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  Fall of US continued

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Author Topic:   Fall of US continued
JT 3 posted 05-24-99 05:29 PM ET   Click Here to See the Profile for JT 3   Click Here to Email JT 3  
140 posts is way too long.
Chancellor AoYoS posted 05-24-99 05:45 PM ET     Click Here to See the Profile for Chancellor AoYoS  Click Here to Email Chancellor AoYoS     
In light of the anthrax that has hit the eastside of Richmond and killed more than 100,000 of it inhabitants a salo of 30 nuclear missiles have been moved to their launch pads. We have dropped one nuclear bomb on a CUA military installation, thoroughly destroying it and anything within the radius of 50 miles.
icosahedron posted 05-24-99 06:01 PM ET     Click Here to See the Profile for icosahedron    
Holy sheep dip, Batman! All hell's breaking loose.

Like, we are mobilizing our defenses pronto. Just in case someone is foolish enough to test us.


Iowa Free State

Chancellor AoYoS posted 05-24-99 06:03 PM ET     Click Here to See the Profile for Chancellor AoYoS  Click Here to Email Chancellor AoYoS     
We guareentee your safety, at least from CSA forces. We are still on peaceful ground with you guys.

Furthermore, if the CUA attacks you I will come to your aid.

Picker posted 05-24-99 06:16 PM ET     Click Here to See the Profile for Picker  Click Here to Email Picker     
OOC: I'd just like to point out that fusion, cold or heat, is a clean reaction. It produces no radioactive material, because the byproduct of fusion is helium. A fusion reaction is the process of combining two hydorgen atoms to make one helium atom.

IC: President Korian as it seems war is inevitable we are willing ot extend the services of half of our army to further your cause.
Our first fusion reactor is up and running. The power supplied by this reactor can keep the magnetic fields stable quite easily(it does not have power fluctuations).
JT3, Korian, and Al Gore, we are willing to help you set your first fusion reactor, supplying the energy from ours. After that you will be able to build your own.

President Korian posted 05-24-99 06:48 PM ET     Click Here to See the Profile for President Korian  Click Here to Email President Korian     
We are forced to declare war on the CSA, however we do not wish to engage in the nuclear/biological aspect of the war. Our forces are only moving into West Virgina and Kentucky, as it has been determined that a majority of people in those states do not wish to belong to the CSA. We do not wish for war with the TF, APP, or NC.
I think that the best solution for these two areas would be to hold a referendum on whether they wanted to a) be a part of the CSA, b)(only in the case of West Virginia) be a part of the CUA, c) (only in the case of Kentucky,) be a part of the GLF, or d) to become an independent, neutral nation.
OOC: I'm not sure how this would be done. I am open to suggestions.

VE: Thank you very much for the troops and the fusion technology. We are now transfering our data on laser-powered weapons to you.
IFS: You may have as many tanks as you want, but if you only want 20 for now that's fine. Also, I think delaying the Conference would be the WORST thing we could do. We should hold it to get this conflict resolved.
My forces have crossed into Kentucky and made relatively large advances, with moderate losses. In West Virginia, we have been able to reinforce the CUA and even make small gains, although in some areas with up to 80% losses. The new tank protytpe has done extremely well in combat.

Picker posted 05-24-99 07:08 PM ET     Click Here to See the Profile for Picker  Click Here to Email Picker     
I would like to propose that we all sign a treaty banning the use of chemical, biological, and nuclear weapons. These weapons cause harm to the planet, and to innocent people.
Chancellor AoYoS posted 05-24-99 07:11 PM ET     Click Here to See the Profile for Chancellor AoYoS  Click Here to Email Chancellor AoYoS     
I expect my allies to declare war on Korian.

I have dispatched over half of my military to Kentucky. They have engaged the GLF and have driven them back into GLF territory. For now, I will not send nuclear missiles at GLF targets, as you have not used any such weapons against me. Our new prototyped hovercraft easily smashed through armored columns.

In West Virginia, we have been pushed back to the southern part. We are awaiting reinforcements from the CSA and the APP. Meanwhile the Confederate fleet has succesfully blockaded all CUA ports and continues naval bombardment. The nuclear missiles are in place are are being given the launch codes now. I have bombed the city of Annapolis with a hydorgen bomb. Over half of the city was incinerated in the blast.

Korian, we are willing to use the referendum on the West Virginia matter. Kentucky will remain a part of the CSA, at all costs!

I encourage that West Virginia become a seperate neutral nation, to act as a buffer zone between the CSA and CUA.

Chancellor AoYoS posted 05-24-99 07:13 PM ET     Click Here to See the Profile for Chancellor AoYoS  Click Here to Email Chancellor AoYoS     
I will sign the chemical and biological part, but the nuclear weapons part will not be signed until after this war. I am beginning to use fusion bombs also.
Al Gore Rythm posted 05-24-99 07:45 PM ET     Click Here to See the Profile for Al Gore Rythm    

The People declare a formal state of war in the CSA-CUA territorial dispute over West Virginia. Our forces have been mobilized for quite some time and we have dispatched the following to the area:

25,000 Hyperion-armored well-trained soldiers equipped with an array of weapons.
12 Squadrons of modified APP MiGs (Equipped with lasers)
1,000 Blitzreig Assault Buggies equipped with dual vulcan cannons as well as a single rocket launcher for Anti-Tank and SAM purposes.
500 Bradley II APCs with single anti-tank cannon.

If any more soldiers are required we shall dispatch more.

The APP will NOT invade the GLF or CUA beyond West Virginia. We view this as a territorial dispute and nothing more.

The APP will NOT participate in biological, chemical or nuclear warfare. If ANY nation fires such weapons at the APP we shall declare a state of total war and shall not cease until one or the other has been exterminated.

The APP has moved the Universe Engine's location to a site deep under the ocean floor.

The People have sent an enormous force of Engineers to refit The Pax. The Pax will, from now on, be known as The Mars. It is equipped with surveillance and SDI equipment. With such equipment if any nation is even planning to launch a nuclear, chemical or biolgoical weapon at us, we will know and will follow the above decleraation about such forms of war.

The People agree with President Korian on the motion to continue with the conference in Twin Cities. The People want nothing more than to see a speedy end to this conflict.


On non-war related topics, the APP would like to announce that it has begun study into the disintergrated Human Genome project. We believe learning about the roots of humankind will have many useful and interesting ramifications on the everyday life of APP citizens.

We shall still send our specialists to aid Vosperia in creating a fusion reactor.

We have also begun formal space mining projects.

JT 3 posted 05-24-99 08:17 PM ET     Click Here to See the Profile for JT 3  Click Here to Email JT 3     
OOC: AoYoS, I said in the last thread that the anthrax missle headed for Richmond was destroyed. I say we pretend that the chemical/nuclear part of this war never happened.

IC: The TF has declared that it will only fight the GLF in West VA and in TF territory.

IFS: Thank you for the fusion/laser trade. I will sedn info on the laser at once. We are already constructing our first fusion reactor in Houston.

On the battlefront, we have sent our first Laser Hovertanks with HH Armor to the battle. They have performed well. We have also begun using Conventional ICBMs on the CUA. These are loaded with thousands of pounds of C4. They have decimated military coumpounds in Maryland.

In other areas, Marine divisions have begun storming Baltimore, covered by sea fire, fighters, bombers, and Apaches. We are also launching cruise missles from subs onto main military installations.

I have released an official statement that the TF will not use any of its nuclear weapons unless mass destruction weapons are used on us first. Furthermore, we do not even possess chemical or biological weapons, as we have a firm belief that they are too cruel to be used.

