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Author Topic:   AFC: The People
jsorense posted 01-08-99 05:19 PM ET   Click Here to See the Profile for jsorense   Click Here to Email jsorense  
The Lord's Believers

Sister Miriam Godwinson: Faction Leader
Ecumenical Counsel: Governing body under Sister Miriam
Brother Johnny Chee, D.V.M.: large animal veterinarian, dry land farming systems engineer
Brother Haruhiro Honda: assistant metallurgist
Sister Cecilia McCoy: Assistant Director of Energy for Petrochemical and Geothermal Sources
Brother Greg Treestock, Ph.D.: clinical psychology with pharmacology focus
Brother Rahjiv Singh, Ph.D.: aeronautical engineer & Believer Militia head
Sister Tammy Burbank: marine biologist
Madame Sonjia Rosinsky: mystic
Arsinio Rivera: Paparazzi
Brother Nho Hee Park: militia member

These are the main characters I developed for the AFC in the past. I have detailed bios for each of them if anyone is interested in any particular individual.

Brother jsorense
Bearer of the Faith, Defender of the Faithful and Avenger of Martyrs

Legoean posted 01-10-99 11:52 AM ET     Click Here to See the Profile for Legoean  Click Here to Email Legoean     
Brother Jsorense,

I would like to assist you in your writeings a bit or do cronicals on the Belivers Militia

Brother Legoean

jsorense posted 01-11-99 11:41 AM ET     Click Here to See the Profile for jsorense  Click Here to Email jsorense     
Hi Brother Legoean,

I would be happy to have you work with the Militia and help out with the Lord's Believers. I have written about them a little so I have some ideas about how they develop at this stage in the story. I could e-mail you the Brother Rahjiv's and Brother Nho's bios, or I could post them here if you prefer. I also have a short description of the Militia's organization.

I hope this is helpful. If you decide to take this up we can talk about your ideas about their role.

Legoean posted 01-11-99 03:06 PM ET     Click Here to See the Profile for Legoean  Click Here to Email Legoean     
Brother jsorense,

My E-mail is [email protected]. I would very much like for you to share that info with me. I want to write the story from a comanders point of veiw out on the field, given ourders from New Jerusalam.

The Info on the stucture of the millita would be very helpful. like how many officers and reg. solders are in it. plus the ranking system. I would imagen that we start our with a few rovers or something, so post or e-mail me that info.

Brother Legoean

jsorense posted 01-12-99 12:53 PM ET     Click Here to See the Profile for jsorense  Click Here to Email jsorense     
Sister Sara Croft, Ph.D.
Age: 40
Nationality: Great Britain
Secondary Character
R�sum�: Sara Croft comes from a long line of adventurer/archaeologists who were just as famous as the "Jones Boys." Sara's grandmother, Lara, founded the prestigious College of New Age Archaeology in Cambridge with the proceeds from rescuing many priceless objects of antiquity from evil doers.
Sara resembles her grandmother in many ways. As a youth she had competed internationally in gymnastics, fencing, and marksmanship. At university she continued the family tradition and pursued archaeology. She specialized in sophisticated remote sensing technologies while earning her Ph.D. and pioneered "virtual digging" methodologies.
Dr. Croft was asked to advise the U.N. on issues concerning the preserving Earth's ever-diminishing cultural resources because of her unique expertise. When the CClark Commission suggested that there was a possibility of alien remains in the A.C. system an opportunity arose to join the Unity Project as its only archaeologist and Sara jumped at it.
Sara Croft and Miriam Godwinson are distant cousins who communicated regularly all their lives so Sara initially joined the Believers out of familial loyalty. However, after a year of living with the colony her acceptance of Miriam's faith and beliefs has increased.
Current Position: Believer Mapping and Resource Survey Team
Legoean posted 01-13-99 06:22 AM ET     Click Here to See the Profile for Legoean  Click Here to Email Legoean     
Brother Legoean "Reb" McKibben
Age 32
Ethnicity: American
Secondary Charictor
Rank: Comander

Born in the USA state of mississippi, In to a well known southern famly, It seemed that he was a born genous. At the age of 10 he statred school, but was quickly taken out for his lake of language skills. People thought that this was normal due to his high Intelegence, But after a IQ test He was said to have a severe case of dyslexia. Crushed by this new infomation, Legoean went to a private religous school that was for dyslexia, untill he was 18. Not haveing very good social skills for a job, he signed up of the US army core of engeeners. This seemed like a perfic spot for him. Soon he rose to the rank of lutendant and we sought after by military inteligence, opon reaching so high and leaveing his my in engenering, he was crushed and started to fall into depesion. Then there was hope for him, he heard of the Alpha Centauri Project and signed up of the test that men took to get in...
He failed the test miserably, but when the reactor in the unitys fusion drive quit working, he was at the front steps waiting to so them his idea to make a new cheaper one. Impresssed with his work the UN put him as a crew member under Saratov. He met with Miriam one day abourd the ship looking it over, and knew that he must folow her teachings. So that is why he is part of the belivers.
He is called "Reb" for his knowlage in the civil war.
Carries almost any where he goes a Sharps Breach loading Carbine used by his greatX5 grand father.
Curent position: leader of volunary militia

Borodino posted 01-19-99 11:13 PM ET     Click Here to See the Profile for Borodino  Click Here to Email Borodino     
Name: Gabriel FitzWilliams
Faction: PK
Posistion: Councilor, Carpenter
Classification: Minor character [mostly a throw-away reference]

From the Isle of Man. Spends more time in his workshop than at the Council Chambers, a trait several other Councilors could learn from.

Name: Ursula Hesse
Faction: Believer
Posistion: Communications Technician
Classification: Minor character

Born in Weimer, Thuringia, Greater Germany.

