Topic: Quick question on mirrors
Ishamael |
posted 09-10-99 10:53 PM ET
do they need to be in the city radius to work? does their altitude effect the bonus they grant? I am trying to set up a mirror park, and I want to try to get the most mc^2 for my turn.
posted 09-11-99 12:56 AM ET
No. As long as the mirrors are in your territory, they will work.No, the altitude has no effect. Mirrors give a +1 energy bonus per mirror regardless of altitude. |
posted 09-11-99 12:58 AM ET
ok. thanks |
posted 09-11-99 06:11 AM ET
the surrounding collectors are affected by the groundlevel. additional to the mirror the higher ground levels produces more energy. place the mirror on top of a hill and surround it with collectors.tres |
posted 09-11-99 11:11 AM ET
Tres, you have the terms reversed. You want to put everything on high ground because it increases energy output. But it doesn't matter where the Echelon Mirrors are located when calculating its bonus. An echelon mirror at sea level grants the same +1 energy bonus as a mirror at 4000m. But the energy generated by the mirror square itself differs. |
posted 09-11-99 11:38 AM ET
Can a single solar collecter benefit from more then one mirror if it has more then one around it? |
posted 09-11-99 12:16 PM ET
Oh yes! It sure can...had a 3x6 area which I didn't cover with my city.. on the left and right sides of the area, I put echelon mirrors... like E = Echelon mirror, S = Solar panel. EEEEEE SSSSSS EEEEEE As you see, all the middle Solar Panels would create The "normal" energy + 6... (Because they are surrounded by 6 Echelon mirrors. Then I sent out 6 Supply crawelers.. All the solar panels were at height 1000 or more... Energy production = 6 (panels) * 8 (energy) + 2 (panels) * 6 = 48 + 12 = 60 energy extra to this city. Boosted my research a lot, also since I had the Merchant exchange in that city (+1 energy pr square), I got +68 energy for that. ALSO, if I had been morgan with wealth+free market, I would gain +2 energy pr crawler extra... 68 + 12 = 80 energy for 6 crawlers... Something to think about  TNSe
posted 09-13-99 03:35 AM ET
to plato90s:yes, i know that. but a mirror park(mirror PLUS surrounding collectors) is more effective if it�s placed on higher ground levels. |
posted 09-15-99 03:36 PM ET
I recall a time, where this subject were brought up about the most effective combination of solar collectors and echelon mirrors. I think I'll look it up some time. |