Topic: RP: New AOP Message Board
JT 3 |
posted 04-28-99 07:34 PM ET
Old one was getting too long. Here are basic facts:-In process of voting right now, noone holds any position -At war with Shadows -Galen has finally returned!
JT 3
posted 04-29-99 10:19 PM ET
Okay, I am using this one from now on, the old one is too big. New facts:Supreme Commander: JT3 Military Commander: AoYoS Economic Commander: Eccles Political Commander: Galen Augustus Michael is a full member of the AOP. |
God Emperor Eccles V
posted 05-01-99 02:43 PM ET
Could I change? OOC: I did do High Level Economics (some non-descript British Degree). I prefer deception to aggregate demand. IC: Can I take a vote on economic views? Keynesian (think socialism) Neo-Classical Marxist Stalinist Classical Pragmatism I am a Stalinist. |
JT 3
posted 05-01-99 09:16 PM ET
Please define these a little more. |
Ambassador Collins
posted 05-01-99 09:25 PM ET
Or, you could research these terms! |
JT 3
posted 05-01-99 10:26 PM ET
...and, of course, Collins' expected flame. It wouldn't be Collins without that. |
posted 05-01-99 11:49 PM ET
I would go with Socialism. One with population controls in order to maintain the enviroment. Although I would like to A) look into them more (I will) AND B) hear about them from you. Combine JT and Collins. |
Chancellor AoYoS
posted 05-02-99 12:53 AM ET
Im a staunch Marxist. |
JT 3
posted 05-02-99 11:13 AM ET
Collins isn't in the AOP, Galen. |
JT 3
posted 05-02-99 11:20 AM ET
Oh, and by the way, I meant how he would run them. They are the basic idea, but there are different ways of running them.Like, if we did some communism thing, where the worker and the employer get the same amount of pay, Eccles wouldn't just say: Okay, we have this economic structure: The worker and employer get the same amount of pay. It would have to be a little more defined. |
God Emperor Eccles V
posted 05-02-99 12:19 PM ET
I was waiting for the results of the members economic views before suggesting an economic policy. |
Marshall Xix
posted 05-02-99 09:09 PM ET
Comminque from the Quirat Confederate Outpost on Antiga Prime patching through:Greetings AoP members, I wish to inform you of some things happening within the Confederacy. We have warned all military ships within 1 parsec of our border to move away at least one more parsec. Some AoP fleets are still holding their positions barely outside my border. We will open fire in 2 hours if they are not withdrawn. Marshall Xix |
Chancellor AoYoS
posted 05-02-99 09:10 PM ET
We are moving all Combine ships into back to within AoP territory. |
JT 3
posted 05-02-99 09:41 PM ET
I have ordered all AOP ships to withdraw.I apologize for the mistake. |
Chancellor AoYoS
posted 05-03-99 07:52 PM ET
The Combine wishes to announce the end of hositilities with the Shadows. We are withdrawing all ships to AoP worlds. We encourage others to do the same. I will relenquish command of the AoP military in this matter as I could not honorable attack the Shadows as the combined Commander. We will also take a more active role in the Protectorate, combining Combine economy and production with the Confederacy's military. We may also in the future, pull out of the AoP to help unfoster the rivalries between the AoP and UA. This way you can help one another to foster peace and tranquility. Chancellor AoYoS |
JT 3
posted 05-03-99 07:57 PM ET
Chancellor, do not pull out of the AOP. It will not solve any hostilities, and perhaps make them grow, as they see we are weaker.Also, I will change your position with Galen's, if that is acceptable, seeing as he got the second most votes for Military(I think, I am checking now). |
JT 3
posted 05-03-99 08:00 PM ET
The Shadows would not have peace talks with me. They only responded, "You have used too many atrocities against us. The Flavored Tachyons were the last straw. We must obliterate you." Now, I did not use Flavored Tachyons. Eccles, if you did, stop using them now. I am trying to convince the Shadows I did not use the Tachyons, but they are a very stubborn race. |
Chancellor AoYoS
posted 05-03-99 08:01 PM ET
[Decree from the Parliament of Herclux] "In light of the new hostilities launched by the Shadows against AoP members, we are temporarily withdrawing from the AoP, due to pursuing a peaceful negotiation with the Shadows. I formally relenquish control of all AoP positions. All other alliances still stand. Our ship buildings programs are still in order with all AoP factions."
