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  Guardian High Counsel

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Author Topic:   Guardian High Counsel
Ronin_54 posted 05-11-99 11:05 AM ET   Click Here to See the Profile for Ronin_54   Click Here to Email Ronin_54  
I hearby summon the Guardian High Counsel.

First, I will give main rules for the other Guardians, including the time of approval,

1)If one of us declares war, we will all assist him without questioning him. 1264

2)Declaring a war is only allowed if all Guardians agree, or if one of the Guardians is attacked without provocation. 1342

3)The goal of the Guardians is not power. We are not allowed to exploit our advantages against others who are no threath to us. 1342

4)The Guardian Counsel may not exeed the maximum number of eight members. 1343

5)In case of an combined Evil attack on the HQ, our primary goal will be to let at least one Guardian survive, in order to ensure the survival of our species, and thereby prevent an to soon end of the Guardian. 1351

6)Replacing deceased Guardian is only allowed to the complete High Counsel. One exeption: In case of combined attack, the surviving Guardian is allowed to choose his/her own friends, and is allowed to promote them to Guardians, following the Code of Life. 1353

7)Because of the danger of an combined Evil attack, only two Guardians are allowed to remain in the HQ.
Three others will remain in the surrounding systems, acting as Generals in case we start an attack.
Two others will act as scouts to chart new planets, species, and Evil strongholds.
One Guardian will assist in scouting, but is not allowed to return to the HQ under any circumstance.
In case of an Combined Attack, all Guardians must return to HQ, or one of the outposts to help defend, except for one Guardian. He must hide in aanother sector and remain hidden for a minimal time of six months. After this time, they must return to the HQ to check the status of the other Guardians. In case of annihilation, they must take the Cristal, the WhiteStar, and the assault scemes, and leave for sector 6375 to find new ally's. In case of sector 6375 being empty, or has already been called upon, head to sector 8245 or 9432. Survival is the prime goal. Try to gain as many friends as possible and reinitiate the Guardian Counsel. 1487

8)The votes have been made. The Guardian of Destiny is the first one to go on survival duty. He will be given the command codes to control WhiteStar. 1487

These are the old rules. Some of them do not apply anymore, but they are the last ones left from the old High Counsel....

High Commander Ronin
Guardian of Destiny

JT 3 posted 05-11-99 05:14 PM ET     Click Here to See the Profile for JT 3  Click Here to Email JT 3     
Okay. Now, where is this HQ?
Ronin_54 posted 05-13-99 05:13 AM ET     Click Here to See the Profile for Ronin_54  Click Here to Email Ronin_54     
Where WAS this HQ you mean? It was a great distance from here, but the location does not matter. When we left with the WhiteStar, carrying the Cristal, the HQ star system collapsed as planned. For now, the HQ is based on board of the WhiteStar.
Ronin_54 posted 05-17-99 01:28 PM ET     Click Here to See the Profile for Ronin_54  Click Here to Email Ronin_54     
The High Counsel is now the only legitim Guardian Counsel. The previous one has been abandoned by me, because it seemed to become an AoP Counsel, wich I do not aprove. So please, do not start discussions about the AoP here.

Also, AoP members are not allowed to post here, unless it is important to Guardians. If any AoP member starts asking people to join, we will declare war on the AoP. Not because we hate you, but because you are anoying. As long as you do not post here, or recruit here, everything will be fine.

JT, I am not sure if you agree with this. If we declare war on the AoP, it would create several problems for you being a member of both groups. Because of this, we will not obligate you to fight on our side.

Also, for the moment, we can not allow any new members of the AoP to join the Guardians. We are sorry for this. Any members who have applied for membership will have to wait for a while.

Also, we will be censuring the Databanks. It will from now on not contain any vital information. If another Guardian wants such information, he/she will have to ask a member of Destiny for it. We are sorry for the inconvenience, but we have no choice.

Voting will become a problem now. Korian, I want to ask you a question: have you got connections with the AoP?

High Commander Ronin
Guardians of Destiny

JT 3 posted 05-17-99 02:55 PM ET     Click Here to See the Profile for JT 3  Click Here to Email JT 3     
I see last time happening all over again.

