Topic: AFC Comments
Borodino |
posted 01-02-99 09:33 PM ET
Comments on the AFC
posted 01-07-99 06:17 PM ET
Hi Borodino,I have not gotten up to speed yet for the AFC. However, I do know that I will start including elements from the demo, i.e. Supply Pods, Alien Obelisks, and some to the other Unity characters, in my segments. I am also going to introduce a regular shower of Unity debris as Chiron's orbit intersects the ship's wreckage. Maybe some bonus pods will fall out of the sky (just the sort of thing the Believers will love). What would be a good name for it? Garland's Tears? The Unity Shower? Lost Souls Homecoming (referring to the crew in Cryobay 7)? BTW, how's the weather?
posted 01-08-99 09:52 PM ET
Hey jsorense, I wanted to the same sort of things. I like the idea of Garland's Tears. As for the weather: we're supposed to get /another/ six inches by tommorrow with more snow through the weekend. A total of more than two feet for the week. :S [Uncertain happy/sad; kinda both at once] |
posted 01-12-99 02:01 PM ET
Hi Zorloc,I have a Believer resource exploration crew out toward UoP territory. Is it north, east or south? There is an ocean to the west of New Jerusalem. Maybe we should agree on a rough map of Chiron with approximate landing sites for the different factions? Borodino, what do you think? Anyway, they are about to uncover the first alien obelisk known to the Believers. What will Miriam make of it, I wonder.
posted 01-12-99 02:19 PM ET
Map wise, If we wanted to we could use the "Map of Chiron" that comes with the game and have people select landing sites.Or we could make it up. Where is New J. latitude wise? Where are the PK's. The Gaians, etc. |
posted 01-12-99 02:31 PM ET
Hello Borodino, Zorloc, Legoean and any future AFC writers,We have received a request from MikeH to consolidate the AFC into one thread. "Please can the AFC story go in only one thread at a time to make it easy to read? I got really lost with the last one and I liked reading your stuff but couldn't follow where all the stories fitted in." Since there are so few of us I think that this could work (at least we could try it). How say you? We would still maintain our own "AFC Comments" thread and I would also like to keep the "AFC: People" thread. Thanks
posted 01-12-99 02:51 PM ET
Brother legoean well i think that it will work out. |
posted 01-12-99 02:56 PM ET
I'm used to the Chronicles so it's fine with me. |
posted 01-12-99 06:09 PM ET
Where and when should i start my first section of writeing Brother Legoean
posted 01-12-99 07:05 PM ET
Hi Brother Legoean,You can start anytime. I have an episode that is about one third finished. I may get it out tomorrow. However, I will post a new thread for a unified AFC so we can get started. I should mention one more thing; date stamping your stories. At the top of Borodino's and my chapters you will see a number that looks like this: 001/30.5. This is the Centauri dating system. The 001 designates year one after the landing. The /30 stands for the 30th 10-day week in the second year. The .5 indicates that this is the fifth day of the 30th week. If you date your episodes it is easier to refer to the actions in it in our writings. I hope that is clear. It caused a lot of confusion when it first started and was the main reason I started my own Believer thread.
posted 01-12-99 07:51 PM ET
I hope I did a good job with my first cronical, but at you can see my spelling and ghramer are very bad due to my dyslexia. Brother Legoean |
posted 01-12-99 08:01 PM ET
It is a good start Legoean. :-) I like the idea of treating all supply pods as worm infested targets. I would just like to remind you that they still have to wear full enviro-suit outside. Don't forget to post your bio of Brother Legoean in the AFC: The People thread.
posted 01-13-99 06:15 AM ET
you got it, anything else? Brtoher Legoean |
posted 01-13-99 06:48 PM ET
Legoean,Nice touch with the Rebel Yell, it gave me a shiver down the back just thinking about it. What kind of weapons / ammo did we salvage from the pod? That is fortunate because one of the things I was negotiating with UoP for were shredder pistol rechargers. :-) Zorloc, Will you take over The DirectorGeneral's characters too? Maybe we can get Brother Rahjiv and Abernathy together on something (reminiscing about the good old days on Tycho Base at the I Club?). BTW, I warned The DG and Borodino about dealing with the godless, hedonistic, amoral Morganites. Those people will steal the filings out of your teeth and then sue you for exposing them to a biohazard. But did they listen to me? No way! Just a word to the wise. ;-) |
posted 01-14-99 11:21 AM ET
Just one comment about the "Alien Obelisk" I described in my last episode. I did not intend to have this to be the only shape/size/function of these things in our chronicle. Please develop your own ideas about them and the, as yet, unrecovered alien artifacts. |
posted 01-14-99 02:48 PM ET
OK, if we are going to use Brenda's map we have to start coming to a consensus on naming the major geological/geographical features.I modestly suggest that the peninsula on which I have place New Jerusalem be called the "Greater Jutland Peninsula" cuz it kinda looks like it, only bigger, ah, sorta, right? And the large bay to the west of it, Hudson's Bay. Any more ideas?