"As I said this is temporary measure, because since we signed a peace treaty with the Shadows we could not honorably attack them. We will support the AoP in all matters, and keep sending military aid, in the essence of loans and supplies." [Chancellor speaking directly to the AoP leaders] I was outvoted on the matter. I pressed the support hard though. I felt obligation to help our friends. The Combine Parliament feels that we are better to pursue a full alliance with the Confederacy, so we can begin to pursue other matters than military and get back on track with our peaceful statutes that were created for the Combine. As the Decree said we continue to send all supplies to you and loans. I wish the circumstances were different but this is the weakness of democracy I guess. Chancellor AoYoS |
Chancellor AoYoS
posted 05-03-99 08:07 PM ET
I forgot to mention this aspect of our resignation. My people are weary of war. If we kept fighting this expensive war, I would be facing riots and revolutions all over the Combine. This would destroy our newly created government, and the more conservative leaders would come into power, thus ending our liberal stature on matters.Chancellor AoYoS |
JT 3
posted 05-03-99 08:07 PM ET
Three words:Veto Economic Political The first stands for what you could have done. The other two are what the AOP is also. This is not just a military alliance. The economy is a great thing, as you get much trade from all the alliances, and the leaders will almost always stand up for you. Also, you have just given up your rights to the AOP planets and fleets. I suggest you try to reenter. |
JT 3
posted 05-03-99 08:10 PM ET
Oh, yes, also, you do not have to enter an AOP war. You have the option of not joining, although that means all fleets will withdraw from your territory to protect the other AOP members who are in the war. |
JT 3
posted 05-03-99 08:12 PM ET
It looks like we will have to have a new military leader. If one of the leaders from right now wants to take that spot, feel free to do so. But then their previous spot will have to be filled. I nominate Michael to fill that spot. |
Chancellor AoYoS
posted 05-03-99 08:13 PM ET
As I said JT 3, I was outvoted by the Parliament. I will open a channel between you and them if you wish to discuss the matter. They are more conservative that (OOC Jessie Helms) and will probably shrug off your offers.I am lucky that I was not thrown out of office and replaced by the conservative leader of the Parliament. Chancellor AoYoS |
Chancellor AoYoS
posted 05-03-99 08:18 PM ET
All Combine ships are departing for Combine space. All Combine citizens that were on AoP worlds have been given the choice of staying or leaving. Over 3/4's of them are departing for our worlds. They fear destruction by the Shadows if they remain.Also JT 3, the veto you brought up was not possible. Over 3/4's of the Parliament voted to withdraw and if they 3/4's majority I can't veto. (Secret Transmission) After I *dispose* of the conservatives, we will reenter the AoP. Right now I fear revolt because they can stir up powerful angers in my race. Once they are *dealt* with, we are more than willing to reenter the AoP. Chancellor AoYoS |
JT 3
posted 05-03-99 08:21 PM ET
Okay, here is what I am saying:1.You want to drop out because you want to stop fighting. Fine. But you can stop fighting and still stay in the AOP. 2.This is also an economic and political alliance. If you want to build up, trade with 5 other Factions will help immensly. 3.Also, you will have more peace if you stay. If you leave, you will have a treaty with all the members. If you stay, you will have a Pact. If they have another reason for leaving, tell me, I will probably find a solution. |
JT 3
posted 05-03-99 08:23 PM ET
Oops, posted at the same time as you. I have some landfills for the disposables if you like.  |
Chancellor AoYoS
posted 05-03-99 08:36 PM ET
