posted 12-22-98 03:13 PM ET OH NO! It's another S&T Forum, the gates are going to open and TAS will hit this forum like a tidal wave!
posted 12-22-98 03:28 PM ET
And that's a problem how?
posted 12-22-98 04:39 PM ET
Yes. That's a good thing Jimbo.
posted 12-22-98 05:54 PM ET
Yeah, I actually liked TAS's topics where he didn't talk to himself. Learned a lot in those forums....
Your faithful & hell-bent NIMadier general, YYYH
The Thomas A Stobie
posted 12-22-98 07:53 PM ET
Waiting for the demo to be out before the assault begins.
posted 12-23-98 12:30 AM ET
the calm before the storm...
Don't worry, no more Xenophobe Spork Magnetic Fried Chickens...
~DHE, the acid flashbacks are gone, thank you very much(hehehe)
posted 12-27-98 08:17 PM ET
Damn it, that's false addvertising!! But puting "us" is capitals I though you ment US as in USA. I was expecting a fierce political and idealogical debate.
posted 03-23-99 01:36 PM ET
Bringing this sci&tech thread to the top.
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