President Korian posted 05-24-99 08:57 PM ET     Click Here to See the Profile for President Korian  Click Here to Email President Korian     
We have withdrawn all offensive forces from West Virginia and launched a full scale offensive at Kentucky. Due to our retreat, designed to lull the CSA into a false sense of security, we have conquered practically the whole state of Kentucky, although CSA guerillas continue to harass our supply lines. We are once again calling up GLF reserves and as of right now there are about 1 million troops protecting Kentucky and 500,000 protecting West Virginia. Due to the war our space station is being postponed for an indefinite period of time.
OOC: Okay, the IFS and I get hovertanks and now everyone has them? In less than a day? Yeah, right. Also, AOYoS, we use hovertanks, (which IMO you should not,) so your statement "Our new prototyped hovercraft easily smashed through armored columns," needs to be revised. This brings me to another important point, sci. is totally crazy. The HH armor, supercomputers, lasers and hovertanks are getting out of hand. Also, I propose a halt in the war until a sensible combat system is worked out, otherwise it'll turn into: "poster x: I just conquered terr. x.
poster y: I just reconquered terr. x.
poster x: I just reconquered terr. x.," etc.
Al Gore Rythm posted 05-24-99 09:09 PM ET     Click Here to See the Profile for Al Gore Rythm    

We have moved rather slowly through the technogical field, the Hyperion system being the APP's only unique discovery. Supercomputers already exist, it is just their utility which the APP is making unique.

For combat, shaping up a system would be complex. Obviously we'd hope people could keep things realisitic like most everything in RPing, but if not than I see nothing short of creating statistics for individual units and then having to classifying them and their number before each atttack. Which is reasonable, just time consuming.

JT 3 posted 05-24-99 09:16 PM ET     Click Here to See the Profile for JT 3  Click Here to Email JT 3     
I'll agree to an OOC postponement.
Chancellor AoYoS posted 05-24-99 09:37 PM ET     Click Here to See the Profile for Chancellor AoYoS  Click Here to Email Chancellor AoYoS     
We have launched a major attack to free Kentcuky of the vile-GLF forces that control it. The GLF armies are hardpushed on many fronts and we have retaken 50% of what was lost in the previous attack.

We have a proposal for you Korian. We divide Kentucky into 3 parts. The norther part, that wishes to join the GLF we come under your control. The southern region, which is loyal to the CSA will stay under our control. The third zone, will be a demilitarized neutral country that has its own government. This proposal can be used with West Virginia also. If this proposal is declined expect the liberation force to move in very quickly. As of now we have "drawn a line in the mountains" where we will not attack the GLF forces unless they cross it, in both Kentucky and West Virginia. We will wait for your reply Korian.

Chancellor AoYoS posted 05-24-99 09:39 PM ET     Click Here to See the Profile for Chancellor AoYoS  Click Here to Email Chancellor AoYoS     
The force that will be defending the southern state of Kentucky will consist of 3 million men. The southern state of West Virginia's defensive force will consist of 1 million men.

As I said before we will wait for Korian's reply, but if it is refused expect the reserves of over 4 million troops be called in to liberate Kentucky.

Chancellor AoYoS posted 05-24-99 09:44 PM ET     Click Here to See the Profile for Chancellor AoYoS  Click Here to Email Chancellor AoYoS     
Non-war news:

We have expanded farther into Mexico and now virtually control the whole of Mexico. We are moving the Mexican Liberation Army back to Kentucky to further discourage any other attacks.

War news: We are positioning our forces on the APP/GLF border so that if the proposal is not met that we invade their homeland, in Michigan. We have encouraged Missouri rebels to revolt against the GLF. They have succeeded in taking control of the lower part of the state and are asking to join either the CSA or the TF.

Chancellor AoYoS posted 05-24-99 09:46 PM ET     Click Here to See the Profile for Chancellor AoYoS  Click Here to Email Chancellor AoYoS     
OOC PROPOSAL: We go back to the territories and states of being before this brokeout and I will give up claims to West Virginia, until we can work out some kind of technical battle plan that will work.
Counsel Karok posted 05-24-99 10:22 PM ET     Click Here to See the Profile for Counsel Karok    
IC: I refuse to sign, we habe more Bio and chem weapons, and all this would do is let the CSA nuke us to death. We are launching weapons at the APP and CUA, we will NOT be destroyed! We will NOT
OOC: Well, you can look at what I did on the first, but I agree with you AoYoS, let's go back from before, this is out of hand, without a system to determine. Or else I just WMD the hell out of everyone.
Picker posted 05-24-99 10:32 PM ET     Click Here to See the Profile for Picker  Click Here to Email Picker     
OOC: I think there should be 4 important things to deciding the outcome of a battle, the size of the two forces, the attack and defense capabilities, the terrain that you are on, and the strategic ability of the commander. I think before we go any further we should make some sort of outline as to population that everyone has, the growth level(say 1 person per 5 people per year), the size of the armies we all have(perhaps based on the population and the size of your country), and the strengths of various weapons as well as the defense of various armor. Combat could be attended to in this way, [(Attack value(of the weapons) * Armor value * number of troops * Strategy level of commander) + random number(1-1000)] - [{Defense value of armor * Attack power of weapon * Strategic level of commander * number of troops)] + rand(1 - 1000). This can be done until one side or the other decides to retreat or is wiped out. A positive number would reduce the defending side, a negative number would reduce the attacking side.

IC: My scientists are presently working on a way to bend light using all the data we have gathered on magnetic fields.

Picker posted 05-24-99 10:36 PM ET     Click Here to See the Profile for Picker  Click Here to Email Picker     
OOC: doh! to my above post add * the attack bonus of the terrain to the attacking side and * the defense bounus of the terrain to the defending side.
Al Gore Rythm posted 05-24-99 10:43 PM ET     Click Here to See the Profile for Al Gore Rythm    


Chancellor, in all due honesty a 4 million-man army in a nation composed of a fraction of the USA is, well, silly. The PRC (China) has only a million man army and it is the largest, and most powerful, in the world. 4 million men in the military is an enormous amount, especially when these are just raw soldiers. So either you've developed cloning or your nation is oriented to military more than the Spartans.


Karok, please, you're going to destroy the majority of the world over West Virginia?
Not only is that implausable, considering you never even announced the CUA, a fanatacal state no less, had developed weapons of incredible power but it's also extremly stupid.

If you want every nation in the former US on your butt (Korian was the one to sponsor this no-nuclear thing in the first place, I doubt he'll stand by such a ludicrous use of the weapons,) so be it. Even if alone, the APP will hunt you and your people down and exterminate them.


Especially considering the highly reidiculous claims made by the CUA and the huge armies mustered by the CSA, I agree that we need to oragnize this better. It may be more tedious, but maybe we should start having to declare our overall military might with every few posts. Having never heard of this omnipotent weapon of the CUA's, nor never knowing the CSA had 4 million+ soldiers definetely changed the shape of things.

Chancellor AoYoS posted 05-24-99 10:48 PM ET     Click Here to See the Profile for Chancellor AoYoS  Click Here to Email Chancellor AoYoS     
OOC: You forget that this is in the 21st century when overpopulation is high. Estimates conclude that in the real 21st century, the United States will contain over 2 billion people, (This is by 2050). I have read estimates on this many places, but agree that this army is a bit overwhelming. I change it to around 2 million that sound good?

So does this mean everything has gone back to normal before this happened? I agree with Karok, we should choose since we both started it. It seems that we both want to fix this situation also.

Al Gore Rythm posted 05-24-99 10:49 PM ET     Click Here to See the Profile for Al Gore Rythm    


I think that's a bit too complicated for RPing.

I'd rather propose that we all maintain information on our current forces. You don't have to announce every manuever and gathering, but keep a record. And, of course, keep it realistic.

When war ensues, everybody announces what they have and, from there, more realistic conclusions can be made. Instead of the "I conquered this stuff and you lost. Ha ha."



