Topic: The Conquest of Sol II
Datalink |
posted 06-13-99 02:21 PM ET
A large MC fleet examines the scattered remanets of what appears to have been their prototype asteroid ship. They arrived too late after recieving the call for help, but they continue to look. Hours later they find what the were seaching for, a small beacon. Ejected at high speedes away from the asteroid at the time of the battle, it relates the whole event. The contents of the SC attack are quickly relayed back to head quarters...(back at mercury) Datalink: This is unforgivable. They attacked and destroyed the asteroid! No prisoners! Counciler Two: We must escalate the war, call 50% more reserves and... Counciler One: NO! They are obviously more powerfull than us! We must attempt peace. That asteroid was no small battle station. Counciler Three: I agree, they penetrated the shields without diff... Datalink: IT DIDN'T HAVE SHIELDS! This was our first prototype and we hadn't equiped it with because we hadn't yet developed the technology to shield something that big. Our next one that we are building, called "The Burning Eye", will be FAR harder to destroy. Chief Engineer, give your report! Chief Engineer: Greeting Councilmen. The Burning Eye is now 75% complete, and is already formidable. I will now bring up a technical redout. Size: 10 kilometers long, 7 wide (approximatly). Shields: The new planatary shield generator. Sufficent to completly cover the entier ship. Weapons: 10,000 missles. 2,000 anti-missle rockets. Other: Fighter bays: capable of holding 1,000 fighters. Repair docs: can repair even battlecruisers. Hydroponic farms: capable of supporting the "Eyes" crew on long missions. Datalink: So you see, this is a much improved version. When it is complete... Chief Engineer: 2 days. Datalink:...we will use it to spearhead our main assults. This is my proposal. Couciler One: I concur Counciler Three: As do I Counciler Two: I do not, but I will still lend my full support. I still press for a peace agreement. Datalink: Fine gentlmen. Let us ready ourselved for full scale war. *to be continued*
JT 3
posted 06-13-99 02:38 PM ET
I will be sending 2 Battlecruisers and a carrier to protect the Burning Eye. |
Al Gore Rythm
posted 06-13-99 03:58 PM ET
OOC:The Burning Eye kind've reminds me of the Sa'matra from Star Control 2  Oh yeah, is it supposed to be an asteroid ship or just a big old regular ship? IC: Due to the growing threat of the Burning Eye, the majority of the SC fleets briefly gathered in the asteroid belt gathering point once again to discuss plans... Kaiser 1: Imperator, let me take command of the Olympus, no matter how large, no battleship can withstand the onslaught of a weapon the size of a small moon. Kaiser 2: Rediculous! Have you forgotten that the core of the Olympus is filled with civlian cities and factories? If we were to lose the Olympus in battle we would lose an enormous percentage of our population in one fell swoop! Kaiser 3: Imperator, I will have you remember that I am the eldest member of this council, and it was my suggestion in the very beginning of our Confederation that we design our society in such a way that we could easily turn into a military machine with no perceptible form. No matter how large or powerful, a single battlecruiser can not be everywhere at once, but we can. I suggest that we merely step up our current action and be more cautious. Imperator Al: A prudent plan, but what if we were to be discovered by the Burning Eye? Kaiser 1: Than we would be finished! We have to fight fire with fire! Let us turn the Olympus into a battlestation and confront the Federation and Mercury with a full-scale invasion! Kaiser 3: No, we would not. We have never been found unless we strike first. While the Federation and Datalink may increase their military power, they can never find some massive SC gathering when no such thing exists. Kaiser 2: Why don't we put the stolen plans from the MC's Asteroid Ship to use? Place listening stations and Intruder bays inside strategic asteroids. Then we will be certain that we will never be found. Imperator Al: An excellent idea. Kaiser 3: Indeed. Kaiser 1: I disagree, no safeguard is fool proof, no secuirty is uncrackable. At one point or another we are going to face the Federation and the MC head-to-head, and when that happens all the stealth in the solar system won't save a fleet that was never designed for true battle. Imperator Al: You are overruled, Kaiser. We will begin mobilizing expeditionary forces to implant listening stations and Intruder bays within specific asteroids immedieately. You are dismissed, until we meet again, gentlemen. |
posted 06-13-99 08:02 PM ET
OOC: I don't have much time to write at the momment so I am just answering the question put forth. The Burning Eye is an asteroid like the prototype but about twice as large. It has better technology (i.e. shields, propolsion system upgrade) and is more focused toward being a military ship, not as much toward science and civilian studies like the prototype.Also, a side note, in my previouse post, The last statement by counciler two should have been made by counciler one. And one question from me: How do you make smilie faces? Datalink |
posted 06-13-99 10:40 PM ET
