Topic: RP/OOC: Roleplaying Council 2
JT 3 |
posted 04-25-99 05:48 PM ET
Old one was too big. Post away!
Chancellor AoYoS
posted 04-25-99 05:50 PM ET
I propose that this one be free of bickering in the OOC form. |
JT 3
posted 04-25-99 05:52 PM ET
That proposal will probably just draw bickering in the OOC form. No smiley faces, because I am serious. |
Ambassador Collins
posted 04-25-99 06:56 PM ET
I agree with Chancellor AoYoS's proposal. |
JT 3
posted 04-25-99 06:59 PM ET
Well, okay, I vote YEA, I just think the "bickering" will still happen. |
God Emperor Eccles V
posted 04-26-99 03:10 PM ET
Ok, but restate the rules so they don't get lost.
JT 3
posted 04-26-99 07:42 PM ET
Amendment 16: No expelling RPersI vote YEA |
President Korian
posted 04-26-99 07:46 PM ET
I vote NEA on amendment 16. |
JT 3
posted 04-26-99 08:17 PM ET
Okay, rules I remeber:No killing Faction leaders No more than 500 ships per Faction(750 for Spartans) No human war fights(ex.: "I destroyed your ship!""No you didn't! It had supersheilds!""My ship had ultralasers!" etc, etc) No SP's Civil wars allowed Techs every three days(two for UoP clones) |
Chancellor AoYoS
posted 04-26-99 08:18 PM ET
I vote YEA, on Amendment 16.Chancellor AoYoS |
JT 3
posted 04-26-99 08:20 PM ET
2 for, one against. Vote, people! |
posted 04-27-99 06:58 AM ET
I vote Nay on the proposal to never expel RP'ers. Balls! People should be kicked out if they are TSK'ing (supermanning).Of course, thats impossible with this forum since we dont own it. I do have the code setup to run a semi-private forum (ie, based on email addresses) so, hey - we could go there... I also think we should set up a specific IRC channel on Dalnet/Superchat/EFNet/wherever so we can discuss this stuff. |
Chancellor AoYoS
posted 04-27-99 08:30 AM ET
I propose Amendment 17. The expulsion of RPER's is limited to OOC flamewars and supermanning IC. |
God Emperor Eccles V
posted 04-27-99 03:57 PM ET
This is it. The council for roleplaying in which is always in session. The Charter is as Follows 1/ All factions have defined limitations all new members need to be approved by the council. 2/ Tech every 3 days. every two for a UOP clone and every 4 for Believers. 4/Factions Can declare war as they wish 5/ Ships are limited to 50 of any type. Spartans are allowed 75 6/ Battles can be lost. No invincible players 7/ All members of Roleplaying are members of the Council 8/ No faction can be vanquished unless it wants so. 9/ All combat for Factions in one folder. 10/All folders to be marked RP 11/ No secret projects. All previous secret projects are to be revoked. 12/ No transcendence 13/Factions may do as they like with regard to civil wars/ rebellions. 14/ No escalating arguements such as 'I have cloaked Ships' 'I can see them with my Tech' 'My tech is better than yours' 'How do you know?' THESE ARE THE POINTS THAT CAME OUT THE REFORMATION.THESE POINTS WON BY MAJORITY VOTE. ANY MORE AMMENDMENTS/PROPOSALS WILL BE EXAMINED BY THE COUNCIL. Ha these are the rules JT3 sorry but now I can quote the right points before I crush people. |
JT 3
posted 04-27-99 04:31 PM ET
Oh, okay. I couldn't remember them all. |
Ambassador Collins
posted 05-01-99 08:49 PM ET
Someone needs to post here regularly just to keep it active. I've noticed that once in a while Firaxis deletes unused threads. |
JT 3
posted 05-01-99 09:17 PM ET
Yeah, I've seen that too. |
Marshall Xix
posted 05-02-99 01:09 AM ET
I vote NAY on Amendment 16. The expulsion of rper's should be decided by the council.Marshall Xix |
posted 05-07-99 02:21 PM ET
I think we should ask the officials to open a RP forum, in wich there are a few "leaders", who have the possibility to kick out people who do not apply to the rules, wich will be shown to anyone who enters the forum. Just a small idee.Ronin... |
Ambassador Collins
posted 05-07-99 02:47 PM ET
I concur! |
posted 05-08-99 04:46 AM ET