Name: Thomas Hesse
Faction: Beleiver
Posistion: Cobbler
Classification: Minor character [throw-away reference -- for now]

Born in Bremen, GG. Ursula's husband

kyuden posted 01-20-99 01:12 AM ET     Click Here to See the Profile for kyuden  Click Here to Email kyuden     
Age: 24
Nationality: Unknown, believed to be Latin-American.
Resume: Kyuden was enlisted in the UN Militia after having spent the past 20 years of his life on the streets. His abnormally quick reflexes and ability to survive in almost any conditions gauranteed his position on the Unity as a member of the security forces. Contacted by Santiago after the pre-launch briefing he agreed to join her group because it meshed with his idea of only the strong survive and the weak die.
Borodino posted 01-20-99 07:30 PM ET     Click Here to See the Profile for Borodino  Click Here to Email Borodino     
All established PK personnel likely to be used in the near future not referred to above. May or may not have been created by me.

Peacekeeper Governmental Upper Echelon:

Tyler Anderson
Black Watch Commander
40 yrs. old when left Earth. African American, Grew up in Boston. West Point Graduate, Youngest Green Beret commander ever, Special Forces Commander before leaving and enlisting in Black Watch, UN's peacekeeping force. Believes STRONGLY in Pravin Lal's dream. Because minimal contact with other forces, military responsibilities secondary to exploring surrounding area.

Kevin Roberts
Pravin Lal's Chief of Staff.
33 yrs old at departure Canadian - from Winnepeg. Iowa State University BS/Ph.D in biogenetics, focusing on plant gene transfer. Subsequently went to Harvard Law to obtain patent law degree. Organized, Methodical, Emotionally withdrawn.

Name: Jeremy Borodino
Place of Birth: Bar Harbor, Maine, NAF
Date of Birth: January 21, 2001
Posistion: Extra-factional Affairs Minister

Name: Dorian Kildare
Posistion: Chief Justice, PK Supreme Court;
Nationality: NAF
From Dawson, Yukon. She held upper-end judgeship in the NAF prior to voyage. Has a close working relationship with Borodino, a holdover from Earth. Her UN-designated posistion was Chief Justice, Alpha Centuari Supreme Court.

Name: Keiko Takahashi
Faction: PK's
Posistion: Councilor; Minister of Agriculture
From Sapporo, Hokkaido, Japan. Was Dierdre Skye's cheif assistant. One of only two people to hold both a seat on the Board of Concilors and a ministership. Acts on the Board as a permanent opposistion; she delights in nitpicking and finding faults in others' plans.

Name: Levon Vannerian
Posistion: Minister of Industry
Ethnicity: Armenian

Name: Katerina Brezinski
Posistion: Minister of Science
Nationality: Polish

Name: Jesse ben Obed
Posistion: Minister of Exploration
Nationality: Isreali

Members of the Narmonov Expedition:

Name: Ryan St. John
Faction: Peacekeepers
Posistion: Borodino's nephew
Nineteen biological years of age. Tall (2+ meters) Born in Cardiff, Wales. His mother is Borodino's sister. Father is senior official in British government. Both parents killed in terrorist attack when Ryan is eight. Came to live with uncle under guardianship soon thereafter. Loves the out-of-doors. Scientificly minded. A natural explorer. Serious reader and student.

Name: Valentina Narmonov
Posistion: Expedition Leader
Ethnicity: Belarussian

Name: Ramon San Martin
Posistion: Driver
Nationality: Peruvian

Name: Maria San Martin (wife of Ramon)
Posistion: Zoologist
Nationality: Bolivian

Name: Adnan Makarios
Posistion: Mechanic
Nationality: Cypriot
Born of a mixed union (half-Greek, half-Turk). As a child was shunned by peers of both ethnicities. Most overwhelming single childhood experience: A UN Peacekeeper saving his and his parents lives at the cost of the Peacekeeper's own.

Name: Rosa Keyes
Posistion: Medic
Ethnicity: African American
Born in Birmingham, Alabama.

Name: Inga Jonsdottir
Posistion: Geologist
Nationality: Icelandic

Name: Matthew Cook
Posistion: Paleontologist
Nationality: Austrailian
Status: Bit

Name: Cynthia Cook
Posistion: Meteorologist
Nationality: Austrailian

Name: Miyabe Minamoto
Posistion: Biologist
Nationality: Japanese
Born Naha, Okinawa, Japan. No other info yet.

Name: Jomo Moi
Posistion: Cartographer
Nationality: Victorian
Born Mombasa, Kenya, Victoria. Victoria is federation of Kenya, Tanzania, Uganda, Rwanda, and Burundi. [No, this country has nothing to do with the embassy bombings. I've used it before in other future history scenarios.] it is named after its central geographic feature - Lake Victoria.

Name: Rajiv Chandraskatta
Posistion: Surveyor
Nationality: Indian

PeaceKeeper conslular delegation to Beleivers:

Consul: Sir Peter Baker
Posistion: PK consul to the Believers
British. 45 years of age biologically. Resided in Sri Lanka prior to journey. Confirmed bachelor. Spent a decade on the British foriegn service.

Commerce Attache: Hans Dunant, Swiss, deputy-chief-of-mission
Cultural Attache: Marie Calvin, Prince Edward Islander
Defense Attache: Jose Vargas, Brazilian, Lt. Mjr. in the Black Watch
Science Attache: Juanita Bartolome, Philipines, speciality is chemistry
Clerical worker #1: Toivo Juopperi, Finlander, computer and electonics specialist
Clerical worker #2: Reymundo Cerventes, El Salvadorian, linguist
Clerical worker #3: Clarissa Anderson, Arizonan, general paperwork, young
[Think intern. No, not that type of intern. Really, pull your mind out of the gutter.]
Cook: Jacobus Van Huesan, Dutch
Groundskeeper: Nwang Hae Do, Thai
Guard #1: Ekaterina Rutskoi, Russian [from Sakhalin], senior guard
Guard #2: Harun Kaldhoun, Omani, :

Other PeaceKeeper Citizens
Name: Greg Wilson
Posistion: Head of SatCon [Satellite Control]
From St. Louis, MO, NAF.

Name: Seiji Yamanaka
Faction: Peacekeepers
Posistion: A governmental courier
Status: bit
Early Twenties. Tall (about 6'1"[haven't done the metric conversions yet]), athletic. From Kyushu or Shikoku.