posted 01-14-99 05:57 PM ET
Brother jsorenseNow i was wondering, what should we do about the alien Obelisk. I meen should I veiw it a god-less, Or as a omen of good things to come. I also hope you like the Idea of other people trying to get the obelisk, so now we know that it must be important. |
posted 01-14-99 06:47 PM ET
Hello Brother Legoean,That is a heck of a good question. I would suggest that we explore both attitudes. Brother Rahjiv is ambivalent about it, but I know that Sister Cecilia would love to take it apart to see what makes it tick (if it actually ticked that is). Eventually, though, I think Sister Miriam will take it as a sign of god marking this land for the enlightened chosen. I think that we should send a squad of Militia along with Sister Sara when she goes back to more fully investigate the obelisk reequiped with new E-suits, 1 rover and rechrargers. The rest of the stuff we'll put in the labs, clinics, or storage. I'll keep the other rover for myself, Wooo Hooooo! :-))
posted 01-14-99 08:03 PM ET
Brother jsorenseHave fun with your new rover . I like playing with the new Gieger counter. Makes neet beebing sounds near Urnanium. Brother Legoean
posted 01-15-99 12:20 PM ET
Hey Borodino, What are "fisher misties?" Are they anything like the famous Chiron mist squids (nimbulus borodinea)? Will there be a funeral for your deceased citizens? I want to know where to send the wreath. Sister Cecilia can supply some libations for the wake.Brother Legoean, It wasn't clear to me if the three transport guards were disabled or killed. I think it behooves us to send out a larger party to the Hand of God. We need to protect and investigate that site. It is my understanding that individual mind worms are relatively small. However, I do not know how big the "boils" get. Do we have any idea who the commandos were that hijacked the pod? If you don't want to reveal that yet it is OK. It will help make the Believers even more paranoid. BTW, have you looked at Brenda's map yet?
posted 01-16-99 07:45 AM ET
dear Borodino I can't reach your web site.Dear jsorense I was realy tired when i posted the last story. I will start writeing a new to clear up most of the questions soon. I will need to use brother Rajivi(sp) in this one, ok. post if it is. |
posted 01-16-99 07:47 AM ET
BTW, how do you like calling the rovers Glory I and Golry II?Brother Legoean |
posted 01-16-99 05:31 PM ET
Hi Brother L,Sure, you can borrow Brother Rahjiv, he is your characters superior after all. I sent you his bio and if you take the time to read through the old episode Borodino posted in the Pre Crash Chronicles thread, then you will know how he should act. Gotta go and take Glory I out for a spin now. VROOOOOOOM Cool! Maybe I'll just call her Gloria (Glory A). VROOOOOOOM See ya!
posted 01-16-99 09:49 PM ET
Brother Legoean,The Globe, [my free home page provider, is upgrading their servers. Hopefully both of us will be able to access it soon. Brother jsorense, "The Mistsquid - a jelly-fish like creature which floats in the air like a blimp. 7 species of misties [not yet intoduced as such in the storyline]: San Martin's, Greater, Lesser, Fisher, Mariner, Pearly, Rainbow" -- from the old ecology thread. I'm not surprised that you didn't remember [I didn't either and I created them .] Species by species [there could always be more]: San Martin's: the species discovered by the Narmonov Expedition Greater: Largest species Lesser: Smallest species Fisher: coastal version, has special "spear" tentacles used to catch marine life Mariner: Deep ocean version, rarely seen within a kilometer of land [still an air creature] Rainbow: most colorful, dwells primarily in jungle-type enviroments Pearly: Iridescently colored; most common in arctic regions. The PKs have only encountered San Martin's and the Fisher Misties. Which ones other factions have encounter [if any] is up to the discretion of the respective writers. Also, the PKs have informed the Believers about them in routine exploratory/ecological information exchanges. PS -- I should assume, of course, that the Beleivers did /not/ inform the PKs of this obelisk? If so, then how do you Believers feel about a spy ring in New Jerusalem. You've, after all, a some spying in Hope. [Which the PK governemnt may or may not know about....]
