Topic: Eudaianetics
DHE_X2 |
posted 12-21-98 09:18 PM ET
In a post from BR, it was mentioned that the options for future society were thought control, cybernetics, and eudianetics. I am not familiar with this term, though I do think that it pertains to higher planes of thinking, due to its similarity to dianetics(wacko Scientology book, not going into that)~DHE, wants a bagel
posted 12-21-98 09:36 PM ET
Here's some best guesses:Refering to the nerds handbook, (THE CONCISE OXFORD DICTIONARY): Some similar words like: Eudemonic - a. conducive to happiness Eudemonism - system of ethics basing moral obligation on likelihood that actions will produce happiness On the science front eudios is a greek root for weather, (I think) |
posted 12-21-98 10:17 PM ET
Moral obligation to create happiness?Sounds like the Hive community collective, to me.... |
posted 12-21-98 10:23 PM ET
Or the Anthony Robins fraction of self help. Don't religious zealots glow happiness, after all its all pre-ordained... |
posted 12-21-98 10:27 PM ET
what I was thinking...likely future soc. for Believers... |
The Thomas A Stobie
posted 12-21-98 10:28 PM ET
I would agree with Slaine about what is means. |
posted 12-21-98 10:30 PM ET
Well, basing it purely off of what Slaine said, I thought it would be a future society for the Morgans (e.g. focus on total luxury). Based on what little we know about the Hive, I figured "thought control" was the way they were headed. |
posted 12-21-98 10:33 PM ET
cybernetics for uop... |
posted 12-21-98 10:42 PM ET
And here I thought Mr. Hubbard was paying SMAC a visit...:P |
posted 12-21-98 10:58 PM ET
those Scientology guys scare me...after seeing a special on them last night, I'd have to say that they're all a bunch of wackos... but who am I to judge?DHE, *insert nonsense here* |
posted 12-21-98 11:26 PM ET
Hubbard did write a good book, (Not as good as Heinline, but hey..)Battlefield Earth, great sci-fi book. Back back to the topic, what are the technology's we know of now? and is the tech tree similar to what we've seen in the past? |
posted 12-21-98 11:32 PM ET
if you mean linear, I'd assume so |
posted 12-21-98 11:35 PM ET
But what is the technology paths, I've heard about? |
posted 12-21-98 11:39 PM ET
hmmm economic: industrial base, polymorphic software military: doctrine, mobility ecologic: centauri ecology, centauri empathy academic: ? |
posted 12-22-98 12:30 AM ET
Alack, alas, I've searched my ng copioiusly and can't find the post that Brian refrenced this in, as the spelling is pretty important. Eu means true in greek, but it gets used in some odd ways (a euphonium, eugenics). So it would be true dianetics, which means a culture based on that evil cult scientology. Ex Mudder, a person who posts on the ng's had a site up on the evils of scientology, you might want to email him about it to learn more. All the sites I knew on it got closed down by them. |
posted 12-22-98 08:52 AM ET
Actually, I tripped over the term myself and it's eudaimonic. The term is philosophical, originates with Aristotle and basically concerns "the good life from a objective POV". As opposed to the liberal POV, in which every man defines for himself what makes a good life. My best estimate of the meaning in the context is that the future society should be founded on classic utilitarianism: Maximum possible happiness for maximum amount of people. |
posted 12-22-98 02:28 PM ET
Here's how I see the factions developing: PKs: eudaimonic Gaians: eudaimonic UoP: cybernetic Believers: thought control or eudaimonic Morgans: cybernetic Spartans: any Hive: thought controlAnd for economics (I know I'm going off topic, but what the hey?) which are simple, planned, green, and free-market, try these: PKs: Green, or possibly any Gaians: Green UoP: Planned Believers: Planned Morgans: Free-Market Spartans: Planned Hive: Planned Hmmm, a lot of planned economies. Kind of odd considering our taste for free-markets, but this is a hostile planet and it may be neccesary. And Planned economies are pretty tough on the enviornment too, just look at what the Soviet Union did in its heedless industrialization that destroyed much of Russia enviornmentally. |
posted 12-22-98 02:55 PM ET
My take:FUTURE SOCIETY: PKs: eudaimonic // definately Gaians: eudaimonic // definately UoP: cybernetic // definately Believers: thought control (or eudaimonic) Morgans: eudaimonic (or cybernetic) Spartans: thought control (or cybernetic) Hive: thought control // definately ECONOMICS: PKs: Free-Market (any) Gaians: Green // definately UoP: Planned (or Green for the efficiency bonus and better relations w/ Gaians) Believers: Planned Morgans: Free-Market // definately Spartans: Planned Hive: Planned // definately pretty much the same as Snowfire, but a couple differences... |
posted 12-22-98 04:12 PM ET
I'd like to politely suggest that we may be interpreting this matter in the wrong manner. As I understand it, Firaxis wants the player to write the future. These options will be up to the player. You can set them on a menu once you research the appropriate doctrine. Thus, for any faction, the result would have to be "any." |
posted 12-22-98 04:38 PM ET
Of course. But we're refering to what the computer would PROBABLY take, and what is most in character with your faction if you play it conventionally. |
posted 12-23-98 12:03 AM ET
Yeah. It'd defeat the purpose of playing morgan if you picked a planned economy, but hey, experiment... |
posted 12-23-98 12:14 AM ET
Actually the great Brain himself said that certain ideologies would be anathema to a faction and inaccesible, and planned economies to Morgan Industries was the poster child he used. So there's a limit to how much you can shape your faction Rang.P.S. I suppose similiar ones would be Thought Control for the PK's or Free Market for the Gaians. |
posted 03-23-99 01:39 PM ET
Bringing this sci&tech thread to the top. |
posted 03-23-99 02:02 PM ET
I hope this doesn't crash the system or anything. |
posted 03-23-99 09:32 PM ET
ahh, one of my few on topic posts  |
posted 06-21-99 12:01 AM ET
reactivating |
posted 06-21-99 09:23 AM ET
"Eudaimonia" is an ancient Greek philosophical way of becoming self-actualized, to use Maslow's term. "Eu" means "good" or "true". The "Daimon" was a little spirit that every human supposedly had, which acted as their conscionce. Socrates talks about his daimon and how it influenced him to break certain laws, do certain things, etc. The concept of developing a "eudaimon" was the idea that each person could enhance their own personal consciounces to be the most fulfilling to themselves and to society. I think in SMAC it's used not in a utilitarian manner (the good of the whole over the good of the few) but more as an idea that everyone has the opportunity to explore their own humanity, and to eventually gain self-knowledge/fulfillment.Hope that helps : ) - Stadtchen |
posted 07-09-99 01:52 PM ET
bumping |
posted 07-12-99 05:16 AM ET
Stadtchen ("little city"?) : yes, that's what Eudaimonia is (enlightened personal fulfilment), but let's remember that the early posters (in December) didn't have the experience with the game that we have.
posted 07-25-99 03:03 PM ET
I think the guy meant Eudaimonics. |