posted 06-16-99 12:19 AM ET
What do you think of them? I've played them and they are fairly good, but not completely Yang-like at the bottom 4 levels, havent tested on the top 2.;
; FACTION FILE: Planet's Defenders
; Made with ACEdit (c)1999 ANX at
; For use this Faction file select load from
; faction select in the game and write... ADefend
Planet's Defenders, The Eco-Terrorist, Defenders, M, 2, Echoytl, M, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0,
Economics, Green, PLANET
Economics, Free Market, nil
Defender, Defender
Tistun, Gloria, Tistun Preserve
Brother, wise, fungus-crazy, eco-minded, anti-human,
Planet Freak
protect Planet from Humanity
to protect Planet from undue interference
obliterating Humanity
obliterating Humanity
destroy Humanity for the sake of a plant
devising ways to destroy us
devising ways to destroy Humanity
sacrificing Humanity for Planet
Planet obsession, M1
planetary protections, M2
planetary protections, M2
preservation tax, M1
ecological safegaurds
my Eco-Protectors
the Planet Protection Act
Gaia's Last Stand
Planet High Command
Mindworm Burrows
Children of Planet
Winds of Planet
Mindworm Shelter
Blackroot Bunker
Planet Soveringty Gate
Razorbeak Palace
Fungal Bloom
Autumn of Planet
Dreams of Red
The Fungus
Velvetgrass Peak
Planet's Song
Nessus Eternal
Fungus Park
Planet's Defense
Planet Speaks
The Flowers Pulpit
Resplendent Fungus
Mindworm Training Grounds
Planet's Barracks
Paradise Base
Planet's Armory
Chiron Preservation Site
A Fresh Beginning
Isle of the Deep
Planet's Anchorage
Water Defense Station
Ocean Fungus
Defense Bay
Fungus Lagoon
Sea Station
Humanity Forgotten
Humanity is a disease. The disease of Humanity destroyed Earth,
and now it has come to Chiron. It is our duty to stop the disease
before it kills Planet too.
^ --Echoytl
^ "Planet Manifesto"
^LEADER: {Echoytl}
^BACKGROUND: {Yucatan Nation, Unity Historian}
^AGENDA: {Green Power}
^TECH: {Centauri Ecology, Biogenetics}
^+1 PLANET: {Planet Freaks}
^+2 MORALE: {Fight for Planet}
^-1 ECONOMY: {Planet Obsession impedes Economy}
^-1 GROWTH: {Don't like to spread the disease of Humanity}
#xs 440
#caption $CAPTION7
"This pointless war will destroy Planet like Earth
was destroyed. I ask we set aside our differences
and pledge Blood Truce."
"That is true. We must end this war."
"Hah! Your precious fungus wont save you now, $NAME3!"
#xs 440
#caption $CAPTION7
"I realize you will not do to Planet what Humanity
did to Earth, $TITLE0 $NAME1. I suggest we sign
a Treaty of Friendship, that we may continue to
live with Planet together in peace."
"Agreed. Planet uber alles, $NAME3."
"No. Humanity must continue"
# ; This line must remain at end of file