Profile of Amanda Faith Tamati:
Both 2036 in South Dunedin to poor parents during an ongoing global
recession. Much loved but neglected as a child due to both parents
long working hours, however managed to attend University in 2044.
Majored in communicctions, gaining overseas deployment in N.Z military
as communications officer during Indonesian War. Highly
commended by commanding officer for hardwork and dedication to duty,
became full member of U.N observer team in India/Pakistan border
clashes, where she first encountered Pravin Lal. Spent next few
years as assistant to New Zealand ambassador to the U.N, before being
conditionally recommended for the U.N alpha centauri project.
Psych report:
Neglected upbringing has given subject a unusual drive to succeed,
however resulting in a tendancy to see others as slightly
inferior. Subject's past has resulted in a highly cynical attitude
to all forms of leadership, which, while not interfering with
subject's exemplary ability to handle individual workload may impare
teamwork. Subject makes choices based strongly on loyalty and past
experience; if used carefully, these attributes can help to overcome
subject's reluctance to trust others.
(I must also report that subject's test results are to be regarded as
inconclusive, due to reluctance on her behalf to fully
Recommended subordiate position in mission management.

Tamati is now Lal's personal assisstant.

The first two characters in this post are the work of Mediator; the last one is my creation but Shining1's work.

kyuden posted 01-21-99 07:26 AM ET     Click Here to See the Profile for kyuden  Click Here to Email kyuden     
Donald Poe

Age: 40-45
Nationality: Palestinian

Resume: Born in the Palestinian sector of Jerusalam Donald Poe was at a young age orphaned. Following his appearance in a World Vision ad he was adopted by a wealthy EU family. After education at the most exclusive schools he entered a position in the UN as a diplomat's assistant. Promoted to ambassador he was assigned to the Unity as a counsellor and mediator for the disputes that would arise. Currently he has aligned himself with the Spartans because he enjoys power and sees the Spartans as those most likely to give it too him.

Legoean posted 01-22-99 12:40 PM ET     Click Here to See the Profile for Legoean  Click Here to Email Legoean     
Tandi Sands
age: 27
Natonality: USA
Secondary Carictor

She was the daughter of a mayor in a small town. She first got he taste of battle when the spartans attacked the town for supplies. this happend when she was 19, Latter her fater sent her to the Naval acadamy in anapolis. After graduation she served her servis abord the supmarine USS Texas. After hearing of her faters death and realizing she had no one left on earth she joined the UNS Unity as a Liftoff navagatior.
She joined the belivers becouse they were the cosets pod where she heard it was time for planetfall. Latter she joined the millita to get back in action. Her first battle on planet was the raid on the Hand of God outpost. She saved Commander legoeans life by knoking him out of the way of an attacking rover. she had one of her legs cripeled from taking a shreeeded blast. She then advanced to the Sub-commander of alpha squadren.

Borodino posted 01-27-99 10:10 PM ET     Click Here to See the Profile for Borodino  Click Here to Email Borodino     
Name: MacIntire, Robert O.
Faction: PKs

Inventor of the MacIntire Processor, a large-scale industrial waste salvager. This project was funded back in the late 2030s by the Ision Corporation in an attempt to junk the profitless Lessing Project, which it had also funded, while maintaining its leading posistion in the waste disposal industry. MacIntire's processor successfully superceded the wasteful Lessing Project, reprocessing nearly all types of waste materials rather than slinging them into space. Four MacIntire processors had been among the Unity's cargo, although it is not certain that all were retrieved prior to the launch of landers. It is certain, however, that although MacIntire ended up with the PKs, none of his processors did. He is currently heading a project to improve the PK's recycling/salvage capabilities.

Shining1 posted 02-01-99 10:13 PM ET     Click Here to See the Profile for Shining1  Click Here to Email Shining1     
Dorian Mariot
The Hive
Age: 29
Nationality: American

Height: 191cm Weight: 97kgs

Position: Junior member of council of advisors, head of tech security forces.
Suspected to be head of Hive covert operations.

Born in California to English emigrants Sophie and David Mariot, Dorian showed early promise as a athlete, though unfortunately more often as a combatant than a team player. While being far from stupid, he lacked the motivation to succeed as a either student or worker, and spent his youth drifting around the coastal U.S and eventually south-east asia.

Developing a natural ability to in the martial arts, as well as an aptitude to sniff out trouble, he returned to the U.S, joining the army in early 2027. Finding the job to his liking, he progressed rapidly through the lower ranks, showing a particular aptitude for leadership under pressure, as well as an ability in covert operations.

Despite this, he was rarely liked by his comrades higher up, especially as an officer, and found it difficult to progress beyond his captaincy. Wounded and badly messed up while working covertly in China, upon returning to the U.S he quit the army and spent several years in a depressed state, throwing himself fully into his martial training.

How he came to be a member of the U.N Alpha Centauri Project remains clouded, however his asian background seems to have contributed largely to his selection (often seen with the Chinese delegation, his height and pale skin marking him as a curiosity when alongside his asian colleagues). Listed as 'Security' on the Unity crewlist, his ability to perform this function is unquestionable, but his past leads to the conclusion that he may be one of Shenji Yang's inner circle.

What is certain is that he possesses tremendous physicial skill, coupled with a sharp mind and top notch military training, and is an extremely dangerous individual. Fortunately, his tendancy towards negativity and introspection make him less of a threat than might otherwise be the case.

(Any more Hive characters? I'm going to need them!


ZhanC posted 02-02-99 01:34 AM ET     Click Here to See the Profile for ZhanC  Click Here to Email ZhanC     
My Characters...use them howerver you like

Name: Chen Yang, no biological
relation with Hive Leader
Faction: Hive
Age: 24
Nationality: Chinese
Height: 1.78 Meter
Weight: 72Kg

Position: Junior Member of council of Advisors, Assistant director of R&D1.

History: First son of Yang family. The Yang Family is one of the three main Branch of
Tai-Chi Style martial arts. Graduated top
of his class at the most prestigious university in China; Qing-Hua University in BeiJing at age 16. Hold degrees in Organic Chemistry and Biology Engineering.
Enlisted the storied 27th PLA army at age 19
fought in the 2 year war with Vietnam,was awarded the Red Star Medal. After the death of his Fiancee Li Li in a Spartan suspected
bombing, he refused to become the head of Yang Family and signed up for the AC project

His whereabouts during age 17-18 is unknown.
It is suspected that he met Sheng-Ji Yang
and was greatly influence by him during that time. A great scolar on ancient Chinese Philosophers, especially Laoz and Zhuang Zi.