Alright. The only reason I talked about the AOP was because people started asking about it.

No. Korian is part of the Universal Alliance. This has four members: Korian, Collins, Winston, and the Interstellar Consulate. They haven't posted about it in a while, but it still exists.

President Korian posted 05-18-99 07:35 PM ET     Click Here to See the Profile for President Korian  Click Here to Email President Korian     
In lieu of this recent developments, we would like to rejoin the Guardians, if this is possible. And JT is correct, I have no connection to the AoP.
Dehlan posted 05-18-99 09:18 PM ET     Click Here to See the Profile for Dehlan  Click Here to Email Dehlan     
Hello friends... I have been ressurected by my faction. Before my death, I left a small crystal on my flagship. That crystal was intended to ressurect me. My people have finally uncoverd it's secrets... Please will someone inform me of what has happened sence my untimely death?
-Acidimician Prokhor Dehlan,
I have returned
JT 3 posted 05-18-99 09:54 PM ET     Click Here to See the Profile for JT 3  Click Here to Email JT 3     
Welcome back!

Really quickly:

AOP bigger, colonizes Alpha Sol system

Ronin returns, me and him Guardians, more can be voted in

Shadow war ended

Dehlan posted 05-19-99 07:05 PM ET     Click Here to See the Profile for Dehlan  Click Here to Email Dehlan     
Friends, I just want you to know that I have been gone for a very, very, long time... I have no idead who the aop is and need to know how my fellow guardians are doing. I also have claimed an area in the Theta Organa sector to be my HQ. You are all welcome to pass through. However, is the Hive still present in the galaxy? If so, my full force will be against them. If I have been removed from the guardians in this time, I would wish to rejoin... And if there is anything else that has happened (change of alliences, ect.) please tell me! Thank you very much.

-Acidimician Prokhor High Guardian Dehlan,
Other Stuff

JT 3 posted 05-19-99 07:18 PM ET     Click Here to See the Profile for JT 3  Click Here to Email JT 3     
Oh, yes, I forgot, you died back when that Defenders group was around...... that was a while back. Well, I guess I have to do the history lesson again<sigh>.

The AOP formed back when the UED was threatening us. Those threats stopped, but the AOP remained. It was reenergized when the Shadows first attacked. Since then, it has grown to many members. I am Supreme Commander, Galen is Political Commander, AoYoS is Military Commander, and Eccles is Economic Commander. There are also several other members that do not hold positions right now.

AoYoS is the leader of the Herclux Combine, an alien race. They live on the planets Truxia and Herculi.

The Hive is not around any more. I thought you were still around when that happened.

The UA was formed by Collins and Korian. It is the rival to the AOP. It has four members: Collins, Korian, Winston, and the Interstallar Consulate. There are no positions yet.

Ronin returned, the Guardians right now are him(Guardian of Destiny) and me(Guardian of Knowledge).

That's all the vital info.

I vote YEA for Dehlan to rejoin the Guardians.

Chancellor AoYoS posted 05-19-99 07:25 PM ET     Click Here to See the Profile for Chancellor AoYoS  Click Here to Email Chancellor AoYoS     
We are not the Combine anymore.

We are the Union of Socialist Aliens.

Kaljar posted 05-19-99 07:51 PM ET     Click Here to See the Profile for Kaljar  Click Here to Email Kaljar     
Um... sorry for asking this, but, what exactly is the Guardion High Counsel, and what does it do?
JT 3 posted 05-19-99 07:58 PM ET     Click Here to See the Profile for JT 3  Click Here to Email JT 3     
Oh, yeah, the USA. Sorry.
Ronin_54 posted 05-20-99 02:35 PM ET     Click Here to See the Profile for Ronin_54  Click Here to Email Ronin_54     
I also vote yes for Dehlan. I am happy to see you again. I also made a come-back recently. Right now, I am rebuilding the Guardians. Same goals, wiping out the Evil. You can see in the Guardian Counsel, but do not post there.

About Korian: I thought he was voted in already...

