Topic: RP: AoP Council
Galen |
posted 05-28-99 06:37 PM ET
I call this meeting of the AoP Council to order. This is to propose anything besides admissions. I have several things I wish to propose: 1. No AoP member may belong to any orginization not endorsed by the AoP as a whole, whereas the Alliance of Free Stars would be okay, the New Republic would have to be voted on. 2. Establishment of a formal AoP charter.3. Seeing the large number of new members, I would like to hold another round of elections, to 5 seats, instead. Each person votes for 2, and can vote for themselves. The seats would be President, Economic, Political, Military, Interoir. President would be a Supreme commander, but would have to defer to the judgements and veto of the specialists. Economic, is economy, Political deals with other, non-AoP groups and AoP procedure and rules. Military is military, and Interoir deals with inter-AoP relationships. All of these will be voted on, including the elections, if seconded. Director Galen AqKnow AoP
posted 05-28-99 07:24 PM ET
May I ask something about the first rule? It states (I think) that if you are a member of the AoP, you can't be anything else but a Free Star, or (possibly) a New Republican? That would force JT to leave The Guardians! If this is one of your rules (and I got it right) I will have the Senate take action!-High Commander Acidimician Prokhor Dehlan Guardians of the Spirits |
JT 3
posted 05-28-99 07:33 PM ET
Would it now? e would have to vote on all alliances. |
JT 3
posted 05-28-99 07:34 PM ET
Oh, yeah, forgot to mention, if the AOP votes to do that, I don't think it would be in our best intentions, as I kind of act as a diplomat for both sides. If they say no Guardians, what's to prevent all-out war if tensions get too high? |
God Emperor Eccles V
posted 05-28-99 07:51 PM ET
Help me against Dehlan, he has gone barmy. Just a few words would get him out of his tantrums. I think that Interior and political should be merged, and that we share research information under the auspices of a Research President. (We would all have the same tech but 5x faster!). |
God Emperor Eccles V
posted 05-28-99 07:51 PM ET
Help me against Dehlan, he has gone barmy. Just a few words would get him out of his tantrums. I think that Interior and political should be merged, and that we share research information under the auspices of a Research President. (We would all have the same tech but 5x faster!). |
posted 05-28-99 11:02 PM ET
Eccles, you are nothing but a crazed madman! I hope that you don't care about your family, I just blew the enire planet that they were liveing on, to pieces! Surrender now Eccles, or else next time I will target a more, uh, how should I say it, political planet...-High Commander Acidimician Prokhor Dehlan Guardians of the Spirits |
JT 3
posted 05-29-99 01:01 PM ET
We need to set up some sort of hierarchy. I was reminded of this when AoYoS stepped in for me during the test. We should vote on it.Note: It wouldn't be exactly wise to put the position you are in now as Vice-Supreme, as it seems that we will be having a revote soon. I vote: 1.Military 2.Internal 3.Political 4.Economical |
God Emperor Eccles V
posted 05-30-99 10:16 AM ET
Dehlan you have delusions almost as bad as mine. I have no family. Friends the Venus project is ready, I propose we start colonising in haste! |
JT 3
posted 05-30-99 10:48 AM ET
I agree. I will send down colonists at once. |
posted 05-30-99 04:03 PM ET
I am declaring war on Dehlan! I am moving for a declaration of hostilites between the AoP and Dehlan.Director Galen AqKnow AoP |
JT 3
posted 05-30-99 04:40 PM ET
Um......... why?I vote NEA. |
God Emperor Eccles V
posted 05-30-99 05:01 PM ET
Ok Galen, I will give you as much help as you want. Thanks for making me not alone. Do you want me to send the EHS Mistral Sea (megacarrier) to you as a liason, and show of good faith? Unless of course Dehlan backs down, which we sincerly hope
God Emperor Eccles V
posted 05-30-99 05:02 PM ET
Obviously since I am at war anyway, I vote Yea. Do we still hold our old positions whilst the elections take place? |
JT 3
posted 05-30-99 05:08 PM ET
I don't think we'll hold the elections until there is some peace. |
JT 3
posted 05-30-99 05:09 PM ET
I encourage you to vote NEA. I don't think anyone would want a war between the AOP and the Guardians. That is what will happen if the measure gets passed. |
posted 05-30-99 10:17 PM ET
