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Author Topic:   New faction: Anarchists
manch posted 05-16-99 01:05 PM ET   Click Here to See the Profile for manch   Click Here to Email manch  
I've designed a faction which seems fair ebough to me when I tested them (not much better or worse than other factions I've tried)... What does anyone here think of them?

Here are the Centauri Anarchist Federation:

The A.F. were a group of dissident revolutionaries on the Unity inspired by the Nigerian Revolution of 2044, the first truly succesful anarchist revolution!

++Probe (revolutionaries in every base on Planet)
+Morale (dedication to the cause - the liberation of humanity from all government)
--Police (any attempt to impose control will be met with resistance)
-Support (they don't like big armies)

Start with free Probe team (these are actually revolutionary agitators).
Start with Ethical calculus tech. - this is for democracy. The anarchists operate only under an extreme form of democracy. Police State banned, I couldn't ban fundamentalism so I doubled the penalty. Penalties also double for Power, Free Market, Thought Control, although choosing any of these is considered cheating anyway.

ZERO votes on the Planetary Council - this is the major disadvantage.

One talent per three population - far more people are happy running their own lives free from the tyranny of church, state and capitalism.

You get any technology that 5 other civilisations have already, thanks to the large number of spies and dissidents you have amongst other factions.

I'm not sure about the talents - maybe they are too high, but on Transcend you still get lots of riots. Maybe it should be -3 Police to balance this?

It would be good if you could start with a Vendetta against the Hive, Morgan and those bloody Christian bastards, but i've no idea if it is possible to do this (except in scenarios). These 3 factions represent everything anarchists hate.

Replace the Spartans with the Anarchists, because black is the anarchist colour (like red is for communists).

I've also made a list of cities and the dialogue with other factions, and it all works atm, so email me if you want me to send the text file @ [email protected].

Is it possible to alter the graphics for your faction in their own file, or do you have to replace someone else's?

Please email comments to [email protected]

Matthew Adams

Stefan Kiesewetter posted 05-16-99 03:13 PM ET     Click Here to See the Profile for Stefan Kiesewetter  Click Here to Email Stefan Kiesewetter     

But I see problems. I play with
diplomatic so I will get problems
with your faction.

And nothing is funny as lowering
land to make enemy swim... ;-)


supervisor posted 05-19-99 04:35 AM ET     Click Here to See the Profile for supervisor    
Anarchists DO NOT OPERATE at all! This is a goverment type when no power is reigning at all!
The first true anarchists provided us with an interesting psychology of living: there could be only farms and that's it.
If you want to create a goverment type to simulate this form of ruling, you'll have to ban money, police, morale (no troops can be built without goverment - there is a strong need for ierarchy), ban science (no scientists), ban mineral production(no workers, remember?), and, finally, ban goverment(this is achievable by chancelling the ability of contacts with other factions and council, too). You can than provide two talents and one drone to show the result of going into farming and secure your ecology at +3 (you're not producing anything). Don't forget that a try to enforce goverment will result in a civil war. I don't think that the nation that can be rightfully called "Anarchists"( I've described it) has a chance to survive at ALL.
manch posted 05-19-99 06:01 AM ET     Click Here to See the Profile for manch  Click Here to Email manch     

I'm afraid you are totally wrong. You are obviously unable to conceive of a society running without a government... If the Anarchists were an important faction, the others would choose to communicate with them.

Scientists could function in anarchy, maybe better, and there are two major historical examples of anarchist armies (both in this century).

I'll post more details if you want, but I don't have time right now.

Meanwhile, you might want to check out
which will refute many of the points you make.

Anarchist Communist Federation, UK.

Al Gore Rythm posted 05-19-99 08:29 AM ET     Click Here to See the Profile for Al Gore Rythm    
I think what most Anarchists (and for that matter, Communists, Libertarians, Capitalists and just about any political faction) don't realize is that the average person just doesn't care. The average person wants a simple, undisturbed, happy life.

They don't care about tyranny or freedom or other such noble ideals. They want a TV, a house, a wife and a steady job. End of story.

Now, about the faction

They seem pretty darn weak. One Talent per three citizens, +2 Probe, +1 Morale isn't so great in comparison to -2 Police, -1 Support and Zero Votes, as well as not being able to choose virtually any SE choice. Including the ones that would augment their strengths.

Adam Gieseler posted 05-20-99 01:06 AM ET     Click Here to See the Profile for Adam Gieseler  Click Here to Email Adam Gieseler     
It does seem a little weak . . . consider balancing the Fundamentalist, Power, and Thought Control penalties with impunity to Morale (for example). And Free Market should be allowed; many anarchists advocate unrestrained capitalism.
manch posted 05-20-99 09:40 AM ET     Click Here to See the Profile for manch  Click Here to Email manch     
>I think what most Anarchists (and for that >matter, Communists, Libertarians, >Capitalists and just about any political >faction) don't realize is that the average >person just doesn't care. The average person >wants a simple, undisturbed, happy life.

Really? I've been successful with them on Transcend level. I didn't think they were that underpowered, but maybe you're right.

How about starting with 2 Probe Teams? Impunity to Morale sounds good - I'll add that. I suppose Fundamentalism could be allowed, it wouldn't be religious though, but an extreme fanatical type of anarchism.
The research advantage (gain tech any 5 civilisations have) is pretty good in practice. Stops you lagging behind. It could be increased to 4. There's a problem with how many modifiers you're allowed, though. I don't think all the penalties actually work.

