Topic: The CGA
Giant Squid |
posted 01-18-99 03:26 PM ET
Welcome, everybody, and please disembark single file from the grav-ship. Thank you.You are now in Geographers' Base, the home of a new society dedicated to compiling geographical information on the planet Chiron, where we all happen to find ourselves. If you have any knowledge of the location of the supposed wonders of Chiron, please post them in our database here. Examples are the fabled Ruins of a lost alien city, the legendary uranium-rich Flats or the location of the New Sargasso that has caught so many Laser Skimships in its depth. The Chironean Geographers Association currently has locations for such locations as -Mt. Planet -Monsoon Jungle -The Freshwater Sea And many more. Join the society now, and you'll have a chance to name parts of Planet for the SMAC Fiction section. If someone from Firaxis is watching, maybe the CGA's names will make it into the game. Join now, and maybe we'll name one of those circles in the Uranium Flats after you! All donations to the CGA are tax-deductable in Morgan Industries, the Human Hive, and all participating factions! Join now, by signing up below.
posted 01-18-99 05:27 PM ET
Giant Squid,Which chronicles is this thread for? |
Giant Squid
posted 01-18-99 05:43 PM ET
Either. It's just for a convinient system of geographical reference both here and in the real game. After all, to run a chronicle on Planet, we must know what's where. |
Giant Squid
posted 01-18-99 08:15 PM ET
Sorry, that's "convenient" |
posted 01-18-99 10:11 PM ET
Proposed Geographic Names for the AFC [based on BrendaH's map:]The large question-marked shaped penisula to the west of the central sea: Greater Jutland; it is the location of the Believers The large bay to the west of Greater Jutland: New Hudson The small bay about one-quarter of the world east of the western edge of the map which looks a little like a Michigan flipped east-west: Michigan Bay; the Peacekeepers are located north and east of it. The large land-locked sea to the north and west of Michigan Bay = the Freshwater Sea. |
Giant Squid
posted 01-18-99 10:24 PM ET
The map you are refering to does not agree with the CGA's survey of Chiron. Please name your source.[Translation: It's not the same as What is it?] |
Giant Squid
posted 01-19-99 08:29 AM ET
Never mind, I understand that. Your names are accepted in the database. Anyone else? |
posted 01-24-99 12:42 AM ET
Giant Squid has made a couple attempts at drawing maps with somewhat questionable success, since the forum is not displayed in a fixed width font (at least for me). Maybe we could come up with some solution for this problem here in the CGA.In Squid's, he's been representing land with 0's and water with .'s. The . is very narrow, so it frequently distorts the map. On my display, a character that would work a lot better is #. 0000000000000000000000000000000000 000####000#0000#00000#000000#####0 00#0000000##00##0000#0#0000#000000 000###0000#0##0#000#####000#000000 000000#000#0000#00#00000#00#000000 00####0000#0000#0#0000000#00#####0 0000000000000000000000000000000000 How does that look to others? A guaranteed fixed-width representation is the different smilies, but drawing maps with them seems like it would be a very laborious process. Are there other characters which seem like they are all about the same width?
posted 01-24-99 12:53 AM ET
$ and ? seem to work well for me, too. 0000000000000000000000000000000 00$$$$000????000$$$$$$$00????00 0$0000$0?0000000000$0000?0000?0 0$0000$0?0000000000$0000?0000?0 0$0000$0?0000000000$0000?0000?0 00$$$$000????000000$00000????00 0000000000000000000000000000000
posted 01-24-99 01:02 AM ET
Giant Squid
posted 01-24-99 01:40 AM ET
Shae? Octc? O?Sorry to offend you, but it just doesn't work... Sincerely, ....................................... ...0000000000...........00000000....... ...0....................0.............. ...0....................0.............. ...0.....0000...........00000000....... ...0........0..................0....... ...0000000000. ........00000000.. ... |
Giant Squid
posted 01-24-99 01:43 AM ET
Oops...OK, I get the message. Funny, it worked before.... Sincerely, Dsla;dk;asdl fksdAJPOIAHuifhsouirtgh AUIDOfhuiSE OtfhSO DIUhfEROIPUERt SOIRtu09e8a75(*&*()$()*%&$)W#(* ]EWIOUPET89u7_)$e  |
posted 01-24-99 01:51 AM ET
It was: SMAC, OCTO, and just some random stuff. For me on my browser, they are all perfectly rectangular blocks. Are they for you?
Giant Squid
posted 01-24-99 02:00 AM ET
They did work rectangularly.That was supposed to say G.S. On my browser, all the maps I did worked perfectly. *Giant Squid stands in front of the crowd of Chironian Geographers. "Computer error has ruined all of our maps" he says. "We think it's a sabotage virus planted by the Spartans, but we can't be sure until we build the Hunter-Seeker Algorithm. In the meantime, our systems have been reconfigured to work with new sets of data." The crowd applauds.* OOO####OOOOOOOOO###OOOOOOOOOO###OOOO# OOO#####OOO##OOO##OOOOOOOOOOOO##OOOO# OOOO#####OO##OO#OOOOOOOOOOOOOO####### OOOOO####OOO#####OOOOOOOOOOOOO####### OOOOOO#O#OOOO###OOO#OOOOOOOOOO#O##### OOOOOOO##OOOOOOOOO###OOOOOOOOO#O##### "Chironian Geographers Association. Proudly Catalouging Planet's Geography Since Whenever We Were Founded" GS |
posted 01-24-99 02:08 AM ET
The crowd might have applauded more vigorously if you had used 0 instead of O (zero instead of oh). Did they really look the same on your browser? I think T and F work for me, as well. (You'd think I'd have better things to do with my time than figure out which letters are the same widths...).
Giant Squid
posted 01-24-99 01:53 PM ET
0O0O0O0O0O0O 0O0O0O0O0O0O Same difference. How do you make the angry red face? That might work.Testing, 1, 2, 3 :0 :< :> :/ :] :[ :{ :} :P :C One of these better work.
Giant Squid
posted 01-24-99 01:58 PM ET
It works! :O:O:O:O:O :O:O:O:O:O:O :O :O  :O :O:O :O  :O :O ) :O:O:O:O:O  :O :O :O :O:O:O:O:O:O :O :OO:O:O:O: :O |
Giant Squid
posted 01-24-99 01:59 PM ET
It worked the last time...:O :0  |
posted 01-24-99 03:19 PM ET
000000000000000 OOOOOOOOOOOOOOO15 o's in each line.       
posted 01-26-99 02:00 PM ET
people here have way to much free time on their hands.*joke* |
Giant Squid
posted 01-26-99 07:41 PM ET
The CGA-dedicated to preserving geographic integrity on all Chiron."We have a problem here" says the Assistant Geographer." "Yes?" the head geographer replies. "According tho the map posted by BKK the Mentat, the Gaian fleet is to the east of the University continent, Arm of Planet. The Gaian continent, however is to the EAST. Thus, if any ship were to approach, it would be in that direction." "Very well," the Head Geographer responded. "Open a commlink to BKK the Mentat at once!" Please correct or explain the map you posted. |