Another idee:Does anyone know about AD&D? It is a game, much similar to what we are doing here. Maybey we can copy some of it into this forum. I'm talking about the rules. If we do this, the following is neccasary: All weapons and armors must be given values. The same goes for ships and fighters. A map must be drawn to point out the positions of the different groups. Ther must be one or two gamemasters, who control the enemys. If this is done, we can create real wars: the gamemasters "build" each a base somewhere on the map, and then launch attacks on the players. Travelling takes time, lets say it takes two days to travel from their base to your borders, so they cannot send reinforcements in an instant. Then it is up to the players to locate the enemy bases, and destroy it. Or they can start negosiations, and become friends. Then a newcomer can take control of the group, and the gamemasters create new enemies, or friends, or neutrals, or aliens... This can solf seversl problems: 1)The "my gun is bigger!" problem. 2)The all-powerfull ships: the gamemasters (I need to find a better name for them I think...) have limited control: they can make sure that the weapon does not get to strong compared to others, by giving it a lower value, making it more expensive, giving it a slower firing rate or something like that. 3)Enemies are now controled: on this moment, the players decide were the attacks take place. So the one who decides that there is an attack, now has an advantage. If we follow this rules, enemy ships must be seen by sensors, so you don't know that there is an fleet coming. This will make the story more unpridictable. Of course it is still possible to attack another fraction. In this case, the Gamemasters won't interfere. Maybey this can improve the strorylines? The gamemasters can create other storylines off course, by sending in traders, and negotiators. Maybey a small idee? Ronin... |
God Emperor Eccles V
posted 05-11-99 02:28 PM ET
Who would want the responsablity of a game master? (me!) I think that we should have moderator for battles, Proposal 15:/ All human battles will be moderated, by a neutral party.
President Korian
posted 05-11-99 03:34 PM ET
I vote YEA for gamemasters, but they should not be allowed to control another faction. |
JT 3
posted 05-11-99 05:01 PM ET
Same here. They would just make their Faction win all the time. |
posted 05-11-99 10:17 PM ET
YEA, I nominate myself for a posistion as a gamemaster. I also nominate Eccles. |
posted 05-12-99 04:05 PM ET
but since all the people being gamemasters have been in here for a significant time so im sure that there r "ties" to certain people so i think that one from each group (for example one from the AoP and UA and the other groups or alliances) should be nominated and there faction probaly be discontinued.seth5454 |
JT 3
posted 05-12-99 05:20 PM ET
Well, then, count me out. I don't want to be discontinued. |
President Korian
posted 05-12-99 06:05 PM ET
Count me out too. |
posted 05-13-99 05:09 AM ET
Ok... This plan has stranded... We will have to think of something else then. Discontinuing a Fraction does not really work...High Commander Ronin Guardians of Destiny |
JT 3
posted 05-14-99 07:43 PM ET
Amendment 18: No time machines. It would be way too hectic. Everyone going, "I went back into the past and killed you!" "No you didn't! If I was dead, you would have never gone back to the past and killed me, so I'm still alive!" "Fine! I'm going to the future and killing you!" "Not if I go and stop you!"I vote YEA. |
JT 3
posted 05-14-99 08:44 PM ET
Amendment 19: Since everyone is now posting a few hundred ships for their Faction, I say we reset the limit at 750. |
JT 3
posted 05-14-99 08:45 PM ET
Oh, yeah, I vote YEA. |
God Emperor Eccles V
posted 05-16-99 03:08 PM ET
Just because you made a mistake and now want to correct it by changing the rules! I vote NEA as 50-75 ships are much easier to track. |
posted 05-16-99 03:19 PM ET
we could though have new RPers be gamemasters they would have no allegiance to anyone and they wont have to worry about stopping there faction mainly because THEY DONT HAVE ONE. |
JT 3
posted 05-16-99 07:06 PM ET
No, it's not because I made a mistake, it's becuase I have seen many claims of about one hundred ships in a single fleet on this board and I want to make it legal.What do you vote on the time machine thing? |