We have prepped The Mars to shoot down all incoming missles. Give us your best shot.

Chancellor AoYoS posted 05-24-99 10:50 PM ET     Click Here to See the Profile for Chancellor AoYoS  Click Here to Email Chancellor AoYoS     
Of course cloning and androids also.

So the matter is settled then I guess. We will revert ot positions before the war.

President Korian posted 05-25-99 07:28 AM ET     Click Here to See the Profile for President Korian  Click Here to Email President Korian     
I do not want to revert to original positions. I will agree to the Chancellor's plan for Kentucky, and my forces are pulling out of the demilitarized zone now. The rebels in Missouri have been defeated and their leaders executed in a public hanging.
My forces: 300,000 professional army troops, about 1/3 of them using hovertanks
75,000 navy, mostly composed of submarines
150,000 air force, with very modern equipment
5,523,821 reserves, mostly infantry, moderately trained, well armed
icosahedron posted 05-25-99 09:24 AM ET     Click Here to See the Profile for icosahedron    
(OCC: The CUA's claims of WMD's seems overreaching and unrealistic, particularly the part about delivering payloads unto the APP. Don't tell me that they have that many (if any) ICBM's in Maryland, New Jersey, et al.)

The consensus seems to be to hold the convention in the Twin Cities. The doors are open now.

For are part we have decommissioned our biological, chemical, and fission warheads (retained the fusion-bombs); we are replacing them with high-density metallic hydrogen explosives, which we have recently learned to handle. Sadly, 15 of our most prominent researcher were killed, in the process of finding suitable methods for selectively stabilizing/destabilizing the metal, due to a massive explosion at the research site. This will slow our research in materials technology greatly, as the architect of the Tensile Quantum Geometry paradigm was among those killed. This new payload greatly supercedes C4 and fuel-air bombs, with a mass-to-explosion-efficiency ratio of 25:1 relative to TNT (a plutonium bomb is about 50:1, and a fusion bomb about 500:1). As an added "benefit", the gaseous hydrogen that is released during the explosive decompression phase will ignite to scorch the area surrounding ground zero.

While not as powerful as a fusion bomb, the cleanliness of the blast is commendable. We are manufacturing bombs, shells, and bullets with this new material, as well as retrofitting delivery systems to handle the new material.

We hope this will be enough resources devoted to war to deter agression for some time to come. We appreciate that our neighbors have honored our commitment to neutrality, and we are simply being overcautious because, frankly, the CUA debacle scared the pants off us. As another small nation surrounded by great neighbors, we understand the CUA's panicky response, though we do not condone their methods.

President Korian, apparently some spies from the CUA compromised our computer files and stole an older version of the hovercraft design. That explains their use against you.
We had the forsight to embed a disable signal receptor in the circuitry which is not in the stolen plans and which always defaults to the same signal until it is reset (which we always do when commisioning our hardware). We are sending the default signal pattern to you, so that you can disable the hovertanks being used against you by the CSA; we do not consider this taking sides, as the CSA would not have the technology had they not stolen it, so we are simply enforcing our intellectual property rights. However, we will not divulge the location of the signal receptor in the circuitry, nor how to reset it, thereby retaining a defense should the unimaginable day ever occur that the GLF should consider us enemies.

Point of fact: hot fusion creates high energy alpha particles; these must be stopped; the stopping material becomes radioactive, wears out, and must be disposed of. This is not clean.

And as for the magnetic field integrity, that is easily compromised by conventional explosives. Be smart, don't build ready-made fusion bombs in your own territory that any half-witted terrorist can use against you. (And if you are relying on the power, that only makes you more vulnerable!)

Enough said.

Welcome to the convention.

Iowa Free State

Picker posted 05-25-99 11:20 AM ET     Click Here to See the Profile for Picker  Click Here to Email Picker     
IFS: Well, I would gladly make a trade for cold fusion, of what ever you want. But for now, I will use what my scientists designed.

OOC: Being from Canada, my forces are relatively small, although well trained. Say 400,000 ground troopers, 100,000 artillery, 50,000 tanks, and 25,000 fighters. As well as 50,000 support personnel.
Also I think that strategy plays a fair role in combat. A ggod commander can use a smaller force to destroy a larger one.

icosahedron posted 05-25-99 01:40 PM ET     Click Here to See the Profile for icosahedron    
Picker, we will give you cold fusion tech if you will agree to do two things. One, decommission existing hot fusion reactors once the cold fusion is in place, and agree not to build any more hot fusion reactors. Two, decommission all bio, chem, and fission weapons, and agree not to use same. Fusion bombs are still the biggest boom, so while we would like to see their elimination also, we will retain them (and would expect others to retain them), until a pan-american disarmament treaty can be worked out. Even then, we may need them to respond to aggression from other continents.

We extend the same deal to everyone. We want to see the environment as clean as reasonably possible.

(OCC: Picker, a force 625,000 strong from only a fraction of Canada? The whole country currently has only 25 million, and it's growth rate is very low. Even if we allow doubling of population over the next 30 years (unlikely), that's only 50 million, of which no more than 13 million (25%) would be expected to be in your territory. Presumably, your regular army would not include those under 16 or over 50, nor those that are medically incapable, so that cuts the available people down by at least 50% to about 6.5 million. So you are saying that almost 1 in 10 of your available adults is a soldier? Well, as you say, your people like to be militant and rattle sabres. Okay, but don't expect me to believe your economy and research to be too good -- so where do you get all the equipment to outfit your soldiers?)

Iowa Free State

Picker posted 05-25-99 02:13 PM ET     Click Here to See the Profile for Picker  Click Here to Email Picker     
IFS: I will agree to that. I have no bio or chem weapons anyways, and very few fission weapons.

OOC: I began the VE with a mercenary army of 300,000 strong.

Chancellor AoYoS posted 05-25-99 04:49 PM ET     Click Here to See the Profile for Chancellor AoYoS  Click Here to Email Chancellor AoYoS     
I need suitable compensation for the loss of Kentucky so I will invading Florida and the Keys.

We are at a ceasefire with the GLF at this point. Our people are outraged about the loss of Kentucky and have vowed to get it back, at a later date.

Army Stuff:

1,000,000 man army
5,000,000 reservists
All other is classified

I am attending the convention.

JT 3 posted 05-25-99 05:10 PM ET     Click Here to See the Profile for JT 3  Click Here to Email JT 3     
My stats:

800,000 man army
50,000 tanks
5,000 hovertanks
1,000 Apaches
3,000 fighters
2,000 bombers
300 space fighters
1 space battlecruiser
1 space station
200 subs
500 destroyers
250 AEGIS cruisers
100 battleships
75 carriers

classified amount of fusion ICBM's
classified amount of fusion bombs
classified amount of conventional ICBM's

Counsel Karok posted 05-25-99 05:14 PM ET     Click Here to See the Profile for Counsel Karok    
OOC: Are we going back? We should at least not have WMDs used, as this is supposubly big, so just normal people?
We did not attack the GLF, although we have taken secrets from some countries, we have not attacked our allies, nor stolen from them.
We have dispatched our navy to attack Charolette, and our army to West Virginia (unless we are going back to before)
We will agree with a division of West Virginia, as long as we also get most of it. Say, 3/4ths?
Our forces our classified, and we cannot give numbers within less than the 100K level, nor divulge information on our navy.
We have:
1,200,000 army and marines
2,800,000 reserves, well trained
0,500,000 Air force
Navy is classified
we have more than 100 ballistic missiles, loaded with WMDs.

We will send a represnative to the conference, and perhaps join, if religion is protected from your state, and our states may remain Christian.

