Topic: Chronicles of Pre-Unity, more comments
MikeH II |
posted 12-23-98 08:22 AM ET
Thanks SnowFire, you managed to get that formatting sorted better than I did.I'll get round to posting soon.
posted 12-30-98 09:46 AM ET
I just posted a possibly controvercial bit in the Pre-Unity chronicals. I would like to explain. Since Octopus, had intemated that the beleivers were about to "clense" the northwest of "Heretics" and my character was in that area I got a little nervous. So, I decided to use that danger to propel my character further along in the story then I was planing to do. So if you object to all of the northwest of the US going away in a ball of radioactive fallout-say so. I will not "nuke" Washington unless we all agree this is a viable outcome. The chance to change this catastrouphy is still there. Or Octopus could write it in. Pre-Unity writers let me know what you want. |
posted 12-30-98 11:34 AM ET
Octupus said that?I wrote in an attack on the Moses Lake Launch Facility. I intentionally left it vague so that it could be construed as just an attack on the facility or on the NW as a whole. Don't care either way. |
posted 12-30-98 12:18 PM ET
It's fine BigE. Don't forget that the Earth is supposed to be destroyed.ROFL when I saw that Zale would just be starting the S's when the Unity left. |
posted 12-30-98 02:28 PM ET
Sorry Zorloc I meant you, but typed Octopus instead - dispite the brain override. need to get that fixed one of these days. |
posted 12-30-98 03:12 PM ET
Yeah, I typed science instead of security... not exactly the same thing....It's hard getting a coherant though out sometimes.... or a correctly spelled one.... |
posted 12-30-98 05:21 PM ET
Oops! Sorry Greg: Treestock = Woodstock.As previously stated, all characters in the Pre-Unity Chronicles are purely fictional. Resemblance to any SMAC posters is highly improbable. |
posted 12-31-98 09:20 AM ET
but fun to imagine all the same!  |
posted 12-31-98 05:26 PM ET
Who, or what, should the stowaway be? I am open to any suggestion. |
posted 01-02-99 10:39 PM ET
Nothing personal intended in my post, jsorense, but there's not a lot going on that my characters can do much about, but I wanted to link it to the story somehow . I had thought Firaxis would come out with another story episode in which everyone would factionalize, and we'd continue on Planet, but no...I wasn't sure if Zorloc wanted me to do something or not. Speaking of which, where is the story going to go once we get to Planet? I vote that we have one or two days of "just arrived" (for setting the tone for each faction) and then jump to about 10 to 15 years after planetfall, which should be short enough for all of our characters to still be players, but long enough to get some good interfactional stuff happening. Any other opinions?
posted 01-02-99 11:50 PM ET
Don't forget we have to play out our own version of the havoc on the ship. The Ship's Officiers wake up when the meteor smacks the hydroponics bay, then the Spartans wake up because of the wakeup program, and general havoc ensues. I like your plan for what happens upon planetfall though. |
posted 01-04-99 04:56 PM ET
Perhaps the security check when they board might reveal the stowaway? Or will things be too "rushed" Octopus? In any case, this stowaway will need some serious connections to get a cryobay, or else he's going to be a 100 year old man when they reach Chiron. So I'm thinking it's in his interests to get caught- when it's too late for them to unseal and throw him off. Then they'll have to whip up something for him. |
posted 01-04-99 05:09 PM ET
Snowfire;About the stowaway(s?) berth, from Octopus' last segment it looks like there may be a few cryocells vacant from the attrition on Security crews. It is quite possible that a few other moles/saboteurs/mutineers will have `accidents' or walk the plank before Unity is shut down for the long haul to the A.C. system. Yes, the stowaway has to be discovered and either get thrown overboard or accepted into the crew. Any comments?
posted 01-04-99 07:55 PM ET
Octopus - if you want to do a meeting between Zorloc and Zale that would be great. I will probably just pick up from just after the meeting -- A plan will begin to form in the Professor's mind... |
posted 01-04-99 08:32 PM ET
About the stowaway: Gordon is generally a pretty by-the-books guy, so it would need to be something pretty special to get him to break the rules. He does value order and security above the "silly" UN rules, though, so maybe you can do something with that. Somebody Gordon probably would let on would be an intelligence agent hunting down some of the more unsavory characters aboard. However, he will be busy with the Lockdown, so if you want he could get one of his subordinates to search the speeder. We already know that some of the security people are, shall we say, unreliable .Zor: Can do.
