posted 05-09-99 07:35 PM ET
A new form of society. Where the populace is kept content by spin doctoring.The principal settings are +2 Probe, +1 Economy, -2 Morale and immunity to negative police ratings. This also grants impunity over Cybernetic and partially over Free Market.
Your thoughts, please.
Matthew Greet
; FACTION FILE: Illuminati
; Made with ACEdit (c)1999 ANX at
; For use this Faction file select load from
; faction select in the game and write... Illuminati
Illuminati, The Control Freaks, Illuminati, M, 2, Konstantin, M, -1, 0, 0, 1, 0,
Economics, Free Market, ECONOMY
Politics, Democratic, nil
Illuminati, Illumi.
De, Fault, Default book
Master, caring, manipulative, unthinking, misled,
Control Freak
protect our own followers
to save the common man from his own instincts
stamping out any form of initiative from the common man
stamping out any form of initiative from the common man
reduce humanity to a collection of morons
dreaming up new ways to corrupt the truth
dreaming up new ways to corrupt the truth
denying access to the truth
media manipulation, M1
population's contentment, M2
media manipulation, M1
fee, M1
keeping the masses happy
my Men in Black
Illuminati unwritten law
Broadcasting House
Brave New World
Channel 56
Konstantin's Orphanage
New Hollywood
Delta City
Church of Ford
Bokanovsky Labs
Charity Centre
Presidential Retreat
Temptation Halls
Scent-Organ Palace
New Vatican City
Soma Manufacturing
House of Decadance
Fort Fnord
Dept of Information
Sensation Corporation
Hello! Magazines
Aphroditaem Club
Upper Echelon Base
Mustapha Mond
Alpha Haven
Theme Park City
Songster Base
Age of Aquarius
Nova Scotia
Radio Carolina
Water Sports
Port Marx
Holurn Port
Easter Island
The social and economic devastation of Earth cries out what no one would dare say. Consesus politics do not work! The whims and desires of the common man meander without direction or coherence.
^But the man living in the fear of poverty, insecurity or oppression will loot and kill to salve his fear. Even from the mechanisms designed to help him. What is to be done?
^You already know the answer. Make his like comfortable, tell him what he wants to hear, convince him to not desire what he cannot have, and he will hand you power on a plate.
^ -- Master Konstantin Makarov,
^ Private address to the Upper Echelon
^LEADER: {Konstantin Makarov}
^BACKGROUND: {Russian Commonwealth, Unity Security Officer}
^AGENDA: {Media manipulation, population contentment}
^TECH: {Social Psych}
^+2 PROBE: {Masters of deceit and misinformation}
^+1 ECONOMY: {Mindless consumerism}
^-2 MORALE: {No trooper initiative}
^{Free Recreation Commons at every base}
^{Police rating can never be negative}
^{May not use Democratic politics}
#xs 440
#caption $CAPTION7
"Too many widows and orphans are making the populace unhappy. Let us pledge Blood Truce and allow the masses to rebuild their lives."
"I agree. Funerals have hit the headlines."
"Scared the truth will out? I shall free your followers from your worst instincts."
#xs 440
#caption $CAPTION7
"I believe you have the masses interests at heart, $TITLE0 $NAME1. Let us sign a Treaty of Friendship and prevent war discontent."
"Of course, $NAME3. It is the common man that suffers in war."
"No. I want nothing to do with your lying media, $NAME3."
# ; This line must remain at end of file