posted 05-04-99 05:27 AM ET What are the 'rules' regarding research? My faction have +2 research, so how do I know if it's ok to discover a new technology?
President Tav, Leader of the Noran Republic
posted 05-04-99 05:44 AM ET
Don't understand. It is always ok to discover a new technology at some point in the next x turns.
Although the technologies are a bit useless (except for score increasing) at the end.
Have a look at the Economy screen (is that what is is called ?) press E.
The box near the bottom should tell you how near you are to the next discovery.
JT 3
posted 05-04-99 07:26 AM ET
Garyd, he's asking for the RPing.
Well, since yuo're a researching Faction, you can have a new tech every two days. I am also a researching Faction, but I don't go that fast, because I can't think up new stuff that fast. If you can think up new stuff really fast, then go ahead and post 'em.
Michael G
posted 05-04-99 07:57 PM ET
Read '(RP) Quasar Inductor' Big research takes 2 - 3 weeks. It really depends on how powerful your tech is.
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