posted 01-05-99 12:54 PM ET
Octopus - Great Job. You did a far better than I would have. I'll put up a piece on Zorloc as he get's back to his work area. This should be Zorloc's last before being put in cryo (I may actually put him in cryo in the piece).We should launch very soon, then get to stories on the chaos after awakening... |
posted 01-05-99 03:17 PM ET
That's my last 'till awakening.That one was kinda fun...some obleque references...the return of the purity test...the plot thickens... Oh I figured some academic areas would have some superstars that go by one name only thus Zorloc is his only name... |
posted 01-05-99 07:17 PM ET
That's my second to the last post; when everyone else is asleep Legrand will put the program into wake the Spartans up, as well as some more stuff, not knowing about the meteor that is going to mess everything up... |
posted 01-06-99 09:42 AM ET
Well, since most people are either in stasis or on the way, I figured it was time to "get this show on the road". I've already established that security and technical people will go under after the Unity leaves the solar system (I called it stage 7). I assume that Raymond is part of the technical staff, so the same would apply... Of the remaining awake characters, I think BigE and company are still awake (but he's a stowaway anyway, so he can go to sleep whenever he wants), Greg Treestock, Roland (two bonus points for something completely unexpected to jsorense ), and the DG are still up, although Roland was on his way out. Lagrand is consciously avoided the normal order, so he won't be asleep until after everybody else. Anyone I missed? I left the "stage 6" buffer zone for them.
posted 01-06-99 11:21 AM ET
Hi Octopus and other Chronicles of Pre-Unity contributors,I am glad you liked the way I pulled Roland into the plot (I hope he doesn't mind). Yes, Raymond (AKA The DirectorGeneral) is part of the Engineering department. Remember his friendly conversation with Zakharov in Episode 27? But he can be put to sleep any time now. Brother Greg and Attorney General Winkler can be safely stowed away in their cryocells too (make sure they all get the upgraded model). I am happy my karaoke night at the I Club went over so well. I also hope that all you Spartan mutineers have disturbing nightmares during your entire 40 year long cryo-sleep. I do not plan on writing any more for these chronicles. Thank you all for your great collaborations during this chronicle. It has been great fun. See you on Chiron. jsorense |
posted 01-06-99 11:28 AM ET
P.S. for SnowFire: Alasair Legrand is displaying some disturbing symptoms of SMACA. You know how dangerous that can be. Just a word to the wise. :-)
posted 01-06-99 11:51 AM ET
Maybe Attorney General Winkler could be stored in Cryobay 7...I think Zorloc is in #2. I want a cryobay that works/survives. |
posted 01-06-99 05:10 PM ET
Really? Please don't go... the drones need you. They look up to you...Well, thanks for everything jsorense. You will always be remembered (by me, at least) as one of the funniest posters on these boards, and any time you want to jump back in and write some more, you're more than welcome. I still remember Master Sheng-Ji doing his dragon punch on poor BigE, with tinny music playing in the background with strangely robotic mannequins looking on... Happy SMACing! Now, if you meant by "see you on Chiron" that you're going to wait until we land to start posting again, than I take back all the mushy stuff I said earlier. No one gets it until they really do leave. Legrand had his immunization shots, I'm sure he'll be able to stop. They work 99% of the time... in most cases...  |
posted 01-06-99 06:39 PM ET
Ok so I posted...I couldn't help it. I figured I should give it a try with some of the main characters. And this gave things another push.The Unity is moving under her own power out of the dock. Her main engines still need to be started and the rest of the crew needs to go into cryo. Does Zale reach Santiago even though it is too late? Does Legrand survive his cryo-freeze? Stay tuned.... Hey, I broke 100 posts! Not much compared to some of the other posters of the chronicles, but getting there... jbw P.S. I'm not sure I like the background. It is a little distracting... |
posted 01-08-99 12:45 PM ET
Geez. Things are quite here. Maybe I'll post another piece in a little bit to push things further along. |
posted 01-08-99 07:25 PM ET
Yeah, if the drought continues, I will post the last post of the "pre trip" part and we'll flash forward to near Chiron. |
posted 01-08-99 09:39 PM ET
I'm all for moving the story forward. I haven't put my characters "to bed" yet, since I inadvertently established that they would be the last ones in (at least legitimately ). I didn't want to accidentally leave anyone out. SnowFire, I advise you to move on.
