Topic: Role Playing Council Number Three
Famous Eccles |
posted 06-04-99 08:34 PM ET
Okay this is the council, I reopened it so that we could ammend some rules. This it. all those old and new, this was written quite a while back, and all members must abide by it, or attempt an ammendment to the rules. The council for roleplaying in which is always in session. The Charter is as Follows
1/ All factions have defined limitations all new members need to be approved by the council. 2/ Tech every 3 days. every two for a UOP clone and every 4 for Believers. 4/Factions Can declare war as they wish 5/ Ships are limited to 50 of any type. Spartans are allowed 75 6/ Battles can be lost. No invincible players 7/ All members of Roleplaying are members of the Council 8/ No faction can be vanquished unless it wants so. 9/ All combat for Factions in one folder. 10/All folders to be marked RP 11/ No secret projects. All previous secret projects are to be revoked. 12/ No transcendence 13/Factions may do as they like with regard to civil wars/ rebellions. 14/ No escalating arguements such as 'I have cloaked Ships' 'I can see them with my Tech' 'My tech is better than yours' 'How do you know?' 15/ No time machines THESE ARE THE POINTS THAT CAME OUT THE REFORMATION.THESE POINTS WON BY MAJORITY VOTE. ANY MORE AMMENDMENTS/PROPOSALS WILL BE EXAMINED BY THE COUNCIL.
Proposal 16/ Players are not allowed to travel beyond the Galaxy Proposal 17/ no emoticons to be used in council threads.
JT 3
posted 06-04-99 08:37 PM ET
Proposal 18: # of ships be increased to 500 for regulars and 750 for Spartans. Single fleets are bigger than the rules now, let alone the entire space navy of a Faction, so this will just keep all the OOC "The rules say blah blah blah.....!" fighting out.I vote YEA. |
posted 06-05-99 12:37 AM ET
Proposal 19: Participation in council threads to be mandatory.For #18: YEA For #19: YEA |
God Emperor Eccles V
posted 06-05-99 03:01 PM ET
posted 06-05-99 07:04 PM ET
16: YEA 17: NAY, those are fun  18: YEA 19: YEAProposal 20> Aleins must follow the same rules as humans. 20: YEA |
posted 06-05-99 11:27 PM ET
Apology.16: Yea 17: Yea 20: Abstain (Until I find out what Galen means by "aliens".) |
posted 06-06-99 03:06 AM ET
16: YEA 17: Abstain (What does that say, emotions?) 18: YEA 19: YEA 20: YEA |
Major Bloodnok
posted 06-06-99 06:49 AM ET
Emoticons, such as  I vote YEA to them all. |
posted 06-06-99 07:12 AM ET
16: Yea 17: Yea 18: Yea 19: Yea 20: Abstain (what do u mean by rules everyone already adheads to the rules) |
posted 06-06-99 11:38 AM ET
Galen: If you mean "NPCs" when you say "aliens", then I support #20. However, if you mean non-human factions, then I'd say that #20 is pointless.Spider |
President Korian
posted 06-06-99 08:13 PM ET
YEA on all. |
posted 06-07-99 01:00 AM ET
NPCs, of course Non-human players follow the rules anyway |
posted 06-07-99 01:25 AM ET
Yea on all. |
posted 06-07-99 05:22 AM ET
Then I vote Yea on 17. |
Chancellor AoYoS
posted 06-07-99 08:40 AM ET
YEA on all.Amendment 22: The creation of NPC's are limited, one must die before another is created. This will solve the Achean/Shadow/Evil thing that we have going on. If this has already been proposed, forgive me. Havent had time to read the forum, fully. |
posted 06-07-99 02:11 PM ET
#20: YeaAoYoS: Make it #21, and then the proposal will work. |
JT 3
posted 06-07-99 02:16 PM ET
I vote NAY on 21/22. I think it would be cool to have the Evil, the Empire, and the Shadows all attacking us at once. Besides, wouldn't having just one enmy at a time be boring? I mean, even cheesy stuff like Star Trek has the Klingons and other enemies. |
posted 06-07-99 04:56 PM ET
Yea on #21 |
posted 06-07-99 07:59 PM ET
nay on 21 |
posted 06-08-99 04:48 AM ET
Nay on 21 |
posted 06-08-99 01:31 PM ET
