Topic: Questions to Beta Testers
Elfi Wolfe |
posted 12-24-98 12:41 PM ET
The NDA (Non-Disclosure Argrement) now no longer covers the Beta Testers. Questions to and Answers back from Beta Tests.P.S. Yes I'm a Beta Tester for SMAC
posted 12-24-98 01:53 PM ET
Is there any one tech (weapon, philosophy or otherwise) that you thought was particularly "cool".Are the Special Projects open to all, or does each faction have it's own? Is it a mix of both? How important are they to success? (Can you win without building any, can you lose even if you have all of them?) |
Elfi Wolfe
posted 12-24-98 02:14 PM ET
Nothing comes to mind about any one tech being cool. The voice overs that come with tech development add a nice flavor. Secret projects are open to all, just some do not suit certain factions. Secret projects are just like in Civ 2. They add an ability, or bonis to your civ.don't need them to win (except for winning by transdiense, i belive) and can have all and lose. |
posted 12-24-98 03:05 PM ET
I already asked this in the game forum, butWhat the hell does polymorphic software do? What is the efeect of the bulk matter transmitter? of the space elevator? is singularity unbalancing to gameplay? |
Elfi Wolfe
posted 12-24-98 05:11 PM ET
>What the hell does polymorphic software do? Polymorphic software allows artiliry units./What is the efeect of the bulk matter transmitter? Plus 2 mineral to all bases. >of the space elevator? Plus 100% energy to base and half the cost of orbitals built at base. (ie city is now a space launch center) is singularity unbalancing to gameplay? singularity is general in the end game and isn't unbalancing. (you still have to find a use for singularities) ie. military, industry
posted 12-24-98 05:45 PM ET
In civ2 there is a feature which allows you, when warned that another civ has nearly completed a wonder, to buy it in your current turn. How will this work in multiplayer for SMAC????? |
posted 12-25-98 12:47 AM ET
Are some Orbital Structures "freranging" (Ie Space engenire to build new orbitals/ orbital wepon systems ect) or are they fixed in place over a city? |
The Thomas A Stobie
posted 12-25-98 01:28 AM ET
Facilities in orbit have benefits that apply to all your bases regardless of where they are on the planet and are more useful to those bases with aerospace facilities in them.Like Civ2, the key to technologies is to study what they do and what they allow. Then based on your factions needs, you pursue certain technologies more vigorously than others. For different government types and faction types, different technologies are more important. Experiment and learn what they do for you. |
posted 12-27-98 08:50 PM ET
You get warned whenever someone is about to complete a Secret Project, I think 2 turns or so before. |
posted 12-28-98 01:49 AM ET
ok, got a couple more that weren't answered by the demo..countdown to transcendence, exactly what is necessary and what it's effects are. barring UoP, what faction is usually the most advanced?
posted 12-28-98 12:50 PM ET
Are there any counter sattelite moves you can take? I know that our military has killer sats right now that basically sneak up and get near enemy spy sattelites and then blow themselves up. |
The Thomas A Stobie
posted 12-28-98 01:01 PM ET
There is a defensive space facility that defends against space attacks and the use of planet buster weapons. |
posted 12-28-98 05:39 PM ET
It appeared to me that the techs are interdependent in a way that prevents a player from studying only "conquest", for instance, and neglecting the others. This appears to be true at least up through level 5. At what point, if any, can you actually focus on one tech pursuit? |
The Thomas A Stobie
posted 12-28-98 05:49 PM ET
Two answers - First, the techs are all interrelated. Second, if the only techs available are outside of your choices, you will get them. So you can have your focus. I would recommend keeping at least two active and every few techs activate one of the others as well. |
posted 12-28-98 07:15 PM ET
Space attacks? That's what I'm refering to, how are they implemented? Can I build attack satelites that blow up my opponenet's nessus mining stations? Or is it limited to Orbital Insertion Paradrop attacks? |
Elfi Wolfe
posted 12-28-98 07:36 PM ET
The space attacks are space to space. Used to take out an oponenets orbital facilities. You also have orbital insertions and Sub orbital missiles (i.e. planet busters) |
posted 12-29-98 12:52 PM ET
Yes, but how are they done? What do you build in order to do them? |
The Thomas A Stobie
posted 12-29-98 12:57 PM ET
In order to build space facilities, you need to acquire the respective tech, build an aerospace complex at a base, then build the space facilities. There are four distinct facilities, which add to nutrients, minerals, or energy, or provide some space defense capabilities. |
Imran Siddiqui
posted 12-29-98 04:01 PM ET
Hey Thomas or Elfi, what about custom factions, how do you make them, and what do get to customize. Thanks!Imran Siddiqui |
posted 12-29-98 05:05 PM ET
ImramIt is pretty easy. Just make a .txt file based off of the faction template at the end of alpha.txt and then replace one of the factions in alpha.txt with your new faction. You can do just about anything. Socio/Econ benefits, free techs, base facilities, units, abilities... pretty cool. |
posted 12-29-98 06:14 PM ET
Umm. Zorloc? Which demo do you have? The faction template and all the factions are in different .txt files than the alpha.txt. Unless you got a different one, which I find just the slightest bit unlikely.And Imran? If you meant the customize faction represented by the Custom Faction button, there's very little. But if you want to do it, just hit the change gender button at the name entry. They both lead to the same thing. Pretty silly of them, to block off one entry to the function and leave the other open. |
posted 12-29-98 06:18 PM ET
AHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!! No! Stupid me! Stupid me! I apologise profusely zorloc! I forgot this was asking questions of the beta testers. So it probably is in the alpha.txt file in the real game. Please ignore my above post. |
The Thomas A Stobie
posted 12-29-98 06:43 PM ET
The alpha.txt file references the 7 faction files <faction-abbrev.>.txt. There are some associated pictures as well. |
posted 12-29-98 07:30 PM ET
No reason to appologize (I am using the demo, I started lurking after the beta testing started). At the end of the alpha.txt is an explanation of the [faction-abv].txt and the link to them.sorry for not being clear. |
Imran Siddiqui
posted 12-29-98 08:09 PM ET
No, you misunderstood, I mean the custom factions you can make, without altering the alpha.txt file. I mean when we get the full game, then I can click on Custom Faction button and then what?Imran Siddiqui |
The Thomas A Stobie
posted 12-30-98 04:31 PM ET
Imran, I have seen an automated method of creating a custom faction, it is all done in the files, <faction-abbrv>.txt & <faction-abbrv>.pcx as well as in the help messages. |
posted 01-06-99 02:55 AM ET
Did the tech tree change during the beta (e.g. for play balance reasons) or are we playing with the same tree you guys started with?