How would this provoke war with the Guardians? The AoP is only fighting Dehlan, who has started attacks on AoP members, so we are responding, and the Guardians cannot involve themselves reasonably. We are sending the TSK Prometheus to meet with your carreir, and coordinate battle plans. You are a superoir tactician, and we will defer in part to your judgement. The 5th, 4th, 3rd and 2nd fleets will be assisting. Let us win or get Dehlan is step down. Oh yes, of course, I vote YEADirector Galen AqKnow AoP |
Major Bloodnok
posted 06-02-99 06:42 PM ET
May I join, Eccles will vouch for me. I own Callisto (I stole it!) I own three heavy Achean Colonies and several artifical planets. |
posted 06-02-99 07:02 PM ET
May I say that you astound me with your wars Eccles. You always backstab me. Well no longer! I hereby issue a state of total war on Eccles and Galen!-High Senator Acidimician Prokhor Dehlan Guardians of Life |
Famous Eccles
posted 06-03-99 02:02 PM ET
Hey, these posts were before the peace accord Dehlan, calm down. I do not want war, unless Galen and Bloodnok want to back me up. |
Famous Eccles
posted 06-03-99 02:15 PM ET
Hey, these posts were before the peace accord Dehlan, calm down. I do not want war, unless Galen and Bloodnok want to back me up. |
posted 06-03-99 06:34 PM ET
Galen and Eccles u step down both of u or i will join Dehlan. I may not have much but try and invade Athenian Revolution space, and my Star System defenses shall well lets say make u not as strong as when u chose to enter my space!!! |
posted 06-03-99 07:11 PM ET
Sign a total ceace fire. If you ever declare war on me again, then we will not stop fighting, deal?-High Senator Academician Prokhor Dehlan Guardians of Life |
posted 06-03-99 07:22 PM ET
Who me or them? |
God Emperor Eccles V
posted 06-04-99 02:58 PM ET
Galen do you agree to a cease of arms? I vote YEA to Bloodnoks entry. |
posted 06-05-99 01:34 AM ET
Yes, if you do. |
JT 3
posted 06-05-99 10:59 AM ET
I am sending all AOP ships to help Ronin in the war(read "The Evil is going to strike soon...."). I am also putting up vote to decide whether or not all AOP Factions will help in the war.I vote YEA. |
posted 06-05-99 03:56 PM ET
Well, as AoYoS is not here, he is the Military commander, and he commits forces, I suppose that your action is okay. I vote YEA, if we know who this is. I demand knowledge of this, or else I go NAY.I also think we should temporarily put Eccles in charge of the Military. I vote YEA |
Famous Eccles
posted 06-05-99 05:21 PM ET
That would be nice. I think, Galen, that a ceasefire with Dehlan would be good. We must have as few enemies as possible. I vote YEA to helping Ronin. Could the rest of you vote about Bloodnok, and can we get the AOP elections done?
Jack Boots
posted 06-05-99 05:27 PM ET
Hello all you funky people. Can I join the AOP? The Mikotaj Empire is small, but has a worthy military and faithful workers.
JT 3
posted 06-05-99 06:43 PM ET
I vote YEA to Jack's entry.Eccles: I think maybe we should hold the elections until this is over. |
Jack Boots
posted 06-05-99 07:23 PM ET
YEA to Jack boots.
posted 06-05-99 07:36 PM ET
I vote YEA to both of them. We should hold the elections now, when else? I will start a new folder so we don't get messed up with it.Director Galen AqKnow AoP |
posted 06-06-99 02:54 AM ET
I vote YEA to both. The Amethyst Confederation's troops are ready and waiting. |
Major Bloodnok
posted 06-06-99 11:27 AM ET
Kajir, Eccles, JT3 and Galen voted for me. is that enough? |
Jack Boots
posted 06-06-99 11:30 AM ET
Eccles, vote for me! You counted me in the election, but have not approved me. WHY?Galen, Kajir, JT3 have voted for me. can Bloodnok vote for me also. (i.e is he a member yet). Jack Boots Wisconsin
President Korian
posted 06-06-99 08:14 PM ET
I would like to join. |
JT 3
posted 06-06-99 10:02 PM ET
I vote YEA for Korian.You must have at least five YEA votes to get in. |
Chancellor AoYoS
posted 06-06-99 11:08 PM ET
Well, it seems that we all are beginning to be peaceful again arent we? Since I have been gone I wish to tell you that I veto the elections since I was not here to participate.OOC: The Republic thing is gone after thinking about it. Id rather stay with my friends. |
JT 3
posted 06-06-99 11:18 PM ET
And since you somehow have magically assumed power and given positions back, I am S Commander. I VETO your VETO and order the elections to continue. |
Chancellor AoYoS
posted 06-06-99 11:20 PM ET
