religion will develop and become increasingly intolerant of non-Believers and their unenlightened lack of faith or heresy. I will try to flesh out the paparazzi in The People thread today. But, yes, they are an excellent refuge for people who don't fit with the Faction in which they landed. Believer Military Might? We have about 150 part time militia armed with light weapons. However, they are in excellent condition, well trained, and very highly motivated. Right Brother Legoean?
posted 02-25-99 12:17 AM ET
Borodino: I'll look forward to that!Jsorense: A very good policy. I have a similar approach with the Hive, which currently differs somewhat from the final firaxis creation. I didn't feel that the very early colonists would allow such a socialist hellhole to be established overnight, no matter how desperate their situation. Things are set to rapidly get worse, though. On the planetary address fiasco, I doubt the Hive would have been involved to any great degree (Dorian?). That's not to say it can't be blamed on them... |