The Thomas A Stobie
posted 01-06-99 10:55 AM ET
The tree can at least of a couple of times. No new techs, but changes in pre-requisites. |
posted 01-09-99 11:56 AM ET
Are any unit graphics editable in the full game? |
posted 01-09-99 12:08 PM ET
FAQ #10: I�ve always kinda liked customizable rules files so I can change the parameters of the game. What about SMAC? Most anything you might want to change in the game is kept in common formats (*.txt, *.bmp, *.wav, etc.). Players can therefore customize to their heart�s content! There will be a full map\scenario editor, an AI editor, and customizable victory scenarios. From the official Alpha Centauri FAQ list available on this web site. |
posted 01-09-99 02:05 PM ET
I'm pretty sure that the we don't know how to make the .cvr files for the units.
posted 01-12-99 10:02 PM ET
Will it be possible to make custom factions for use in online play?How do they keep you from making a race of Green Spartan Supermen from the University? Do you have a certain number of points you can spend or something? Jon
posted 01-12-99 10:21 PM ET
It's not up to you, it's up to the host of the game to insure that all the factions are balanced, since his rules.txt file is used. |
posted 01-14-99 12:34 AM ET
I've got a question about the tech tree. I played the spartans on the easiest difficulty level and spent a grand total of about 250 turns (using the turn editor thingy) trying to get stinking fusion drives. I never could get them to appear as a choice to research. (I was using the non-random tech because I specifically wanted to get the better drives).I tried everything, including specifically researching all the prerequisites, and editing alpha.txt to change the prereqs. Nothing worked. Why not?? Are the spartans forbidden from researching that tech? Or is it disabled somehow, but still in the alpha.txt to tantalize us? What's going on?? |
posted 01-14-99 01:38 PM ET
I tried changing the prerequisites to none and I succesfully researched them. A trick is also changing the "speed of research" percentage Anyway, I couldn't use them. when I tried choosing them while designing, the game wouldn't let me. Demo limitation... |
Elfi Wolfe
posted 01-15-99 05:05 PM ET
on the tech in demo. sorry it is a demo. |
posted 01-16-99 05:02 AM ET
I think that really stinks.I mean, if you're going to allow a tech to be researched, IMAO it's extremely rude to say you can have this tech but you can't use it. I also think it is stupid the way the tech tree is broken off like that... I don't have a problem with limitations. After all you have got to have them in a demo or you're giving away a free copy of the game. What I have a problem with are schizophrenic limitations where the line between what you can and can't do is not exactly, clearly defined. Unless I just remember wrong, the game says you can only research up to tech level 5, build up to ten bases, and have a limited number of units. The other limitations are fairly well implemented, but the Tech tree is screwed up. I distinctly remember researching a couple of level 6 techs! If you're gonna say no level 6 techs, MEAN IT! Otherwise, you get people's hopes up to get that new weapon (or in my case power source) and then you really annoy your potential customers when they find they can't get what they want. Before this completely turns into a pointless tirade, I also wanted to make one suggestion. One of the biggest things topping my wish list for things I'd wanted to be able to do with Civ 2 was to actually create your own city improvements, and to actually modify what they do (rather than just rename existing improvements and change the description). For example, I've often wished I could create a "second harbor" in Civ2, which I would probably have called "Fish Farms" or something dumb like that, which increased the food output of sea squares by an additional two food. Some of the other buildings I thought had too much (or not enough) effect, and I would have liked to be able to change those, plus create my own new buildings. I've also wanted to create a new Wonder called "The Internet" which would be a pseudo-Great Library for the computer age, but with different triggers. While some of this is a moot point with SMAC, (especially the lack of food in sea squares--I really like those sea formers) I still think this would be a really neat option to have. Does anybody know if anything even midly resembling this will be available with the scenario editing capabilities of SMAC? If not, could anybody from Firaxis say if there's any chance an editor with similar abilites might ever be released? As a CompSci major, I realize this is not an easy prospect, especially if the affected data is hardcoded into the game rather than in DLLs or other external files. However, I really think that this could further tap the inventiveness of game fans to help make SMAC an even better game than it already is. Well I'll sign off before this gets any more rediculously long. |
posted 03-23-99 01:34 PM ET
Bringing this sci&tech thread to the top. |
posted 06-21-99 12:08 AM ET
reactivating |
posted 06-21-99 02:55 AM ET
Trying, trying to get it to recognize a new post |