posted 01-09-99 02:04 AM ET
Snowfire go ahead and post your last part then Octopus should finish it off.I have just been posting to keep the thread moving. My character is in bed and waiting for wake up. A couple questions. One: do we want to start another thread for the wakeup? This thread is getting a bit long so I would like to. Two: who is going to be the first to wake up? My character will probably be a bit later - say about day two, so I should not be first. |
posted 01-09-99 02:32 AM ET
Err. wooops that should be the other way around, got the character's confused. Octopus should post first and then Snowfire, but it looks like from Octopus' statement he is ready to move on. So that leaves it to you, Snowfire. |
posted 01-09-99 03:07 AM ET
I don't really care about writing a "Zale got into his cryocell" post. I don't think it would really move my characters or the storyline anywhere. If SnowFire started out "all the security crew had finally entered cryo-sleep, and Lagrand was ready for his mission..." or something, that would be fine by me.The first to wake up will be the Spartans. I'm assuming that we're still accepting the Firaxis story as connecting to this one, right? Personally, I'm in favor of moving to planetfall pretty soon (I had figured we'd do that after episode 32, but that hasn't come out for a while...), and from there moving to 10-15 years after planetfall. If anyone starts a new thread, remember to start it out with the 4 "rules" that were agreed upon (jsorense posted them in an AFC thread as well).
posted 01-10-99 04:24 PM ET
Okay, the last episode pre-wakeup is going to be a 2-parter, and hopefully I will finish the 2nd part by tonight. After that we can have a fairly quick scene with the Spartans and officers waking up, which will (hopefully) also be part of my second post. This is probably going to be a looong post.If you want to add anything in the meantime before I write that last episode of the Pre-Unity part of these chronicles, feel free. |
posted 01-11-99 07:20 PM ET
Great finish SnowFire! Thanks for saving Roland. He'll appreciate it once he wakes up. You never know when you'll need a multilingual lawyer. The reference to Stobie Consortium was very cool too.
posted 01-11-99 09:23 PM ET
Thanks. I posted a new thread today as well, both for the symbolic new start as well as the fact that the original was getting a tad long. |
posted 01-11-99 09:50 PM ET
SnowFire: Did you intend to do anymore on-ship stuff, or are we going right to Planet?
posted 01-12-99 12:16 AM ET
We can drag out the activities on Unity forever, but that would not be very interesting since the story from Firaxis covers this period. I do have a couple posts before we reach Planet.It is my understanding that once the CPUB get's on the ground, we were going to flash forward 30+ years. We may want to jump further into the future. How about we jump to the end of the demo. That would be +100 years this will give us much more flexiblity with the starting conditions. Thanks Snowfire for the tips. In case some of you did not see my other post. I have a knowledge base on SMAC started. It currently has all of the technologies linked together with all of the permissions and stuff the technology provides. Additionally, I am soliciting comments/advise from people. Currently go to: soon the main page will be but of course you will be able to reach it through |
posted 01-12-99 12:20 AM ET
I'm ready to move Planetside whenever everybody else is. Since Firaxis doesn't seem too eager to post the last of the story, I think there is a bit of guesswork that needs to go into how the ship factionalized. I propose that each crew member was able to pick a pod, and knew who the leaders of the pods were (obviously a factor in their decisions). Since there's only a small chance of getting to Planet alive, each crew member picks the pod with the leader he or she thinks would do the best job on Planet if nobody else made it (so, for example, the environmentally minded would rally behind Dierdre, while those who were most concerned about security would go for Yang). I think that the establishment of societies would happen Planetside. What do you guys think?