President Korian posted 05-25-99 05:20 PM ET     Click Here to See the Profile for President Korian  Click Here to Email President Korian     
OOC: The US only has about less than 1 million troops in active service now, so I doubt any of these fractions of the US have any more. AoYoS, I thought I only had 1/3 of Ken. I would be glad to take more though.

IC: IFS, thanks you for the assisstance. I can assure you however, that you will never have to use the disablers against us. I am leaving for the Conference immediately.

JT 3 posted 05-25-99 05:49 PM ET     Click Here to See the Profile for JT 3  Click Here to Email JT 3     
Ummm....... Karok? Yeah, right. Your reserves should be about half that. You occupy four states, you were just formed, and last time I checked, Christianity says its a _bad_ thing to kill. I only have 800,000, and I have many more states than you, not to mention Texas is the third most populated state in the US!
Counsel Karok posted 05-25-99 06:03 PM ET     Click Here to See the Profile for Counsel Karok    
okay, ill cut down my reserves to half that.
as for the "kill" thing, christianity can teach either way, some say it teaches love, some say it teaches the true path and anyone who doesn't follow ought to be killed, look at the KKK, the Nazis, the book of Exodus, the book of Revalations, the gay-bashers, the Inquisition, the Crusades... It can be what you want it, like any other thing people make up. This is all out of character, and I personally am deist, not christian, becuase you can't know god, how? I mean, christianity shows it well, they have NO idea who their own god is, much less what god really is.
Chancellor AoYoS posted 05-25-99 06:15 PM ET     Click Here to See the Profile for Chancellor AoYoS  Click Here to Email Chancellor AoYoS     
I said a later date Korian. We wish peace for now. We are turning are apsects to the mounting power of the CUA. We encourage you to ask them as their allies not to use biological weapons against us in the future.
Al Gore Rythm posted 05-25-99 07:27 PM ET     Click Here to See the Profile for Al Gore Rythm    

For more vague things like Space Battlecruisers and IFS Hovertanks we suggest a little bit of info on how the things work, we'll get the ball rolling.

Also, for people who are keeping things classified. Be sure to have an idea of what your 'classified' really means. So you can keep track when you're deploying, recruiting, dying or whatever.


The APP's military recruitment system is a bit different than that of the former US system.

For each generation, the APP selects 1,000,000 of its citizens 16-20 years of age and drafts them into the military immediately.

From there, they are trained for 3 years in harsh battle conditions in the use of all weaponry, vehicles and are disciplined.

After this, they are put into small teams and sent to battle to the death. First in small army vs. army battles and eventually in tiny, half a dozen man squadrons.

The surviving 300,000, now hardened, elite men are made official ground soldiers of the APP. Men of this type shall always be refered to in APP documents as "Elite."

We know this is a brutal system, but the APP favors quality over quantity.

APP military strength is:

300,000 Elite Soldiers
(Trained in the aforementioned method, they wear armor and carry laser rifles and high powered impact cannons)
200,000 Soldiers
(Equipped as elite soldiers, but have merely been trained)
25,000 Speedbike Calvary
(Soldiers riding on armored and armed motorcycles)
25,000 Blitzreig Assault Buggies
(Fast moving lightly armored dune-buggies equipped with vulcan cannons and rocket launchers)
10,000 Bradley II APCs
(Heavily armored APCs with single anti-tank cannon)
10,000 Ironholm Speeder Tanks
(Heavily armored tanks with single cannon, claymore mines and anti-personnel rocket launcher which move swiftly but cannot move far without having to refuel)
2,000,000 Reservists

3,000 Destroyers
1,000 APP Cruisers
(Fast moving cruisers armed with moderately-sized cannons and submarine warfare weapons as well as an SAM launcher)
1,500 APP Submarines
(Small submarines equipped with SAM launcher, torpedo bay and conning tower gun)
{Classified} APP Hyperion Submarines
{Classified} APP Hyperion Transports

Air Force-
2,000 Modified MiG 29s
750 APP S-MiGs
(Stealth MiG 29s)
1,000 Apaches

On non-war related topics, the APP is nearing completion of its Universe Engine.

President Korian posted 05-25-99 07:33 PM ET     Click Here to See the Profile for President Korian  Click Here to Email President Korian     
The APP could not support an army of over 2.5 million, because of it's small poplation.
Al Gore Rythm posted 05-25-99 07:52 PM ET     Click Here to See the Profile for Al Gore Rythm    

2 million of those are reservists, Korian. They are not soldiers and have not even been trained. A 'reservist' in APP military terms means a citizen who has been targeted for tactical, engineering or athletic expertise to be drafted into the military should the need arise.

President Korian posted 05-25-99 08:12 PM ET     Click Here to See the Profile for President Korian  Click Here to Email President Korian     
Ok, thanks for clarifying that.
Picker posted 05-25-99 08:45 PM ET     Click Here to See the Profile for Picker  Click Here to Email Picker     
OOC: I felt I should clarify the mercenary army thing with a bit of a background. Before the fall of civilization as we know it, I was a software developer who founded his own company. Long story short I got rich, worth about 2 billion dollars(nowhere in the league of Bill Gates, but not bad), I had hired an experienced mercenary army before the fall of civ in order to "conquer" (more like force to surrender) a small third country. With all my money I was planning to turn the country around, make it a have decent place to live. With the fall of civ I used my mercenary army to carve out an empire. Most of the areas I conquered surrendered in light of my superior army. I then incorporated the remainder of the armies of the area into my own, swelling my forces to about 335,000.
JT 3 posted 05-25-99 09:21 PM ET     Click Here to See the Profile for JT 3  Click Here to Email JT 3     
Oh, yeah, reservists. Appr. 5.3 million people in reserves, ie they are "drafted", except they recieve no training, they are just on the list of reserves for 2-4 years.
JT 3 posted 05-25-99 09:24 PM ET     Click Here to See the Profile for JT 3  Click Here to Email JT 3     
A little more info and a slight change, sorry.

They are "drafted", ie they go to a military camp to train for two months, are sent M-24 Semi-Automatic Laser Rifles, and stay on the list for 2-4 years.

Picker posted 05-25-99 10:16 PM ET     Click Here to See the Profile for Picker  Click Here to Email Picker     
OOC: Ah yes reservists, all people between the ages of 17 and 26 in my country have received a minimum 3 months military training. With the current state of world affairs I felt it prudent to make it part of the school curriculum. There are about 700,000 people in this group.

IC: I think that my scientists are getting close to the trick of "invisibility"(making light bend around a person). We have succesfully made a dime invisible but have found it hard to do on anything larger, we will keep you informed.

IFS: I would like to thank you for the cold fusion reactors. I would also like to make an alliance with you.

Ospero posted 05-26-99 01:50 PM ET     Click Here to See the Profile for Ospero  Click Here to Email Ospero     
*non-RPG* Sorry for the delay, but I haven't
had Internet access for awhile

*end non-RPG*

So where exactly is this war going? I
hope we weren't declared a casualty already,
for the NCGU has decided not to take part
in any aggressive activity unless our
territory is affected. We WILL defend, but
the war between the GLF and the CSA actually
does not concern us. However, I propose a
continental ban on ABC weapons.(I believe
this has either been proposed or is already
an active treaty, but I wanted to make sure).

The build-up of Nuuk is currently in its final stages. Some of the finest artists and
best architects from all over the world have
been participating in this project, which
eventually will result in a glass-domed
biosphere for about 400,000 people.

The recent elections have shown that the
government's policy of peace and cooperation
is well accepted by the people. Results follow:

SDP (Social Democrats, my party): 38.7 %
ULDP (Union Liberal Democrats, my coalition
partner): 14.6 %
CDU (Conservative Democratic Union): 33.2 %
ISP (Independent Socialists): 7.6 %
AGEP (Allied Green Ecologists): 5.0 %

Other parties didn't cut the 5% barrier.