Today is a sad day in the Federation. The benevolent ruling council has been assasinated today by a bomb planted on their shuttle as they went to tour the new Battlecarrier "Maelstrom". Councilman Exile was out on other business at Venus when the event happened. We have managed to secure a comment from him."Today is a day that will forever live in infamy in the history of this Federation. We have found the man suspected of this heinous crime and he has been executed. In these troubled times, we cannot select a new ruling council, thus it is my somber duty to take full control of the Federation." With the recent political upset, diplomatic relations have been upset with factions other then those that were under former councilman Exile's direct control. He is meeting with FPS officials now to salvage relation problems caused by the recent Council death. In other news, the Battlecarrier (cross of battleship and carrier) Maelstrom has been completed. Already 3 other sister ships, the "Hurricane", "Thunderhead", and "Elemental" have been slated for construction. A new orbital outpost has been established around Venus to hold Federation interestes in the planet and to enforce the peacekeeping forces onworld. A wing of defense interceptors have been sent along with an army regement to keep the peace. That's all for tonight, this is Kevin Thompson for the Trade Federation News Network. ============================================= Yes, sad event eh? And what a coincidence this happened while Exile was away... (above message was a thought and should not be known, but it helps to get the gist of the political turmoil that was undermined) ============================================= |
Al Gore Rythm
posted 06-14-99 12:13 AM ET
OOC:Datalink, just type out a smilie like you normally would. The forum does the rest. IC: While it has now been quite a time since the piece of the Uranus 1, the whole reason this war broke out in the first place, was secured by the SC, our scientists have had little time to study the artifact. Between fleeing from Federation pursuit to constant gatherings and relocations (we shift important figures around Podships constantly to keep them safe) our researh teams have had little peace, however, today we finally were able to replicate a hyperion molecule. However, we have little need for armor. The SC, as you should know by now, approaches the swift, the formless and above all, the many. Thus, using some data retrieved from multiple interrogations and tapped Federation trasmissions we have quickly replicated the cloaking device used by the Trade Federation. Thus, we unveil the Quicksilver-Class Star Fighter, which is being prototyped as this announcement is being made: Quicksilver - Gunship It has been painted space-black, using a special type of paint that is resistant against sensor arrays (OOC: ala B-52s), a Quicksilver is sleek and smooth, but this almost sporty design hides the truly insidious power of a Quicksilver. And of course, is plated with hyperion which makes it invisible when it needs to sneak and extremly hard to destroy in the heat of battle. Quicksilvers have large smart-nuclear bomb comparments, as well as a large, high-powered Incinerator Cannon, capable of rending even the thickest of armor apart in seconds. --WAR NEWS-- JT3, have you forgotten about the distinguished and wealthy passangers aboard the now decommisioned Leviathan? We believe we even have a former captain from one of your valued battlecruisers. We will not execute these criminals, but we will interrogate them as nessecary until you feel ready to open up the negotation table. The hunt for any Federation passanger and merchant ships continued today. Our Nova patrol found a rather remote space-resort, which was heavily guarded due to recent attacks. While we lost a staggering 5 Novas in the assault, we were able to obliterate the resort and all of its residents. The now dubbed Predator-Patrol has since then scattered to regroup and add some of the newly commisioned Quicksilvers to their ranks. |
posted 06-14-99 01:35 AM ET
"SHIELD DAMNIT!!!!!!!"Councilman Datalink wakes up with a start. He hears alot of shouting coming from the command room down the hall, and an alarm goes off. "We have a code red! All military personel report to battle stations immediatly" Datalink jumps to his feet only to fall to the ground from standing on the massively quaking ground. The rumbling stops for a minute and his door opens. A black shawdow falls over the room, and Datalink can see the red eyes of an assasin droid. It raises its arm, and fires what was meant to be the end of Datalinks life, a bright, burning razer spear of energy. Datalink barely manages to activate his personal shield, but in doing so the killer bolt merely gets absorbed. The droid, its artificail intelligence, not programmed to deal with this situation, pauses momentarily to process this new information. Datalink flies into action. Doing a back roll, he grabes his personal hand gund and obliterates the droid. Datalink slowly gets up and walks toward the door. Glancing outside, he sees his two elite guards dead in a most grusome fashion, a trait of the assasin droid. He also notices another assasin droid, unmoving and obviously destroyed. "Two" he wonders. "Someone must want me dead real bad to be able to afford to buy two from the smuggler federation. They don't charge cheap" (OOC: I hope this is ok exile, but selling "illegal" items goes along with the character of your faction Also, nobody, or at least My faction wouldn't, blame the smuggler federation for assasination attemtps. The blame would go on the one who bought the assasin droids. You, of course, run a "legitimate" buisness. End of OOC . Gun shots could be heard reverberation throughout the complex, and occasional explosions could be heard. Datalink runs quickly toward the command center. He sees destroyed remanents of Infiltrator Droids, and many bodies of Mecruian guards. Rounding the corner to the command center, Datalink comes upon a mighty battle. About twenty Infiltrator Droids are trying to take the command center. Datalink can see a few Guards valiantly fighting back the onslaught, but they won't be able to do so for long. With the advantage of surprise, Datalink throws a grenade into the Packed mass of Droids. 