Specialize in Tai-Chi, and Xing-Yi style Martial Arts. Also efficient in using
Small sized fire arms. Very serious and brooding personality.

Name: Ren Meng
Faction: Hive
Age: 25
Nationality: Chinese
Height: 1.83m
Weight: 78Kg

Position: Junior member of council
Assistant to Economic advisor

History: Orphan found by Shao-Lin Monks.
he become friend with Chen Yang when they were involved in a fight. Studied Shao-Lin style martial arts under the monks. Attended
BeiJing university. Degree in Economics. Enlisted in 27th Army along with
Chen. Signed up on the AC project to look over Chen. They both had sworn an oath of blood brothers. Somewhat doubtful of Sheng-Ji Yang's principles. Involved in numerous relationship with women, stark contrast to Chen in this respect. A carefree personality.

Name: Ling Lan
Age: 22
Faction: Hive
Nationality: Chinese
Height: 174m
Weight: ?

Position: Junior Council Member,
suspected to hold position in Hive covert

History: Very little info. She was the daughter ofa General of 27th Army.Become friends with Chen and Ren. Father died in the conflict with Vietnam. Dissappeared for a year,and the signed up for the AC Project. Hold degree in psychology.

It is suspected that she recieved training in
covert operations during the year of her dissappearance.

Appears to have a light personality, but serious when comes to business.

ZhanC posted 02-02-99 01:51 AM ET     Click Here to See the Profile for ZhanC  Click Here to Email ZhanC     
Ling Lan's Height should be 1.78m
jsorense posted 02-03-99 02:55 PM ET     Click Here to See the Profile for jsorense  Click Here to Email jsorense     
I am reposting this so that my next story makes more sense.

Madame Sonjia Rosinsky
Age: 70's ish
Nationality: Central European (?)
Lives with, but is not yet a Believer
Bit Player
Resume: Madame Rosinsky is something of an anomaly. She was discovered unconscious in one of the tool storage bays upon landing on Planet and has been allowed to stay with the Believers. Her name was not found on the U.N.S Unity roster but the Believer copy was damaged and is incomplete. She also displayed some internal and external injuries from the cryogen commonly know as "freezer burn." Brain damage is one of the usual results of this condition.

Madame Rosinsky said she was too old and too Catholic to join the Believers spiritually but she did accept their tolerance and shelter. It took a long time to find a place for her in the new society the Believers were creating during the first year on Planet. Finally, after the first babies started to arrive, she gravitated toward their care. Most of her time, however, was spent researching the nature of Chiron astrology. How will three suns, two moons, Planet itself, one(?) other planet , and shifted zodiac affect people's lives, and especially the newborns? Now that was important work! Let the shortsighted focus on the tasks in front of them amassing materials and energy. It was up to Madame Sonjia Rosinsky to chart the influence of the heavenly bodies and reveal their new destinies.

ZhanC posted 02-03-99 04:44 PM ET     Click Here to See the Profile for ZhanC  Click Here to Email ZhanC     
Proposed profile

Name: Li Li
Age: 20(at time of death)
Height: 1.69m
weight: ?
Nationality: Chinese

Position: Nurse at 4th People's Hospital located in LuoYang, China( at time of death).
Fiancee of Chen Yang.

History: Daughter of Zhi Li, Chen's commander
when he was in the 27th Army. Li met Chen while Chen was recovering from a injury at 27th army's hospital where Li was a nurse.
They fell inlove quickly and Chen proposed to Li a year and half later much to the displeasure of Chen's parents. Just a month before their wedding date, the 4th People's Hospital was ravaged by an explosion that killed 517 people, and numerous injured. Li was one of the casualties.

Name: Joseph Zlydev
Age: 38
Weight: 81kg
height: 1.89m
Nationality: Russian

Position: Senior member of council of advisors. Head Supervisor of all R&D departments of Hive.

History: Graduated tops at Moscow university.
Was a close friend of Provost Zakharov while
they were both aboard the Unity. However, Zlydev was heavily influncend by the Visions of Chairman Sheng-Ji Yang and joined him just before P.F. Hold degree in Genetics, Computer Science, and Physics.

Some random tibits: I propose for the Hive to
have 5 senior advisors and 10 junior advisors
on the council of advisors with Sheng-Ji Yang as chairman. Each of senior adviors is a head of a department, and 2 junior advisors per department. The departments should be: Explorations, Economy, R&D, Security(both military and police), and one on internal devlopments(agriculture etc.)

any Pro-Hivians wish to discuss details with me or better ideas can feel free to contact me.

Shining1 posted 02-03-99 06:53 PM ET     Click Here to See the Profile for Shining1  Click Here to Email Shining1     
ZhanC - I'm the only other pro-Hiver active at the moment, though there were a couple of very early stories published. Boro has these, ask him if he hasn't sent you a copy so far.

As for the council structure, I was thinking of something a little less well defined, with an upper limit of around 8 members to the senior council (Shengi is the permanent 9th), and many more in the junior council. While the senior council has more or less defined responsibilities, the junior ranks are less managerial, instead being filled more on the basis of talent than authority (skilled courtisans, if you will). Being a member of the junior council of advisors shows you to be one of the elite in your field, whether this is science, martial arts, history, spying or whatever - your skills are amoung the best, and your services are on call to Shenji Yang whenever required. While this certainly don't preclude management of an area of responisbility, it broadens the field somewhat.

I think at least 50 to 100 Hivers would fill this group, making the Hive structure reminisent of a Greek Democracy - governed by an assembly of the elite, all of whom have equal privilieges - though Yang retains the casting vote, if required.
(While democracy may seem an odd word to be associated with the Hive, this example does give the structure and discipline of the Hive some historical background - and opens up some possible conflict with the Spartans as a result).