posted 01-18-99 10:11 PM ET
Proposed Geographic Names for the AFC [based on BrendaH's map:]The large question-marked shaped penisula to the west of the central sea: Greater Jutland; it is the location of the Believers The large bay to the west of Greater Jutland: New Hudson The small bay about one-quarter of the world east of the western edge of the map which looks a little like a Michigan flipped east-west: Michigan Bay; the Peacekeepers are located north and east of it. The large land-locked sea to the north and west of Michigan Bay = the Freshwater Sea. |
posted 01-19-99 12:20 PM ET
Greetings kyuden,Welcome to the AFC! Thank you for joining us. We really needed a Spartan to keep thing interesting. I hope you don't mind a few comments about your initial contribution. It seems to me that we do not have any political/economic/military context for your Spartan's actions. Could you outline for us the motivations behind the sabotage and assassination attempts? Remember that this is only a year and a half from planet fall. Why so aggressive so early? I am not saying they shouldn't be, just that there should be a reason for it, such as revenge from an incident aboard Unity, for example. Another question: Where on Brenda's map are you going to place Spartan Headquarters? Finally, could you post short biographies of your characters on the AFC: The People thread (its down on the 10 day show topic pull down menu)? I find it helpful to flesh them out in this manner. It will also help if someone else wants to write something with them as characters in it too. Hi Borodino, No, the Believers are not going to broadcast the discovery of the obelisk yet. They haven't been able to insure their absolute right to it yet. I want to get Sister Sara out there to do some digging and other assorted archaeological poking around. It seems the mind worms are acting up around New Jerusalem too. :-( |
posted 01-19-99 03:07 PM ET
Dear AFC, Due to the ice storm in Maryland USA I have not have power for 3 days (NO SMAC, Noooooooooooooooooooooooo...) I was trying to give the idea that the mind worms are related the the obelisk. jsorense can you make a post with Brother Rajiv, brother legoean, and sister Sara with the info from above, to get her to the obelisk. P.S. Right now I'm working on a skermish with the unknowen militia forces and the alpha squad, to protect the obelisk. dear kyuden, You may take control of the unknowen milita if you want and make them Spartan Alliance Milita. Let me know, Power might go off again.
posted 01-19-99 03:44 PM ET
Hi Legoen,I will get things going at the `Hand of God' in my next episode. Keep your head down out there. Could be some hostile forces out there snooping around. Tough break with the ice storm. However it did reveal one thing: you are displaying the classic symptoms of Type I SMAC Addiction - forum withdrawal pain.
posted 01-20-99 06:30 AM ET
And let it never happen again. they might need to come up with a patch to stop SMAC craveings. Brother Legoean |
posted 01-20-99 01:57 PM ET
Legoean,I was wondering if you could write an "After Action Report" concerning the incident at the Hand of God. It should be sent to Brother Rahjiv and include the number of Believer casualties (wounded/killed), number of raider casualties (including prisoners) and types/condition of captured equipment. Finally it should include your analysis of the probable identify of the raiders. For your information, this is the first fire fight for the Believers. It will cause a major stir among the faction leaders. Do you watch Westerns by any chance? The battle reminded me of circled wagons with Indians riding around and around. BTW, there is quite a literature concerning SMAC treatments and the patch was the most commercially successful. Try to find Greg Woodstock's ProSMAC experiments. No one was sure how to administer them: wear them, smoke them, chew them or use them as a suppository. As a treatment, however, it totally failed.