10 Die in the immidiate explosian, and the rest to quick fiering from Datalink and the remaining guards. Datalink quickly enters the command center. (Scene): Scattered bodies and destroid droids litter the floor. The Mecurians have managed to hold onto the center for now, but may guard have died in defending it. I low command officer, probably a lieutent, sits in the command chair, obviously almost paralized with terror. Datlink: Lt., Report! Lt Calsway: Sir, we have been invaded! Datalink: By whom? How did they get passed our defences? Lt. Calsway: A large SC fleet dropped out of hyperspace not long ago. Our ships went out to engage them and a general alert was sounded. Then all hell broke loose. None of the Higher Officers could be reached, including you. Droids appeared everywhere. We assume most of the officers to be dead, becides the ones on fleet ships. Some sections of the planet have been taken over by droids, and those sections have started fiering their planetary defences on OUR SHIPS! We still outnumber the SC's, but if we don't do something quick Datalink: Have you activated the Destroyer Droids (OOC: Same as star wars. I know, but it goes along with what i want. And I do have shield technology.) Lt. Calsway: No, but... Datalink: IDIOT!! (Datalink quickly punches in the commands. Desroyer droids begin quickly moving toward battle areas) Datalink: I will take command now! You are relieved! *Datalink quickly takes control of the battle and the tide turns in the Mercurian Confererations favor. But the damage has been gread. Nova bombs have destroyed 15% of the planets industy, and many fleet ships have been damaged. One of JT's battlecruisers had been destroyed, and the carrier, defending the burning eye. Because of their efforts, the Eye itself remained undamaged, and is very near completion. On the up side, alot of SC ships were destroyed, and a few captured.* Datalink, In a message to the SC: Ahh, a very well thought out plan. Bring in a fleet, and as we rush to defend, have infiltrators kill our senior officers and myself. But your efforts failed, and it cost you much. And now, my dear friend, you have made it PERSONAL. I long for the day when we finally become "aquainted" with each other, though i would not if I were you. *The MC begins the finalizations of their war mobilization. With the Burning Eye completed in one day, he SC will be faceing a massive offencive. Tighter security has been mad around mercury, and another insurrecton is unlikely to work*
posted 06-14-99 01:40 AM ET
Damn Typos  I think you can still figure out what i meant |
Al Gore Rythm
posted 06-14-99 09:03 AM ET
OOC:They're called "Intruders" not Infiltrators  IC: --WAR NEWS-- Over Mercury the remainder of our fleet has scattered, but not without leaving the MC the information on its true purpose for an invasion. During the confusion, the SC was able to sneak a handful of Saboteurs into the Burning Eye. But these were a very special prototype variant of Saboteurs which had a cloaking device as well as numerous weapons and advanced AI for breaking into the Eye's networks. While most were found and destroyed, a single Saboteur was able to reach a network terminal. There it quickly and silently took as much information as it possibly could about the massive asteroid battleship and sent a speedy transmission with the data. Making such a broadcast, it was quickly found and destroyed. But not before we had acquired the Burning Eye's skematics. Already our greatest tacticians are finding the vessel's weakpoints and creating new variants of our craft to exploit them. But, my dear Datalink, we cannot leave without a gift to your planet. So we will have hastily designed an experimental weapon we call Lucifers. Named after the fallen angel, and akin to the tale of old, our engineers attatched powerful engines to an asteroid and plated that same asteroid with thick Hyperion armor. While we only have a handful, we will give them all to you. Cloaked or otherwise you have approximately 6 mile-wide asteroids heading towards Mercury with enough momentum to cause the extinction of Mercurian life upon impact at this momment. (OOC: MWUAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAAHAHA!!!! Just had to do it ) |
Chancellor AoYoS
posted 06-14-99 09:19 AM ET
CFS News Briefing:Without warning today, a fleet of identified ships attacked the Chancellor's battlestation, the Centuarian. The fleet was promptly destroyed, but who was the culprit? On going investigations might reveal them later on in the week. OOC: Anyone wanna take credit for attacking me? |
Chancellor AoYoS
posted 06-14-99 09:20 AM ET
Identified=UNidentified |
posted 06-14-99 09:23 AM ET
Allright, we have established a new council building on the site of the old UN Headquarters (I love ironies). We just need representatives from each faction then we can get to business. |
JT 3
posted 06-14-99 03:09 PM ET
OOC: Could people please not call their Factions just "Federation"? For a while I think you are posting news about me, since the name of my Faction is Federation. Say Trade or whatever it is that comes before it. Thanks.  IC: <Scene on board the Nebula, JT3's flagship> JT3: Red Alert! Fire! Fire! Release all fighters! Tell all Federation ships in the area to converge on our coordinates! The Nebula has rushed to the planet Mercury to help defend it from the SC attacks. The Lucifers have just been released. JT3: Order all ships to fire at those asteroids! I want them destroyed! Immediatly, a layer of Laser fire is made, and all asteroids passing through it are destroyed. All except one, that is. The biggest Lucifer of them all managed to sneak through. JT3: Go to full speed! Catch up with that rock! The Nebula catches up to the Lucifer. JT3: Order all crew to go to escape pods. Pull in front of the asteroid, staying at its speed. The crew starts ejecting from the ship. JT3 runs to his escape pod. He grabs a remote control and ejects. JT3 pushes a button on the control. Suddenly, the Nebula stops. The Lucifer rams into it at full speed. Mercury is saved. The few Flares sent to Mercury were destroyed. All of the Nebula's crew was picked up safely by friendly ships. |