MikeH II
posted 01-12-99 01:36 PM ET
I think that: 1) Factions should be set up as in the FIRAXIS story which I presume is going to be before the pods leave the Unity. 2) I would like to start writing again the moment the pods hit the deck. I think that initial exploration and expansion would be good to write about. Also it would allow us to start from the beginning rather than jumping to a point years in the future when everyone has their own ideas about what will happen I'll be back more often now the Christmas/New Year/Birthday celebrations have died down. I loved what you all did in my absence. Having such a high quality of writers makes me try a lot harder to get my stuff up to scratch. Enough butt kissing for now, stop reading this and get writing! |
MikeH II
posted 01-12-99 01:52 PM ET
I didn't realise you'd started the landing thread already, curse my metal body!So I'll have my character hiding during the Firaxis story and put his account of the landing in later. Could you start a new thread for the 30-40 years after? That way we can continue the landing stuff if we want to. |
posted 01-12-99 09:34 PM ET
MikeH: I'd like to set things up the way Firaxis does, too, but they don't seem to want to give us the story...I wanted to "set the tone" for the Hive by giving a snippet of one of Yang's speeches, but I figured I was going to write it in the spirit of "Join the Hive!" rather than "Yeah, we're the Hive! Rah, rah rah!". Are we on Planet now?
posted 01-12-99 10:42 PM ET
Darn, you folks moved fast- I expected to be kidnapping Yang now, and he's already awake and giving orders and Mike is even on the Planet.Octopus, I'm going to take a liberty that Zale was given incorrect information. 5000 people among 7 factions is not nearly enough to sustain them; I think the original estimates were 40,000 people, with 5,000 dead or not boarding; that leaves 5,000 people, still a quite modest amount, per faction. |
posted 01-12-99 11:05 PM ET
Well, go ahead and assume that, but Zale never used any numbers when I was writing his lines (other than 40 years, which I think is right) I think you're thinking of Zorloc...As for moving fast, I didn't really know where everybody else was going, and I didn't want to get left behind . Besides if I waited any longer, one of you guys would have grabbed pod #3 before I could get to it .
posted 01-13-99 12:25 AM ET
Yes, I realized my error when I went back...I have another article that I'll _try_ to write that involves people waking up, SPartan reinfrocements coming and bailing their butt out and turning pod 7 into a fortified stronghold, and Santiago negotiating a truce with Lal because people needed to go on her pod so that people wouldn't be left on the ship. The great mass of newly awakened discuss the 7 choice quickly, and we already know that Yang is 3, Zakharov 4, and Santiago 7. 1 will probably be Lal and Garland, but we all know that soon Garland will disappear by who knows who and any hope of all the people reunifying into one colony is lost. Then we can have some articles on the initial landing, to set the tone, and then I see two options (still in the future now, no nned to worry about which one yet): Flash-forward to 30-50 years in the future. The factions are just reestablishing contact, depending on the size of the Planet. Tech is not terribly advanced, but distinct for each faction. Flash forward to 60-80 years in the future. The event that kicks it off is the first Planetary Council, which recaps 80 years of history and discusses what to do now. The 7 factions have distinctly different science and social settings by now, and gives the oppurtunity fot a lot or trade, research, wars, etc. No comment on which is better yet. |
posted 01-13-99 01:53 AM ET
I came up with the number. 7 cryo bays. And one of the stories had 1000+ in each bay. Remember there have to be some sort of drop pods does each pod have 5 thousand people in it? But I don't care if we want to have more people...just decide. |
MikeH II
posted 01-13-99 04:17 AM ET
Sorry SnowFire. |
Giant Squid
posted 01-14-99 08:25 PM ET
In case I've missed something, please forgive me, but shouldn't the map be decided on before anyone talks about landing on Mount Planet or anywhere else. After all, we kind of need a map before anyhting else. What about I'm not certain, but it looked like it had semi-fixed starting locations. |
posted 01-14-99 08:26 PM ET
There is a significant amount of confusion about when "now" is in the Chronicles. I just posted a Planetfall post, because things seem to have slowed down. If any more pre-landfall stuff needs to happen, I suggest you guys get it over with and move on (and date it "before planetfall" or something). If we can't tell what's happening when, we can't write a coherent chronicle. From my perspective, there was nothing of much interest for my characters to do on the Unity anymore. If the you want a different time of departure for each pod, that is fine with me (the Spartans might realize that the bulk of the security team just left with Yang on pod three, so now would be an excellent time to move against the Captain).If you need/want to post any more posts that happen on the Unity, please either post them or at least tell everyone else when and how they're going to happen. Having everything in a limbo state where every writer has a different idea of what is going on is not good for the health of the Chronicle.
posted 01-14-99 08:32 PM ET
Well, I see a "Mount Planet" in almost every demo game I play, so I figured it would be a pretty non-controversial landmark. Sorry if I stepped on anybody's toes.
