BKK the Mentat |
posted 01-16-99 10:00 PM ET
As mentioned in the Rules and regulations forumn,this is to be completely different from any other running Chronical,and hopefully true to the sense of SMAC, the continued evolution of human society and mind. To begin with, this first episode will begin on the date of 1/25/01, or decurn 25 of the fist solar year.
BKK the Mentat
posted 01-16-99 10:36 PM ET
"The one thing that history has tought us is that governments have never learned from history or acted on principals deduced from it." This quote had always sent a chill down Pravin Lal's throuht,but never more than now. This mission was undertaken to build man's new "utopia", and to ensure our survival as a species. "Now it may take our lives",Lal thought as he stared out the bay window of his habitation module at his newfounded base. Even with supply trucks rumbling by every few minutes carrying supplies from the nearby surviving re-supply pods to constuction sites, more than 85% of my people still live in inflatible habitats, he thought. Now we are truly alone, in the past 25 weeks,er...decurns,we have intercepted virtualy no comm traffic, we don't even know for sure thatany of the other pods survived planetfall or not....Lal's thoughts are interupted by the sound of the door to the proconcil's quarters being opened."Tough day?"These words were uttered by his personal assistant, former Cambride University professer of medical sciences, Ian Mardson. Yes,but interesting. I just wanted to let you know that we have just made contact with Prokhar Zakharov's faction, once we clear them with security,they will be ready to recive our transmissions... |