Military of the NCGU:
Our military is well-trained, but we don't have many soldiers (primarily because, although Greenland has a much higher population density than 50 years ago, our
population is much smaller than that of most
of your countries).

Regular army: 250,000 men
Reserve: 1.5 million

CSA: I would accept a non-agression pact
and perhaps a trade agreement, but since I
don't want to be drawn into the war, no
further treaties.

Galen posted 05-26-99 06:40 PM ET     Click Here to See the Profile for Galen  Click Here to Email Galen     
<<OOC: Man, you go away for a bit...>>

IFS: I am going to the conference, we would like your information on Cold Fusion, becuase we have only a simple version, and have been focusing on other energy resources, including a way to produce Anti-matter cheap. Please transmit your information to Berkley, thank you.

CSA: We will provide assistance, however our military is defensive, entirely, and cannot assist in more than providing weapons and technology. We will provide you with our new weapon, a superaccelorater, which accelerates a grain of salt to speeds found in supercolliders such as the tevatron, killing the person nearly instantly if correctly aimed, although it is a rapid repeat fire gun, breaking through any sheilding.

All other Socialists: We are sending the weapon schematics to you.

CUA: We urge you, stop this war, or we will all die. Please. Oh yes, otherwise we will nuke you.

My forces are 100,000 strong, all in advanced armor and weaponry, and 20,000 reserves.

President Galen
Northwest Coalition

Chancellor AoYoS posted 05-26-99 08:41 PM ET     Click Here to See the Profile for Chancellor AoYoS  Click Here to Email Chancellor AoYoS     
1/2 or I will unload my entire nuclear arsenal on your people Karok.
Picker posted 05-26-99 09:01 PM ET     Click Here to See the Profile for Picker  Click Here to Email Picker     
Stereo System: All your metal armor drags me down nothing hurts like

Commander-in-Chief rushes into the room.

Steve: Pick, c'mere, you gotta see this.
Stereo System: Mouth mouth mouth.
Denny: What?
Steve: You gotta see this for your self.
Denny: What?(shuts off stereo system)
Steve: C'MON!
Denny: This better be good.

15 minutes later at research laboratory.

Denny: So what was I supposed to see?
Brian: Hey Pick.

Denny glances around room.

Steve: It's more of a matter of what you weren't supposed to see.
Brian: Ha ha ha! I did it Pick!
Denny: You f*!king b@#*!$d. I can't believe you figured it out. Ha ha ha! I told you making him head of research and development would work out Steve.
Brian: It's still not perfect. I can't see a f#@king thing but... you can't see me either.
Denny: You can't see?
Brian: Yeah. The light bends around my face too, and light has to enter your eyes for you to see. Also you might want to look in this direction.

Petrie waves his arms around. The air shimmers at their passage.

Brian: Did you see that.
Denny: Yeah, so theres some bugs to work out. You still did it.

icosahedron posted 05-27-99 01:25 PM ET     Click Here to See the Profile for icosahedron    
Glad to see the GLF and CSA coming to terms.

Korak, we respect the rights of all religions as long as they do not try to force their ideals on the rest of society.

Al Gore, I did try to explain the mechanics of the hovertank. In essence, it is like an inverted gyroscope, where the outside hull (icosahedron) tumbles around the inner hull (tetrahedron) along the natural axes of the icosahedron The direction of tumbling can be altered rapidly so that thrust can be quickly redirected. The tumbling can also be tranlated into forward motion, like engaging a flywheel. And the internal tetrahedron can move either in lock step with the outer hull (e.g., when the pilot wants to change his facing direction), or the outer hull can free-wheel around the inner, allowing storage of motion. A transmission system allows the spinning of the outer shell to be decreased to accelerate or change direction, and increased to decelerate or change direction.

Each point of the internal tetrahedron is mounted with an energy gun (swappable gun attachments allow easy upgrading of weaponry), and these can fire in concert or singly. The triangular plates on the outer hull are modular and can also be swapped for better armor as it becomes available. The thrusters are also upgradable when necessary.

Iowa Free State

President Korian posted 05-30-99 12:46 PM ET     Click Here to See the Profile for President Korian  Click Here to Email President Korian     
The GLF parliament has recently passed a resolution declaring war on the DSNE because they have not allowed us to ship our materials through their Atlantic seaports. Our hovertanks and laser infantry easily conquered New York and New Jersey. The DSNE has collapsed and we have installed friendly governments in the rest of their former territories. (OOC: Collins is leaving, so it doesn't matter.) Our project to launch a space station is once again underway. It should be completed in about 1 month, (OOC: On Wednesday.) Using captured models from the CSA, we have discovered the secret of Hyperion Armor and all of our troops should have their Kevlar vests replaced in short order.
JT 3 posted 05-30-99 02:48 PM ET     Click Here to See the Profile for JT 3  Click Here to Email JT 3     
Korian: We offer a peace treaty. The warring has gone on too long between our countries.
President Korian posted 05-30-99 07:05 PM ET     Click Here to See the Profile for President Korian  Click Here to Email President Korian     
I thought we already had one, but it is accepted.
JT 3 posted 05-30-99 07:58 PM ET     Click Here to See the Profile for JT 3  Click Here to Email JT 3     
We had a cease fire, not a peace treaty.

Meanwhile, near Houston........

Sci1: Congratulation, Mr. President. With the completion of this new Colossus, we will lead the world in space.
JT3: Thank you. I think this will do great things for our country.
Sci1: Hmmm..... here comes a message from Colossus on the display screen.
JT3: A message?
Sci1: Yes, it's able to "talk" to us using this screen. Basicly requests and showing new info. It can't really carry a conversation, but we gave it a basic understanding of English so it could display things.
JT3: Ah. Here it comes now.
JT3: What? What alliance?
Sci1: Ask it.
JT3: Huh?
Sci1: Using the voice transmitter.
JT3: Oh, yes. Colossus, what alliance?
JT3: What? Another supercomputer? Colossus, where is this supercomputer?
JT3: So...... the GLF has a supercomputer of their own. Get me on the videophone with Korian! Now!

Ambassador Collins posted 05-30-99 10:25 PM ET     Click Here to See the Profile for Ambassador Collins    
Korian, You Bastard!

The real story is that Korian gave me a large supply of nuclear weapons in exchange for New York and New Jersey.

Also, I'm not leaving just yet.

Galen posted 05-30-99 10:36 PM ET     Click Here to See the Profile for Galen  Click Here to Email Galen     

Tech1: Sir, we have recived word the TF has brought up a supercomputer!
Galen: Before us??
Tech1: Actually sir, we have networked our computers enough that it does what theirs does, and more.
Galen: That is besides the point!
Tech1: Sir, centralized computers don't allow for our kind of free flow of information.
Galen: Get me Silicon Valley!

JT 3 posted 05-30-99 10:56 PM ET     Click Here to See the Profile for JT 3  Click Here to Email JT 3     
Ah, Galen, how are you doing? It seems everyone has a supercomputer these days.

Anyway, would you like to hook yours up to mine? They exchange information at an astounding rate, and would send us leaps ahead in technology.

Picker posted 05-30-99 11:41 PM ET     Click Here to See the Profile for Picker  Click Here to Email Picker     
OOC: Who am I allied with, aside from Korian, that is. That's the only alliance I can remember.

IC: My scientists have found a way to bend light around an object, thus rendering it invisible, I will be sending the specs for this tech to all of my allies.

To anyone else I might be willing to trade this tech, if the price is right.