Giant Squid
posted 01-14-99 08:42 PM ET
Stuff...1) Mount Planet IS there all the time. I just thought that we should agree where we are before landing. Everyone is probably going to want the volcano or Garland Crater as their beginning, so we should straighten things out before landing. 2)Before doing anything on Chiron, let's agree to use Though I experimented and found there were no fixed starting locations, we could all decide much better if using a concrete map. 3)Is the posting rate always this slow?
posted 01-14-99 08:51 PM ET
3) No, that's why I posted something I thought would spur everybody on  2) Fine by me. 1) "the Hive" is near Mount Planet, not on top of it. According to my post they were about to send off their spare colony pod (I was assuming I started with a base, a pod, and a small contingent of troops like you sometimes get in the demo). How many times have you had YOUR colonizers headed for Mount Planet run into another faction on the way?  If somebody wants to contest the Hive's claim to Mount Planet, I have no objections, especially since it is quite "in-character" for the different factions to do so.
posted 01-14-99 10:18 PM ET
Sigh, I was enjoying the lapse. I think the Morgan Conglomerate will start about as far away from Sparta as humanly possible, to insure it can't be betrayed for awhile.I really, really doubt I'll post today. Tommorow, I'l hopefully post a giant thing on the MC and Sparta. Drat, I hadn't played a game on Planet yet. I was saving that for the full game. Guess I'll have to see it now. |
posted 01-14-99 10:29 PM ET
SnowFire, I'm sorry if I'm moving ahead too fast for you, but very few people can continue any interesting stories on the Unity. I can't do anything with the security forces against the Spartans, since we know for a fact that they get a pod and they get to Planet. I know that you have some sort of plan in mind for them, but I can't really contribute to that without being afraid of messing up your plot. It wouldn't make sense for my characters to interract with anyone else on the Unity at this point. It would basically be just a bunch of stalling.In retrospect, it would have been a better idea to have you post the rest of your on-Unity stuff at the end of the old thread while the rest of us started up the new one with planetfall stuff.
Giant Squid
posted 01-14-99 10:30 PM ET
If we're on, maybe we should agree about some areas for reference purposes. Chiron has three main continents: -The big eastern continent with the peninsula -The big western continent with the lake -The island north of the western continent (with the crater) Any ideas for names, so that everyone understands exactly where something is happening? |
posted 01-15-99 01:50 PM ET
I hope you guys don't mind if I dropped in sort of unexpectedly. :-) |
posted 01-15-99 03:29 PM ET
Sorry, I haven't posted recently. I have been very busy recently. I should be able to get in the UoP landing tonight. |
posted 01-15-99 04:07 PM ET
Octo: No, I'm not complaining at all. It's just a bit bewildering, as I have less and less time it seems. I agree that we needed to move fast and settle Chiron. |
posted 01-16-99 12:13 AM ET
I'll put the UoP on the western continent with the lake, on the south east shore of the lake. |
Giant Squid
posted 01-16-99 12:16 AM ET
Unless there are any other Gaians here, I'm landing them on the middle of the central island continent with the crater. Since no one has taken the initiative to name parts of the map, I hereby christen the said isle as Eye of Planet, named after the shape of the central crater. When I have time, I'll describe Gaia's Landing. |
posted 01-19-99 04:46 PM ET
The diary is only partly autobiographical- I wasn't sick with cholera, and not nearly that bad. For an explanation on what I'm describing, look at interludes.txt and you'll see that as the excuse on how the leaders seem to live forever. I'll mention more on it later. And y'all don't need to discover it right now, as well- it'd probably take longer, normally, but they made an exception for me. How sweet! |
posted 01-19-99 09:47 PM ET
Ummm... oops. Ignore the cryptic "Unity Foil" scribbled at the bottom, I didn't get nearly that far- I tend to write down all my ideas and points for a story and then delete them as I add them. I forgot to kill this one. |
MikeH II
posted 01-20-99 09:16 AM ET
Sorry I haven't been around. I've been busy I'll try and post something tonight.Incidently I'm also writing a story with a friend which I have posted on my website (see my profile) and I would appreciate any feedback you guys can give. The formatting isn't much to look at but I'll get round to it when I have a minute. |
posted 01-20-99 11:44 AM ET
Giant Squid,Very cool idea about the Gaian's new homes. I could see why the EPA would be reluctant to authorize a garden of them on Earth, though.
