posted 12-22-98 06:06 PM ET You know, i think that if we took the story right there, expanded it a little, added in a bit more background info and fined tuned the plot details, we could make a decent springboard "SMAC #1: The Rise and Fall of Earth" or what not.
posted 12-22-98 06:22 PM ET
That sound like one cool idea.
Victor Galis
posted 12-22-98 08:59 PM ET
I suggest we have someone do it.
outlyr242 the rebirth
posted 12-27-98 04:43 AM ET
This Idea ahs been around as long as there has been SMAC forums. If the gane gets really popular like CIV popular then I expect to see Firaxis spread their "borders"
Q Cubed
posted 12-27-98 08:14 PM ET
well, suggestions on authors?
Vonda McIntyre? Timothy Zahn? J.M. Dillard?
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