posted 01-21-99 03:56 PM ET
Kyuden,Each faction has three shuttles [kind of like passenger needlejets] available for its use. You my wish to use one of those instead of a rover. [especially if you claim that island! ] Also, there is an established non-factional outpost used for diplomatic encounters if the Spartans would feel safer on nuetral ground. I can send you the post with references to the diplo-dome, if you like. jsorense and legoean, where are you? |
posted 01-21-99 04:05 PM ET
Hi Borodino,I'm here. I've been busy trying to pry all the microfilm out of the bottom of the shoes Warrant Officer Toivo Juopperi gave me. :-))
posted 01-21-99 04:34 PM ET
I haved returend and have placed a story that sums up the hand of god out post for the belivers so if you have time read it. Brother Legoean |
posted 01-21-99 06:33 PM ET
The Plan My next episode will return to Sister Tammy in Gaialand (how did you like the first one btw). The one after that will deal with the analysis of the obelisk. Anyone have any ideas about what the results should include? I am open to suggestions. Then I will try to pick up on the dual spy treads with the Peacekeepers and maybe something on the Spartans after that or some combination depending upon the situation. Thanks
posted 01-21-99 07:05 PM ET
MMM... CaffeineBTW how do you like the lay out of the outpost? I have exams so don't suppries if i don't write as much as i normaly do. Brother Legoean |
posted 01-21-99 07:33 PM ET
I think that brother legoean should have an asistant. what do you think? Her name will be Tandi Sands (don't laugh fallout fanatics)  |
posted 01-21-99 07:49 PM ET
Legoean,Please include your new character, Tandi Sands. I am looking forward to her bio. It looks like your character, Brother L. is moving in to Hand of God for good. BTW, don't be tempted to neglect you studies to post here. Ask Borodino about the consequences of an overactive SMACing habit. :-( Good luck on your exams.
posted 01-21-99 09:15 PM ET
Yes, first quarter calculus suffered greatly at the hands of SMAC.BTW, There was no microfilm. My great-grandnephew six times removed would have nothing to do with that!  I'm working on a couple of stories, but birthday stuff [I'm now eighteen] has me pretty busy. I should have them posted tommorow. In the meantime, I have a question. I know that we have established time to be YYY/WW.D with YYY be years since planetfall, WW being decurns, and D being day [0 through 9]. I've run into a consistent problem with this though. How does one refer to a day in the future, as "next week Tuesday"? A couple of proposals: Day names based on number: zeroday, firstday, seconday, thirday, fouthday, fifthday, sixthday, seventhday, eightday, ninethday. Or perhaps since "thd" is a bit hard to pronounce we could drop the either the "th" or the "d": fourday or fourthay? Based on the Sol system: solday, mercuryday, venusday, lunaday, [Earthday already being taken], marsday, jupiterday, saturnday, uranusday, neptuneday, plutoday; or [from Greek instead] heliosday, hermesday, aphroditeday, seleneday?, aresday, zuesday, cronosday, ????, poseidonday, hadesday. Or simplified versions of these [ex. mercurday] Comments? Suggestions? Rebuttals? Etc.? Etc.? Etc.?
posted 01-22-99 12:20 PM ET
Bordiniodo you take some sort of halusinagetic drug in order to come up with thous names. that or ginsig. Brother legoean BTW, I like the Sol sistem days |
posted 01-22-99 02:53 PM ET
Happy Birthday Borodino!18 years old! I can just remember when I was that old. As I told you before, it was my best year in high school (not saying much), but college was soo much better. Don't forget to register to vote. Do you guys still have to register for the draft too? BTW, I agree with Legoean about the day-names. What do you think about the obelisk? Legoean, I hope Tandi Sands' wound isn't permanently crippling, or she couldn't remain with Alpha Squad. Kyuden, FYI, did you know that all of the Spartan's are tattooed? It is in one of the Story episodes.