Truly not fair JT 3, I at least call for new elections then. |
JT 3
posted 06-06-99 11:25 PM ET
How is it not fair? Who said you can't vote or that we can't change ours? |
posted 06-07-99 01:28 AM ET
I vote NAY to Korian. I would VETO this if JT wouldn't overturn it. I would like to introduce a new Resolution: SC cannot VETO a valid VETO from an office holder, like Political VETOes on alliances, if valid, cannot be overturned, just put back to a vote. Same for any other VETO, and the SC VETO can be overturned by a 2/3rd majority. |
JT 3
posted 06-07-99 10:53 AM ET
I am confused. If the SC put it back into vote, whoever VETOed it would just VETO it again. It would be an endless cycle. An add-on to that resolution:If the SC puts it into a re-vote, the same officer cannot VETO it again. I vote YEA with my resolution. |
Chancellor AoYoS
posted 06-07-99 01:08 PM ET
YEA on Korian. |
JT 3
posted 06-07-99 01:11 PM ET
Oh, and actually Galen, you wouldn't VETO it, since noone has any position. |
Major Bloodnok
posted 06-07-99 01:13 PM ET
Will one more member please vote for me!!!!! |
Chancellor AoYoS
posted 06-07-99 01:16 PM ET
Who are you? |
JT 3
posted 06-07-99 01:21 PM ET
I think it's Eccles with a different name, but he won't admit that. He says they're roommates or something. |
JT 3
posted 06-07-99 08:41 PM ET
Datalink has requested to join the AOP. I vote YEA. |
posted 06-07-99 09:00 PM ET
Thank you JT.I am here to post an official request to all member. I wish to join your allience, and I believe that I can offer much in the technological support area. I am very advanced in the biological field, as is spider. I can lend, because of this, another anvenue to combating The Evil and other enimies. If you have any questions, send me a message and I will reply with all possible speed. Thank you for your time, Chief Optomizer Datalink |
posted 06-07-99 09:02 PM ET
the line should read "as is the entity Spider". Thanks.Chief Optomizer Datalink |
posted 06-08-99 05:20 AM ET
I vote YEA for datalink's entry into the AoP |
Major Bloodnok
posted 06-08-99 01:54 PM ET
I am not Eccles! What can I do to prove it to you? My name is James Perrot Eccle's real name is David |
God Emperor Eccles V
posted 06-08-99 01:58 PM ET
How did you know that Xix and AoYoSS were not the same person? I think it was those two who were roommates. Bloodnok is only staying for a month or so. James is only on a visit. |
JT 3
posted 06-08-99 02:02 PM ET
Why the heck would you name yourself "Major Bloodnock" if you weren't Eccles? |
Chancellor AoYoS
posted 06-08-99 02:48 PM ET
I gave them all both of our social security numbers. |
JT 3
posted 06-08-99 02:58 PM ET
You gave all who your SS #'s? |
God Emperor Eccles V
posted 06-08-99 04:26 PM ET
What are you talking about? Bloodnok and Eccles? If you meant the Goon Show Reference, James thought it would be funny to have a Bloodnok, as I am the Eccles. |
God Emperor Eccles V
posted 06-08-99 04:27 PM ET
I aint giving my British Social Security no. Any git could claim my sick pay, or unemployment cash. I might give the reference on my drivers licence... |
posted 06-08-99 05:10 PM ET
I vote YEA for Datalink's entry.Marshall Xix voted AoYoS again, that got you SC JT. JT could be Korian in reality for all I know. |
posted 06-08-99 05:17 PM ET
In light of JT's going to assist Ronin, I will assume Supreme Commandership, and Eccles will be holding the military office in AoYoS's leave. When they return they will resume their normal activities. Also, as Marshall Xix has resigned only 4 votes are needed to get into the AoP, so Bloodnok is in. Jack Boots, if Bloodnok votes in favor of you you are in.Director Galen AqKnow AoP |
Chancellor AoYoS
posted 06-08-99 05:20 PM ET
I am leaving the Union of Socialist Aliens in the hands of Galen until I get back. The Council we listen to Galen as they would me. |
JT 3
posted 06-08-99 05:26 PM ET
Okay, I guess that's right. I am leaving Admiral Kown in my place(I am not reregistering). He has the same rights as I do, so if he sees war as the only option, he will declare it. He will not, however, assume control of the AOP. Galen will do that. He will vote in any matters, though. |
JT 3
posted 06-08-99 05:29 PM ET
Is Korian in? I lost the votes a while ago. |
posted 06-08-99 05:42 PM ET
No, Korian is not. He got several votes, but not 5. If he got 4, he needs another, but I think he only got 3. AoYoS, I am honored by your trust in me. The Empire will not take us.Director Galen AqKnow AoP |
