Topic: PlEasE dO NoT PoSt hErE
ForcePacifist |
posted 09-21-99 10:16 AM ET
just an experiment.proceed.
posted 09-21-99 11:55 AM ET
Hmm.. now you got my curiosity  TNSe |
posted 09-21-99 12:18 PM ET
yOur NOt TryINg tO taKE tHe MicKEY oUT oF Korn_MaN aRE You?BeTA-! |
posted 09-21-99 12:52 PM ET
Beta- Beta- Beta. dear-sweet-innocent-Beta (1) of course i am. but in a way that may further the cause of the human race- deepening our understanding of the human mind- enlightening us to the nature of surprisingly copiousely replied to threads and defining for us at last- once and for all- what do people expect- when they answer a thread like this. here- under laboritory conditions, free from the prying eyes of those damn moralist- (always with zeir ztupid qvestions about 'what would god think' and 'what kind of veld do ve leave our children' and 'what about ze animals')i hope to simulate the very same conditions in the kellogs 'cHeAt' thread- and in the '(Factions): Please do not read this post ' thread, to see if i can reproduce the same effects. some may call me unHINGED, some may even call me INSANE! but i do it for SCIENCE- i do it for the UNIVERSITY- i do it for HUMANITY ITSELF!!! A-HA-HA-HAHAHAHAHAHAHA >UUUUUH< A-HA-HA-HA-HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAAAAA I SHALL CREATE A FRANKENSTEIN - AND IT SHALL RULE ZE VELD! A-HA-HA-HA-HAHAHAHAHAHAHAAAAAAAAAAAAA i hope this has answered your question Beta1.
posted 09-21-99 04:34 PM ET!)! (pant pant pant) |
posted 09-21-99 05:23 PM ET
ForcePacifist - You are wierd. |
posted 09-21-99 06:12 PM ET
Uhm..One thing I thought about... How can we understand the human brain? We cannot. If could understand it, we most likely already would, think about it. Almost sounds like my arguement that time travels are not possible.. why? Because then people would come back and tell us they were possible .. <G> TNSe |
posted 09-21-99 11:55 PM ET
I post therefore I am |
posted 09-23-99 09:33 AM ET
damn. i think i may have contaminated my own experiment. oh well -se la vi. tnse, just to correct you, time travel does not get invented until the quantum flux inverter is invented in 2090, and once done so it is discovered that moving back in time simply sends you of into a parrallel universe were your past is the same as the present of those around you up to that point, where the future of those around you is no longer your past- but your future also. do u you see? and MOFtheUniversity, maybe i am weird, but i have been takin my pills and the doctors say ive been improving in leaps and bounds so there. |
posted 09-23-99 04:01 PM ET
Forcepacifist, if you time travel to that parrallel universe of yours, you don't need to tell the people time travel has been invented, since you just had to travel to the parallel universe, where they have been told that already. |
posted 09-23-99 06:21 PM ET
How come THIS gets so many posts and my topics which are so much more interesting get so few??? |
posted 09-24-99 07:23 AM ET
MOFthe University,Hnyeh-heh-heh-hehhh (nu improved evil laugh) |