Topic: Part 32?
Zorloc |
posted 01-05-99 07:02 PM ET
When is part 32 going to come out. The "soon" until 31 was just over a week but the "even sooner" has been nearly 2 weeks so far!I want the story to continue!
posted 01-05-99 07:25 PM ET
Zorloc,I second the motion. `Soon,' in my book, would be shorter than this. It is time for another episode. If Firaxis is waiting for me to give my permission to use me in the story, you have it by all means (hint, hint). Where is Santiago? How will she unite with the rest of the mutineers? What is going to happen to Capt. Garland, and when? Where the heck did Emissary go? Who gets stuck with Yang? Will Imran Siddiqui sell out to the dark side? What is the meaning of NIM? Can Raymond find more vodka for Zakharov? Will R. Junack get that promotion Santiago promised for services above and beyond the call of duty? Help! These questions and more are screaming for answers. |
posted 01-05-99 10:01 PM ET
Will Deidre Skye get knocked in the head REALLY hard upon landing on Chiron?Will Yang ever lighten the hell up? What the hell is lal wearing on his head?
posted 01-07-99 01:14 PM ET
Why are all the leaders so stereotyped? Who will actually join Yang? What's the Meaning of Meaning? How did an extremist bitch like miriam get to be the spiritual leader of the supposedly Multicultural Unity? How can a medical doctor like lal be so stubborn and such a good leader? When did Santiago get promoted? Since when is Environmentalism Paganism? Where's the Hotseat? |
posted 01-12-99 05:39 PM ET
Has the U.N.S. Unity hit some kind of stasis field where all time stands still?I can picture the corridors and bays now full of people rushing toward the escape pods frozen in a multitude of poses that a casual observer would have normally missed in real time: Zahkarov shoving little old ladies out of the way; Morgan selling tickets to his private pod; Yang levitating over the heads of the crowd; Santiago knee-capping Garland; Skye retreiving her stash of B.C, bud; Lal tripping Miriam as she tries jumping to catch a ride with Yang, etc., etc. Meanwhile, outside the Unity, the weeks pass in a slow march of days filled only with waiting.
posted 01-12-99 09:02 PM ET
Jsorense, I'm reminded of the "evacuation" scene from SpaceBalls. . .In which case, Captain Garrett will die because there won't be any pods left for *him!* In abscence of Episode 32, anyone want to speculate on his death? I think he'll choose to "go down with his ship." Anyone else care to take a shot? - Coyote