About the AOP: I have nothing against the AOP or against you, JT, but I do not like the fact that they ask people to join by posting in the Guardian Counsel. The Counsel was ment to be for Guardians and alligned people. Ronin out.

High Commander Ronin
Guardians of Destiny

Ronin_54 posted 05-20-99 02:37 PM ET     Click Here to See the Profile for Ronin_54  Click Here to Email Ronin_54     
Oh, and if a Guardian uses its title in a post, please use this code:

High Commander <NAME>
Guardians of <NAME>

You can type it under your other titles. If you do not want to be a "High Commander", you may choose another title...

Ronin_54 posted 05-20-99 02:43 PM ET     Click Here to See the Profile for Ronin_54  Click Here to Email Ronin_54     
The Guardians have returned. It seems we are all back, and I am very pleased that you want to join again. I am sorry about things I said in the past, but there were a few problems back then. But I have something to bring for the Counsel:

How about leaving the number of Guardians the same as when we broke up? So it would just be Ronin, Dehlan, Korian, JT3, (Galen? I am not sure anymore... It has been a while)

We will have a nice group then. We all now that we can thrust one another (I hope...).

High Commander Ronin
Guardians of Destiny

JT 3 posted 05-20-99 02:50 PM ET     Click Here to See the Profile for JT 3  Click Here to Email JT 3     
We can trust Galen. I think the old group would probably be the best. I'm not sure if Korian would want to join, though.
President Korian posted 05-21-99 07:20 AM ET     Click Here to See the Profile for President Korian  Click Here to Email President Korian     
I would like to see the return of the 4 original Guardians, and I do not want any new members.
JT 3 posted 05-21-99 10:40 AM ET     Click Here to See the Profile for JT 3  Click Here to Email JT 3     
Good enough for me.
Ronin_54 posted 05-21-99 01:42 PM ET     Click Here to See the Profile for Ronin_54  Click Here to Email Ronin_54     
The decission has been made. The old Guardians are back together. We shall not accept new members. Maybey it is now the time to set up some ground rules?

These rules are standard:

1)You may use Guardian tech, but no one is allowed to trade it without discussing it with the others.

2)If one of us goes to war, or is drawn into a war, everyone will back him/her up.

3)Going to war should be discussed with other Guardians first.

These are basic, if you want further rules, just inform us so we can vote.

Also, I so not think it is neccasary to elect a "Supreme Leader". It is better to remain a democracy, wich is possible since we are a small group.

Only one problem: what about voting? Since we are with 4, it could become 2 against 2. There are at least two options:

1) If it is 2 YEA, 2NEA, it will be automaticly NEA (do not really like this...)

2)One of us gets two votes (seems a nice solution, but who will get this votes. And that person would be close to a SC...)

Ronin_54 posted 05-21-99 02:23 PM ET     Click Here to See the Profile for Ronin_54  Click Here to Email Ronin_54     
Oh, and another few things:

If the threath of Evil appears somewhere else, we, Destiny, will go there. I hope you, fellow Guardians, will join we in such a case. This will happen, since there are more Evil armies beside the Shadows. Maybey there are even other Guardians out there.

Also, I am curious about your fleets. I have no clue to how large fleets are these days... If you do not want to post it here, could you please mail me your Military strenght (if you want to)? I will post my "fleet" here:

White Star
Command Ship
Size: small cruiser.
Crew: 45 crew
6 fighter pilots.
1 - JHS-24 forward-firing cannon (classified)
2 - Missile Bays
50 EMP-MK9 missiles (classified)
90 Standard Guardian Missiles (heavy)
4 - Auto Turrets, JHS-12 mobile dischargers.
2 - Crewed Turrets, JHS-19 fixed dischargers
Six fighters present:
4 - JHS-12 pulse-dischargers
2 - Small Missile Bays (Cl.)
One bomber present:
1 9 JHS-14 pulse-dischargers
8 - JHS-06 pulse-dischargers
7 - Small Missile Bays (Cl.)
Armor: Classified.
Engines: CT-engines, Classified
The White Star is the pride and glory of the Guardians. It has been created using meterials and plans from the HP. WhiteStar has been created to lead the final attack against the Evils. It is powered by the Crystal, wich was kept at the HQ. WhiteStar was still in prototype state during the Assault. As stated in the Ground rules, the first surving Guardian that returned, placed the Crystal in WhiteStar, and took it on its first, and final mission: to annihilate the Evil...