[Secret Comminque] The Psi Corps are in the process of reneuralizing the conservatives that are the Parliament. They are going without agression and the process is going quite well. We are still pursuing the alliance with the Protectorate, we wish to reenter the AoP quietly. I wish to retain my position after all of the conservatives are reneuralized. We are sorry for all of the confusion but we are still not at war with the Shadows either. Chancellor AoYoS (OOC: Probably by tommorow the reneuralization will be complete all of tonite and early tommorow afternoon, I will use the [Secret Transmission or Secret Communique to contact you. Our fleets are moving to your control but you will supply them with your own officers. As I said I can not honorably attack the Shadows. Chancellor AoYoS |
JT 3
posted 05-03-99 08:39 PM ET
Don't worry. I have also signed a treaty, and am in the middle of talks to have a treaty with the entire AOP(unless someone still wants to fight). |
God Emperor Eccles V
posted 05-04-99 03:06 PM ET
No problem I have negotiated a ceasefire for myself. Anybody want to help me beat up our Achean Allies? Lovely, Achea will soon be mine..... |
Marshall Xix
posted 05-04-99 05:17 PM ET
Eccles read my post in the Shadow War concerning the Acheans. Your fleets will be attacked if they enter Achean space.Marshall Xix |
Chancellor AoYoS
posted 05-04-99 05:18 PM ET
All conservatives have been reneuralized. We will now return to full status in the AoP.Chancellor AoYoS |
JT 3
posted 05-04-99 05:43 PM ET
Good. You may have your position back. |
God Emperor Eccles V
posted 05-05-99 02:36 PM ET
Marshall stop whining or I will stamp on you. Enough diplomatic niceties. The Acheans were technically never at peace with me, so I think that you should not bother, because I simply want to revenge the Io attack which killed many of my citizens.(who cares they were for the chop anyway). Are Biological Weapons against the AOP Charter. I will soon write an Economic Strategy for the AOP, judging by our opinions it will be fairly Socialist.
JT 3
posted 05-05-99 04:48 PM ET
I would say all atrocities except Busters used in space are against the charter, unless you get permission through a vote. |
JT 3
posted 05-05-99 07:41 PM ET
I have finished building the ships to colonize the Alpha Sol system. Send colonists, and we will launch them. |
posted 05-08-99 04:29 PM ET
Cute... |
JT 3
posted 05-08-99 05:56 PM ET
Huh? |
JT 3
posted 05-08-99 06:42 PM ET
Huh? |
JT 3
posted 05-08-99 06:43 PM ET
Doh! Sorry for the double post. |
JT 3
posted 05-08-99 08:18 PM ET
I invite Ronin to join the AOP. |
Chancellor AoYoS
posted 05-08-99 10:21 PM ET
I vote NEA. Our races do not get along very well. As you have seen we have already been at war with them in the past. If they are voted in we might be forced to leave the AoP.Chancellor AoYoS |
JT 3
posted 05-08-99 10:43 PM ET
Hmmmm..... let's see here...... now what did I say before about this?..... Oh, yes..... You do not have to join in a war someone else in the alliance is fighting. You do not have to conduct commerce with another Faction in the alliance. The AOP merely gives you the oppurtunity to do so. I would also like to remind you of peace treaties. They mean you are no longer at war. I will use an example from old Earth. The NATO alliance that was formed in the 20th century is perfect. Germany, the "bad guy" in WWII, joined into the alliance with the US, France, and the UK, all countries who had despised Germany a few years ago. Now, they were allies. They worked together in war and economics. It can be the same here. The US, which warred with the UK and gained its independance, was allied with them later.I am basicly saying that you should not continue to hold this grudge. Times change. People change. Countries change. Races change. Try to get along. You never know what great things could happen. |
Chancellor AoYoS
posted 05-08-99 10:49 PM ET
Ah there goes that human intellect again. You will remember that we Herclux live over 2000 years. We all were around when we first went to war with them. I was the Centrimate back then.We have reached agreement with the Quirat Confederacy and are currently allied with them. We are beginning a massive ship building program. Chancellor AoYoS |
