Topic: Role Playing Council Number IV
President Korian |
posted 06-15-99 07:13 PM ET
The council for roleplaying in which is always in session. The Charter is as Follows 1/ All factions have defined limitations all new members need to be approved by the council. 2/ Tech every 3 days. Every two for a UOP clone and every 4 for Believers. 4/Factions can declare war as they wish 5/ Ships are limited to 50 of any type. Spartans are allowed 75 6/ Battles can be lost. No invincible players 7/ All members of Roleplaying are members of the Council 8/ No faction can be vanquished unless it wants so. 9/ All combat for Factions in one folder. 10/All folders to be marked RP 11/ No secret projects. All previous secret projects are to be revoked. 12/ No transcendence 13/Factions may do as they like with regard to civil wars/ rebellions. 14/ No escalating arguments such as 'I have cloaked Ships' 'I can see them with my Tech' 'My tech is better than yours' 'How do you know?' 15/ No time machines 16/ Players are not allowed to travel beyond the Galaxy 17/ no emoticons to be used in council threads. 18/ # of ships be increased to 500 for regulars and 750 for Spartans. 19/ Participation in council threads is mandatory. 20/ Aliens must follow the same rules as humans.THESE ARE THE POINTS THAT CAME OUT THE REFORMATION. THESE POINTS WON BY MAJORITY VOTE. ANY MORE AMENDMENTS/PROPOSALS WILL BE EXAMINED BY THE COUNCIL. THOSE PROPOSALS CURRENTLY BEING VOTED UPON Proposal 21/The creation of NPC's are limited, one must die before another is created. YEA- NAY-1 Proposal 22/ No Star Wars, Star Trek or B5. YEA-4 NEA-2 Proposal 23/ Slow down proposal rate to "One at a time". YEA-3 NEA-2 Proposal 24/ You may travel to other planes AND The Star Wars Galaxy. YEA-1 NEA-1 Ignoring Dehlan/ YEA-1 NEA-0 I�m not going to tell you what proposals you need to vote on, figure that out yourself. Proposal 25- Each time 6 new Amendments are passed, a new Council Thread is to be started. (YEA) Proposal 26- We create a "summarizer" for the RPing Council. They would do what I just did for each new Council thread. If noone volunteers to permanently take the position, we do it as follows : Korian does IV, JT does V, AoYoS does VI, etc. etc. (YEA)
JT 3
posted 06-15-99 07:22 PM ET
I would like to change 25 to "every 50 posts, ....". I vote YEA on it if Korian approves the change. |
President Korian
posted 06-15-99 07:24 PM ET
Ok, once the Council reaches 50 posts a new thread will be started. What about #26 and the Ignoring? |
JT 3
posted 06-15-99 07:29 PM ET
Well, I think we should straighten him out with the rules, but I vote NAY for ignoring him.As for 26, I vote YEA. Proposal 27: Inter-galaxy permitted(the rule was made when we didn't have the tech for it, now we do) |
posted 06-15-99 10:19 PM ET
26: Yea 27: Yea Ignoring Dehlan: NaySpider standing up for the right to protest |
Chancellor AoYoS
posted 06-15-99 10:24 PM ET
26: YEA 27: YEAIgnoring Dehlan: ABSTAIN |
posted 06-15-99 11:56 PM ET
25: YEA 26: YEA I vollenteer to do 5 27: ABSTAIN Ignore Korian: YEA |
posted 06-15-99 11:57 PM ET
I meant: Ignoring Dehlan: YEAnot ignoring Korian. |
Chancellor AoYoS
posted 06-16-99 09:47 AM ET
Ignoring Dehlan vote is changed to: YEAIn light of him trying to ignore Galen in the AoP thread. If you go by the rules Dehlan I will change the vote. |
posted 06-16-99 11:27 AM ET
The only rule that I protest to is no 16. Galen wants to ignore me, so I want to ignore him. When he stops, I stop. |
God Emperor Eccles V
posted 06-16-99 02:31 PM ET
I explain rule 16 in thread no 3 I vote YEA to 26I would like to be the summeriser. (please!) I abstain to ignoring Dehlan, I want to have him on our side. Dehlan will you please accept the reasons in the council 3 and stop this intercine bickering? |
President Korian
posted 06-16-99 03:55 PM ET
Alright Eccles can be summarizer. I just thought up that plan incase noone wanted to be the permanent summarizer. |
posted 06-16-99 08:13 PM ET
Here is a comprimise rule:No controlling entire galaxys. You may travel between them, but you may NOT control any more then one group from that galaxy. |
Chancellor AoYoS
posted 06-16-99 10:24 PM ET
I agree with that Dehlan. No controlling colonies in different galaxies either. |
posted 06-17-99 12:47 AM ET