JT 3
posted 06-14-99 03:19 PM ET
OOC: Can you say "Deep Impact"?  |
posted 06-14-99 05:14 PM ET
Deee-deee-dep---deeeeep-----Deeep---Deep Immm---Immmm---Impact.There, Deep Impact, See, I can say it! Ah well, I believe there was a book called Lucifer's Hammer or some sort...WOuld be fitting to have called those asteroids that. ============================================= Now, we need reps of all the factions for the Galactic UN...TEchnology seems to have stagnated due to this "trade dispute" (it was over a piece of rock, not really a full scale war). So to put an end to this wastefull war and start research again, we need a common enemy...alien? epidemic? I say alien but what kind of alien? ============================================= |
posted 06-14-99 05:22 PM ET
I think Exile's right you guys need a common enemy.  Drednought(sorry if spelled wrong)I like this RP. You had a good idea.Sorry if this annoys anyone. |
Al Gore Rythm
posted 06-14-99 08:12 PM ET
OOC:I thought I was the common enemy. But if you mean an NPC, then aliens would be interesting. Kind've like the Antarans from MoO2, maybe. Powerful, mysterious and always just sort've appearing and then disappearing just as suddenly, but still doing a heck of alot of damage. And of course, we would have to make rules that it would be extremly difficult to capture an alien ship and/or extrapolate the technology. IC: While we were unable to heavily damage Mercury, our Confederaion is still pleased that we were able to destroy the Federation's flagship. We have since then scattered to further study the readouts on the Burning Eye, to look for weaknesses which we could easily exploit. We have also begun construction of larger, Corvette-Class Spacecraft. Although not enormous, they are comperable to the Cruisers of old. Still swift and manueverable, but with enough firepower to withstand a large battle, we will be calling this new class of spacecraft Phoenix. |
JT 3
posted 06-14-99 09:21 PM ET
A new flagship for the Federation has been constructed. The FSS Apocolypse is a Supernova class starship, the first of its kind. Larger than an Armaggeddon, the Supernovas boast an impressive array of lasers, missles, and bombs. They can carry up to 150 fighters, are armored with Hyperion of double the thickness of a Battlecruiser, and have the ability to cloak. They also mount our new weapon, the Tesla Cannon. Capable of firing enourmous amounts of electricity, the Tesla Cannons can break through armor quickly. They can also overload reactors. 5 sister ships are being built now, and even more are scheduled. |
posted 06-14-99 09:57 PM ET
Hey Exile, you never got back to me about that alliance. The offer still stands if you want.(At the FPS prime Headquaters on Mars) Military advisor: Chairman, the war between the SC and the MC is continuing with no signs of a cease-fire, shall we remain nuetral? Dreadnought: What do you propose? MA: I suggest we attack while we have the element of surprise. It is only a matter of time before we are dragged into this conflict, we may as well enter it guns blazing. We sho- Secretary Gorion: Please Chairman, do not pay any heed to this war-monger. I propose we maintain a postition of nuetrality and hope this conflict wears itself down. General Bradly: I can't belive I'm hearing this! Sir, it is a miracle we have not been attacked by now! We must defend ourselves and we must do it soon! Finiance advisor: Sir if I may intrude, I must agree with Secretary Gorion. If we continue our nuetrality and sell arms and other such supplies to both sides we stand to make a tidy profit. GB: If anyone had payed attention like *myself* in 8th grade history, we already know how nuetrality ends up. Chairman Dreadnought: We cannot afford a conflict at this point, but I would like to be ready if we must defend ourslelves. Position the fleet at the end of FPS space. General Bradly- GB: Yes sir! Dreadnought: Order construction of 500 new ships, mostly battleships and carriers. Call up the draft, we need all the troops we can get. GB: Yes sir. Dreadnought: For now I would like to mantain nuetrality, Secretary Gorion, how is the alliance progressing with the Trade Federation? SG: Nearing completion, sir. We are just waiting for the final "ok" from President Exile. Dreadnought: Wonderful. This meeting is dismissed. General, I want you to contact me as soon as possible with news on the warfront. GB: Yes sir. ****** As for the war, I would be glad to assist anyone if you so desire. Contact me if you wish to take me up on this proposal. |
JT 3
posted 06-14-99 10:35 PM ET
Chairman Dreadnought:We would like any assistance you can offer. We can pay a hefty sum to refund your economy if you accept. |
posted 06-14-99 11:43 PM ET
JT 3, I would be glad to help you.First please inform me of how the war is progressing and who is involved. Also, what type of government are you in charge of? |
posted 06-15-99 12:12 AM ET
