posted 05-27-99 06:31 PM ET If anyone is complaining about the new laws and all this Old Repblic stuff, I can send you a copy of the Constitution by e-mail if you wish. But note: I can't quite say when you will get it. I need to put it all down in a text document.
-High Commander Acidimician Prokhor Dehlan Guardians of the Spirits
JT 3
posted 05-27-99 08:09 PM ET
OOC: Dehlan, you, of all people, should remember that there can't be an old republic. Why? Because the RPing started back on Planet for the fight for survival there. There was no start system claiming, just a planet.
It would be cool if it could have been, though.
posted 05-27-99 08:18 PM ET
Actually, The Old Republic was an idea of mine when we were about to destroy the Hive. Now it is coming to true life! Join!
-High Commander Acidimician Prokhor Dehlan Guardians of the Spirits
JT 3
posted 05-27-99 08:31 PM ET
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