#21: Nay. To AoYoS: When I said it would work, I meant it would be in sequence, not that I would support it.Spider |
posted 06-08-99 02:17 PM ET
Just for the record: the Shadows are part of the Evil, they are not seperate. |
posted 06-08-99 05:04 PM ET
21: nayJust for the record, the Evil is really big and broad and annoying. If I hear anymore Evil I might just go and side with it... A very disgruntled Galen |
Chancellor AoYoS
posted 06-08-99 05:26 PM ET
Resolution to Proposition 21:Keep all NPC Alien wars/conflicts in one thread so it doesnt clutter the board up. |
JT 3
posted 06-08-99 05:35 PM ET
NAY. I don't think it would be fun to have a thread where one post is "The Shadows have destroyed my fleet" and another is "The Acheans have risen against Eccles!". That's why we have seperate threads. So we can keep different subjects seperate. |
God Emperor Eccles V
posted 06-09-99 01:23 PM ET
The Acheans have risen against me? Hot damn! I better get that poison gas ready.... |
God Emperor Eccles V
posted 06-09-99 01:25 PM ET
Only Hypothetical? Only a joke?Hot damn! I better get the gas ready, just in case.... |
posted 06-10-99 03:59 PM ET
Proposal 22: No Star Wars, Star Trek or B5.22: YEA |
posted 06-10-99 04:50 PM ET
#22: Nay Proposal #23: Slow down proposal rate to "One at a time". #23: Yea |
Famous Eccles
posted 06-10-99 05:19 PM ET
22 YEA 23 YEA |
President Korian
posted 06-10-99 05:26 PM ET
22 NAY 23 NAY
Chancellor AoYoS
posted 06-10-99 09:49 PM ET
22: NAY 23: NAY |
posted 06-10-99 10:16 PM ET
YOU ARE AN IDIOT ECCLES! NO TRANCENDENCE??????????????? THAT IS THE MAIN PART OF MOST FACTIONS!!!!!!!!!!Traveling beond the galaxy MUST be allowed with Star wars. No Secret Projects is completely senceless. Other then the top three I vote Yea to all others. -High Senator Academician Prokhor Dehlan Guardians of Life
Famous Eccles
posted 06-11-99 01:38 PM ET
Sorry but the majority voted for these rules you little worm. If you want to change the rules suggest an ammendment, dont bitch and whine. Proposal 16 has passed. Proposal 17 has failed Proposal 18 has passed |
Famous Eccles
posted 06-11-99 01:41 PM ET
The contentious proposal 22 has so far 2 YEA 4 NAYBloodnok: votes YEA to 22 and 23.
posted 06-11-99 01:41 PM ET
First, Transcendance ban has been passed. These proposals have passed: 16 17  18 19 20So no traveling outside the galaxy. Therefore, we can't go into the Star Wars galaxy. |
posted 06-11-99 01:42 PM ET
Opps, listen to Eccles there, not me. |
Major Bloodnok
posted 06-11-99 01:44 PM ET
Arggh!!! the lasr post was meant to be mine!!!
Major Bloodnok
posted 06-11-99 01:44 PM ET
Arggh!!! the last post was meant to be mine!!!
posted 06-11-99 10:46 PM ET
I can, and will go between galaxys. AND I ALREADY AM A TRANCEND!Eccles, we made some rules long ago that said what trancends could and could not do. Long before you joined, we had fun making up storys. But if you don't like our fun, and our galaxys, and our trancendence, then you can quit. I don't have to quit, and you can't force me, because your rules are corrupt! May I quote "No faction may be vanquished unless it wants so.". Therefore, you can't get rid of me. And another thing is that you can't do anything to me for breaking your so called RULES!!! I hereby refuse to follow rules 12 and 16. -High Senator Academician Prokhor Dehlan Guardians of Life
Major Bloodnok
posted 06-12-99 05:44 AM ET
Sorry, my fault, I forgot to change that rule (and most people will back me up) you can be expelled if there is a unanimous vote for the factions removal. If you go beyond the galaxy, all threads involved should be ignored.**** your 'rules', your rules were declared obsolete when these were written. The transcendace one needs rephrasing. No faction is allowed to enter transcendance, except as a means of ending its existence or has already transcended.
