posted 05-05-99 01:09 AM ET Starting Tech: Applied Physics Free Facilities: Command Center Free Unit at Start: Colony Pod
Police +1 Planet -1 Research -2
Priority: Police Social Priority: Power Can't use: Thought Control Use Force?: Yes Interested in: Power 20 free energy credits +25% Fanatic
I've done a few tests with this, and they still get tech too fast(Faster than the University in one game) But what do you guys think?
posted 05-05-99 01:49 AM ET
Ditch the colony pod.
posted 05-05-99 09:19 AM ET
change the can't use from Thought Control to Knowledge. Thought Control doesn't come until late enough in the game to make it a hindrance at all, and can't use knowledge is consistant with you research penalty.
posted 05-05-99 03:06 PM ET
Should I get rid of the colony pod and change the restriction, or just chang the restriction..?
posted 05-05-99 03:30 PM ET
Well, they should certainly not be able to use power, because this gets rid of their only real penalty. And having an extra colony pod to start is too powerful. Ditch them both, and the faction is OK.
posted 05-05-99 03:30 PM ET
Sorry, I meant they shouldn't be able to use KNOWLEDGE.
posted 05-05-99 05:55 PM ET
Question: How are they researching faster than University with -2 Research?
posted 05-07-99 04:15 PM ET
I dunno how they got the tech so fast...they just did.
Any other suggestions?
The Hawk
posted 05-09-99 01:14 PM ET
When you tested them did you play 'em or watched to comp play? Human researches easily faster than Univercity on a easier level.
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