Ronin_54 posted 05-21-99 02:29 PM ET     Click Here to See the Profile for Ronin_54  Click Here to Email Ronin_54     
This is the long description of the WhiteStar. Further, there is one escort:

Former Command Ship
Size: Small cruiser.
Crew: 20 crewmembers/pilots
12 - GTR-14 Auto Turrets (Pulse-system)
4 - GTR-16 Forward Cannons (Plasma-system)
3 - Missile Bays (Standard Guardian)
Eight Fighters:
2 - GTR-4 Forward Cannons (Pulse-system)
1 - Missile Bays (Small Guardian)
Armor: Standard Ion Plating
The former Destiny command ship, now replaced by WhiteStar. Not very powerfull, first purpose scouting.

This is the Fleet of the Guardians of Destiny. Small, but powerfull. Be carefull :-) .

Ronin_54 posted 05-22-99 09:25 AM ET     Click Here to See the Profile for Ronin_54  Click Here to Email Ronin_54     
One of our scouts came accross a small fleet... A Guardian fleet... It is what is left of the fleet of one of my old Guardian friends. She has been captured, and most of her fleet has been destroyed in the attack on the HQ.

The small fleet has joined the WhiteStar, and is now part of Destiny.

The fleet consist of the following ships:

Cruiser (3)
Guardian Escort
Crew: 55 people
Scout (4), 1 GTR-4 cannon
Fighter (8), 4 GTR-6 cannons
Bomber (4), 3 GTR-6, 2 missile bays
Special (4), (Classified)

They have witnesed the destroying of the HQ. They have reported that the only surviving Guardians were:
Life (Captures)
Destiny (Operational)
Future (Survived, but captured).

I am going to search for the Guardian of Future, since we have some leads. I will still be able to communicate in the Counsels, but I cannot be physicly present for a while. Ronin out.

High Commander Ronin
Guardians of Destiny

In search of an old friend...

President Korian posted 05-22-99 10:19 AM ET     Click Here to See the Profile for President Korian  Click Here to Email President Korian     
OOC: Are you just going to add to your own forces, or is a new Guardian actually joining? (I do not intend for any offense or sarcasm when I say "Are you just going to add to your own forces,"
Ronin_54 posted 05-22-99 02:02 PM ET     Click Here to See the Profile for Ronin_54  Click Here to Email Ronin_54     
OOC: I do not intend to make the same mistake as with the GoL. You should not now yet, but the Guardian of Future will become one of my leading military advisors if I find her. There will not be another Guardian joining the group. Destiny and Future will simply merge.

(BTW: What does "OOC" mean?)
(BTW2: If someone wants to take to role of the Guardian of Future, just let me know..)

Ronin_54 posted 05-22-99 02:16 PM ET     Click Here to See the Profile for Ronin_54  Click Here to Email Ronin_54     
(BTW3: There is also a history behind the GoF)
JT 3 posted 05-22-99 05:36 PM ET     Click Here to See the Profile for JT 3  Click Here to Email JT 3     
OOC means Out Of Character.
Dehlan posted 05-23-99 11:22 AM ET     Click Here to See the Profile for Dehlan  Click Here to Email Dehlan     
Thank you for issueing me in! I have a fleet of five alien craft. (I captured an alien fleet of extremely advanced tech on a patrol through Theta Organa, where my base system is at.)

Theta Organa 55 (command ship)
10 Atomic Warhead Launchers
22 Ion Cannons
armor: Theta Raidioactive Energy Fields
fighters: 5 alien craft (tech classified)

All of my other ships are the same as the above, but are not my command ship.
Also, I am now the guardian of the spirits.

