posted 06-15-99 06:44 PM ET I would like to join, but I need a set of rules so I know how. Also, do not email because it is not my real one, my friend will just delete it. Thanks
posted 06-15-99 06:48 PM ET
You play FF7 too?
The Great Sephiroth
posted 06-15-99 06:50 PM ET
how did you guess?
posted 06-15-99 09:00 PM ET
Queation: can you get Sephiroth in the game? If so, how?
The Great Sephiroth
posted 06-15-99 09:54 PM ET
You get him during the flashback of Nibelhiem at the inn in Kalm, but can't control his attacks. You can also get him with a gameshark but I dont have one.
You can get his weapon 'Masamune' but cant equip it with anyone I forget where though I think it is near Bone Village but I could be wrong. My friend got it and wouldnt tell me how, but his save was outside bone village.
Resource Consumer
posted 06-16-99 09:44 AM ET
Sorry. What's FF7 - sounds interesting
posted 06-16-99 09:51 AM ET
FF7 means Final Fantacy VII. It is an RPG.
Stasis Archon
posted 06-16-99 09:58 AM ET
FF7 stands for Final Fantasy VII.It's quite possibly the greatest RPG ever.
posted 06-16-99 10:05 AM ET
What about FF8 or FF tactics were they better than FF7. I'v never played them before but i heard some greatthings about them.
Stasis Archon
posted 06-16-99 10:28 AM ET
FF8 is only out in Japan so far and I don't think FF Tactics is an RPG.
Stasis Archon
posted 06-16-99 10:32 AM ET
I've heard a rumor that in the japanese version of FF7 you can combine the Masamune and an amount 1/35 soldier's to get a Sephiroth clone. Is that true?
JT 3
posted 06-16-99 02:51 PM ET
FF8 is out in America.(at least where I shop)
Stasis Archon
posted 06-16-99 03:13 PM ET
posted 06-16-99 03:24 PM ET
Not in english though.
JT 3
posted 06-16-99 03:43 PM ET
It's in English!
posted 06-17-99 12:51 AM ET
FF8 demo is out, they give special demo copies to most software/vid game suppliers and some playstation zines. of course any demo for PC will not even been thought about till the full version is out on playstation in America.
posted 06-17-99 12:52 AM ET
FF8 demo is out, they give special demo copies to most software/vid game suppliers and some playstation zines. of course any demo for PC will not even been thought about till the full version is out on playstation in America.
posted 06-17-99 12:52 AM ET
FF8 demo is out, they give special demo copies to most software/vid game suppliers and some playstation zines. of course any demo for PC will not even been thought about till the full version is out on playstation in America.
Stasis Archon
posted 06-17-99 07:52 AM ET
I heard Eidos was going to make a PC conversion.
Stasis Archon
posted 06-17-99 08:46 AM ET
Of FF8
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