I will repost this in a thread entitled 'Faction Structure', a place for AFC writers to post (and debate) their interpretations of each Factions social and governmental layout.

Shining1 posted 02-03-99 07:28 PM ET     Click Here to See the Profile for Shining1  Click Here to Email Shining1     
Mary Chase
The Hive
Age: 43

Nationality: Canadian

Height: 1.68 Weight: 57Kgs

Position: Senior Member of Council of Advisors (Biological research, Argriculture, Medicine)

How the warm hearted, energetic Mary Chase ever graduated to one of the most senior positions in the Hive is a complete mystery, but she is certainly an example of a Hiver working hard to make the best of her situation.

Disliked by many in the Junior council, especially by the more military minded members, who see her as the 'weak link' in an organisation supposedly run for their benefit, Mary has never the less thrived in her position - responisible for feeding and healing the general Hive population, she has coordinated her sectors intelligently and efficiently, along the way becoming one of the most popular members of the senior council amoung the working drones of the Labyrinth.

Mary is somewhat humourly thought of as a Gaian who 'got lost' when leaving the Unity, even earning the handle 'Deidre' from some of the more sediciously minded Hivers. While little is clear about her past (she is Canadian, obviously well educated and privately hates football) her occasional rants reveal a deep seated hatred of most forms of beauracracy, and it may be supposed that in 'her previous life' she was a technican of some standing.

Perhaps not surprisingly, her popularity and success in her position have made her a high profile target for the disaffected amoung the Hive, as well as a curiosity amoung the other factions on Planet.

JB posted 02-03-99 07:51 PM ET     Click Here to See the Profile for JB  Click Here to Email JB     
Name: Jonathan Sagan
Age: 32
Nationality: American
Weapon of Chioce: Mini-Laser System (Leathal with one blast. Small, size of pistol. 100 shots/battery. Can be set to wide-range for MW boils. Developed by himself.)
Height: 1.87 meters
Weight: 81 kg
Birthdate: Dec. 20
Birthplace: Chicago, Ill.
Blood Type: O
Shining1 posted 02-03-99 07:58 PM ET     Click Here to See the Profile for Shining1  Click Here to Email Shining1     
Gerald DuPont
UoP (reluctant intelligence operative for Hive)

Age: 58

Height: 1.75 Weight: 89Kgs

Position: Research assistant in UoP technical labs.

Poor, downtrodden Gerald, born in London around the turn of the century, seemed the perfect target for the Hive when recruiting for the essential position of an insider in the University of Planet.

Blessed with a slightly above average ability in the sciences, and very little else, Gerald struggled through a difficult career in electrical engineering, his brisk manner and lack of charm putting him offside with one employer after another. Despite hardwork and dedication, not to mention a considerable ability in designing (much needed) accurate rocket guidance systems, Gerald seemed to have missed his big break in life. So it was a surprise to all, including Gerald, when he was selected from amoung thousands as a lead technician on board the Unity.

While not unhappy with his position in the University of Planet, Gerald is one of those individuals whose personal dreams of power far outstrip their ability to achieve them. Being offered the chance of wealth, responsibility, and, most importantly, respect by a rival faction was just too much, and, while the offer was seemingly too eagerly accepted, the Hive felt they had some one they could control.

Unhappily, life as a spook has not been readily agreeable to him ever since, and surviving as a informant in a knowledge based soceity has not been an easy task. Constantly looking over his shoulder has not helped his personal paranoia one bit, and poor Gerald's sanity may soon be one of the first casualties in the Hive's quest to dominate Planet.

Shining1 posted 02-03-99 09:13 PM ET     Click Here to See the Profile for Shining1  Click Here to Email Shining1     
Hazel August (codename: Queen)
Age: 23
Nationality: German

Height: 1.68 Weight: 51kgs

Position: Intelligence/counter intelligence agent. Captain of Hornet Squad 01. Suspected to be second in command of Hive covert operations.

If not an assassin trained from birth, it would be difficult to imagine how Hazel August acquired her skills as an intelligence agent. Beautiful, intelligent, graceful, and charming (in addition to being an exceptional markswoman and close combat student), the depth of her interference in late 2040's european politics is difficult to gauge, but is suspected to be heavy. All she will say of the matter is "I didn't kill him," (a reference to the assasinated president elect, Emanual Correlo).

An extreme rarily amoung the mainly scientific/humanitarian Unity crew, it is highly uncertain how she came into the position of crew nurse, and her political connections are widely suspected, though what motive they could possibly have had is unknown. She may even have been under the pay of Morgan Industries, assigned as a body guard or political consultant, only to later fall under the messiah-like influence of chairman Shenji-Yang. However she arrived, her skills have proven to be a major asset to the secretive Hive.

While in most cases her reputation exceeds her actual abilities in field work, the lack of trained soliders on Alpha Centauri has led Hazel to be assigned as the leader of the first Labyrinth probe team established, codename Hornet 01. With her leadership and intelligence second to none, and her physicial skills currently still surpassing most of her male comrades, Hazel (codenamed 'Queen') looks set in her position for some time.

Note: It should be known that there is no love lost between 'Queen' and Dorian Mariot, the current leader of Hive covert ops. Disliking the obvious danger of her job, Queen is reputed to feel that the lethal Dorian would be more suited to leading Hornet 01, especially under mounting evidence that her leadership skills and policial ability far exceed his.

Borodino posted 02-04-99 07:03 PM ET     Click Here to See the Profile for Borodino  Click Here to Email Borodino     
Various Bios which need creation [Some of these people have already been used, some will be used in the future]:

Name: Horatio Oliver Jamison
Faction: PK
Rank: Subcommander [previously referred to as lieutenant commander; the ranks for the PK navy have now been formalized and his old rank no longer exists.]
Posistion: Captain of the Nicosia

Born in Bamaga, Queensland, Australia. Highest ranking Blue Watch officer. Previously administrator, Poseidon Fleet Yards.

Name: Alexander Mason
Faction: PK
Posistion: the Mayor of Falconbridge

From Shreveport, Louisana, North American Federation. Born 2011. Shrewd businessman and politician.
Governor of Louisana in the late 2040s and early 2050s. Suceeded Jeremy Borodino to the post of NAFian ambassador to the UN.