President Korian posted 05-31-99 08:29 AM ET     Click Here to See the Profile for President Korian  Click Here to Email President Korian     
OOC: Alright Collins.
IC: Thank you for the technology, Picker.
TF: It appears you have found the Alliance. We thought it would be a better idea to not announce it publicly, because of hackers and the like. Oh well, what did you want to talk to me about?
Galen: We also have a supercomputer before you.
JT 3 posted 05-31-99 02:07 PM ET     Click Here to See the Profile for JT 3  Click Here to Email JT 3     
Yes, Korian, Colossus has more scanning capability and range than we thought.

I would like to connect Colossus and Alliance. It would do wonders for technology improvement and trade, as they can share what they find. Also, it would be a gesture for peace.

Galen posted 05-31-99 06:41 PM ET     Click Here to See the Profile for Galen  Click Here to Email Galen     
OOC: Actually, as Tech1 noted, our computers are able to do more than your supercomputers, but we use a net like connection. of course we have seeveral "backbones", but...
TF: of course, we base our network on exchange of information. However, be warned, our network was created with redundancies to compensate for hacking, and your computer may not. I would be wary, becuase you will be open to the most devious and concentrated hacking. We are sorry it happens, but it would happen anyway, once it is networked with the public. We actually have a political group representing the interests of hackers, it is our culture, we cannot change it.
Al Gore Rythm posted 05-31-99 07:30 PM ET     Click Here to See the Profile for Al Gore Rythm    

While we would like to link the Universe Engine to your machine, due to the risk of infiltration the UE is connected to a sole terminal whose exact location is confidential. This terminal is disconncted from the outside world and is mainly used as a backup system in case anything should ever happen to the UE.


After hearing of the GLF's theft of the people's prized Hyperion system, riots broke out in New Providence, Anchorage and Seattle. The police attempted a peaceful end to the conflict, but after lives were being taken by the rebels we would stand by no more and the police opened fire upon the dissidents. 2,400 APP citizens were liquidated.

We hope you are happy, Korian.

The APP has finished its Universe Engine, the premise has changed somewhat. The machine still runs the random law/check functions, but has a pre-sentient mind within it. This thought pattern is "rewarded" for succesful discoveries, and remembers all of them. In this way, the Universe Engine will slowly become more and more intelligent about the world of physics until its random documents become orderly, designed laws of the scientific realm.

To help this process, the Universe Engine has been given no data besides the context of the English language. In this way, the UE will discover such simple things as fire and the wheel on its.

We would like to note that the UE discovered fire after 1.23 seconds, and had perfected an easily-applicable form of the Wheel in a minute. If it can keep up at this pace it shall soon be more intelligent than a billion Einsteins.

The People have liberated Venezuela.

President Korian posted 05-31-99 08:32 PM ET     Click Here to See the Profile for President Korian  Click Here to Email President Korian     
AGR: "Using captured models from the CSA, we have discovered the secret of Hyperion Armor and all of our troops should have their Kevlar vests replaced in short order." That means we did NOT steal it.
JT: We will immediately connect the Alliance and the Colussus. Let it bring wonders for us both.
Al Gore Rythm posted 05-31-99 09:00 PM ET     Click Here to See the Profile for Al Gore Rythm    

Korian, nevertheless, the Hyperion system was created by the APP and many of our people were enraged by such news of our brief enemy having acquired it through ill means.

We do not condone the acts of these rebels, Korian, but we could find ourselves on much better terms if you did not take that which was created by the labor of the People.

We are sure you would feel the same should the APP had, say, implanted a data sniffer within the Alliance and seized any useful discoveries.

JT 3 posted 05-31-99 09:45 PM ET     Click Here to See the Profile for JT 3  Click Here to Email JT 3     
Okay, Al, let's be realistic, if the GLA comes up with some new weapon and you capture a tank armed with it, you're not just going to throw it away.

Korian: Thank you for linking them. They are trading info now.

Galen: Yes, we have our most sophisticated anti-hackware installed, so just tell me if you want to hook up.

Al: We can tell Colossus not to trade certain things, so if you hook up to Colossus, it will not trade anything we tell it not to.

Picker posted 05-31-99 10:17 PM ET     Click Here to See the Profile for Picker  Click Here to Email Picker     
Galen: I would like to trade my "invisibility" tech for manitoba, I hope you will keep in mind I could take it at my convenience(OOC: invisible tanks are a great thing).
Al Gore Rythm posted 06-01-99 12:19 AM ET     Click Here to See the Profile for Al Gore Rythm    

Perhaps so, but the APP does not do such things during a cease-fire or peace settlement. In the very least the GLF President could've tried to not declare such a thing on public transmission frequency. Atleast in that manner our people would not have heard about it and would not have led to the liquidation of over two thousand.

On the point of the Universe Engine, we are afraid we cannot. While multiple supercomputing systems would be a grand idea, we simply can't allow the possibility of infiltration of any kind even against impossible odds. Predictions state that in three to four decades the Universe Engine shall reach complete coherent thought and could revolutionize the march of technology ten fold. To even allow the possibility of tapping a geyser of such information is too dangerous. You may send scientists to monitor, manually transfer and use data inside the UE. But nothing more.


Do not threaten Chancellor Galen, Mr.Picker. We shall reiterate that the APP has not divulged the location of its Hyperion Submarines, Hyperion Missle Boats and its Hyperion Transports. And they may or may not be resting right outside your shores. Once again, do not provoke the LSP.

JT 3 posted 06-01-99 11:12 AM ET     Click Here to See the Profile for JT 3  Click Here to Email JT 3     
Picker: You realize, of course, that I can still see your tanks very well with radar and infared.

The TF has set up radar and infared posts across its borders to guard against any invisible attacks.

Galen posted 06-01-99 10:20 PM ET     Click Here to See the Profile for Galen  Click Here to Email Galen     

We actually have a highspeed backbone cable near the Collusus and we're sending a networker over there to hook it up, in the mean time, we set up a temporary link.

Please, you realize to curve the light around a body does not mean to mask it's gravitational feild, or it's presence anyway. We are sure that we can detect and respond to your attacks. We will not give into threats. We refuse to pay for our peace.

Chancellor Galen

icosahedron posted 06-03-99 11:54 AM ET     Click Here to See the Profile for icosahedron    
We regret to inform you all of our latest research "breakthrough". Using our knowledge of Tensile Quantum Geometry, we set about trying to create a controlled singularity.

But it wasn't controlled at all. This explains the extreme weather patterns our neighbors have been observing over the past few days. The black hole exploded in a blast 100 times greater than an H-bomb. We few in the deep research bunker seem to be the only ones who have survived, everything else is destroyed. The horror is unimaginable.

Iowa Free State is no more.

(final transmission)

Don't mess with the fabric.

Al Gore Rythm posted 06-03-99 02:41 PM ET     Click Here to See the Profile for Al Gore Rythm    
OOC: Icosahedron, I assume this means your Icosahedron character from the IFS is thus gone, so I suppose you won't mind if someone finds him. If otherwise (say you've escaped somewhere to rebuild your shattered empire) just say so.



We sincerely hope you do not support the actions of Vosperia making blatant threats of violence against the LSP.


The APP has mobilized an expeditionary force to the former-IFS territories, gathering any fragments of what is left for study. Along with them are relief teams and volunteers, to comb the ruins for any survivors. Any and all survivors shall be granted asylum in the APP until the Congress can deciede on exactly what to do with them.

Like our allies, the APP has begun setting up infared and radar/sonar listening stations throughout its borders.

An annual report of the Universe Engine's 'world' would reveal that the UE is approximately at the iron age, and is rapidly approaching the renaissance, it is gaining coherence at an incredible pace, and its former unintelligble gibberish-documents have becoming all the more concise.

We have also begun the construction of a purely research-oriented base surrounding the Universe Engine. Our allies may freely send a research team of up to 5,000 men to the base. They may study and apply any of the UE's data freely, as shipments of proper equipment and materials can be delivered upon request.