There are free-market anarchists, yes, but they are an extremely different creature from
class struggle anarchists. But to reflect this the free market penalty could be dropped.

manch posted 05-20-99 09:54 AM ET     Click Here to See the Profile for manch  Click Here to Email manch     

Here's the file (save as anarchy.txt), although the responses at the end are not original.

Anarchist League, The Rebels, Anarchists, M, 2, X, M, -1, 0, 1, 1, 1,
Politics, Democratic, GROWTH
Politics, Police State, nil
Anarchist, Anarch.,
Bakunin, Freeman, The Pan-Federation
Comrade, libertarian, disobedient, freethinking, lawless
Left-wing extremist
liberate Humanity
to found a free and just society
destroying the work of civilised, law-abiding people
destroying the work of civilised, law-abiding people
destroy every remnant of order on this planet
messing around with your so-called direct democracy
messing around with their so-called direct democracy
causing revolutionary terror
revolutionary terror, M1
libertarian cause, M1
insane extremism, M1
donation to the cause, M1
fighting tyranny and oppression
the Durruti Column
the Anarchist Way

The Just City
New Barcelona
The Bakunin Collective
Black Centauri
New Earth
Liberty Collective
Equality Commune
New Australia
Hope Commune
The Great Commune
Casas Viejas
Paris Commune III
New Hope
The People Armed
City of Light
The 1936 Commune
Resistance Collective

Port Mutiny
La Protesta
Nouvelle Atlantide
Free Ys
Kronstadt II
Port Leaderless
Lagoon Collective

Where there is Authority, there is no Freedom

^LEADER: {All anarchists are equal}
^BACKGROUND: {The eternal struggle against authority is everywhere, even amongst the stars}
^AGENDA: {Absolute Democracy, Anarchy}
^TECH: {Ethical Calculus}

^Er, I haven't bothered filling this in...

#xs 440
#caption $CAPTION7
"This squabbling amongst ourselves accomplishes nothing, $NAME1.
Let us forswear our differences and refocus our efforts on the
goals of this mission."

"Fair enough. I shall order hostilities to cease."
"Hah! I shall enjoy watching your bases burn!"

#xs 440
#caption $CAPTION7
"The fragmentation of this mission has been a disaster, $TITLE0
$NAME1. Won't you sign a Treaty of Friendship and help us
to reunite the others?"

"A lofty goal, $TITLE4--I am with you."
"No. What's done is done, $NAME3."

# ; This line must remain at end of file

manch posted 05-24-99 02:24 PM ET     Click Here to See the Profile for manch  Click Here to Email manch     

How about adding free Headquarters at every base, getting rid of the free tech, and adding or increasing a few more penalties?
It makes sense for a decentralised federation.


dinoman posted 06-09-99 04:45 PM ET     Click Here to See the Profile for dinoman    
The anarchists sound OK, although I think you should get rid of the Free Market Penalties. Oh, and heres the txt for a faction I created that is a little like the Anarchists; The Hacker Alliance

Hacker Alliance, The Hacker, Alliance, M, 1, Bryan, M, -1, 0, 1, 0, 1,
Values, Knowledge, RESEARCH
Politcs, Fundamentalist, nil
Alliance, Alliance,
Julia, Bond, Julia-Net
Cyber-Consul, ingenious, psychotic, cyber-skilled, insane
continue our quest into cyberspace
to contuniue our quest of exploration and expansion into cyberspace
insanely taking over various systems which should not be tampered with
insanely taking over various systems which should not be tampered with
letting the machines run wild
dreaming up new ways to replace humans with machines
dreaming up new ways to replace humans
creating unethical technology
unspeakable tech, M2
computer skills, M1
cyber-love, M1
research grant, M1
pushing the boundaries of computers
Hacking Rovers
Standard Hacking Procedures

Hacker-Net Central
Cyber-Net 1
CompNet of Planet
Planetary Archives
Razvitia Progress Base
New Los Angeles
New New York
Planetary Net Alpha
Hope in the Code
New Net
Zeta Chip
Computer Monitoring Station
Silicon Prospect
Mir II
Tech Center


Information. Every second it zips back and forth and back
and forth across cyberspace. Millions upon billions of
0s and 1s, just waiting for someone with the right tools...
to come and take a look.
^ -- Cyber-Consul Bryan Weaver,
^ "Planet: The Ultimate Hacking Ground"

^LEADER: {Cyber-Consul Bryan Weaver}
^BACKGROUND: {"The Death Angels" Hacker Gang, Unity Computer Officer}
^AGENDA: {Protection of the domain of Cyberspace, freedom to hack.}
^TECH: {Polymorphic Software}

^+3 RESEARCH: {Hacking Skills}
^+2 PROBE: {Skilled at defending computer systems}
^-3 POLICE: {Freedom loving}
^-2 MORALE: {Hackers don't like to get killed}
^Automatically gets any tech known to 3 other Factions, because of skill in hacking.
^+1 DRONE for every three citizens {(some people just aren't good with computers)}
^{May not use Fundamentalist Politics.}

#xs 440
#caption $CAPTION7
"Call off your dogs, $NAME1. I am ready to pledge Blood Truce
if you will allow us to continue advancing computer technology."

"Very well, but do not provoke me further."
"No, $NAME3. All you want to do is hack into our systems."

#xs 440
#caption $CAPTION7
"We do not want to fight, $TITLE0 $NAME1. Will you sign
a Treaty of Friendship and leave us to develop Cyberspace?"

"Of course. We must certainly strive to win freedom everywhere."
"No. I don't want you stealing any of my research during peace, $NAME3."

# ; This line must remain at end of file

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