High Comander Acidimician Prokhor Dehlan
Guardians Of The Spirits

Chancellor AoYoS posted 05-23-99 12:46 PM ET     Click Here to See the Profile for Chancellor AoYoS  Click Here to Email Chancellor AoYoS     
I guess since all of the old guardians are back, there is no room for the new guardians.

Therefore, I am withdrawing my question to become a guardian. We will pursue *different alliances* most likely cement our ties with the Confederacy and the AoP.

Therefore, all guardians not in the AoP, have to abide by the rules of the Charter of the Union.

JT 3 posted 05-23-99 01:02 PM ET     Click Here to See the Profile for JT 3  Click Here to Email JT 3     
Why would Ronin(or Dehlan or Korian) need to abide by your rules?
President Korian posted 05-23-99 02:47 PM ET     Click Here to See the Profile for President Korian  Click Here to Email President Korian     
AoYoS, I have no idea what you meant in your last post. I, for one, will not abide by your rules.
Chancellor AoYoS posted 05-23-99 11:01 PM ET     Click Here to See the Profile for Chancellor AoYoS  Click Here to Email Chancellor AoYoS     
Then you will be dealt with harshly.

All we ask is that non-AOP guardians respect our territory and ask passage.

I meant that I will no longer be willing to accept nor run for guardianship as I previously asked.

Chancellor AoYoS posted 05-23-99 11:03 PM ET     Click Here to See the Profile for Chancellor AoYoS  Click Here to Email Chancellor AoYoS     
JT 3: They are not our allies and therefore must respect our territory. I should have explained the Charter before. It is exactly what it the old Act of the Two Centauris was, explaining our territorial rights and asking that non allied peaceful factions respect our borders.
Chancellor AoYoS posted 05-23-99 11:05 PM ET     Click Here to See the Profile for Chancellor AoYoS  Click Here to Email Chancellor AoYoS     
This action was not meant for Ronin and Dehlan. We are on firendly terms with them. They can pass through Union territory without authorization as long as their weapons are powered down.

This mainly targeted Korian. I am reminding him of the Act so that he wont get over zealous.

Lt Natalia Quist posted 05-24-99 02:19 AM ET     Click Here to See the Profile for Lt Natalia Quist  Click Here to Email Lt Natalia Quist     
Destiny wants no connections with you anymore, Chancellor. If Korian, or any one else, is being treated hostile by you, we will attack. you are warned.

Lt. Natalia Quist
Guardians of Destiny

President Korian posted 05-24-99 07:22 AM ET     Click Here to See the Profile for President Korian  Click Here to Email President Korian     
Chancellor, this is not the place for you to post your foolish ultimatums. We have no need to conquer your territories, so we shall have no ships in your territory.
Dehlan posted 05-24-99 06:40 PM ET     Click Here to See the Profile for Dehlan  Click Here to Email Dehlan     
I have been dead very long, chansellor. I would like to know who you are, what alligence you have with me or any other guardian, and wether or not you are hostile.

-High Commander Acidimician Prokhor Dehlan
Guardians of the Spirits

Chancellor AoYoS posted 05-24-99 07:21 PM ET     Click Here to See the Profile for Chancellor AoYoS  Click Here to Email Chancellor AoYoS     
Quist: I was invited here by Ronin and will not leave until he returns. All I am ASKING is that you abide by my TERRITORY! IS THAT TOO MUCH TO ASK? God, I can't even tell anyone to abide my territory without them saying I am threatening them.

Dehlan: We are a peaceful race, normally. We are in the AoP. I am the military commander of it also. The Guardians pose no threat to me as I said they can pass through our territory without harm. This Quist character is threatening me by saying she will not uphold our territorial right. We offer you an alliance and we offer you a world you can settle on.

Chancellor AoYoS posted 05-24-99 07:24 PM ET     Click Here to See the Profile for Chancellor AoYoS  Click Here to Email Chancellor AoYoS     
Why is everything I post perceived as a threat? I was just asking that you new comers abide by my territory. Korian, sorry about the restatement, should of known you would remember.
Chancellor AoYoS posted 05-24-99 07:28 PM ET     Click Here to See the Profile for Chancellor AoYoS  Click Here to Email Chancellor AoYoS     
Korian and I have been hostile towards each other in the past.