JT 3
posted 06-08-99 05:46 PM ET
Okay, one more time for Korian's entry:I vote YEA. |
Chancellor AoYoS
posted 06-08-99 06:14 PM ET
YEA on Korian |
posted 06-08-99 08:16 PM ET
NAY And I vote NAY for AoYoS (j/k) |
God Emperor Eccles V
posted 06-09-99 01:28 PM ET
YEA on Korian, If he joins we will have all the great factions co-operating. Also, since all the members of the AOP own a share in the Venus Project, lets turn Venus into our Headquarters. Venus is verdant, and ready for colonisation. |
God Emperor Eccles V
posted 06-09-99 01:31 PM ET
I vote YEA for Jack Eccles is telling me to vote Yea for Korian, but I want to irk him. I ABSTAIN on Korians entry. JBoots How about a trade pact? you scratch my back, I scratch yours. Lets have a charter written up. |
JT 3
posted 06-09-99 10:26 PM ET
The Alpha Sol system is our HQ. |
posted 06-09-99 10:31 PM ET
The newly terraformed venus should be our hq due to its nature mainly because its new. Or one we should probaly build a planet sized space station (someone had the idea before forgot who though) or at least a moon sized station. |
JT 3
posted 06-09-99 10:45 PM ET
AAAAUUUGGGGHHHHH!! Someone who actually REMEMBERS, back me up! We colonized Alpha Sol a while ago! As the AOP! It is an AOP planet! No single Faction owns it! It is our capital! |
Chancellor AoYoS
posted 06-10-99 10:29 AM ET
Yes, JT 3 is right. The core members of the AoP colonized this world in the name of the AoP and belongs to no faction.I will not move the capitol to Venus, and if it is voted to be moved to Venus, expect me to withdraw from the AoP and pursue other alliances. |
JT 3
posted 06-10-99 12:12 PM ET
Ummmm.... don't you think that's a little drastic for the movement of a capital? |
Famous Eccles
posted 06-10-99 01:17 PM ET
It was my idea for the artifical planet, but I decided it was very costly, imagine you would need to rip the entire crust off of mars just to get the hull done. I think Alpha Sol will be ok, but I prefer Venus. Venus can just be a backward research colony. |
posted 06-10-99 04:59 PM ET
Actually, Alpha Sol already has our HQ.Okay, let's put this to a vote. I vote NAY, and as Interoir, VETO the move to Venus. Since someone sides with me (JT and AoYoS), the VETO stands. And becuase JT doesn't want a revote, it stays at Alpha Sol. Vote is closed. Director Galen AqKnow AoP |
posted 06-10-99 05:19 PM ET
Well, why not? I/We'll request membership in the AoP.Spider |
Chancellor AoYoS
posted 06-10-99 09:53 PM ET
Remeber that wouldnt be a centralized outpost and other forces could attack us easily on Venus. |
posted 06-11-99 01:59 PM ET
As Interoir I am placing tariffs on any NR goods, and am directing all research into weaponry, none of which may be shared with the NR. If any Faction objects the reasearch will be withheld from them. Furthermore, no NR ships may travel between factions, or ships alainged with the New Republic. Any ships in cooperation with the New Republic may not go into AoP space or the Alpha Sol System. Any ship alianged with the New Republic or a constituent faction will be forced to stay in their space unless authorized by me. As temporary Supreme Commander I am passing this. AoYoS, back me up with the military here.Galen AqKnow AoP |
Chancellor AoYoS
posted 06-11-99 02:53 PM ET
Resolution OKied. |
Famous Eccles
posted 06-11-99 04:00 PM ET
Economic is the one who places tariffs. But I agree anyway to it. |
posted 06-11-99 06:58 PM ET
You're right about the tariffs Eccles. This has the backing of the Interoir, Economic, Miltary and Supreme Commanders.As Interoir I wish to announce a startling new technology found in our collaboration, the Malar Amplifier. The Malar Amplifeir functions by drawing from the raw mass of a nearby star system through a dimensional slip, which we have set aside for this, and converting it into energy. It uses almost no energy on our side, which is later produced by it, and only uses the sunlight on that side. Ths Malar Amp has the power to obliterate a city in a 2 man device. Consequently, this genorator is being employed on all starships of AoP and Free Star use, however, noone allied with the NR may look at them, for alliance security. The resulting weapons are stronger than any used before. I wish to remind everyone of the vital importance of not revealing this to non-AoP memebers. (OOC: I may not get on in the next few days, AoYoS can use my VETO if I'm not here) Galen |