posted 01-22-99 09:25 PM ET
legoean,I resent that comment! I guess it's a good thing that I didn't put down some of the names I was thinking of [I had a couple of thoughts of one based on the Muses or the Minor Prophets...] jsorense, Yes, I should be getting the Selective Services notice pretty soon. And I will register to vote, but there's no election until next November, and I'll be in college then and I'm not sure where yet. [That was a horrible run-on] About the days, did you mean you agreed with Legoean's malacious comment <still just a joke, L> or the Solar system system [I did mean to use system twice]. If so, we'll use the ones based off of the Roman-named planets? Any modifications requested? |
posted 01-24-99 08:44 AM ET
hello,Borodino, with the days, maybe you could just take the first three letters of the planet and add day to the end. if you think about it, it makes the names a lot easier to say. you would have to admit that satday is a lot easier to say than saturnday in conversation. also congrats on the birthday. Legoean don't really want the raiders. i think that it could be interesting to have an unknown group of raiders wandering around. also the raiders are a little far from spartan territory for it to be possible. jsorense thanks for the info on all spartans being tattoed. i hadn't noticed it from the stories, but now that i know about it i will try to include it in a couple of posts. |
posted 01-24-99 05:55 PM ET
Hi Kyuden,The tattoos are mentioned in Part 2 of Episode 22. In terms of Spartan R&D I would like to know what sort of industrial / military research programs you have been able to establish so soon after planet fall. Brian Reynolds himself suggested that initially the technology should stay very much at the Unity level and progress slowly and incrementally, not by huge breakthroughs. For example, did it derive from your own obelisk encounter? Borodino and I have been able to keep this from a "everyone fighting everyone all the time" and a "my gun, bomb, space station, etc, is bigger, faster, more stealth and more destructive than yours" sort of story. I personally would like to see more of your ideas of Spartan culture and politics as it developed on Planet. BTW, where are you located? I wouldn't want to stumble across you by accident. Borodino, I like Kyuden's suggestion for day names. Brother Legoean, Since Kyuden does not want to take responsibility for the raiders, that narrows it down to UoP, Morgan, and Yang. The Gaian's are too far away and too pacifist, and we have pretty good relations with Lal. Do you have a prime suspect yet? Remember that Zorloc may write for the UoP, so we shouldn't mess with his people too much yet. To all: Any ideas for the obelisk yet? And is this thread getting too long? |
Giant Squid
posted 01-24-99 06:16 PM ET
Are any factions not being written for? Can I join in? CPUB is [i[slow[/i] |
posted 01-24-99 06:30 PM ET
Hi Giant Squid,We would be glad to have you on board. At this time there are active writers for 3 Factions: Borodino = Peacekeepers jsorense & Legoean = Lord's Believers Kyuden = Spartans. Zorloc said he was interested in picking up on the UoP. I have written a couple of stories involving the Gaian's but from the Believers point of view. I claim no rights to them accept that they are good surfers. :-) So, for a long answer for your simple question, the Gaians, Morganites, the Hive are all up for grabs. As you know Zorloc has been MIA for some time so I don't know what his plans are for the AFC. I hope that answers you questions.
posted 01-24-99 06:36 PM ET
Hello all.Kyuden, Thanks. jsorense, Since the motion is seconded, the days of the decurn are solday, merday, venday, lunday, marday, jupday, satday, uraday, nepday, and pluday, days 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, and 9 of the decurn, respectively. I offer this up to the Chroniclers for unamimous consent.... Giant Squid, PKs are written for by me, Beleivers by jsorense and Legoean, and Spartans by Kyuden. I'm going to contact SupremePaco about the UoP [he hasn't posted since this forum was re-established] and Zorloc is a possible UoPer. All other factions have no active writer. You could write for any faction you please, although it might be fun to be the only one writing for a faction. Also, not having kept up on the CPUB, I'm not sure that we'd be any faster. Let me know which [if any] faction you chose to write for, and I'll send you stories to date on them. All seven have been written about before. |
posted 01-24-99 06:38 PM ET
jsorense and myself posted at near the same time. Are you still here, jsorense? |
posted 01-24-99 06:42 PM ET
Hi Borodino,How's the weather. It's raining nicely here. What did you get for your birthday, or was your computer a gift for all seasons?
Giant Squid
posted 01-24-99 06:45 PM ET
Might as well save myself some confusion and be the Gaians. Count me in.Sincerely,      -A CPUB innovation you [i]don't[/i] want to see... |
posted 01-24-99 06:48 PM ET
Hi,The weather here is ok. Kinda mild [its above freezing!] and all of the previous weeks snow is melting. I got a satchel [maybe calling it a briefcase or ... something else would be better?] for my computer, a couple of books [Feynman's Six Easy Pieces and Six Not-So-Easy Pieces and a history of the Boer War], and fifty dollars cash. We've never near real-timed this before have we? |
posted 01-24-99 06:54 PM ET
Welcome Giant Squid,Yes, I have followed the development of your innovation. I have the sad duty to tell you, though, that the use of too many smileys is classed as an atrocity here, ranking just under the seriousness of playing the sound track of "The Sound of Music." We'll let you off with a warning this time. Gotta run!