So you are saying if we are attacked without provocation, and we treat Korian (this is hypothetical) as hostile, we will be attacked by you? That is rubbish. That shows that you Destiny Guardian are an agressor.

JT 3 posted 05-24-99 08:20 PM ET     Click Here to See the Profile for JT 3  Click Here to Email JT 3     
No, that woupld be insane. She's saying if _you_ attack that they will declare war on you(I think).
Lt Natalia Quist posted 05-25-99 01:58 PM ET     Click Here to See the Profile for Lt Natalia Quist  Click Here to Email Lt Natalia Quist     
In case you have missed something: since Ronin is gone, I am in full command of the Guardians of Destiny. I have the same rights as Ronin had, And if I decide that you cannot be thrusted, Chancellor, I have every means to attack. But I will not. My point is, that I will defend Korian at all cost.

Korian is an old friend of us. So if you attack him, we shall retaliate. Ronin would have done the same... I miss him...

Lt. Natalia Quist
Guardians of Destiny

Chancellor AoYoS posted 05-25-99 04:58 PM ET     Click Here to See the Profile for Chancellor AoYoS  Click Here to Email Chancellor AoYoS     
Who said I was ever going to attack him anyway?

Korian and I have been getting along lately.

Dehlan posted 05-25-99 09:45 PM ET     Click Here to See the Profile for Dehlan  Click Here to Email Dehlan     
Ok, Ok... What happened to Ronin and who are you, Quist? The Guardians have fallen into a state of chaos, with the rest of the galexy. I am now issueing Marshel Law, you will all speak in a civilized manner, and no wars will be declared. In short, I am taking over this counsil.

-High Commander Acidimician Prokhor Dehlan
Guardians of the Spirits

Chancellor AoYoS posted 05-25-99 10:56 PM ET     Click Here to See the Profile for Chancellor AoYoS  Click Here to Email Chancellor AoYoS     
I am not a member of this council and will not listen to your threats.

Marshall Law does not exist within the AoP and you do not control it.

War has been declared.

Chancellor AoYoS, Acting Supreme Commander of the AoP

President Korian posted 05-26-99 07:17 AM ET     Click Here to See the Profile for President Korian  Click Here to Email President Korian     
Dehlan, Ronin is missing. The Guardians are not in chaos. Quist is Ronin's second in command. Marshall law shall not be declared in the FSD, and in need arises, we shall declare war. You have not taken over this council.
President Korian posted 05-26-99 07:20 AM ET     Click Here to See the Profile for President Korian  Click Here to Email President Korian     
Due to his recent activities, I vote Dehlan be expelled from the Guardians. Obviously, I vote YEA.
JT 3 posted 05-26-99 05:13 PM ET     Click Here to See the Profile for JT 3  Click Here to Email JT 3     
I vote YEA, and since Dehlan can't vote on this matter, that means even if Quist voted NAY Dehlan would be kicked out. So, Dehlan is Guardian no more.
Dehlan posted 05-26-99 07:25 PM ET     Click Here to See the Profile for Dehlan  Click Here to Email Dehlan     
Just so you know, it was all a test. I am not issueing Marshel Law. I was just testing to see if you could stand against a meajor shadow attack, and you did. You all stood together, nothing can beat that. Anyway, I hope you issue me in again after this ("misunderstanding") remember, it was just a test. I wish you all luck in finding Ronin, i'm calling off any wars that were declared during this whole thing, hope you do the same.

-High Commander Acidimician Prokhor Dehlan
Guardians of the Spirits (I think)

Dehlan posted 05-26-99 08:42 PM ET     Click Here to See the Profile for Dehlan  Click Here to Email Dehlan     
Also, if I can, I would like to join the AoP. I think that they are a powerful group, and think that they would make a good ally.