Name: Janice Smith
Faction: PK
Posistion: Member of the Board of Councilors

From Helena, Montana, NAF. Unity position was second assistant chief programmer. Lost her son in the Demeter Plantations massacre.

Name: Lord Xavier Paul Darnley, Earl of Wessex
Faction: PK
Posistion: Secretary of Extra-Factional Affairs [the second in command of that Ministry]

British, probably English [as far as I know I invented his peerage]. Spent several years at the head of British electronic inteligence. Superb crypographer, cipherer, and mathematician. Is not overly concerned with his aristocratic status.

Name: Elaine Duval
Faction: PK
Rank: Lieutenant Subcommander [when spoken, refer to as "subcommander", or more informally, "sub" although this could be mistaken for "sublieutenant".]
Posistion: Commander, Poseidon Fleet Yards

Franco-Spanish. From Arcachon, about fifty klicks south of Bordeaux on the Bay of Biscay. [jsorense, your Brother Rajiv now has an official PK to work with on the Beleiver ship order. You can flesh out her personality as you please.]

Borodino posted 02-04-99 07:03 PM ET     Click Here to See the Profile for Borodino  Click Here to Email Borodino     
Various Bios which need creation [Some of these people have already been used, some will be used in the future]:

Name: Horatio Oliver Jamison
Faction: PK
Rank: Subcommander [previously referred to as lieutenant commander; the ranks for the PK navy have now been formalized and his old rank no longer exists.]
Posistion: Captain of the Nicosia

Born in Bamaga, Queensland, Australia. Highest ranking Blue Watch officer. Previously administrator, Poseidon Fleet Yards.

Name: Alexander Mason
Faction: PK
Posistion: the Mayor of Falconbridge

From Shreveport, Louisana, North American Federation. Born 2011. Shrewd businessman and politician.
Governor of Louisana in the late 2040s and early 2050s. Suceeded Jeremy Borodino to the post of NAFian ambassador to the UN.

Name: Janice Smith
Faction: PK
Posistion: Member of the Board of Councilors

From Helena, Montana, NAF. Unity position was second assistant chief programmer. Lost her son in the Demeter Plantations massacre.

Name: Lord Xavier Paul Darnley, Earl of Wessex
Faction: PK
Posistion: Secretary of Extra-Factional Affairs [the second in command of that Ministry]

British, probably English [as far as I know I invented his peerage]. Spent several years at the head of British electronic inteligence. Superb crypographer, cipherer, and mathematician. Is not overly concerned with his aristocratic status.

Name: Elaine Duval
Faction: PK
Rank: Lieutenant Subcommander [when spoken, refer to as "subcommander", or more informally, "sub" although this could be mistaken for "sublieutenant".]
Posistion: Commander, Poseidon Fleet Yards

Franco-Spanish. From Arcachon, about fifty klicks south of Bordeaux on the Bay of Biscay. [jsorense, your Brother Rajiv now has an official PK to work with on the Beleiver ship order. You can flesh out her personality as you please.]

Borodino posted 02-04-99 07:04 PM ET     Click Here to See the Profile for Borodino  Click Here to Email Borodino     
How did that happen? I only hit "submit" once.
Shining1 posted 02-05-99 09:24 PM ET     Click Here to See the Profile for Shining1  Click Here to Email Shining1     
Edmond Tehicimon
The Hive

Age: 37

Nationality: ? (possibly central american)

Height: 1.82cm Weight: 72kg

Position: Senior Member of council of Advisors (Exploration)

An interesting character, Edmond's own past and upbringing are impossible to determine, having been simultainious registered in three Unity databases as Mexican, Australian, Eskimo, and even Aztec (??). Personal enquires about his origins have turned up little of use either, save that he can easily adopt the lanuage and mannerisms of at least three of his chosen identities (sometimes simultainiously), and that he possesses an unrivaled (by Hive standards) knowledge of geography, indicating a past as something of a 'citizen of the world'.

Given a Unity mission brief of 'primary exploration taskteam' it seemed obvious from the begining that Edmond was cut out for the job of leading Hive exploration crews into the wilderness of planet. And, despite the inhospitable, alien terrain (not to mention "the lack of locals to provide directions and a smoke, eh mate"), warden Tehicimon has performed an excellent job to date.

Perhaps the only remaining impediment to his leading a long and rewarding life in (or, more usually, 1000 klicks outside) the Human Hive is his relationship with the Internal Monitoring Sector. Frequently missed reports, broken field telemetry equipment and supposed misquotes about the 'Impotent Morons Soceity' have all lead to comment that E.T will be the first Senior advisor to be dismissed under 'Special Circumstances'.

Shining1 posted 02-05-99 09:44 PM ET     Click Here to See the Profile for Shining1  Click Here to Email Shining1     
Howarth Ubeya
The Hive

Age: 35

Nationality: South African

Height: 185cm Weight: 79kgs

Position: Junior Member of Council of Advisors, Labyrinth chief architect

Building the future from a tarnished past has always been the philosophy of Howarth Ubeya, a lead architect of some standing in his homeland before the Unity mission. Widely suspected to have been one of the many Morganite insiders aboard before the split (though possibly more because of his color and origins than any proven links), Howarth has, however, never shared the former's love of riches and power. Drawn to Yang's vision of an ordered, well structured soceity like a moth to a flame, the philosophically minded Ubeya has seen his dreams take shape in the sprawling arches and efficient underground dwellings of the Labyrinth.

A genuine believer in the Human Hive, Howarth is a individual who will work ceaselessly for the common good, and no detail is too small to be overlooked. As a result, his successful appointment to the junior council of advisors should come as no surprise. His one flaw, if any, is that he tends to view the world in a very holistic fashion, with less emphasis on the individual than others amoung his brethern.