Giant Squid
posted 01-24-99 10:14 PM ET
*Giant Squid convenes Planetary Council* AGENDA: REPEAL U.N. CHARTER EFFECTS: All atrocity prohibitions lifted. Votes: YEA: Giant Squid NAY: None yetU.N. Charter revoked. Hooray! Now we can all use smileys. Suggestions (not original) :> Person who is happy :< Person who is sad :-< Person who is sad because he or she has a big nose : D Person laughing : D* Person laughing so hard he or she does not notice a five-legged spider on his or her lips. >8-O-(&) Person just realizing he or she has a tapeworm. (Source-Dave Barry in Cyberspace) Firaxis should make a new forum: Smiley Art Sincerely, GGGGGGGG SSSSSSSSS G S G GGG SSSSSSSSS G G S GGGGGGGG SSSSSSSSS  |
posted 01-25-99 01:28 PM ET
Hi Borodino, Is it your contention that the Temple of Adam, a gothic monstrosity, would be allowed in New Jerusalem? That was a project suggested by Imran shortly before he quite the AFC. The Believers that I have nurtured would neither construct such an eyesore nor worship in it: too patriarchal, paternalistic, and eurocentric. Besides some small chaples/temples around the base (such as at the dormitories and clinics), the entire New Jerusalem dome is the Believers cathedral (remember Brenda's picture?). At this time I still see the Believers as an unstructured cult formed around the charisma of Sister Miriam. The Believers are too new to have developed a bureaucracy or establish a dogma. The place is still run like an evangelical revival camp (with all the internal tension and jealousy that implies).Giant Squid, I currently have one Believer, Sister Tammy Burbank, among the Gaians. Do you want me to withdraw her or would you like an opportunity to interact with her. I have a bio if you are interested. BTW you are free to scrap what ever you want about the Gaians from my last story. It could all have been a set up to confuse the Believer spy. (And please keep your 8-track tape of "The Sound of Music" to yourself. Pretty please) Kyuden, Am I reading you correctly in that the Spartan Headquarters is near the base of the Greater Jutland Peninsula? Rats! I hate it when that happens during the Demo. Legoean, Keep studying! Oh, and be careful out there.
posted 01-25-99 02:54 PM ET
Ya, tomorrow i have off. then another exam  Oh well I will try to post something. BTW, Raiders are the faction *Cough* *sniffel* Gee, do i have a cold today?  |
Giant Squid
posted 01-25-99 09:43 PM ET
Keep your spy.However, I'd kind of like to know more. Where are the Gaians? How many cities? What tech level? What are international relations? Etc? Cure for the smile grid... [img][/img] |
posted 01-26-99 12:51 PM ET
Hi Giant Squid,I can answer your questions from the Believers POV. Level of technology is essentially whatever you were able to take off the Unity. No major advances above that yet. Inter Factional Relationships: The Gaians have provided the Believers with some advanced filtration/pumping systems for their aguaculture project. I think the Believers gave them 1000 leatherette bound copies of Sister Miriam's inspirational quotes sermons. (-: They have remained fairly secretive and isolationist up to this point, however. I placed the Gaian's main base somewhere in the southern hemisphere (using Brenda's map of Planet). The Believers only know of this one base. Does that help? I don't know about the Peacekeepers. P.S. I thought you should know this about me. I had calamari in a light tomato & fennel sauce over my pasta last night. I hope they weren't relatives yours. :-(
posted 01-26-99 01:35 PM ET
let us way the options of witch faction the raiders might be from...Nitro Glierine residue found in remaines of raider's base. (Nitro Gliserine is used in tunel drilling) *hint* No other domes in the area. *hint* Very expencive military *hint* Who could it be??? Brother legoean |
Giant Squid
posted 01-26-99 08:16 PM ET
Jsorense-Thanks.YOU ATE CALAMARI? MURDERER! THIS MEANS WAR. *708 probability hovercrafts come out of the woodwork.* Seriously, you need professional help if you can do such a thing. I recommend
posted 01-27-99 10:12 PM ET
Hey, where is everybody?