AoYoS, try "No controlling colonies in another galaxy unless you have a group in that galaxy."Spider We are weakened, depleted are our numbers, but still are we proud, and still we live.... |
Chancellor AoYoS
posted 06-17-99 10:09 AM ET
No spider. No controlling colonies in other galaxies. You cannot control a NPC race either. |
posted 06-17-99 01:50 PM ET
But we can be allied with NPCs, like Dehlan is with the NR in the Star Wars galaxy, and I am with the Imps. |
Chancellor AoYoS
posted 06-17-99 02:08 PM ET
Yes Galen. |
posted 06-17-99 05:02 PM ET
AoYoS, you worthless piece of scum! You crossed the line one time too many! will cease to be....Spider Goodbye, AoYoS.... |
posted 06-17-99 05:24 PM ET
I agree with Galen. We can ally, but not control. But can we merge the two??? |
posted 06-17-99 09:53 PM ET
posted 06-17-99 09:58 PM ET
The NR practicly is Star Wars... You're missing the entire point. |
The Great Sephiroth
posted 06-18-99 01:50 AM ET
21) Y 22) Y 23) Y 24) Y other planes, N Star Wars 25) Y 26) Y Ignore people) N |
President Korian
posted 06-18-99 07:35 PM ET
It looks like #22 has passed! I think we should continue the Star Wars stuff until this current conflict boils down and then drop it. Sephiroth: You can't vote like that for #22. You either vote totally YEA or totally NEA. |
The Great Sephiroth
posted 06-18-99 11:49 PM ET
I voted Y on #22oh, you mean 24  24) Yea Uh, I thought I was voted in, but it seems it wasn't 'official'. Could we do it here? |
The Great Sephiroth
posted 06-18-99 11:51 PM ET
I voted Y on #22oh, you mean 24  24) Yea Uh, I thought I was voted in, but it seems it wasn't 'official'. Could we do it here? |
President Korian
posted 06-23-99 07:04 AM ET
I move for the expulsion of Dehlan from RPing from blatant ignorance of the rules. |
Chancellor AoYoS
posted 06-23-99 10:32 AM ET
I agree with Korian's proposal. |
posted 06-23-99 01:36 PM ET
I abstain on Korians Proposal. |
posted 06-23-99 02:55 PM ET
Damn i joined the NR for all the wrong reasons. Well who cares im still going to remain a member. |
posted 06-23-99 05:30 PM ET
I agree. Remember, we need a supermajority for this to pass. 2/3rds, Dehlan gets a vote. |
President Korian
posted 06-23-99 09:15 PM ET
Then Eccles is just not recorded, right? |
JT 3
posted 06-23-99 09:31 PM ET
Seth, you disagree, right? If you agree with it, then you'll probably be facing the FSA all by yourself.I vote NAY. I'll vote NAY for anyone, since I don't want to see anyone expelled. |
posted 06-23-99 10:28 PM ET
Eccles is not counted. However, the measure will fail. We need 3 more people, all in favor. Unless seth abstains, that is, then we only need 1 more. |
posted 06-24-99 03:33 AM ET
Nay. |
posted 06-24-99 09:01 AM ET
The Measure fails. Dehlan stays in. |
posted 06-24-99 09:45 AM ET
I would have voted NAY. |
President Korian
posted 06-24-99 09:46 AM ET
We're only counting 5 votes? We almost had it too, 3/5. |
posted 06-24-99 12:12 PM ET
No, becuase Dehlan automatically goes no. The vote was 3 to 3. We would have needed 3 more. Meaning seth, Ronin, and some other guy. That would have won it. However, we can assume seth votes NAY, and then the NAYs have the lead. |
posted 06-24-99 04:06 PM ET
Didnt i just vote NAY. Y would u assume that i would vote NAY when i already did. |
posted 06-24-99 04:26 PM ET
28) We cant remove anyone from RPing. we must have a complete vote meaning everyone must agree. The person in question has no vote. The person in question has to depend solely on his peers. |
Chancellor AoYoS
posted 06-24-99 05:07 PM ET
28. NEA |
President Korian
posted 06-24-99 05:17 PM ET
NEA on 28 |
posted 06-24-99 07:26 PM ET
posted 06-25-99 11:28 AM ET
29) Any off topic messages written in a thread should be ignored. |
posted 06-25-99 02:02 PM ET
NEA, just a majority vote is needed.Korian, sbout time you started a new thread, but with the ammended rules at the top (not just the old ones) |
posted 06-25-99 03:57 PM ET
Proposal 30)No Star Wars/Non-SMAC Sci-Fi30:YEA, and I think I might quit otherwise. |
posted 06-25-99 04:30 PM ET
What is this thing, etc. etc. please tell me. I would like to know. |
posted 06-25-99 08:44 PM ET
Galen are you voting for yoour own ammendment or did you have a mistake.30) As long as the NR is not abolished i vote YEA. |
Chancellor AoYoS
posted 06-25-99 09:46 PM ET
President Korian
posted 06-25-99 09:55 PM ET
29-NAY 30-YEA Eccles- I thought you volunteered to do that. Oh well. |