(At the FPS headquarters on Mars)General Bradly: Sir, I hear you are thinking of entering the war. Dreadnought: Yes, it had crossed my mind, what do you think of this? General Bradly: I am all for it sir, just as long as we are joining the winning team. Secretary Gorion: Sir are you sure of this? I mean, our navy is not at full ready status and- GB: Now sir! We must strike now! Dreadnought: Bradly you do have a point about or nuetrality, and I suppose we would be fighting for the right side, JT 3 running a Democracy.... Yes, order the fleet to full war status and arm our defense sattilites. Secretary Gorion- SG: Yes Chairman. Dreadnought: Contact JT 3 and inform him of my disision. General, inform the Tsunami. GB: Yes sir. (FPB Tsunami) Ensign: Admiral Okins! Adrmiral Okins: Yes Ensign? E: We are getting a top priority message from Supreme Commander Bradly. AO: Put him on the main veiwscreen. E: Yes Admiral... General Bradly: Admiral, pleasure to see you again. AO: Forgive me for my rudeness General, but I would really like to know what report would be worthy of a top priority transmission. GB: Yes, Admiral. As of 1300 hours today, we are at a state of war with the Solar Confederation. I expect you to prepare your fleet and crews. AO: Yes I see, I suppose it was inevitable. GB: Bradly out. Okins looks across the brige of the massive ship, giving individual attention to the shocked faces of his crew. AO: Set a course for the New Luna. Pilot: At once sir. The aged Admiral stares out the primary veiwing window, at the now blue and green Mars... How could a species capable of such an amazing feat still hunger for war? Admiral: I shall be in my quarters, inform me when we arrive. Ensign: As you wish sir. |
Al Gore Rythm
posted 06-15-99 12:35 AM ET
--WAR NEWS--The SC has quickly taken ahold of this shift in plans... with an invasion which we were planning to launch should the FPS and the Federation even begin negotations. We were preparing for a the First true Solar War. Using the stolen plans of Mercurian asteroid ships, we have been able to bolster SC industry, and in turn, we have been able to produce our space craft at a tremendous rate. Shortly after FPS orders of war were intercepted by listening stations in key asteroids, a lurking SC fleet comprised mainly of Quicksilvers, Flares, Novas and Incinerators made their move. The Quicksilvers spearheaded the assault, moving in towards the still stationed FPS fleets, decloaking and letting loose their full fury, rending ships to pieces before the crew new what hit them. Once interceptors were launched, the waves of Quicksilvers recloaked and fled, while Flares moved in to finish the job. Meanwhile, on the surface of Mars, Incinerators and even Intruders have begun landing en-masse. Unlucky outposts and even some small cities were hit hardest, as few citizens were even aware that a war had broken out. Shortly afterwards the invasion forces were picked up and sent off world. But not without taking the prize of many FPS citizens. In the skies, Novas carpet-bombed key areas with nuclear weapons. A few of them flew over heavily guarded population centers, and while few survived, the remainders dropped entire payloads of Nerve Gas into the atmosphere. Including the dreaded Anthrax mkIV. The rest of the fleet has dispersed, while we suffered casualties, we have been quite lucky. We find this great victory akin to the ingenious move by the Japanese against the Americans at Pearl Harbor. To strike an enemy who is unprepared for true combat. The remainder of the SC fleet has appeared in orbit of the Burning Eye. And they have engaged the battleship. The battle continues at this very momment, and as of yet we have no idea on the outcome. |
posted 06-15-99 01:38 AM ET
OOC: I don't have time now but let me post the next about the battle with the burning eye please !Thanks Datalink |
JT 3
posted 06-15-99 08:29 AM ET
We have discovered a new tactic that seems to work very well against the SC. By dropping Warships onto ships and pods, it is very easy to either capture or destroy the target. We have destroyed 6 Quicksilvers and 11 Flares this way, as well as captured 2 pods. We warn the SC that the pods' industry is now working for us, and many more could easily go the same way.In the Burning Star battle, the FSS Apocolypse and the FSS Resurrection, both Supernovas, arrived at the battle today. They have suffered minimal damage thanks to the thickness of their armor and the power of the Tesla Cannons. 1 Carrier also arrived later in the battle. We will be sending schematics for Tesla Cannons to all our allies. I thank the FPS for joining our side in the war. I will be sending battlecruisers to protect your fleets while they are gearing up for the war. |
JT 3
posted 06-15-99 08:30 AM ET
Oh, yeah, forgot, we are a Democratic/Free Market/Knowledge society.(I'm assuming no Future Societies exist yet.) |
Al Gore Rythm
posted 06-15-99 09:45 AM ET
OOC:JT 3, Flares and Quicksilvers are very small 2-man fighter craft. Warships are the Federation's equivelant to a Walker, correct? I believe a Warship would be larger than a Flare or a Quicksilver, so your tactic would be logically impossible. Also, since you just made Tesla Cannons is this about the time for everyone to have a new research breakthrough? Oh yes, is the Common Enemy thing still up in debate or am I just going to be it? IC: Due to the Federation using their so-called Warships to butcher citizens aboard Podships, the SC as a whole has retreated to begin plating all Podships, not just military ones, in Hyperion, which they will be able to use for cloaking purposes. But to substitute for that until we have adequate time, we have equipped all Podships with small Intruder and Incinerator bays for fending off invaders. Specifications on the Phoenix - Corvette are finished, our first two prototypes preformed remarkably under test, and we will begin mass production once we have finished refitting our Podships. Phoenix - Corvette, By appearance, a Phoenix seems to be nothing more than a larger version of the Nova. It has a larger array of Mass Driver/Missle Cannons. And it has 6 Nuclear Bomb/Missle bays. It has well over three dozen Intruders