posted 01-28-99 03:13 PM ET
Hi everyone,I think I got Legoean's cold. Whatever it is, it is keeping me from thinking clear enough to write a story. Borodino: thanks for the honey. Maybe Sister Cecilia will make some mead now. :-) Giant Squid: thanks for the additional recipes. :-) Legoean: next time disinfect your keyboard before you post here! :-(
posted 01-29-99 12:37 AM ET
hello everyone,i hate to do this but i will no longer be able to post for the spartans. work and other complications mean i don't reall y have enough time. apologies, Kyuden. |
Giant Squid
posted 01-29-99 12:55 AM ET
posted 01-29-99 05:51 AM ET
GS.I think jsorense was joking [or are you too?. BTW, I really enjoyed the site. The shooting game didn't make much since though... |
posted 01-29-99 12:23 PM ET
Hi Kyuden,Thanks for stopping by. No need to apologize to us. Too bad it hasn't worked out for you here yet. Remember that this is suppose to be fun so come back anytime you can. I promise I won't have the Believer's convert the Spartan's into a commune of pacifist hippies in your absence. :-) Giant Squid, I have seen some small squids in the wild while snorkeling in the Caribbean. They were very cool. It is kind of weird to have those big eyes staring at you, though. Your squid pictures sure are cute and kind of disarming. Speaking of disarming, my favorite parts to eat are the delicate and tender little tentacles. Yum, yum. Legoean, How did your last exam go? Will we be hearing more from Yang's mysterious raiders? Borodino, Could you give me an outline of the PK's relations with the other Factions? Thanks.
posted 01-29-99 04:02 PM ET
jsorense,Well, officially, you're the only ones we've contacted. I've never written another contact, mostly because DG got to busy for the UoP-PK MOU to go into effect. I'd like to try to set up a Morgan-PK MOU, though. Any Morganites out there???? On a personal level, Minister Borodino is considered a personal enemy of Yang's. [This is what the flashback may be leading to]. Borodino views Santiago as a traitor, but recent developements in the story between Lal and Santiago may overcome that. He finds parts of the ideologies of each the remaining four factions [including yours] distasteful, but also finds much to admire in them as well. But there is bad blood between Borodino and Zakhorov [did you ever read that post? It was in the Old Test Forum; if you don't remember it, I could post it in the Before the Great Collapse Archives thread.] I think that covers PK foreign relations. Next, I'm planning to write about alien artifacts of a larger scale than an obelisk. [I don't want to give specifics, but something on the scale of, say, the Golden Gate Bridge or the Hoover Dam. It would be evidence of a previous advanced civilization, and the PKs would derive a practical benefit from it. Is this acceptable? I know that this is vary vague, but...] Lastly, my site [] appears to be working again. I'll be adding old posts from the pre-Great-Collapse forum soon. |
posted 01-29-99 06:15 PM ET
It's good to see a jsorense post again! THe reference to Rutskoi and Park was very good.I've given up on the Globe. [My former free webspace provider.] It's been three weeks now since I could reliably count on being able to access my site [it's gone again!] and from the looks of their tech/support forum, I'm not the only person who is a bit annoyed Anyway, my new AFC site will be at So far only the main page is available. Let me know what you think about its progress. |
posted 01-29-99 06:28 PM ET
Hi Borodino,I knew that you would recognize those two bar flies. I have yet to figure out how to transform the "obelisk's" arcane alien knowledge into increased experience for the militia. There is, of course, the fact that they have been fighting since they uncovered the bleeping thing. Maybe that is how it works? Do you think Giant Squid will ever get tired of my calamari jokes? They actually are pretty darn tasty. Thanks for the Peacekeeper diplomacy rundown. Have a nice weekend.
posted 01-30-99 01:17 PM ET
Hi again, I have been on a well deserved break from school during our few days off. I did very well (I hope )As for turning the obelisk into experince for the militia. How about haveing it emite a high pitched sound (like in 2001: A Space oddesy). It is very good to be writeing again. |
Fjorxc the Maniac
posted 01-30-99 08:00 PM ET
Umm... hello there. [waves]Well, after having given some thought to what jsorense said a few days after I began writing for CWAL HV, I've decided to try my hand at the AFC. But looking thru this comments thread, I notice that it's really complicated and organized. I was just wondering what I should do if I want to write while remaining within the parameters and not shooting continuity or anything to hell. Thnx. Your faithful & hell-bent NIMadier CWALer, Fjorxc the Maniac |
posted 01-30-99 09:46 PM ET
Hello Fjorxc,I'll see you over in AFC Comments Continued. |