We are also working on creating a special type of encryption which would be logically uncrackable, and would allow the Colossus to be connected to the Universe Engine. Simply put, the code is incredibly complex, so complex that only a machine such as the UE or Colossus would be able to decypher. Second, it was designed in such a way that current computer/human interface systems would be merely too slow to crack the code in time.

JT 3 posted 06-03-99 04:56 PM ET     Click Here to See the Profile for JT 3  Click Here to Email JT 3     
I, too have sent research and rescue teams to the IFS territory. Several fighters have discovered what seems to be a crater of some sort. It goes deep into the ground. So deep, the fighters' radar could not find the bottom. We have sent a rover down on a cable(we can attach more length to the cable if need be) to investigate. We think this is where the singularity was held.

APP: Just tell me when you want to hook up to Colossus.

Picker posted 06-03-99 11:33 PM ET     Click Here to See the Profile for Picker  Click Here to Email Picker     
Galen: I apologise for the misunderstanding. If I had wanted to attack you I would have. I just wanted you to know that I could have attacked your territory with a fair chance of success. Instead I would choose to trade my tech for your province.
icosahedron posted 06-04-99 01:35 PM ET     Click Here to See the Profile for icosahedron    
Our small team of crack researchers and high-level planners emerged from the research shaft to survey the damage.

It's all gone.

We thank everyone for their rescue efforts; we are too demoralized to do much ourselves. Suicide is on everyone's mind, but none of us will allow ourselves the luxury. Our great land, which we worked so hard for, had such dreams for, gone in a puff of smoke.

As for the future, we would like to set up a research lab in orbit (or on the moon) where we can continue our experiments. We were so close ...

But we have nothing, no money, only our knowledge. We will die an agonizing death of the mind if we cannot divert ourselves from the horror of the event, and continuing the research seems the only thing left to us.

We only ask for the tools we need, a safe place (space) to continue, and the freedom to proceed with our discoveries in applying the Tensile Quantum Geometry paradigm. The fruits of our research is our only method of payment.

We will not be playing with singularities for a while. We want to pursue the idea that wormholes can be created by inducing vibrations in the crystalline substructure of space.

The Dispossed (the remnants of Iowa Free State)

- icosahedron

Spider posted 06-04-99 02:19 PM ET     Click Here to See the Profile for Spider    
Suddenly, every single radio reciever on (and off) earth--except for those in the core's shadow--picks up the words "What a mess!". Everybody hearing or reading this output is shocked. A trace on the message reveals its position to be...somewhere inside Jupiter's atmosphere!? A few days later, something screams into the singularity crater and an explosion rocks the immediate vicinity. Radar scans now reveal the bottom of the crater, which takes a sharp jump upward about a week later. Then came the second in a long line of messages: "Hold it -- this place is solid!". The TJE had arrived.
Picker posted 06-04-99 03:39 PM ET     Click Here to See the Profile for Picker  Click Here to Email Picker     
Isocahedron: I would be very willing to use the resources I have to sep up a space station for you and your scientists to continue your research, just give me the word.
President Korian posted 06-04-99 04:20 PM ET     Click Here to See the Profile for President Korian  Click Here to Email President Korian     
You were a very valuable ally, and the GLF shall not forget you. We are sending all of your requested resources now. If you need anything else, just ask.
OOC: Spider, I'd like to keep this thread free of aliens, and I'm pretty sure most other people would too. If you want to include them, be my guest to start a new thread, but I'd like to keep the Sci-fi out. Thank you.
Al Gore Rythm posted 06-04-99 05:33 PM ET     Click Here to See the Profile for Al Gore Rythm    

I'm with Korian on this one, no aliens. If this thread goes on long enough to reach space and such, so be it, but right now everything is still relatively near-future. And I'd like it to stay that way.

Spider, if you want to be in why not take part of South America? Everything except Venezuela and Columbia is free game.



Our teams are collecting the remnants of the former IFS to send to lab teams for study, but we wish to make a simple request. Once you have stationed yourselves with proper lab equipment we wish that you will take the remnants and dispose of any related to the singularity device. Simply because we realize that, should such research be allowed to circulate, one day a person twisted enough to use it as a weapon may arise, and at such a point there is no miracle that could save humanity from extinction. We want to make sure that such horrific possible-weapons are buried with your people, never to be used again.


Due to this tragedy our people have no desire for future conflicts, despite past transgressions. We lay down our arms, President, and extend a formal peace treaty. We urge the LSP to do the same.


The APP wishes that, in light of this recent tragedy, the nations of the former US move for peace and unity. And perhaps it would be fitting if we did so in coirdenance with ancient tradition, by holding an olympiad. Are there any fellow nations who agree with our people?


Korian, just for the sake of future events, are the other nations in the world (outside the Americas) considered to exist?

JT 3 posted 06-04-99 05:45 PM ET     Click Here to See the Profile for JT 3  Click Here to Email JT 3     
Ico: I have a launch pad ready to lift off to the Freedom if you wish. You may have a lab there until we can build your space station, whatever you choose to name it. Agreed?
President Korian posted 06-04-99 07:27 PM ET     Click Here to See the Profile for President Korian  Click Here to Email President Korian     
I will agree to the peace treaty with the App, and I will also send my athletes to the Olympiad.
OOC: Yes, Al Gore, the other countries exist, but there is no making them declare war on a country besides your own.
Spider posted 06-04-99 07:37 PM ET     Click Here to See the Profile for Spider    
[OOC] Okay, since you object....
[/OOC] Not long after the second message, loud popping noises were heard at the top of the crater (well, actually, faint popping noises, but they would have been loud had they been on the surface). A scanner lowered into the crater revealed hydrocarbon-based material splattered aroud the crater near the bottom. Apparently the very atmosphere (or (relative) lack thereof) on Earth had killed off the aliens.

While the world was concentrating on this, a new world power appeared off the coast of Oregon. With only one base, they didn't seem powerful at first, but that was before sonar detected the base slowly moving south, toward the ruined city of Newport. The APCSG had been detected by a previously unsuspecting world, and it showed no signs of leaving.

JT 3 posted 06-04-99 08:08 PM ET     Click Here to See the Profile for JT 3  Click Here to Email JT 3     
I am sending my athletes to the Olypics.
Picker posted 06-04-99 11:32 PM ET     Click Here to See the Profile for Picker  Click Here to Email Picker     
As long as theres hockey, we're in(considering that that is about the only thing we can win guaranteed(or pretty close).

Isocahedron: After much thought, I would like to offer you the position of head of the research department. I can see that you have the same commitment to research that I do.

Al: A peace treaty would be welcomed.

Galen posted 06-05-99 03:50 PM ET     Click Here to See the Profile for Galen  Click Here to Email Galen     
(Spider, we are in Oregon, so watch out)

We have entered Minnesota and taken it in the IFS's absence. We also have come across the technology for the light bending, which is rather primative actually, compared to some of what we can do at Berkley. We have also synthisezed element number 112 at Berkley, and are naming it Hawkium, after scientist Stephen Hawking. This element has an atomic mass of 271. We also synthisezed element number 111, with an atomic mass of 168. It is named "smacuim".
We have decided that, in light of the statement of Vosperia that they could take one of our territories, to officially inagurate a cyberdefense agency.

We will send athletes to the Olympics. However, we would like to see a Quake 4, Malice or Halflife 2 deathmatch event. Which of course, we will win.

APCSG: Oregon is our territory, and so it it's surrounding waters. We lay claim to all of the sea within the triangle made by Hawii, the southern tip of Washington, and the southern tip of California (Baja). You are within our territory and if you do not leave immediately we will have to take you out.

