posted 04-11-99 06:21 PM ET This is a place to join the Free Factions Alliance, a deeper form of the Freedom Alliance, this is a military alliacne that will take effect should the Brotherhood attempt any hostile moves. To be part you may not have a Pact with the Brotherhood.
Director Galen AqKnow A FREE Faction
Ambassador Collins
posted 04-11-99 06:30 PM ET
The BrotherHood will permit this, because The BrotherHood has no need for hostile action. You will find this alliance useless, as there is nothing that we will ever do to justify military action.
posted 04-11-99 06:30 PM ET
This Thread is disbanded. We did not see the Beuty of the Brotherhood. We have embraced it as we should have. Indivduality is irrelvant. We now understand the need for unification.
Ammbassador Unit Galen AqKnow
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