Famous Eccles
posted 06-12-99 05:51 AM ET
I would as for your dismissal, but I want to win the arguement. These rules were created to help define the roleplaying, stopping a faction becoming too powerful, they were also a method through which we could create new stories , by common approval, and a way of people letting off their grievances. This is an attempt to stop events like the great March/April migrations from happening again. |
posted 06-12-99 11:55 AM ET
Well I propose an amendment.Proposal 21 (I think): You may travel to other planes AND The Star Wars Galaxy. In all respects, Star Wars came first. -High Senator Academician Prokhor Dehlan Guardians of Life |
posted 06-12-99 12:34 PM ET
Is this Council for just one particular RP or is it for every RP in this Forum? In which case whould I be a part of this? |
posted 06-12-99 02:53 PM ET
P34, it's just for one set of threads, so you don't need to worry.Spider |
posted 06-13-99 01:35 PM ET
Just out of curiousity, what threads whould those be? |
posted 06-14-99 02:11 AM ET
Just the main ones, like the on ealmost everyone is in with the Guardians, the AoP, the New Republic, the Alliance of Free Stars, the Empire, the Higher Plane etc. |
posted 06-14-99 01:20 PM ET
Dehlan, if you don't follow the rules you will be not considered. I put before this council the subject of the dismissal of the New Republic storyline, on the grounds of breaking rules 16 and 15. Going a long time ago to a galaxy far far away. Dehlan, we can have people who have done that transcendance thing, but no saying, I won, I'm planet, I kill you; whatever, get it? |
posted 06-15-99 05:24 PM ET
What harm does it do to travel to other galaxys!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! YOU ARE SETTING RULES THAT ARE MAKING RPING NO FUN! AND YOU ARE BREAKING YOUR OWN RULE BY SAYING THAT YOU WILL DISMISS THE NR! I QUOTE RULE NO 8 "NO FACTION CAN BE VANQUISHED UNLESS HE WISHES SO"!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! |
President Korian
posted 06-15-99 06:54 PM ET
I vote NEA to Amendment #24. (Dehlan's amendment.) I would also like to propose that we ignore Dehlan until he agrees to conform to the rules. He has broken rules 1, and 6, which are probably the 2 most important rules. I would also like to change my vote to Amendment #22 from NEA to YEA. I am also going to start RPing Council Number IV. |
posted 06-15-99 06:57 PM ET
Korian, you are just voting Nea to annoy me. And also, I'm not invincible, and don't quite understand the first rule. |
President Korian
posted 06-15-99 07:10 PM ET
Not to mention 12, 15, or 16. |
JT 3
posted 06-15-99 07:12 PM ET
It means you have limits. You can't be invincible. |
JT 3
posted 06-15-99 07:12 PM ET
Huh? How is he breaking 15? |
posted 06-15-99 10:15 PM ET
Where the hell do time machines come into this, Korian?Spider Defender of some (including Dehlan and freedom, among others) |
posted 06-15-99 11:40 PM ET
You can't go a long time ago without traveling through time. Also, I wish to apologize for my Godmoding on the Free Stars Tread with the surrender of the NR. That post was out of line and should be ignored. I vote NAY to 24. I also vote YEA to Korian's action against Dehlan. |
posted 06-16-99 11:43 AM ET
I apoligize also. Read my post in the Free Stars thread. |
God Emperor Eccles V
posted 06-16-99 02:28 PM ET
Well. If Dehlan abides by the rules he will not be ignored. I hope you accept my final warning. (the galaxy thing was to keep some scope and not let another faction become waaay too powerful by claiming to have an entire galaxy)
posted 06-16-99 08:10 PM ET
I don't want to control the entire galaxy! Only it's New Republic group. All I really want from it is a few extra tech, charecters, groups, and plot twists.Here is a comprimise rule: No controlling entire galaxys. You may travel between them, but you may NOT control any more then one group from that galaxy. |
posted 06-17-99 12:42 AM ET
Sounds reasonable....Spider My empires have faded; my power is weak; yet still I live.... |
posted 06-17-99 08:50 AM ET
Thats ok! Ammendment: We can travel to other Galaxies, as a means of expanding the plot but we cannot conquer territory, or have colonies there. |
posted 06-17-99 01:46 PM ET
I agree with the amendment IF territories can be conquered. Right now I am in an alliance of conveinince with the Empire, I think that the Empire should be able to attack and take over NR places, like Calmari (okay, it's dead now, but...) |
posted 06-17-99 05:08 PM ET
Territories can only be conquered by groups originally from the galaxy in which the conquest occurs. Tanj! Now I'm starting to talk like Mu!Spider Is everyone thoroughly confused yet? |
posted 06-17-99 05:22 PM ET
Yes Spider, i'm confused. But why not from here??? |
posted 06-18-99 04:59 PM ET
Essentially, we can conquer territories in our galaxy, but not in some other galaxy. However, NPC races in some other galaxy can conquer territories in their galaxy, but not in ours. For those who like warfare, there's a "Vietnam"-class loophole (I'll let you figure it out).Spider We sent in "military advisors".... |