within it for fending off invasion and for invading, but this is not the true power of the Phoenix. While all these capabilities are grand, the size of the Phoenix seems to outdo this, and this is because within a Phoenix lies a massive, massive reactor which is used to power dual Omni-Directional Incinerators, which if fired simotaneously, will envelope the Phoenix, and all surrounding vessels, in a raging inferno. While the Phoenix is armored and prepared to endure this, the average ship is not. --WAR NEWS-- After the retreat of all SC fleets except those engaged with the Burning Eye, we left a present to our enemies to keep them occupied, an array of Crippler Mines. The mines, as any unfortunate admiral knows, move by themselves, following the trace of a spacecraft's engine, and then destroying themselves when they have entered the exhaust pipes. All captured FPS citizens are now in our custody aboard various Podshsips. We have begun interrogations. |
posted 06-15-99 10:35 AM ET
OOC: Well, maybe we could make something like the Antarans meet the Zerg. Aliens that think humanity has something to offer them, so they go around assimilating colonies/cities/portapoties and whatnot. It would end this pointless kidnapping campaign by the SC, bring represenantives of the factions to the UF (United Factions) Senate Negotiations Table, and ressurect dead research.============================================= IC: Long-range scanner sattelites located in the Oort Cloud to keep track of our Alpha Centauri colonists have detected a new set of signitures. What appears to be a starship the size of Venus was detected at long range, scientists theorize that it was this ship's gravity well that would have sent Uranus 1 at us, possibly when it first arrived. Sattelites were able to detect smaller ships, each the size of a Trade Federation Hurricane-class Battlecarrier, which is approxemately 6 miles long, en route to the inner planets. Some alien communications were detected and transmited back to Trade Federation Headquarters before the sattelites were vaporized by some sort of beam. |
posted 06-15-99 01:00 PM ET
OOC: So, lets take a vote on the issue presented by Exile."All those in favor of declaring peace between humans and bringing in an alien faction as common enemy, or perhaps just as another plot twist, say Aye" Aye. Al Gore-Not that it wasn't cool having you as an enemy, but since we can't think up a way to have combat between human factions, I believe it is best before it degenerates into an "I killed all of your ships" "no, I already destroyed yours" So here is the story: (end of OOC) The SC admiral directing the battle about the burning eye grimaces looking at the monsterouse asteroid. "That sure is a huge ship" he thinks to himself. Admiral: Lt., give me a battle report. Lt.: Sir it appears that the burning eye is losing shield power. We have also taken lighter damage than expected. The Burning Eye must not be as powerful as the MC had boasted! Admiral: Yessss. We are the strongest in the solar system, no one can stand up to our might. Navigation: Sir! JT's ships have just jumped into hyperspace and left! Admiral: That is strange. The Eye will shurly be destroyed without them. And why aren't any MC ships here? They have had enough time. Communications: Sir, we are recieving a message from head quarters. Admiral: Patch it through. Officer from HQ: This is general Loubrek speeking. You are ordered to withdraw immediatly without delay!! Now! Admiral: But why, the Burning eye is nearly... Loubrek: Do not fail to withdraw immediatly. The Eye is *signal breaks up* Admiral: I beleive it to be an attempt by the MC to save the Burning Eye. Our command wouldn't order us to attack and then retreat in "our momment of triumph." Scanning Post: Sir, the burning eye is doing somethin. Admiral: Get me a visual! The Burning eye begins to glow with a greenish energy. The green light seems to contract, almost as if the crush the Eye. Then comes a quick expansion, enveloping all of the close SC fleet. Datalink: Are they contained? Lt.: Yes sir, the stasis field appears to be up and operational. Datalink: Good, then it appears as if the ruse worked? Lt.: Yes sir. Though we didn't expect the infiltration of Mercury itself, we were prepared for the same on the Burning Eye. What that droid of the SC's downloaded was false information. A complete skematics of a battlestation, what appeard to be the Burning Eye. What they didn't realize was that the Burning Eye was a massive secret weapon itself. Only something that big could hold that massive a stasis field. Datalink: So all time has appeard to "stop?" Lt.: Yes sir. We shot a probe into it and it stopped as soon as it entered the field. Even weapons, such as lasers and missles, stop. The Burning eye holds the center. Datalink: Alright, now that we hold a massive SC fleet in our hands, we can perhaps get a peace treaty out of them. Patch me through. Datalink: I now hold a fleet of yours in my hand. I would like an end to this silly war. We both have very little to gain. If we can reach an agreement, I will return your fleet in exchange for some "credits" in order to make reparis. So, is it to be peace, and an exhange of credits for your ships, or war? I await your reply. --------------- Head Council Datalink |
posted 06-15-99 01:21 PM ET