Markael Peacewood posted 02-11-99 11:00 PM ET     Click Here to See the Profile for Markael Peacewood    

Name: Markael Peacewood
Rank: Unity Science Staff Member
Position: Molecular Biologist

Country of Origin: United Kingdom
DOB: 03-27-2027
Height: 174.9 cm
Weight: 73.1 kg

Datalinks: Background
Markael Peacewood was born to a professor of Political Science and a Tibetian immigrant in Dover, England. In grade school, he competed in national debate tournaments and science fairs before leaving to study at the University of Berkeley in California, where he joined the Greenpeace Organization. After acquiring a Bachelor of Science in Biochemistry, he received a Masters and Ph.D. in Molecular Biology at Cornell University, where he met Lt. Commander Deirdre Skye. He began employment at Bionex Research Lab, White Plains, N.Y., as assistant and biological consultant on the Skye Mark IV wheat strain. In the next few years, Peacewood distinguished himself with several highly regarded papers on molecular biology; his pioneering work in protease inhibition and delta-form replication indirectly led to Edwards' discovery of the general cure for cancer. During this time, he also gained recognition by travelling widely as an itinerant lecturer, giving lectures and making demonstrations throughout the United Kingdom for public audiences despite receiving little reimbursement for his efforts. He was selected as candidate for Mission Molecular Biologist upon recommendation of Lt. Commander Deirdre Skye.

Datalinks: Unity Psych Recommendations
Excellent scientific background and above average recall may prove valuable on mission. Latent musical ability and strong communication skills can contribute to colonization and civilization of Planet. Generally stable patterns of behaviour, marked by overall calmness and level-headedness. Occasionally given to bursts of emotion and self-doubt, but events localized in scope and have not been shown to interfere with ability to reason. Overall Mission Suitability Quotient: 93.25%

Faction: Stepdaughters of Gaia
Current position: Temporary head of Gaian Council

jsorense posted 02-12-99 12:30 PM ET     Click Here to See the Profile for jsorense  Click Here to Email jsorense     
Markael Peacewood,
By posting your character's bio mean that you will be writing in the AFC?
If so, I would like to be the first to welcome you to the show.

Brother jsorense
Bearer of the Faith, Defender of the Faithful and Avenger of Martyrs

Shining1 posted 02-17-99 08:12 PM ET     Click Here to See the Profile for Shining1  Click Here to Email Shining1     
Sasha Tarant
The Hive
Age: 26

Nationality: Ukranian

Height: 1.79 Weight: 69kgs

Position: Junior member of council of advisors. Head of Hive biologicial research.

Given passage aboard the unity for his exceptional ability in biologicial and environmental science, Sasha is a born again convert to the darker side of Yang's social ideology.

While the notion of self-sacrifice for the common good is at the heart of Hive society, Sasha has taken this notion one step further - envisaging an army of chemically enhanced and controlled drones at the disposal of the Hive elite, of which he considers himself an indisposable member.

While he physically lacks intimiation, Sasha's icy blue eyes reveal a mind that revels in its own superiority, dancing atop dreams of world domination, intellentual perfection and immortality. His ambition may be his downfall, but to date Sasha is well on his way to achieving some of his goals, working ceaselessly as one of the few currently active scientists in the Labyrinth.

While he may feel he holds the future in the palm of his hand, it is uncertain how even the ideaologically driven Yang himself will regard the young scientist's bizarre social experiments.

Shining1 posted 02-19-99 09:13 PM ET     Click Here to See the Profile for Shining1  Click Here to Email Shining1     
Hive characters (to date):

Dorian Mariot - junior head of External Monitoring sector. Chief of Covert ops. (JA)
Hazel August - EMS personal. Captain of Hornet 1 (codename: Queen)
Ling Lan* - ?? position in covert ops. (JA)
Edward Tehicimon - Head of Exploration Sector (SA)

Mary Chase - Head of Health and Agriculture Sector. (SA)
Jospeh Zlydev - Head of R&D Sector. (SA)
Sasha Tarant - 'Evil' Biochemist (R&D S). (JA)
Chen Yang - Assistant Director of R&D Sector (JA)
Howarth Ubeya - Head Architect for Labyrinth (JA)
Ren Meng - Assistant to Head of Trade & Economy sector. (JA)

Gerard DuPont* - UoP insider.

JA - member of junior council of advisors
SA - " senior council

jsorense posted 02-24-99 01:54 PM ET     Click Here to See the Profile for jsorense  Click Here to Email jsorense     
The Paparazzi, nonfaction (a Brenda creation)

Paparazzi is a term used by all the Factions for an unknown number of highly mobile, non-aligned bands. These bands range by land, sea and air across the surface of Planet. They are frequent, and usually welcome, visitors to almost all Faction bases. They bring news, gossip, mail, intelligence, scarce products and technology that they will buy, sell or barter for locally available commodities. Paparazzi bands not only act as traders and messengers but also as a refuge for the discontented and matching service for the unfulfilled.
The best-known paparazzi band, or clan, is the one founded by Arsinio Rivera (see bio) shortly after planet fall. As a Chief in the Quartermaster's Corp Arsino was responsible for the packing and programming of the supply pods at the beginning of U.N.S. Unity back in moon's orbit. Arsinios's small band grew rapidly during the first year. The meager equipment that he liberated from the Peacekeepers was augmented by additions from the numerous supply pods that they encountered. Many believe that he is using his Quartermaster's knowledge to go "pod popping" in order to harvest data, resources, rovers, and helicopters to support his clan.
Paparazzi population also expanded rapidly as people who were unhappy within the Faction they found themselves decided to leave in search for a better social fit. Most factions tolerated, or even encouraged, these defections in order to cull malcontents, criminals and the emotionally unstable. However, several Factions, notably the Hive, Spartans, and increasingly the Believers, regarded such defections as crimes.
Paparazzi social structure is extremely open and receptive but it will not tolerate population concentrations. As a clan grows in size it will divide, much like a one celled animal. Arsinio's clan has divided several times since Planet fall.