Giant Squid
posted 01-20-99 11:52 PM ET
Jsorense-Thanks. I had to fit it in somehow. Anyone want to break it to Firaxis that Gaians living it what looks suspiciously like trees isn't that realistic? Any objections if I post a huge thing on history and plunge 15 years into the future, at least? |
posted 01-21-99 01:19 AM ET
I think that we should start a new thread for every major time jump. That way, if anybody wants to post anything "in the past", they can just post at the end of the old thread, and we can avoid some of the craziness we had around planetfall time. I was going to do some more Hive internal stuff, but it was probably all going to be pretty boring. I'd be happy to move to a time when there's more interaction.
posted 01-21-99 10:57 PM ET
Argh! Squid! Please don't use long lines like that! They don't wrap properly, and it's a pain to read. Could you redo your post in a new thread with some more spaces in the long lines?
Giant Squid
posted 01-21-99 11:01 PM ET
Ummmm...I just kind of figured that out. Sorry.Or maybe your mind isn't sufficiently empathic to grasp the Mind Worm telepathy. But I doubt it. GS |
posted 01-22-99 12:39 PM ET
Giant Squid,Nice take on the mind worms. I'm glad it didn't lay eggs in your character's skull! I am going in a slightly different direction with the worms. Did you ever see my episode where Brother Johnny Chee actually gets stung by a worm? I'll post it again or send it to you if you like. I hope to expand those ideas with the Gaians in the AFC.
posted 01-22-99 03:10 PM ET
Okay... just so you all know, I'll post one more thing in the old thread back on planetfall. I had most of it written out on Tueesday, but I've had no time to finish it, which I now have.How much stuff do we want to do in the 15 years in the future epoch? I'd still prefer to jump 80 years and have the first planetary council, but I can do some stuff with 15 years after. Morgan still has no set area, since I haven't played on yet. When I do, I'll be able to give more specific areas to them, as well as the Spartans. |
posted 01-22-99 03:23 PM ET
Now I'm confused. I thought that GS's newest post and thread was in the future? |
Giant Squid
posted 01-22-99 08:00 PM ET
My post IS 15 years in the future. I just want to bring things a little 'up to date' and then I'll jump as far as anyone wants.Where is the mindworm post you mentioned? As to location... ....00000.......000...........00000000... ...000000..00....0......000...000000000.. ...000000..000000..000..00000000000000... ....00000.0000G0B00000..000.000C00000.... ....00000..000000000....000..000000000... ...000000...000000.......00..0000000..... ...000A000............................... ...00000000000000....000................. .....00000...00000.....H00............... ......0000000000......0000............... If this works, I'll be shocked. But here's Planet, in all its glory. G is where the Gaians are. By the post describing the Hive as 'near Mt. Planet', I've placed them at the appropriate location. I've also name continents A, B, and C. Pick a spot! |
posted 01-22-99 08:37 PM ET
GS: I think that the only things that are guaranteed to be fixed widths are the smilies. Theoretically, you could draw it with , , , , and . Alternatively, you could put it up on a website somewhere. Whenever I play the demo on the map of Planet, I never end up near the damned mountain -- pretty annoying .
Giant Squid
posted 01-22-99 08:41 PM ET
I know-I had to trade maps with Lal to find it. But it's there, where the 'H' (for Hive) is. Since I forgot before: Legend: 0=land .=water (Move over, National Geographic) |
posted 01-23-99 12:08 PM ET
In the New Beginning thread. |
Giant Squid
posted 01-23-99 03:50 PM ET
The Gaians just got a pod with a commlink frequency. I figured that this would hurry up inter-faction communication. It would be nice if a representative of the Hive would actually respond for them... |
posted 01-23-99 04:33 PM ET
Ask and ye shall recieve, Giant Squid.I didn't know if you wanted to go into anything substantive, so I left it pretty open ended.
posted 01-23-99 04:35 PM ET
If it wasn't clear from my post, the basic opinion of the Hive is that they view the Gaians as potential allies who have good intentions, but are a bit misguided and disorganized. However, the Hive is suspicious of EVERYONE, so nothing is a done deal .