(FPS HeadquartersGeneral Bradley impatently dials the Chairman Dreadnought's restricted comm frequency. Chairman Dreadnought: Yes General? GB: Sir I have bad news, Solar Confederation fighters have made an attack on Mars itself kill.. Dreadnought: Yes, I am fully aware of the attack. GB: Over two million civilians were killed. Dreadnought: ........... GB: Well, luckily due to our SA defenses we were able to destroy 77% of the incoming attack force. Dreadnought: ........... GB: Sir! I'm getting a top prirotiy comm from Admiral Okins, I'll put you through. Dreadnought: Very well. Admiral Okins: Sir, I have encountered three Nova Destroyers in FPS space, most likely observing our reaction to the recent attack. Dreadnought: What are you waitng for? Engage!! AO: At once sir. Scramble the fighters and ctach up with those ships! Wing after wing of Indepedence-Class fighter pour from the belly of the Tsunami and immediatly engage the Destroyers. Admiral: What the hell are those destroyers doing? Leutenant Grey: Sir, it looks as if they are sending two of them on a suicide mission to cover the last one's escape. AO: I think you are right, whatever is on that last ship must be invaluable, most likely an Admiral. Order the fighters to disable the escaping ship, we should be able to handle these two. Fire our primary Guass cannons when in range. The Tsunami pulls udnder the appraching destroyers and beings firing at the exposed bellies. Admiral: Fire Guass Cannons! The Tsunami brings it's massive body under the Novas taking laser fire as it attacks. Immediatly, a Nova bursts into an incrediable flame as the Guass Cannons hit thier marks. LG: That's one sir. AO: Wonderful, take out the other with our torpedoes. F: At once sir! The Nova constatly sprays it's primary lasers at the Tsunami, but it would take much more than that to take out the pride of the Federation Navy. Torpedoes scream from the Tsunami leaving ion trails in thier wake. The torpedoes collide with the Nova, tearing the ship asunder. As the final explosions from the Nova recede, Admiral Okins settles in his seat at fires up a traditional cigar and collapses into his seat. LG: Sir we are recieving a transmission from the last Nova. AO: Put it on the primary viewscreen. A garbled image comes to life on the screen showing an image of a worn, tired Admiral. SC Admiral: Greetings Admiral Okins, I have heard much about you. Admiral Okins: Surrender your craft or prepare to be destroyed. SC Admiral: No "hello" Admiral? No matter. I will not allow you to have control of what is on this ship, as I was explecitly ordered. Good day! The image fades out. Of in the distance, a barely visible explosion engulfs the retreating Nova. Admiral Okins: Order the fighters to return. Luetentant Grey: At once sir. |
posted 06-15-99 02:13 PM ET
AH damnit. I write that whole damn post only to read we have an alien enemy now . |
posted 06-15-99 02:16 PM ET
Wow, reading that long post of mine, it looks like I need to take spelling leasons. And, "settles in his seat at fires up a traditional cigar and collapses into his seat."
What the hell was I thinking......
JT 3
posted 06-15-99 02:51 PM ET
OOC: I vote NAY. One war at a time, please. Of course, if Al makes peace, then I vote YEA.Oh, yeah, ofrget the Flare thing, just say the Warships landed on the podships and one or two Novas. And LASERS ARE MINE!! Everyone has their own special weapon, and mine is the laser. Please change that. Hyperspace? Do we have that? IC: With a large part of the SC fleet in a stasis field, Federation ships have won many battles through sheer numbers. Seven Supernovas have been completed so far, and three more are under construction. We have developed a new fighter, the TSC(Tactical Space Craft) Advanced. It boasts four laser cannons, two ion cannons, two missle bays, and an advanced pulse engine. We will be sending these fighters to war fronts right away. |
posted 06-15-99 03:18 PM ET
JT 3, lasers are a pretty generic weapon, couldent you have control of some special kind of laser? |
posted 06-15-99 05:05 PM ET
OOC: I believe that we should have hyperspace, but it is not very advanced so can only be used to transverse an area equal to the solar system  Also, i noticed Exiles call for stoping tech stagnation, and that is why I developed the Stasis field. A little explination on what it does. The stais field stops time in a given radiouse, depending on its side. This seems very powerfull, but actually not as much as it seems. I also cannot affect anything inside of the field, and so am unable to destroy the SC fleet for instance. It takes alot of energy to start up, so it is not instantaneouse and works better closer to the sun (collection of solar energy). Also, nobody will fall for the same trick twice, and so it will only be usefull for stopping a battle untill reinforcements arrive (which will be usefull though ). It also helps in medical situations (i.e. stop bleeding etc untill a doc arrives.) Datalink |
JT 3
posted 06-15-99 05:39 PM ET
Lasers are mine. Maybe they're generic to you, but not to me. |
Al Gore Rythm
posted 06-15-99 07:49 PM ET
OOC:I vote YEA for an NPC enemy. But when it is decieded I would prefer if I could be the one to first run into them, since the only really plausable way the SC could ever become friendly or atleast not-so-hostile with everyone else is if we got beaten down pretty hard. IC: Aboard the now invisble Olympus, the council of the SC has convened once again. There is an air of deep tension in the air, Imperator Al paces frantically, waiting for the advice of his Kaisers. Kaiser 1: Sir, those damnned Mercurians have stolen one of our fleets. We are at their mercy, we must submit to their treaty! Kaiser 3: Please, Imperator, do not listen to him. We must not give in to the military hotheads, we must, instead, be methodical. The only reason we have been able to be so victorious is because of superior tactics. Imperator Al: So what do you advise we do, Kaiser? Kaiser 3: To put it simply, we do not need that fleet. They are part of the military, and therefore, they are expendable. The entire reason for a military to exist is for it to be expendable, so that they can die in the place of