News Release:
Mircosoft and Nanotech, two of the baby Microsofts, are merging into Microsoft. Northwest Coalition and LSP have expressed concern that they will take over. Microsoft has reinterated that AOL has a large empire as well.

Chancellor Galen
Northwest Coalition
Portland, Oregon

Spider posted 06-05-99 11:20 PM ET     Click Here to See the Profile for Spider    
To the NW Coalition: [OOC] I actually created the APCSG as a plot device/NPC. Besides, the base is moving south. Just an explanatory post.
icosahedron posted 06-07-99 04:20 PM ET     Click Here to See the Profile for icosahedron    
We humbly and graciously accept the TF's offer to allow us to join our existing research staff on the Freedom. Thank you.

Picker, Galen, et al, thanks for all your generous offers. JT 3 has the space in space right now, and we want to get as far from the disaster as possible so we don't have to think about it. Also, we prefer the relative autonomy of the space station, as we fear becoming lackeys to even well-meaning sponsors.

Al Gore Rhythm, we appreciate and understand your concerns, and we empathize. All we can say is that we are the only ones who know how to create a singularity, and we will not be sharing or writing it down anywhere. You could kill us, I suppose, but that would not stop a determined researcher from cracking the secret, because the more general dissemination of the Tensile Quantum Geometry is not a reversible process, and will soon be a standard University offering. Like nuclear fission, singularity mechanics has been demonstrated and we can not just close our eyes to the facts.

We look forward to applying our efforts towards humanitarian goals; if singularities will solve a critical future problem, we will have no compunction about using them. We would never knowingly allow them to be used as weapons. We will be based in space where any accidents will have minimal effect, and we will henceforth to be carefully insulated from causing damage to others by our research.

regretfully yet hopefully yours,
- icosahedron

JT 3 posted 06-07-99 05:03 PM ET     Click Here to See the Profile for JT 3  Click Here to Email JT 3     
Icosahedron: What will you name your Space Station? It is nearly completed.(OOC: Tommorrow it will be finished)
icosahedron posted 06-07-99 05:44 PM ET     Click Here to See the Profile for icosahedron    
We could name the space station "The Black Hole" -- kidding, only kidding!

Let's name it Discovery -- what else?! (And it fits with the Freedom motif.)

- icosahedron

JT 3 posted 06-07-99 06:05 PM ET     Click Here to See the Profile for JT 3  Click Here to Email JT 3     
Freedom it is.
JT 3 posted 06-07-99 06:06 PM ET     Click Here to See the Profile for JT 3  Click Here to Email JT 3     
Oops, I meant "Discovery it is". Sorry.
Chancellor AoYoS posted 06-07-99 06:09 PM ET     Click Here to See the Profile for Chancellor AoYoS  Click Here to Email Chancellor AoYoS     
I have launched the Fourth Horsemen of the Confederacy into orbit. This space station is equal in size to the Freedom. It also houses our own supercomputer the Stonewall.
Galen posted 06-08-99 05:27 PM ET     Click Here to See the Profile for Galen  Click Here to Email Galen     
Excuse me, but the Fourth Horse or whatever is blocking one of our telescopes, if it stays there, we might have to reposistion the Hubble, which is ours, over your cities.

We have launched the Voyager to send up the final peice of the space elevator. The elevator will be used to launch the first manned missions to Mars, next year.

Chancellor Galen
Northwest Coalition

JT 3 posted 06-08-99 05:57 PM ET     Click Here to See the Profile for JT 3  Click Here to Email JT 3     
Galen: There is a manned Mars mission planned for the year 2006. Since the US didn't break up 'til 2030 something in this thread, that means your mission is not the first.

IC: In light of the NC's Mars announcement, the TF has announced that it will be sending a colonizing mission to Mars. A small colony ship will be launched from the Freedom, carrying 1000 colonists to bridge the gao between the worlds.

Ambassador Collins posted 06-08-99 06:11 PM ET     Click Here to See the Profile for Ambassador Collins    
I regret to inform you that JT3 has betrayed me. He has sent a special force to try and steal my nuclear arsenal. I have decided to launch over 100 ICBMs armed with nuclear warheads at JT's country. He has been severely damaged and I doubt he will ever be a major faction again.
Chancellor AoYoS posted 06-08-99 06:11 PM ET     Click Here to See the Profile for Chancellor AoYoS  Click Here to Email Chancellor AoYoS     
For a very long time now, the CSA has been constructing a terraformer that will make the surface of Venus able for colonization. It has made Venus a habitable planet, and we invite the LSP to colonize it with us.
JT 3 posted 06-08-99 07:48 PM ET     Click Here to See the Profile for JT 3  Click Here to Email JT 3     
I think I'll just ignore Collins' post as one of the rules was "no posts totally in your favor".

Oh, yes, also, Collins, how the heck is a special force going to steal a NUKE? It's not like they're going to get past the border with that. And don't tell me that it's possible to airlift it out without being noticed.

JT 3 posted 06-08-99 07:52 PM ET     Click Here to See the Profile for JT 3  Click Here to Email JT 3     
AoYoS: Thank you for your offer. I will send colonists right away. Should we launch it from the Freedom?
Chancellor AoYoS posted 06-08-99 07:59 PM ET     Click Here to See the Profile for Chancellor AoYoS  Click Here to Email Chancellor AoYoS     
Yes. When you approach, contact Venusian command and they will give you the landing coordinates.
Galen posted 06-08-99 08:23 PM ET     Click Here to See the Profile for Galen  Click Here to Email Galen     
OOC: okay, to establish the first colonies on Mars

AoYoS: we will come. If any LSP member needs transportation the final peice of the Space Elavator is finished, and is ready for use.
We have launched the first colonization of Mars (And no, you can't say, I already did) We will allow other LSP members to colonize parts of Mars.

JT 3 posted 06-08-99 08:49 PM ET     Click Here to See the Profile for JT 3  Click Here to Email JT 3     
I have colonized the Northern Pole of Mars. We have set up heating plants on all of our colonies. The poles hold much more water than we thought. We are also warming the climate of Mars with the heating stations.
icosahedron posted 06-09-99 12:26 PM ET     Click Here to See the Profile for icosahedron    
Discovery scientists have made a breakthrough, creating a primitive one-way "worm" hole in our lab. Rats fed into the "inny" end of the hole, which resides in the astrometrics lab, emerge unscathed from the "outy" end of the hole, in the biology lab.

A considerable but not unreasonable amount of energy is needed to open and maintain the hole. However, the hole is not always stable, and we have had rats disappear into never-never land. The stability seems to be affected by nearby electromagnetic disturbances, as the frequency of rat loss increased during the recent period of sun spot activity. Also, a hole will not open in the interior of a lead-lined sphere, so dense matter appears to prevent the establishing of a hole.

We are working on an electromagnetic shielding field emitter now, which will, if it works as planned, stabilize a hole indefinitely.

The energy needed to create the holes varies as the area of the hole's cross-section, but does not depend on distance traversed.

- icosahedron
Discovery Orbital Research Facility (DORF)

Ambassador Collins posted 06-09-99 02:42 PM ET     Click Here to See the Profile for Ambassador Collins    
My last post was not "totally in my favor". It will be a service to humanity to obliterate you.
JT 3 posted 06-09-99 10:12 PM ET     Click Here to See the Profile for JT 3  Click Here to Email JT 3     
Ah, I see Collins still has his hatred for me. I'm touched.

By the way, Collins, what grudge are you holding? The last few Flame Wars you were in were between you and AoYoS.

As i said, that post is totally ignored.

Galen posted 06-10-99 04:05 PM ET     Click Here to See the Profile for Galen  Click Here to Email Galen     
We have sent a ship to Europa, no one else may come. We are also sending a ship to Titan.


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