Giant Squid
posted 01-23-99 04:58 PM ET
In game terms: I'd call Skye Noncommital Gaians give Hive Centauri Ecology, their starting tech. Then they ask for more info. about the Hive, something similar to asking for their map.Note: If we're both still here, we can try real-time negotiation. |
posted 01-23-99 05:08 PM ET
I'm here  The Hive will give the Gaians map information, but it won't reveal the location of the highly industrialized Labyrinth Mining Station, which is on the slopes of Mount Planet, on the opposite side from The Hive. (Isn't it a little silly that the society and the main base are named the same thing?). Normally the Hive wouldn't give out location information, but the Gaians aren't perceived as a military threat (nobody realizes they've got those damned worms yet). When discussing the Hive "society", the Hive representatives are obviously going to sugar coat it, and demonstrate only the rosy side. If you want to send an ambassador, I can show them around . The Hive would be willing to give the Gaians some manufactured goods (although they don't specialize in any "frivolous" consumer items...) to cement the friendship.
Giant Squid
posted 01-23-99 07:33 PM ET
Because of your failure to provide a real map, as well as some Gaian isolationist paranoia, COMMUNICATION HAS BEEN TERMINATED. (But it's definitely because of a mechanical breakdown, and not due to any deliberate Gaian action)(See prev. thread)We don't have any ships yet, so we couldn't possibly reach you. The thread was getting too long. It's definitely my fault. I just wanted to make the 15 year jump and get the thing over with. |
posted 01-25-99 02:53 PM ET
GS: How would you know the map is wrong? Not saying you can't, but an explanation would be nice.I'm working on a post for the Planetary Council that will encompass all the past events for Legrand. I'll hold off on posting that new part until Zorloc and the others get around to posting Planetfall, though. Anyone want to volunteer to email them? |
Giant Squid
posted 01-25-99 08:48 PM ET
Ummmmmmmm.....Well, say that it consisted of computer data, which it must have, since it was sent through the communicator. Also assume that the Hive didn't start map-making specifically for this purpose. They probably already had a complete map, but with the hidden city on it. Thus, for the Gaian version, they had to edit out the data on the base. Thus, they had to enter their own file, change it, and cover up all evidence. As a good computer hacker would tell you, there are ways to find out whether or not parts of a file have been changed. The Hive was somewhat rushed, and they didn't have enough chance to remove all evidence of tampering. NOTE: The preceding paragraph, while it presents a rational explanation, is just a cover-up. I really decided that I had made something of an error in allowing communication so early. IDEA: Next time someone does something like this, it might be a good idea not to specifically post it. Summary: The Hive has about half of Centauri Ecology, and the Gaians have a partial Hive map and a lot of suspicion (quarrelsome, probably) |
posted 01-26-99 03:32 PM ET
Sorry, I have been VERY busy recently and have been unable to write. I think things will calm down for a little while, so I may be able to write again.GS - I like the tree thing - well done. |
posted 01-26-99 10:18 PM ET
I would like to propose a moratorium on maps unless and until an agreeable format can be determined. ASCII art with non-fixed-width-fonts just doesn't work.
Giant Squid
posted 01-27-99 12:38 AM ET
Easy. The smiles. Watch:          California, my home state, with a mark at its capital. (If this doesn't work, it'll be embarrasing.) |
posted 01-27-99 02:20 AM ET
I formally register my dissatisfaction with the practice smilographic cartography.  |
posted 01-27-99 02:22 AM ET
Ahem, that should be "the practice OF smilographic cartography".I'd hate to see what would happen if Maya ever laid eyes on that...
posted 01-29-99 05:28 PM ET
Hi Octopus,I was just thinking, did you ever read CClark's Hive stories? He created a security guard named Hardluck Harry (I think) and his partner. The stories were very good. I believe that CClark has forsaken us here to pursue "Baldurs Gate." Go figure? But you should be able to track him down.
posted 02-03-99 05:12 PM ET
Ah yes, CClark. I liked his stories, though I found it odd that in "Eden Lagoon" one of the first posts said something like "when we first landed we expected an energy based economy, but now we think that a food based economy is more likely." I found that a tad... odd for a futuristic soceity ("Hey, SMAC III costs 300 bushels! What a ripoff! I already spent all my free wheat from the last harvest?" "I think they accept winter beets, try that!"I'll post... one of these days. |
posted 02-04-99 04:49 PM ET
Is the CPUB still alive? |
posted 02-07-99 06:02 PM ET
It's in cryosleep. It can be reawakened at any time. Alas there is a certain murderer who has tried to kill it at least three times (sorry BKK). |