posted 06-12-99 01:35 PM ET
Datalink: I can help, but you must cooperate and trust me fully.
Kaligar: Anything, just stop the pain!*Datalink pulls out what appears to be a large bag of differant colored worms*
Kaligar: Wha.. what are those for...?
Datalink: Now just lay back and relax, and they will do their work much faster. The best place to insert them is in th...
Kaligar: Wait a minute! You aren't actually going to insert those things inside of me are you?
Datalink: Yes, as a matter of fact I intend to. They are medical biots, or biological robots, and they will explore your insides and hopefully fix you up.
*Before Kaligar can respond, Datalink lays a red worm and a blue worm on his exposed neck. They quickly burrow through the skin. Seconds later Kaligar feels a calm spread over him, and his pain diminishes, though not all the way."
Kaligar: Wow, I fell better, but the pain is still there.
Datalink: Hmmm... That is strange, it shouldn't be. Those were supposed to get rid of it specifically. I suppose I should start the "operation" anyway.
*Datalink takes about twenty differant colored worms and places them on Kaligars stomach. They too quickly enter*
Kaligar: The pain is too much to handle!!! Stop it!
*Kaligar passes out, great pain reading on his face. A concerned frown developed across Datalinks forhead. "This shouldn't be happaning" he says aloud "He shouldn't be feeling anything." Datalink sits down and awaits the worms exit. "Hopefully they can find out what is wrong, and if they can't fix it, maybey after they tell me, I can. If not, I believe that we are both in trouble...*
*The now unnoticed Crippled Evil slinkes away...*