Chancellor AoYoS
posted 05-08-99 10:49 PM ET
Ah there goes that human intellect again. You will remember that we Herclux live over 2000 years. We all were around when we first went to war with them. I was the Centrimate back then.We have reached agreement with the Quirat Confederacy and are currently allied with them. We are beginning a massive ship building program. Chancellor AoYoS |
JT 3
posted 05-08-99 10:51 PM ET
I was not talking about wether you were there or not. I was saying that things can change. Heck, we have a peace treaty with the Shadows, who, just over a year ago, were the biggest threat to the Alpha Centauri System ever. Maybe, just maybe, if you try to get along, you will. |
Chancellor AoYoS
posted 05-08-99 10:55 PM ET
JT 3, I am sorry that you cannot see our point of view. We will not change our position on the matter and this is the last we are communicating of it. The entrance of the Guardians into the AoP will cause us to leave the AoP.Chancellor AoYoS |
JT 3
posted 05-08-99 10:58 PM ET
We still don't know if they even want to join. This is just voting in case they do. |
Chancellor AoYoS
posted 05-08-99 11:01 PM ET
[Emergency Communication from the Captiol of the Combine]"The Chancellor has suffered a stroke (in human terms) and has passed on from this world as of an hour ago. We will begin searching for a replacement for his soul asap. We are considering putting him in the frame of a Confederate, since they are physically stronger." This just means that our race will begin evolving agian. (OOC: best description is that we are like the Zerg in starcraft.) The Confederacy has given us a body of a Confederate soldier and we are in the process of moving the soul in it. We are also beginning to *pay* for the carcasses of stronger beings so that we may evolve into more enlightened beings. We will give a handsome some to the Leader that finds the strongest creatures we can evolve into. Chancellor AoYoS |
Chancellor AoYoS
posted 05-08-99 11:11 PM ET
We have received the bodies of the Shadows and are beginning the metamorphisis. We request during this period that all AoP factions defend our territory as we will be incapacitate for some time. We will not be able to defend ourselves. Once the metamorphisis is complete however we will be sharing the data of our new selves. Projected Changes in the Combine:*All Military Strengths will rise *All Civilians will evolve to learn no dissent *Because of the Metamorphisis our growth rate lowers even more. The once know parliament will change into the Council after the metamorphisis and our economic position will change from Marxism to Pragmatism. Our colonial worlds are being terraformed to serve our new needs. Chancellor AoYoS |
posted 05-09-99 04:56 AM ET
Chancellor! We are surprised! You are trying to become a Shadow? I wouldn't advise it, though... It is very dangerous. Also, you may become a threat for the whole system. To explain, I'll give you some background information on the Shadows.In basic, there are three sorts of Shadows: the ones you are fighting, the ones who signed a treaty with JT3, and us. Shadows are teleptats. They can hear what another Shadow thinks, and they can project there own thoughts in them. Fortunatly, this only works with Shadows of their own group. So your enemys cannot read my thoughts, but if you take over one of their bodies, they will be able to read yours! Same goes, if you had captured one of my people, I would be able to know everything you are planning. So if you continue this, you will become a big leak in the defenses of this system! Believe me, we are not lying! High Commander Ronin Guardians of Destiny |
JT 3
posted 05-09-99 07:47 AM ET
Yes, as I stated in another transmission, we learned this first hand in the last attack. They do have telepathic connection. I would advise you try to join with another species. |
Chancellor AoYoS
posted 05-09-99 10:19 AM ET