valued workers, merchants and researchers. We have millions of Confederation citizens willing to die for our cause, and we have all the industry to build that fleet ten fold. There is no reason for us to give in to demands when our enemies do not have a signifigant advantage. Kaiser 2: While I have often agreed with my elder comrade, I feel we must try our best to, instead, change the diplomatic tables. Why should we have to trade peace for weapons of war? What good will an army do if we can't use it? We have many FPS, Mercurian and Federation citizens in our custody. Why not offer a trade? Surely these Federation bleeding-hearts would never allow innocent civilians to die in order to hold on to a militaristic advantage. Kaiser 1: If they are true to their word. Kaiser 3: We cannot come to diplomatic terms. If we were to do so, our enemies would think we were collapsing, and then they would surely throw aside their conventional diplomacy and negotations and pounce upon us like scavengers upon a dying beast. Let them die. We can make more. Kaiser 2: What if the recent disturbances detected by the Trade Federation are really alien lifeforms and not mere space debris? We cannot fight a two front war if we do not have a sufficient army! We need as many men as we can get, and I cannot agree to the brutality of my superior. Imperator Al: Wait, I have a better plan. We will trade the lives of captured Mercurians in exchange for our battle fleet. During this period, we will have an advantage on the diplomatic table, the Federation and FPS prisoners. We can barter them for a make-shift peace agreement to await the arrival of whatever it is traveling towards our solar system. If it is nothing, than we can resume our efforts, if it is not, then we will do what we must to survive. Kaiser 3: Excellent. Kaiser 2: Perhaps, but we must not let down our guard for one momment! Kaiser 1: Fine. Imperator Al: Then it is decieded. Open a channel with Datalink, we have a deal to make. |
posted 06-16-99 01:56 AM ET
"Head Council, it appears the SC is answering your "call""Datalink rubs his eyes and gets slowly out of bed. "Of cource they called in the middle of the night" he murmers aloud. Datalink puts on his blaster and walks out the door, where he sees his silend guards, three destroyer droids. Two flank him as he walks toward the command room, while the other stays in position. Datalink: Communications officer, Patch the SC's through. *SC kaisers and Head Commander Al Gore appear on the Screen* Datalink: You were wanting to talk? What is it that you wish to discuss? Perhaps we can accomidate each other in some way, hmm? |
posted 06-18-99 12:43 PM ET
Where did everyone go? No one has posted here in about 3 days. Is this the end of The Conquest of Sol? |
Al Gore Rythm
posted 06-18-99 05:33 PM ET
The holographic figures of Imperator Al and three robed figures flickers to life infront of Datalink."Greetings, Mr.Datalink. We have a deal to arrange, let my Kaiser explain it to you." The eldest of the three robed figures approaches and begins to speak in a slow, raspy voice. "Datalink, as you know we have hundreds of Mercurians in our custody. Many of these are children. One of them is right beside me now," A young Mercurian boy cautiously comes into the holographic setting, coming to a stop at the side of the Kaiser. "Datalink, I shall be brief. You have control of a valuable battle fleet of ours, and you will not let it go. However, we have control over many Mercurian children such as these. And we have a rather simple offer to propose." The Kaiser, in a swift motion, reaches into his robe and pulls out a firearm, puts it to the child's back and fires. Overcome with shock, anger and fear Datalink almost calls for his medics, but instead watches as the boy collapses to his knees, and begins to choke on his own blood. In a momment, the boy lies on the floor, limp and dead. "What is the meaning of this Kaiser?!" Datalink roars in anger and confusion, "Explain yourselves for this cold-blooded murder!" "We do not need to, Datalink, it appears that the mere event is too much for you. We will be killing Mercurian children such as these on the hour, by the hour until you return our battlefleet to a designated location unmolested. If you do not agree to our proposal within five days then we will have half of all Mercurian citizens put to death." The hooded Kaiser's presence seems to grow greater, overshadowing that of the Imperator and his fellows until he has englufed the room with his icy words. Datalink backs away from the holo-screen, stunned by this horrific demand. Abrubtly, two armored guards appear on the holo-screen. "Clean up this mess at once," the Kaiser growls. "You have 120 hours to deciede, Datalink, 120 lives to expend. Until then." The figures begin to flicker and wane until the room is once again dark and silent. The guards are watching Datalink intently, awaiting for some sort've order to justify the lack of action. |
posted 06-20-99 12:09 AM ET
Allright folks, I'm back from my vacation in Orlando! (My plane landed tonight, 9:04 Houston Time).Ooooooook, so we have shifted to terrorism, hmmmmm, well... IC: The TF has finished it's 3 other Hurricane-class Battlecarriers, the Hurricane, the Thunderhead, and the Elemental. All have been equipped to deal with the oncomming Alien ships, dubbed "Destroyers" due to their close approximate look to the Independence Day alien ships. New shipbuilding technologies has allowed the construction of the Starhammer-class Titanship. 10 miles in length with weapons, troop capability, and fighter compliment to match it's size. One has been commisioned to be built with all shipyards put to the task, the TFS Concordia (painted and modeled to look like the Wing Commander ship) |