-High Commander Acidimician Prokhor Dehlan
Guardians of the Spirits (I think)

JT 3 posted 05-26-99 09:17 PM ET     Click Here to See the Profile for JT 3  Click Here to Email JT 3     
I still vote NEA. He is attacking an almost powerless group(no offense to Marshall) that is trying to set up and start over. If he stops that war, I will change my vote.
Dehlan posted 05-26-99 10:16 PM ET     Click Here to See the Profile for Dehlan  Click Here to Email Dehlan     
The Marshall started this war, if he accepts my cease fire, I will gladly make peace. All of my former attempts at peace failed, I will declare total war, and kill the Marshall if this one too fails. As I said, I WILL NOT STAND BACK AND WATCH MY PEOPLE DIE!

-High Commander Acidimician Prokhor Dehlan
Guardians of the Spirits (I think)

Ronin_54 posted 05-27-99 03:22 PM ET     Click Here to See the Profile for Ronin_54  Click Here to Email Ronin_54     
Well, JT, seems you have got it a bit wrong... You and Korian are taking actions against the Guardians... Therefor I am allowed to kick YOU out of the Guardians. I can do this, since I am the oldest Guardian. All I need is the support of at least one Guardian. Wich could be Dehlan. Or the Guardian of Future. So, JT, Korian, you seem to have made a small mistake.

So if Dehlan agrees, you are no longer Guardians...

High Commander Ronin
Guardian of Destiny
Declaring Omega-direction activated...

Dehlan posted 05-27-99 03:44 PM ET     Click Here to See the Profile for Dehlan  Click Here to Email Dehlan     
I agree that Korian should be kicked out, but not JT.

-High Commander Acidimician Prokhor Dehlan
Guardians of the Spirits

President Korian posted 05-27-99 03:48 PM ET     Click Here to See the Profile for President Korian  Click Here to Email President Korian     
I am withdrawin from the Guardians due to all these recent events. Dehlan tries to take over the known universe, I want to kick him out of the Guardians, so I get kicked out? Yeah, right. Anyways Ronin, it is kind of hard to hold us up against rules which you have not told us of. But it is not matter, for I am withdrawn.
Dehlan posted 05-27-99 04:54 PM ET     Click Here to See the Profile for Dehlan  Click Here to Email Dehlan     
Are you blind Korian!? Look at the first post on this board!

-High Commander Acidimician Prokhor Dehlan
Guardians of the Spirits

President Korian posted 05-27-99 05:34 PM ET     Click Here to See the Profile for President Korian  Click Here to Email President Korian     
Dehlan posted 05-27-99 05:57 PM ET     Click Here to See the Profile for Dehlan  Click Here to Email Dehlan     
The rules are at the first post.

-High Commander Acidimician Prokhor Dehlan
Guardians of the Spirits

President Korian posted 05-27-99 05:59 PM ET     Click Here to See the Profile for President Korian  Click Here to Email President Korian     
I mean you have to explain the rules first before you go around saying you didnt break them. You also didn't bother to explain this rule you made up.
Galen posted 05-27-99 10:41 PM ET     Click Here to See the Profile for Galen  Click Here to Email Galen     
Actually, Korian and JT's responses were withing Guardian code. Look at code 1342, listed number 2, there was provocation for a response. However, Dehlan made an act of war, so he should be kicked out.
Dehlan posted 05-28-99 09:46 AM ET     Click Here to See the Profile for Dehlan  Click Here to Email Dehlan     
I was only following The Republic Constitusional Rights!!! Read my post titled, "The New Republic arises! Join us!" There you will find The Constitution of The Republic, those are the laws that will bind the NEW era together, unlike all of the villinay in this last one!

-High Commander Acidimician Prokhor Dehlan
Guardians of the Spirits

Sheng Ji Yang posted 06-01-99 11:03 PM ET     Click Here to See the Profile for Sheng Ji Yang    
I would like to join The Guardians. They seem to be far better than the AoP or NR.
Dehlan posted 06-02-99 10:17 AM ET     Click Here to See the Profile for Dehlan  Click Here to Email Dehlan     
I'm sorry, The Guardians decided a while back not to riecriut any new members. However The New Republic is a good ally, and is alike the Guardians in many ways.

-High Senator Acidimician Prokhor Dehlan
Guardians of Life

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