Our evolution stands. I have heeded the warnings of both races and as you already know JT 3, my race holds a telepathic connection. (ie, the Psi Corps) All Herclux are in a state of Chrysalis. We will not bow to the will of any other Shadow and we will remain independent from them. Our bodies are morphing not our minds. Chancellor AoYoS |
Chancellor AoYoS
posted 05-09-99 10:23 AM ET
One other tidbit of information. Before we evolved into the Herclux, we learned how to severe our psycic link with the Truxians. We will learn how to severe our contact with the other Shadows. We will not be intimidated by their hollow threats. If it comes to the point where we start thinking like them and ally ourselves with them we will begin looking for a new host of creatures to evolve into. Also, the evolution is combined. As I said before, we are volving into Confederates AND Shadows so we will have the benefits of both races. The Confederates have a high resistancy to mind control and other forms of telekenesis. Chancellor AoYoS
Chancellor AoYoS
posted 05-09-99 10:25 AM ET
If you feel I am a security risk, I will withdraw the Combine from the AoP. We do not believe that we will be one, but if the other leaders can't trust us what is the point of the alliance if no one can be trusted.Chancellor AoYoS |
JT 3
posted 05-09-99 11:23 AM ET
I don't think that will be needed. |
posted 05-09-99 03:26 PM ET
It doen't matter what you WANT, it is what will HAPPEN! You cannot walk away from this fact. The problems are in the Shadows chemistry, for so far we have one...Ronin |
Chancellor AoYoS
posted 05-09-99 04:59 PM ET
[Communicating Telepathically]Evolution Complete. It is wonderful to be able to communicate with you telepathically. We are now brethren of the Shadows and Confederates. Ronin, your warnings are hollow, at least up until now. We have not experienced any other Shadows communicating with us telepathically or even sensed their presence. JT 3, we wish to cement our bonds with you as well. We offer our research on evolution and hop that you choose to use it. I hope that you will choose to evolve telepathically so we can understand one another better. Furthermore, the Combine is no more. We are now the Union of Socialist Aliens. (OOC: like it, USA) Our alliances stil stand we also wish to pursue a better alliance with the Guardians. Chancellor AoYoS, of the {U<S>A} |
JT 3
posted 05-09-99 08:23 PM ET
I will accept that offer, Chancellor. Thank you. We will, however, remain human for now, although I will be giving all citizens telepathic ability. |
Chancellor AoYoS
posted 05-10-99 05:10 PM ET
We are entering this war against the Evil. We believe we have tracked one of the Armies down. We also have been looking through the Plane with our new powers and have come up with a astounding idea. What if one of the factions is an army of Evil. We thought this after we searched the minds of some Confederate citizens.Chancellor AoYoS
JT 3
posted 05-10-99 05:22 PM ET
So, you're saying you're declaring war against the Confederacy? |
Chancellor AoYoS
posted 05-10-99 05:26 PM ET
No read my comminques on the White Star. We are not at war with them, yet.Chancellor AoYoS |
JT 3
posted 05-10-99 05:30 PM ET
I am holding an AOP vote. Shall we A) go to war with the Confederacy, B) put our armies on alert and move production to military, or C) ignore it?I vote for B. |
Marshall Xix
posted 05-10-99 05:37 PM ET
The Confederate Fleets have gone unapposed an continue to move against Herculi and Truixia. We will not commit any ships to defend our worlds.We have a *surprise* for the Confederacy when they arrive. [Secret] The surprise is that we have learned how to channel our telepathic power into a large cohessive beam of enegy. We will use this to deter Confederate Capitol ships. The other surprise is that when we evolved into Shadows we learned of different technologies and learned how to somewhat pacify their need for blood. We have telepathically motivated them to attack the Confederacy after they are secure in their space. Chancellor AoYoS |
Chancellor AoYoS
posted 05-10-99 05:39 PM ET