Borodino posted 04-07-99 11:31 PM ET     Click Here to See the Profile for Borodino  Click Here to Email Borodino     
Name: Dr. Samuel Kennicott
Faction: PK
Posistion: xenobiologist

From Ivanhoe, Minnesota; PK's closet thing to a mindworm expert

Name: Alisa Sung
Faction: PK
Posistion: mayor of Mintaka Point

Born Lunaport, one of the international lunar settlements. Father - Korean; Mother - Ghanese. Aerospace engineer by training - the lack of relevent jobs and her impressive management record in the International Space Agency won her her current job.

jsorense posted 04-16-99 11:46 AM ET     Click Here to See the Profile for jsorense  Click Here to Email jsorense     
Arsinio Rivera
Age: 33
Faction: Paparazzi
Nationality: Dominican Republic
Base: mobile caravan
Bit player
Resume: Mr. Rivera was part of the Quartermaster section of the U.N.S. Unity. He landed as part of the Peacekeeper detachment but in the confusion of the first days on Planet he disappeared with a number of friends and some useful Peacekeeper supplies, equipment, i.e. a cargo shuttle and a couple of ground transports. When Peacekeeper M.P.s tracked him down Rivera produced orders from Captain Garland assigning the equipment and supplies to him. Although the authenticity of these orders was questionable, Director Lal let them stand. The other factions have called this independent and mobile band "paparazzi "and they make their living by trading commodities and information as they travel from base to base.

Specialist Fourth Class Arsinio Rivera of the U.N.S Unity's Quartermaster's corps was a long way from the open garbage dumps he grew up on in his native Dominican Republic. The SMACA induced world depression had ruined his father's Internet sales business and they had been forced to take up residence in cardboard shack salvaging recyclables from a municipal dump. It had been a difficult youth but Arsinio had learned how to be independent and how to improvise. At the age of 16 he was forcible "drafted" into the army. At first he thought that it was the end of the world but he soon adapted to the superficially structured military society and learned how to use it to his advantage.

One of Arsinio's greatest talents was spatial organization. A talent he first showed while loading trucks. He could fit more of anything in a given space than anyone else. Soon he was loading helicopters, and finally transport planes. The Dominican Quartermasters Corps rewarded his talent with promotions and education, especially language school. English, after all, was necessary if you wanted to cooperate with the North American Federation. While on the surface Arsinio was the model soldier, like supply sergeants immemorial, he made sure that his army salary did not limit his income. Cigars from Cuba, drugs from Columbia, black coral from Belize, tropical fish from Jamaica, body parts from Guatemala etc, etc., etc, all found there way into nooks and crannies that only a load-master would know. Access to free transportation all over the Caribbean had made Arsino enough money to get his family out of the recycling business and back into a safe barrio.

In some unexplainable administrative whim Arsinio had been assigned to the U.N. Peacekeeping forces and eventually found himself stowing supplies aboard the Unity. Arsinio was as happy as an overworked NCO could be. He may not know where all the skeletons were buried on the U.N.S Unity, but he knew exactly where they were in
his realm: Light Industry Modules Landing Pod XL52. Over the last year Arsinio had studied the schematics and cargo manifest designing a more efficient use of the volume. The U.N. planners were overjoyed that Arsinio's
Reworking of the configuration which allowed a 5% increase of payload. Arsinio did not think that it was necessary to tell them that he was retaining 1% for himself which he had been secretly auctioning off to selected crewmembers and a few affluent colonists. Life was finally being good to Arsinio.

Borodino posted 05-09-99 10:26 PM ET     Click Here to See the Profile for Borodino  Click Here to Email Borodino     
SMAC. [shameless moving-up a-something communication... That didn't flow to well, huh?]
jsorense posted 05-13-99 01:55 PM ET     Click Here to See the Profile for jsorense  Click Here to Email jsorense     
For those of you who do not remember one of my original AFC characters.

Sister Cecilia McCoy
Age: 52
Ethnicity: Scotch-Irish/Appalachia, U.S.
Secondary Character
Resume: Born near Hazard, Kentucky, coal mining country. For nearly 200 years Cecilia's ancestors were coal miners, moonshiners, and evangelical circuit preachers. Cecilia, in her own way, followed all of these ancient traditions. At the University of Kentucky she pursued a degrees in petrochemical engineering. Her work there was brilliant developing a process to dissolve and extract coal without endangering miners and causing virtually no pollution. Unfortunately, she was expelled when it was learned that she was involved in a scheme to incapacitate a rival basketball team with counterfeit bourbon during the NCAA final four. The Wildcats finally did win that controversial championship. The next year found her preaching the Good Word from the pulpit of the Rock of Ages Holy Spirit Tabernacle near French Lick, Kentucky until she landed a job with MS Petroleum, the energy subsidiary of a multinational software company. It was her expertise in petrochemical engineering that got her on U.N.S. Unity. It was her first encounter with Sister Miriam that made her a Believer.
Current Position: Assistant Director of Energy for Petrochemical and Geothermal Sources. Sister Cecilia is also being considered as a candidate to help spread the New Words to the colonist of the other factions.

jsorense posted 06-01-99 04:06 PM ET     Click Here to See the Profile for jsorense  Click Here to Email jsorense     
Brother Nho Hee Park
Age: 49
The Lord's Believers
Nationality: Unified Koreas Democratic Republic
Location: New Jerusalem
Secondary Character
Resume: Nho Hee Park started his adult career at the age of 16 in the ROK army. He rose through the ranks during the "hot peace" as China suffered through its counter-revolutions. Out of a sincere fear of what was happening to the north the two Koreas were able to overcome their distrust of each other and unify in the face of a greater threat. Lt. Park was "volunteered" for the U.N. forces that relieved the siege of Vladivostok in 2055-56. Lt. Park was then assigned as a permanent liaison to the U.N. where he met Dr. Yang and soon was attached to his staff and honestly volunteered for the U.N.S. Unity mission.

Lt. Park awakened during the last shoot out between the Spartans and Unity's Engineer and Security forces. He was wounded and evacuated with a Believer first aid team. Having once been a Moonie, Lt. Park was instantly attracted to Sister Miriam and transferred his loyalty to her. Brother Nho spent most of his time among the Believers as an agricultural or construction work. However, when the militia was organized, he was one of the firsts to volunteer. Brother Rahjiv has depended heavily on this thoroughly professional soldier for leadership with the untrained militia members.

jsorense posted 08-06-99 12:43 PM ET     Click Here to See the Profile for jsorense  Click Here to Email jsorense     

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