OOC: sorry about that my brother just got off. Damn internet exp 5.  The Confederate Fleets have gone unapposed and continue to move against Herculi and Truixia. We will not commit any ships to defend our worlds. We have a *surprise* for the Confederacy when they arrive. [Secret] The surprise is that we have learned how to channel our telepathic power into a large cohessive beam of enegy. We will use this to deter Confederate Capitol ships. The other surprise is that when we evolved into Shadows we learned of different technologies and learned how to somewhat pacify their need for blood. We have telepathically motivated them to attack the Confederacy after they are secure in their space. Chancellor AoYoS
JT 3
posted 05-10-99 05:39 PM ET
The Confederacy has declared war on myself and the Chancellor. I am moving 99% of government production to military. Martial law will also be initiated. I hope the rest of the AOP will side with us.I now vote for C. |
Chancellor AoYoS
posted 05-10-99 05:45 PM ET
Our telepathic powers are no match for the defensives of the Confederate Ships. We are now attacking their ships with fleets. It seems to be going well. We are sustaining heavy losses but they are detering them until other AoP fleets arrive. We also---Assitant: "Sir, jump point activated. WHAT THE HELL IS THAT?" On screen. Assistant: "It is an Evil Army. Seems the Marshall is in control of it. Marshall Xix: "Ah, my good Chancellor. Surrender, for all is lost. We will leave after we crush all of your planets." Never. All fleets attack drive them back at all costs. We shall never surrender!!! Chancellor AoYoS |
Chancellor AoYoS
posted 05-10-99 05:47 PM ET
The Confederates are still moving towards our planets. Our colonies on Eridani and Theta Truix have been destroyed. They continue on a path towards Herculi. We are motivating the Shadows now. Maybe when they attack the advancing fleets will move to defend Confederate territory. We ask all AoP members so send us fleets in this dire time of need. If we are added to the Evil, you will have to deal with Evil telepathic powers. |
JT 3
posted 05-10-99 06:04 PM ET
I am sending 4 AOP fleets and 6 UPK fleets to help with the defense of Truxia and Herculi.Also, one of the fleets is armed with the new Phoron Cannon weapon. This fires particles that make up Photons. These are called Phorons. We recently discovered this while experimenting on light refraction. |
Chancellor AoYoS
posted 05-10-99 06:58 PM ET
Our race is channeling all its psycic powers into the Beam as expected. We will release the weapon upon the Marshall's entry into the Herculi system and aim it at the Capitol Ship. Then we shall decloack all forces and attack with the savagery of all races.Chancellor AoYoS |
JT 3
posted 05-10-99 07:05 PM ET
Kown: Open jumpgate. Coordinates 2300517.98 Nav; Jumpgate opened. Kown: Send transmission to AoYoS that the AOP and UPK fleets have arrived and will engage the enemy as soon as they do. Comm: Message sent, sir. Kown: Good. Now, we wait. |
God Emperor Eccles V
posted 05-11-99 02:24 PM ET
OOC: sorry I aint been around, critical systems, one of my HD wiped.IC: Here come the hero's! We are sending the pride and joy of the Empire's v.large fleet, several carriers and Achean suicide ships. Good luck |
posted 05-11-99 06:55 PM ET
We vote for A or B; and are choosing to back the UPK and USA on this.Director Galen AqKnow |
posted 05-11-99 06:57 PM ET
I vote NAY on Ronin. And as Political Leader I VETO the entry of Ronin's faction.Director Galen AqKnow AoP |
JT 3
posted 05-11-99 09:23 PM ET
As Supreme leader I would VETO the VETO, but, he does not want to join, so let's drop the subject. |
JT 3
posted 05-11-99 09:24 PM ET
Doh! I meant I vote for A. Sorry. |
Commander Eppon
posted 05-12-99 08:47 PM ET
I want to join toe AoP |
JT 3
posted 05-12-99 08:51 PM ET
I vote YEA. |
Chancellor AoYoS
posted 05-12-99 09:05 PM ET
For the most part the Confederates have pulled out of our space. They have resumed their alliance with us and are retracting their declaration of war. |
JT 3
posted 05-15-99 03:01 PM ET
The Amethyst Confederation has requested to join.I vote YEA. |